Governess Discipline

Governess Discipline


Governess Discipline
The Library of Spanking Fiction: Wellred Weekly
The Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine The Test by Thomas Armstrong Rolf und die Gouvernante by Paul Kamm

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husband, Reginald
Fogarty, a Member of Parliament, was often away in
London, and furthermore
deemed child rearing the proper province of the fairer
sex, not of men.
And Edith had her Papa wrapped around her little
finger, besides. She was
his adored pet during his infrequent visits, and he
absolutely would not
hear of the idea of disciplining her himself. In
response to his wife's
entreaties he had, however reluctantly, consented to
the employment of
a suitably strict governess. Flora Field was a
striking beauty. Her graceful
neck rose from the high lace collar of her
full-sleeved cream-coloured
blouse, and her finely featured face was crowned by
the soft tresses of
her raven black hair tied up elegantly above. Her
posture and air of refinement
belied her humble post, and bespoke the class and
quality of her upbringing.

need look no
further, Mrs. Fogarty," said Flora, with relaxed
confidence. She then explained
how she had been orphaned at an early age and raised
in the country house
of a wealthy aunt and uncle in Yorkshire. As she grew
into her teen years,
she'd helped repay their generosity by administering
her younger cousins'
lessons, and, on occasion, administering discipline
as well. Mrs. Fogarty glanced again at Flora's letters
of referral.

Miss Field,
you come most highly recommended by Miss Windgate at
the agency, and you
acquitted yourself admirably at university. But this
is your first assignment
and I fear it shan't be an easy one. Are you quite
certain you can-"

stopped Mrs.
Fogarty with a self-assured wave of her hand. "I crave
only the opportunity
to demonstrate my competence, Madame. I can assure you
that I am well prepared,
both in the area of child instruction, and in the area
of child management."

then," Mrs.
Fogarty sighed, "I suppose I shall give you the
opportunity you desire." 
She added, "The position is yours, Miss Field. Still,
it would be scarcely
prudent of me not to emphasise again that my Edith is
an uncommonly
willful little girl. Her nanny and I find her most
ungovernable, I confess."

smiled. "I shall
soon vindicate your trust in me, Mrs. Fogarty."

following afternoon,
Mrs. Fogarty helped Flora settle in to the most
spacious and well illuminated
room of the servant's quarters, as befitted her
station. She then lead
Flora to the schoolroom, and after familiarising her
with the family's
collection of books, maps and other educational aids,
promised to go find
Edith and send her up straight away. Flora assured the
young mother that
she had no cause for concern should she hear any
commotion issuing from
the schoolroom in the next hour or so, and requested
that Flora and her
new pupil be left undisturbed that afternoon to
acclimate to one another.
After Mrs. Fogarty had taken her leave, Flora removed
a tightly fitting
doeskin glove from her bag, and with a knowing smile,
slipped the dainty
garment onto her right hand.

Before long, light
boot steps echoed in the stairwell and then along the
hallway. All
at once, a pretty little girl of nine summers, with
large blue eyes and
chestnut brown hair tied back in a red satin bow,
appeared in the open
schoolroom doorway. Clearly a child of wealth and
privilege, she was clad
in a crimson frock of the finest satin daintily
embroidered with floral
designs and generously trimmed with delicate white
lace. Flora found it
difficult to imagine that such a well favored and
comely child could be
quite the incorrigible miscreant her mother
claimed. With her innocent-looking
round face and small upturned nose, she seemed more
the elf than the demon.
Still, Flora didn't fail to note a hint of sullenness
and obstinacy in
the pout of the child's lower lip. Flora beckoned the
youngster inside
and she entered, regarding Flora with unconcealed

"Hello, you must be
Edith," Flora said with a smile as she closed the
door. "My name is Miss
Field and I'm to be your new governess."

little girl met
her eyes coldly, making no move to curtsy. "How long
before you are my
governess?" she asked, with an unmistakable undertone
of insolence.

continued to
smile sweetly, electing to disregard, just this once,
the child's tone
and her failure to curtsy. (Perhaps the ill-raised
creature never learned
to curtsy??) "As long as it takes to instruct
you properly, Mistress
Fogarty. Now, are you ready to begin your first

tossed her pretty
head and laughed haughtily. "I should rather instruct
you to go
away at once and never come back! I shall take no
lessons from you, you
old witch!" Flora was quite startled at this gross
impertinence, despite
Mrs. Fogarty's warnings. Truly this child had the
countenance of an angel,
but the impudence of an imp!

"Young lady, your
rudeness is unconscionable!" admonished Flora,
sternly, "It appears our
first lesson shall be one of discipline and proper
deportment. As your
governess I am resolved to correct you at once!" Flora
quickly stepped
forward and seized the little girl by the wrist before
she could flee.

me go you beastly
woman!" commanded Edith indignantly, trying vainly to
pry Flora's gloved
hand from around her wrist, "Release me at once!"
Paying no heed, Flora
resolutely led the struggling Edith across the room to
the window seat. 
There she sat down and with one smooth movement,
pulled Edith over her
left knee while securing the child's legs with her
right. Edith screamed
in outrage as she divined Flora's intentions. "You
daren't whip me!" she
shouted, glaring over her shoulder at her tormentor.
"You daren't! I shall
tell Papa!" Flora merely secured both of the little
girl's wrists firmly
with her left hand while gathering up the bright red
skirt of Edith's frock
with her right.

Fogarty, you'd
be well advised never to take that tone with me
again!" she said, as she
swept up the skirt of Edith's garment well above her
small waist, and then
lifted each of her fluffy white petticoats in like
fashion, depositing
them in a heap across her back. The outline of Edith's
small, shapely rump,
snugly encased within lace-trimmed linen bloomers, was
now plain to Flora's
approving eye; turned up across the woman's knee stood
the soft, girlish
fundaments ideally positioned for the long overdue
chastisement they would
shortly receive. 

As Flora felt
around the side of Edith's waist for a button, she
added, "Your father
gave leave to employ me. Your mother gave leave to
correct you as I deem
necessary. And I deem you a thoroughly naughty girl
for whom correction
is a most urgent necessity!" She located the button,
unfastened it, and
began to tug down Edith's bloomers, first on one side
then on the other,
while redoubling her tight hold on the struggling
child. This latter precaution
was wise, as Edith's attempts at escape quickly
intensified while she felt
the fabric of her undergarment slipping back across
her buttocks down to
her thighs, leaving the infuriated little girl's bare
nates fully exposed
to the cool air of the schoolroom. Flora then rested
the palm of her gloved
right hand on the smooth swellings of Edith's round,
dimpled bottom, and

mounting desperation,
amid cries of outraged dignity, and predictions of
dire retribution by
her Papa, the little girl strove to wriggle off of
Miss Field's lap altogether,
or at least, to twist herself over onto her back
thereby removing her vulnerable
hindparts from Discipline's way - but to no avail.
Miss Field held Edith
firmly in place. All the while, the touch of her
governess' warm, gloved
palm on Edith's cool, bare skin served as a continual
and demoralizing
reminder that her nether cheeks remained in precisely
the position Flora
wanted, despite Edith's most strenuous efforts to the
contrary. For her
part, Flora was pleased to observe that while little
Miss Fogarty's compactly
rounded bottom was plump enough to receive the
soundest spankings Flora
might ever wish to give, it was also ideally
proportioned for Flora's
open hand. As Edith grunted and squirmed against
Flora's grip, the governess
regarded with pleasure how easily she could cup the
two rounded little
hemispheres with her hand, covering most of the
surfaces of both buttocks.
Ere Edith grew up a bit more, there would be no need
for Flora to alternate
smacks from one cheek to the other when disciplining
the child. Until then,
whenever she'd have occasion to bare Edith's little
bottom for chastisement,
Flora could aim each of her slaps at the same spot as
the previous one,
thereby maximizing the salutary effect of the

Exhausted, Edith abandoned
her struggle in despair, realizing that she could
never overcome Miss Field's
strong grip. She drummed her boot tips on the floor in
frustration at her
parlous predicament and at the ignominy of so suddenly
finding her most
intimate regions unceremoniously laid bare by this
wretched stranger. But
she remained silent, petulantly refusing to beg her
governess for pardon,
resolving instead to endure unflinchingly whatever
fate awaited her across
Miss Field's knee. Later, when she was once again at
liberty, Edith would
somehow obtain revenge on Miss Field for this
unpardonable indignity!

Flora was certain
that her pupil had ceased to struggle, she exclaimed,
"Now, Edith, I am
going to give you a richly-deserved chastening. After
you have been smacked,
you shall stand in the corner for a quarter of an hour
to ponder the fault
for which you have been punished and to resolve to
forever avoid this fault
when addressing me in the future. During this time,
you are forbidden to
rub... to rub your lower back. Do I make myself

glowered over
her shoulder at Miss Field and didn't reply. She
intended to keep a stiff
upper lip during her punishment. Mama and Papa never
spanked her, of course,
but she already knew that a spanking was something she
could easily endure,
on account of the uncommon occasions when Nanny was
able to catch her and
administer a few feeble smacks over Edith's clothing
with her weathered,
arthritic hand. Flora raised her supple young palm
high and delivered a
resounding smack to the girl's undraped backside. The
astonished child
gasped and stiffened as she fought the impulse to cry
out. "When I ask
you a question I expect a prompt and courteous
response. Is that understood?"
snapped Flora. All that Edith understood at that
instant, was that her
governess spanked much harder than Nanny ever could -
indeed, harder than
she had imagined anyone could! Edith could
feel the precise spot
where Flora's horrid palm had so cruelly smacked her
poor, tender flesh.
It smarted most urgently, wordlessly crying out to be
rubbed. But this
was, of course, quite impossible for little Edith to
accomplish, much as
she longed to heed the call of her burning nates.
Perhaps, she thought,
as chilly fingers of fear suddenly began to caress her
heart for the first
time since she had entered the room, I oughtn't to
make Miss Field any
more cross with me!

"Yes," Edith belatedly
muttered aloud, as she tried her best to hide her
discomfort and her sudden
fear of the disciplinary measures Flora would soon
administer. Impulsively,
she clenched and unclenched her buttocks in a vain
attempt make the sting

noted with satisfaction
the flinching of Edith's hindparts, which belied the
child's outward pretense
of indifference; she noted as well the faint pink
outline of her own open
hand beginning to appear across Edith's milky-white
cheeks. Again she raised
her palm, took a deep breath, and gave the little
girl's buttocks another
equally hard, smack on the exact same spot.
"Yes, what?" she demanded

"Yes... Miss Field,"
Edith gasped, her eyes tightly shut. How could so
pretty and feminine a
hand as Miss Field's sting so wretchedly?! Edith's
awareness had abruptly
narrowed. The world, her house, and the room she
occupied were gone. At
the periphery of her consciousness, she vaguely sensed
the firm tightness
of Flora's hand gripping her wrists, the fabric of the
window seat cushion
pressing against her face, the rumpled fabric of her
bloomers bunched up
around her upper thighs, and the tight embrace of
Flora's right leg keeping
Edith's little legs immobile. But overwhelming
the arena of her mind's
eye was a hand-shaped area covering the middle and
lower portions her buttocks,
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