Governess Spanking

Governess Spanking


Governess Spanking
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Books offering advice on raising good, happy children have never exactly been in short supply – but two slim American volumes from the 1920s and 30s stand out starkly, not only for being firm advocates of spanking but also for going into great detail as to just how such discipline should be administered.
The first of these books is Correction That Corrects by Mariam Fredrick, currently being serialised to a whole new audience in our Red Bottom Club . This was published in 1925 by the intriguingly-named Child Interest Co of Los Angeles.
Fredrick’s book draws extensively on her apparent experience as a governess and sometime freelance adviser to young mothers, and perhaps as a mother herself (although the latter is less clear).
The book itself is somewhat didactic, drawing rather finessed distinctions between ‘spanking’ (which she advocates), ‘whipping’, ‘switching’ and ‘beating’ (all of which she does not).
Fredrick also mainly addresses problems concerning ‘babies and young children’. We can take it, I presume, that ‘babies’ in this case means toddlers and pre-schoolers, maybe two and up, rather than babes in arms. She doesn’t appear to advocate spanking much in the case of older children, those who have reached the ‘age of reason’, which is interesting, as many pro-spankers might argue this is exactly the age to start using corporal punishment.
But did anyone ever read Fredrick’s carefully argued treatise? There seems to be good evidence that they did not, and the evidence is within the book which can be viewed as its natural successor, Back To Common Sense by Beatrice Reinhart.
Back To Common Sense saw the light of day in 1937, published by Daniel Ryerson of New York City. Reinhart’s book is obviously heavily influenced by Fredrick’s, which she apparently came across during the preparation of her own manuscript.
Reinhart explains in an introductory note: “Investigation showed that owing to financial reverses the work never circulated beyond the author’s edition, less than one hundred copies.
“A young woman highly interested in child welfare bought the copyright with the intention of revising the volume in question. However, not having had an extensive experience in the field of child training, she felt that it would be unfair to attempt a revision of a work from an author who had a wide experience of a most practical nature.
“Knowing that I was practicing and intended to write on a form of correction advocated in aforesaid work, she who had bought the copyright generously surrendered all legal rights to me.”
There are marked differences between the two authors’ approaches. Reinhart, for example, seems to have little time for differentiating between ‘spanking’ and other terminology. For her, corporal punishment is corporal punishment. And while Fredrick advises the use of mother’s hand only to administer the latter, Reinhart is relaxed enough to suggest that a spanking paddle might reasonably used on occasion. Indeed, at one point she advises that there should be a paddle available in all homes where there are young children.
One striking similarity, however, is the books’ advice on what both authors refer to as ‘the method’; in other words, the manner in which the spanking should be administered.
Correction That Corrects features an illustration of a little girl over her mother’s knee, receiving a spanking. As per Fredrick’s instruction, the girl’s bottom is bare (she is wearing what appears to be a drop-seat onesie), and mother’s hand is raised, ready to strike.
The woman is sitting on what appears to be an L-shaped seat, with her little girl’s body mostly supported by her lap but her head down on a cushion at the bottom of the ‘L’. All this is set out in a note accompanying the illustration, which notes the following ‘important details’:
What is intriguing is that more than a decade on, Back To Common Sense features exactly the same information, only the illustration has become a photograph.
A girl (somewhat older than that featured in the Fredrick book, judging by the size of her bottom) lies across her mother’s knee, dress up and knickers down, ready to be spanked, her face in her hands. A note accompanying the illustration explains that the mother is a friend of Reinhart’s who uses her ‘method’ and the child is ‘well accustomed’ to this form of correction.
The picture here is a crop of the original image, the only one I have available. What is remarkable is that the furniture in use (which cannot be seen here) is so similar to that featured in the earlier illustration. It appears to be an adapted ‘telephone table’, with a pillow or cushion. The picture is presumably posed, as it all looks far to calm for mother to be actually administering a spanking at the time.
It’s interesting to note that the mother in the photograph is following Reinhart’s advice to spank with the fingers held loose and apart. In my own spanking experiences (between consenting adults), I have found that this strategy both lessens the sting in the spanker’s own hand but increases the sting on the recipient’s bottom, as the impact of the hand is then closer to a whip than a paddle, say.
So, what became of the Reinhart book? It’s difficult to speculate, as unlike the Fredrick book, we don’t have anyone’s later insight into its fate. However, it’s probably fair to guess that it found a limited market. Both Correction That Corrects and Back To Common Sense are arguably vanity publishing projects, though I’ve not been able to find any information about either publisher to support that supposition.
What we can say is there is no evidence of either book being reprinted at any time, and their shared status with rocking horse shit in terms of rarity would suggest that neither exactly flew off the shelves!
The serialisation of the full text Correction That Corrects continues in the Red Bottom Club, while I shall make available here in the free section the very limited content I have available from Back To Common Sense. If anyone has access to the entire second book, whether physically or just as scanned images, please email me on .
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Maman is an adult website containing recollections of corporal punishment experienced during the contributors' childhoods. By proceeding, you are asserting that you are over the age of majority for the country in which you reside, and you further agree to the use of cookies on this website. Note that although this website contains only legal content, Maman is nevertheless a fetish site and should be considered Not Safe For Work (NSFW). Maman does not advocate corporal punishment for today's children. If you are a minor or likely to be upset by the subject matter, please do not proceed any further. 














husband, Reginald
Fogarty, a Member of Parliament, was often away in
London, and furthermore
deemed child rearing the proper province of the fairer
sex, not of men.
And Edith had her Papa wrapped around her little
finger, besides. She was
his adored pet during his infrequent visits, and he
absolutely would not
hear of the idea of disciplining her himself. In
response to his wife's
entreaties he had, however reluctantly, consented to
the employment of
a suitably strict governess. Flora Field was a
striking beauty. Her graceful
neck rose from the high lace collar of her
full-sleeved cream-coloured
blouse, and her finely featured face was crowned by
the soft tresses of
her raven black hair tied up elegantly above. Her
posture and air of refinement
belied her humble post, and bespoke the class and
quality of her upbringing.

need look no
further, Mrs. Fogarty," said Flora, with relaxed
confidence. She then explained
how she had been orphaned at an early age and raised
in the country house
of a wealthy aunt and uncle in Yorkshire. As she grew
into her teen years,
she'd helped repay their generosity by administering
her younger cousins'
lessons, and, on occasion, administering discipline
as well. Mrs. Fogarty glanced again at Flora's letters
of referral.

Miss Field,
you come most highly recommended by Miss Windgate at
the agency, and you
acquitted yourself admirably at university. But this
is your first assignment
and I fear it shan't be an easy one. Are you quite
certain you can-"

stopped Mrs.
Fogarty with a self-assured wave of her hand. "I crave
only the opportunity
to demonstrate my competence, Madame. I can assure you
that I am well prepared,
both in the area of child instruction, and in the area
of child management."

then," Mrs.
Fogarty sighed, "I suppose I shall give you the
opportunity you desire." 
She added, "The position is yours, Miss Field. Still,
it would be scarcely
prudent of me not to emphasise again that my Edith is
an uncommonly
willful little girl. Her nanny and I find her most
ungovernable, I confess."

smiled. "I shall
soon vindicate your trust in me, Mrs. Fogarty."

following afternoon,
Mrs. Fogarty helped Flora settle in to the most
spacious and well illuminated
room of the servant's quarters, as befitted her
station. She then lead
Flora to the schoolroom, and after familiarising her
with the family's
collection of books, maps and other educational aids,
promised to go find
Edith and send her up straight away. Flora assured the
young mother that
she had no cause for concern should she hear any
commotion issuing from
the schoolroom in the next hour or so, and requested
that Flora and her
new pupil be left undisturbed that afternoon to
acclimate to one another.
After Mrs. Fogarty had taken her leave, Flora removed
a tightly fitting
doeskin glove from her bag, and with a knowing smile,
slipped the dainty
garment onto her right hand.

Before long, light
boot steps echoed in the stairwell and then along the
hallway. All
at once, a pretty little girl of nine summers, with
large blue eyes and
chestnut brown hair tied back in a red satin bow,
appeared in the open
schoolroom doorway. Clearly a child of wealth and
privilege, she was clad
in a crimson frock of the finest satin daintily
embroidered with floral
designs and generously trimmed with delicate white
lace. Flora found it
difficult to imagine that such a well favored and
comely child could be
quite the incorrigible miscreant her mother
claimed. With her innocent-looking
round face and small upturned nose, she seemed more
the elf than the demon.
Still, Flora didn't fail to note a hint of sullenness
and obstinacy in
the pout of the child's lower lip. Flora beckoned the
youngster inside
and she entered, regarding Flora with unconcealed

"Hello, you must be
Edith," Flora said with a smile as she closed the
door. "My name is Miss
Field and I'm to be your new governess."

little girl met
her eyes coldly, making no move to curtsy. "How long
before you are my
governess?" she asked, with an unmistakable undertone
of insolence.

continued to
smile sweetly, electing to disregard, just this once,
the child's tone
and her failure to curtsy. (Perhaps the ill-raised
creature never learned
to curtsy??) "As long as it takes to instruct
you properly, Mistress
Fogarty. Now, are you ready to begin your first

tossed her pretty
head and laughed haughtily. "I should rather instruct
you to go
away at once and never come back! I shall take no
lessons from you, you
old witch!" Flora was quite startled at this gross
impertinence, despite
Mrs. Fogarty's warnings. Truly this child had the
countenance of an angel,
but the impudence of an imp!

"Young lady, your
rudeness is unconscionable!" admonished Flora,
sternly, "It appears our
first lesson shall be one of discipline and proper
deportment. As your
governess I am resolved to correct you at once!" Flora
quickly stepped
forward and seized the little girl by the wrist before
she could flee.

me go you beastly
woman!" commanded Edith indignantly, trying vainly to
pry Flora's gloved
hand from around her wrist, "Release me at once!"
Paying no heed, Flora
resolutely led the struggling Edith across the room to
the window seat. 
There she sat down and with one smooth movement,
pulled Edith over her
left knee while securing the child's legs with her
right. Edith screamed
in outrage as she divined Flora's intentions. "You
daren't whip me!" she
shouted, glaring over her shoulder at her tormentor.
"You daren't! I shall
tell Papa!" Flora merely secured both of the little
girl's wrists firmly
with her left hand while gathering up the bright red
skirt of Edith's frock
with her right.

Fogarty, you'd
be well advised never to take that tone with me
again!" she said, as she
swept up the skirt of Edith's garment well above her
small waist, and then
lifted each of her fluffy white petticoats in like
fashion, depositing
them in a heap across her back. The outline of Edith's
small, shapely rump,
snugly encased within lace-trimmed linen bloomers, was
now plain to Flora's
approving eye; turned up across the woman's knee stood
the soft, girlish
fundaments ideally positioned for the long overdue
chastisement they would
shortly receive. 

As Flora felt
around the side of Edith's waist for a button, she
added, "Your father
gave leave to employ me. Your mother gave leave to
correct you as I deem
necessary. And I deem you a thoroughly naughty girl
for whom correction
is a most urgent necessity!" She located the button,
unfastened it, and
began to tug down Edith's bloomers, first on one side
then on the other,
while redoubling her tight hold on the struggling
child. This latter precaution
was wise, as Edith's attempts at escape quickly
intensified while she felt
the fabric of her undergarment slipping back across
her buttocks down to
her thighs, leaving the infuriated little girl's bare
nates fully exposed
to the cool air of the schoolroom. Flora then rested
the palm of her gloved
right hand on the smooth swellings of Edith's round,
dimpled bottom, and

mounting desperation,
amid cries of outraged dignity, and predictions of
dire retribution by

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