Governess Spanking Stories

Governess Spanking Stories


Governess Spanking Stories
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Books offering advice on raising good, happy children have never exactly been in short supply – but two slim American volumes from the 1920s and 30s stand out starkly, not only for being firm advocates of spanking but also for going into great detail as to just how such discipline should be administered.
The first of these books is Correction That Corrects by Mariam Fredrick, currently being serialised to a whole new audience in our Red Bottom Club . This was published in 1925 by the intriguingly-named Child Interest Co of Los Angeles.
Fredrick’s book draws extensively on her apparent experience as a governess and sometime freelance adviser to young mothers, and perhaps as a mother herself (although the latter is less clear).
The book itself is somewhat didactic, drawing rather finessed distinctions between ‘spanking’ (which she advocates), ‘whipping’, ‘switching’ and ‘beating’ (all of which she does not).
Fredrick also mainly addresses problems concerning ‘babies and young children’. We can take it, I presume, that ‘babies’ in this case means toddlers and pre-schoolers, maybe two and up, rather than babes in arms. She doesn’t appear to advocate spanking much in the case of older children, those who have reached the ‘age of reason’, which is interesting, as many pro-spankers might argue this is exactly the age to start using corporal punishment.
But did anyone ever read Fredrick’s carefully argued treatise? There seems to be good evidence that they did not, and the evidence is within the book which can be viewed as its natural successor, Back To Common Sense by Beatrice Reinhart.
Back To Common Sense saw the light of day in 1937, published by Daniel Ryerson of New York City. Reinhart’s book is obviously heavily influenced by Fredrick’s, which she apparently came across during the preparation of her own manuscript.
Reinhart explains in an introductory note: “Investigation showed that owing to financial reverses the work never circulated beyond the author’s edition, less than one hundred copies.
“A young woman highly interested in child welfare bought the copyright with the intention of revising the volume in question. However, not having had an extensive experience in the field of child training, she felt that it would be unfair to attempt a revision of a work from an author who had a wide experience of a most practical nature.
“Knowing that I was practicing and intended to write on a form of correction advocated in aforesaid work, she who had bought the copyright generously surrendered all legal rights to me.”
There are marked differences between the two authors’ approaches. Reinhart, for example, seems to have little time for differentiating between ‘spanking’ and other terminology. For her, corporal punishment is corporal punishment. And while Fredrick advises the use of mother’s hand only to administer the latter, Reinhart is relaxed enough to suggest that a spanking paddle might reasonably used on occasion. Indeed, at one point she advises that there should be a paddle available in all homes where there are young children.
One striking similarity, however, is the books’ advice on what both authors refer to as ‘the method’; in other words, the manner in which the spanking should be administered.
Correction That Corrects features an illustration of a little girl over her mother’s knee, receiving a spanking. As per Fredrick’s instruction, the girl’s bottom is bare (she is wearing what appears to be a drop-seat onesie), and mother’s hand is raised, ready to strike.
The woman is sitting on what appears to be an L-shaped seat, with her little girl’s body mostly supported by her lap but her head down on a cushion at the bottom of the ‘L’. All this is set out in a note accompanying the illustration, which notes the following ‘important details’:
What is intriguing is that more than a decade on, Back To Common Sense features exactly the same information, only the illustration has become a photograph.
A girl (somewhat older than that featured in the Fredrick book, judging by the size of her bottom) lies across her mother’s knee, dress up and knickers down, ready to be spanked, her face in her hands. A note accompanying the illustration explains that the mother is a friend of Reinhart’s who uses her ‘method’ and the child is ‘well accustomed’ to this form of correction.
The picture here is a crop of the original image, the only one I have available. What is remarkable is that the furniture in use (which cannot be seen here) is so similar to that featured in the earlier illustration. It appears to be an adapted ‘telephone table’, with a pillow or cushion. The picture is presumably posed, as it all looks far to calm for mother to be actually administering a spanking at the time.
It’s interesting to note that the mother in the photograph is following Reinhart’s advice to spank with the fingers held loose and apart. In my own spanking experiences (between consenting adults), I have found that this strategy both lessens the sting in the spanker’s own hand but increases the sting on the recipient’s bottom, as the impact of the hand is then closer to a whip than a paddle, say.
So, what became of the Reinhart book? It’s difficult to speculate, as unlike the Fredrick book, we don’t have anyone’s later insight into its fate. However, it’s probably fair to guess that it found a limited market. Both Correction That Corrects and Back To Common Sense are arguably vanity publishing projects, though I’ve not been able to find any information about either publisher to support that supposition.
What we can say is there is no evidence of either book being reprinted at any time, and their shared status with rocking horse shit in terms of rarity would suggest that neither exactly flew off the shelves!
The serialisation of the full text Correction That Corrects continues in the Red Bottom Club, while I shall make available here in the free section the very limited content I have available from Back To Common Sense. If anyone has access to the entire second book, whether physically or just as scanned images, please email me on .
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Topic: A Good Boy (Read 30449 times)



Posts: 54
Karma: +5562/-1

« on: August 30, 2016, 01:34:38 PM »
This letter was sent to my blog by Etta and has been edited by me. I run an occasional series of letters from the archives of a long forgotten magazine written to the Nanny Smackbottom column and the Ask Matron page. (A school blazer was very common up until recent years in the UK. They were usually made of a blend of wool and everyones first year of senior school started with your mum taking you to the school outfitters for your blazer. Inevitably your mum would buy it a size too large so you could grow into it. I don't think I ever did grow into mine!) (Winceyette is a warm nightwear fabric similar to flannel/flannelette.) Dear Nanny Smackbottom You asked me to recount my thoughts on the disciplinary methods I impose on my son Jonathon. I can say without any hesitation that it is unashamedly traditional. My hope is that it helps other like minded concerned mothers adopt a similar approach in their own approach to home discipline. Matters first came to head as my son Jonathon turned sixteen and became involved with some badly behaved boys. It soon became apparent to me that I had no alternative other than to regress Jonathon back to a time in his life when mummy knew best. My first action was to introduce a smacked botty for even the most minor of infractions. I facilitated this mode of discipline by ensuring Jonathon wore traditional school boy style short grey trousers that ensured smacked botty time was made much easier. I have also introduced some of the behavioural standards one would commonly see in years gone by. I now expect Jonathon to address me as "mummy" at all times. In addition, any of my frequent guests must now be recognised as "aunty" and other ladies he may come into contact with as "Miss". Most importantly I have now introduced a strict traditional dress code. A meeting with Jonathan’s headmistress confirmed that there would be no objection to him wearing the short trousered uniform that usually only first years wear. This is probably a good time to recount to you the first visit I took to the traditional outfitters to purchase his new clothing. His behaviour had gradually deteriorated until I'd run out of patience. When I was told that he'd misbehaved by swearing in the presence of the vicar I decided that urgent action was required. For the first time in many years I pulled down his jeans and smacked his bottom. The punishment seemed to shock him and Mummy was definitely in charge from that moment onwards. This gave me the confidence to introduce the dress code that I'd been considering. Making him hold my hand all the way, we walked to the high street one Saturday morning and turned left down Flannel Lane and entered Miss Hardacre’s shop, a traditional outfitters that sold, as the shop front stated, Little Boy Clothes For The Older Boy. A small bell tinkled as I pushed the shop door open and Miss Hardacre, dressed in a crisp white blouse and wearing pince-nez spectacles asked if she could be of assistance. I told Jonathon to stand still and behave himself while I outlined my requirements. I then returned to Jonathon and ushered him into one of the large changing rooms and proceeded to remove his clothing. Miss Hardacres assistant pulled aside the changing room curtain to pass me the first item of clothing, Jonathan was quite naked and staring at the floor in embarrassment as she appeared. “It’s Jonathan isn’t it?” She said pleasantly. “I’m Melissa, I’m in the year below you at school, I thought I recognised your mum’s voice from the school committee. Jonathan stood with his hands over his bits looking as if he wished the floor would open up and swallow him. I smiled, it was quite amusing to me that Jonathan would be equipped with a new wardrobe by a girl from his school who was a year younger than him. “I prefer to be known as Jonathan’s mummy if you don’t mind young lady. Jonathan, put your hands on you head and say hello to Miss Melissa like a good little boy.” ”No mummy please don’t make me….” I was in no mood to compromise and insisted that he reply to Melissa in all his naked glory. He put his hands on his head as I had ordered and stuttered “H..h...hello Miss M..M.. Melissa.” She smiled as she looked at him then passed me his new, little boy style underwear. I encountered initial reluctance from him to put on his new underwear, a return to traditional white underpants and a white vest under-garment, but a reminder that he was heading for a trip across my lap in front of Miss Hardacre and Melissa, let him know I was in earnest. I tucked the hem of his under-vest into his underpants as if he were a small boy and then proceeded to redefine his slovenly image. A short sleeved, traditionally tailored shirt, which I buttoned to the neck was swiftly followed by a striped clip-on school tie. Then, and much to his horror, a pair of short trousers in schoolboy grey. The very short legged trousers were hitched up high, with the shirt tucked neatly into the elasticised waistband . A grey V neck sweater and a smart maroon blazer were next followed by regulation knee length grey socks and finally a pair of brown T-Bar sandals completed the transformation of Jonathon into a smart little boy. His complaints grew louder by the minute but a series of slaps on his bare legs kept him in check. At this point I opened the curtain and led him back to the shop counter where we were greeted by the two assistants who had helpfully ensured that my requirements were catered for. Miss Hardacre made a point of commenting how smart he looked in his new school uniform and patted his head stating that it was a pity that other mothers did not dress their unruly children this way. Melissa smiled and coughed delicately. “Excuse me madam but I think you may have forgotten a very important item of a young schoolboys uniform.” She opened one of the highly polished wooden drawers behind her, pondered for a second or two before turning to Jonathan and fitting him with a traditional school cap the same maroon colour as his blazer. Jonathon’s eyes began to tear up and he made to remove his new cap, but I was too quick for him and slapped his hand away before informing him sternly that these clothes were to be his school and church attire from this point forward and that he would no longer be wearing jeans, t shirts or training shoes in the future. Then I made him apologise to Melissa for his bad behaviour. Even though he took some coaxing he eventually stuttered, “I’m very sorry for being a naughty little boy Miss Melissa.” He looked mortified addressing a girl younger than him him in such a demeaning manner but I was determined to instill respect in him. It was at this point that I noticed the rails of raincoats assembled in the corner and realised that Jonathon would need such an item. Following a brief discussion with Miss Hardacre, Melissa was despatched to locate a navy blue gabardine mackintosh. When Jonathon was greeted by this perceived monstrosity, despite his previous warnings, he threw what I can only describe as a proper tantrum when told that this was to be his new, everyday overcoat that he would have to carry daily over his arm in case of rain. It was below knee length, double breasted with a belt, buttoned to the neck and was a perfect complement to his new outfit. However he was having none of it and let out a series of loud complaints outlining precisely why he wouldn't wear it. Miss Hardacre held the mackintosh up to him and told him not to be such a naughty little boy and to put the mackintosh on at once as he was behaving the right way to receive a smacked bottom and an early bedtime. This was all the incentive I needed and without a moment's hesitation I pulled him over my lap to administer the soundest of smacked bottoms as Miss Hardacre and Melissa looked on approvingly while I punished my sixteen year-old in the traditional naughty boy manner. Once again taking the gabardine mackintosh I pulled it over his arms and shoulders. Turning him around to face me I proceeded to button it up in front of everyone as if he was a small child. His eyes said that he wanted to protest, his bottom said otherwise, and he stood there meekly nursing his sore rump while I secured the top button and tightly fastened the belt. Asking him to stand up straight, I knew that the mackintosh was a perfect addition to his new wardrobe. I also intended to reinforce his new disciplinary regime by introducing strict early bed times. One problem was his night attire. As with his daytime attire I had become lax and allowed Jonathon to wear unsuitable clothing to bed each night and on occasion nothing at all. His new bedtime was to be set so that he was tucked up in bed by 7.30. I determined that to implement this successfully he must revert back to wearing traditional little boys pyjamas and that necessitated further purchases from Miss Hardacres excellent emporium. Miss Hardacre and especially Melissa were delighted to discover I now needed to procure some new, little boy pyjamas for Jonathon. Melissa asked Miss Hardacre that she be permitted to serve us and she enthusiastically soon selected several pairs of traditional little boy style winceyette pyjamas that buttoned to the neck. Melissa carefully unfolded them and watched as I held a pair of pale blue racing car motif pyjama bottoms against Jonathan. We had quite a discussion on sizing and style until Melissa suggested Jonathon should actually try a pair of the infantile pyjamas on. Much to his chagrin, Jonathan was again undressed and Melissa selected a particularly appropriately yellow pair of jim-jams which were covered in the sweetest little teddy bears. “Come along then little one, let’s see how cute you look in these cosy jimmy-jams shall we?” She spoke to him in that sing-song, infantile voice that is usually reserved for babies and toddlers, Jonathan blushed beetroot red at being addressed in such a manner by a girl younger than him. Melissa gently coaxed him into the pyjama bottoms and soon had him fully buttoned up into the pyjama jacket. “There’s a good boy,” she praised as the sixteen year old stood reluctantly resplendent in his yellow Teddy Bear pyjamas. Miss Hardacre and Melissa fussed over him so much he blushed continually, especially when I made him thank Miss Melissa for, “choosing my lovely new Teddy Bear pyjamas for me.” We left the shop with four pairs of delightfully childish pyjamas and a pair of Thoma the Tank Engine blue fluffy slippers and sixteen year old Jonathan wearing his new schoolboy uniform. Melissa has undertaken babysitting duties for me and now most afternoons, Aunty Melissa as he must now call her, escorts Jonathon home from school and immediately supervises his bath and dresses him in his little boy pyjamas ready for me to tuck him into bed by 7.30. I enjoy hearing her as she talks to him not as a sixteen year old but as if he were a baby or a toddler. “Into your bath, there’s a good boy. Clever boy now let’s get you into your pyjamas and ready for beddy-byes shall we?” Of course in the event of unsatisfactory behaviour his bedtime can be brought forward, it's not at all rare for him to be tucked up in bed with a sore botty and without his supper by 5.30 if he has been particularly naughty. I hope my account serves as an example to other mothers out there who are thinking about imposing little boy clothing disciplinary measures on their wayward offspring. Yours faithfu
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