Gov hints that vaxes don't work

Gov hints that vaxes don't work

The People's Media


SOURCE: April 8

by Watchdog

The idiots running the mismanaged mess we laughingly call “government” on behalf of the vaccine industry and banking cartels have produced another gem in their ongoing dedicated war on common sense.

In so doing they have admitted – or at least very strongly hinted – that their cherished vaccines do not work and that millions of people were conned into taking them on false assertions.

It may even be that in proposing this scheme (and here I speculate wildly) the PM is breaking ranks with his globalist overlords and trying to drop the hint that the vxes are a con without getting himself reprogrammed by his handlers or worse.

This particular gem is the idea that everybody should test themselves twice a week for the alleged bug dubbed “Covid” (because calling it a flu is not scary enough).

This comes at a time when the government is pretending that so many millions have had the vax – and glossing a layer of spin over the fact that too many citizens for its own comfort would not touch it with a barge pole) and is pushing ahead to make sure everybody has it.

Although by “it”, we mean any one of several, some of which aren’t actually vaxes but are fraudulently called vaccines as a marketing ploy because many people still equate “vaccine” with “safe”. Calling it an “experimental biochemical agent that genetically modifies your cells forever” somehow just does not sound as innocent.

According to government spin and propaganda, we will soon have a situation in which “everybody” is vaxed against this bug that has in fact a very very low fatality rate.

Exactly why the gov is in such a tearing hurry to vaccinate every man, woman and child with experimental chemicals to protect them from a bug that has an average age of mortality of 83, is little threat to the vast majority and is very treatable in any case has not yet been satisfactorily explained. Like much else that it is up to, it appears to be waging outright war on common sense.

People assume that when you are vaccinated (“like with Polio” or “same as Diptheria” etc etc) you are then immune.

This was always the case – or at least strongly believed to be the case – and as evidence the vax industry points to “how polio was wiped out” because everybody got vaccinated.

So “because of polio” and other early vaccines, vaccines have a very good reputation. For the sake of argument, I’ll leave aside here any discussion as to how much that reputation is or is not justified and the degree to which it is being bludgeoned at present.

All right, that’s the claim. People rightly assume based on this data that when they have a vax they are immune. End of story.

So people have the cov jab on the understanding that they will be immune and on that basis can travel abroad etc etc etc. After all, vaccine passports would be pointless if the fact that you are vaccinated did not mean you are now immune and not able to infect others. I mean, what is the ruddy point of vax passports if this is not so? If the vax does not make me immune to Covid then me being able to show a certificate or something to show that I have been vaccinated is meaningless.

All right, so let us assume that the reason most people risk the dodgy experimental vaxes and pseudo vaxes (which are still under trial until 2023) in the trust that they will be rendered immune to a bug that is not much of a threat to the majority of them in any case!

Let’s assume in other words that Covid19 is a real virus and not just various influenzas, chest infections, pneumonias and so forth rebranded and lumped together to make an off-the-peg epidemic and that the vax actually kills it.

If the vax actually works, then thereafter the only people “at risk” from the bug are the unvaxed. If the vax works, the vaxed can’t catch the bug so they are safe and the only people in alleged danger are the unvaxed who could still catch it from each other.

If the vax actually works, the vaxed have nothing to worry about.

If the vax works, there is no point in vax passports because the only people in “danger” are those who chose on their own responsibility not to be vaccinated. So the vaxed have nothing to freak out about.

If the vax really works and truly protects the vaxed the way the polio jab allegedly protects the vaxed from polio, what is the ruddy point in getting the entire populace to test themselves for the bug twice a ruddy week? If the vax works, we KNOW the vaxed aren’t infected.

The unvaxed could test themselves if they want, if they are truly worried about catching the bug but as highly effective remedies and preventions for it exist (and have from the beginning) and anyone in reasonable shape is under virtually no serious threat, I suspect that few will bother.

But what is the point of testing millions of people to see if they have a bug they have been innoculated against and to which they are now supposedly immune?

A program pushed by the gov to get the vaxed to test twice a week – or at all – for the bug is an admission that the vaxed are not immune, that the understanding on which they submitted to the jab was fraudulent and that vaccine passports are pointless.

So we need to look for other possible motives for this horrendously expensive scheme, the cost of which must be borne by an already bankrupted nation.

One possible motive is to keep the illusion of an emergency going. The vaxes are approved for emergency use only, so they need the illusion of an unrelenting emergency to justify the vax rollout and the maximisation of profits for their pals in the vax industry.

Another of course is the profits to be made by companies supplying the test kits.

Another is the continued crushing of the economy by throwing it even deeper in debt to the banking cartels – as described elsewhere this scheme is likely to cost billions on top of the billions already borrowed from the international money lenders and wasted on its chums.

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