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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Khotko Samir. На основе картографических источников автор исследует проблему территориального роста и военно-политического усиления Черкесии в ордынскую эпоху, характер и масштабы генуэзского присутствия в адыгской стране. В исследовании рассматриваются вопросы политической и этнической истории черкесов на протяжении османской эпохи, изменение границ Черкесии, взаимоотношения с ведущими державами, историческая география и демография отдельных земель и княжеств, топо- и этнонимика. В истории черкесов много загадочных и трагических страниц. Почему, например, в Средние века и Новое время, за пределами своей страны они проявляли большую мобильность и политическую активность, чем у себя на Родине? И в чем причины такой, во многом парадоксальной культурной модели поведения? Что двигало ими — «бегство от свободы»? Почему, распологая необходимыми природными, экономическими условиями и достаточными человеческими ресурсами, черкесы так и не смогли создать свою государственность? В статье автор предпринимает попытку найти ответы на эти вопросы, рассматривая наиболее характерные для черкесского традиционного общества формы политического отчуждения. Выявлены как позитивные, так и негативные последствия данного феномена в истории черкесского народа. Circassian history is full of mysterious and tragic pages which give rise to many questions. Why was it, that throughout the Middle Ages and the Modern Age, the Circassians when serving in foreign countries tended to play a more important social role, displaying far greater mobility and political activity than when living in their homeland? What underlay their driving powers, were they striving for freedom or escaping from it? Why did they fail to develop a broad governmental system in spite of natural, economic, cultural and human resources being available? In this article the author attempts to find the answers to these questions by taking into consideration those voluntary, involuntary, individual and collective forms of political alienation which are seen as characteristic of traditional Circassian society. Both the positive and negative consequences of this phenomenon in the development of the Circassian people are revealed. The article is devoted to consideration of the political and social crisis in Circassia which led to the battle of Bziuk on 29th of June, that became a milestone in internal political history of Circassia. The process of social modernization among the North-Western Caucasus highlanders which started in the 17th century, accelerated in the last third of the 18th century on the background of intensification of struggle between the Russian and Ottoman Empires for domination in the region of Crimea and the Caucasus. The year of showed an obvious contradiction in the political course of both empires, as well as in political strategies of the groups of feudal aristocracy of the Circassians. The Kabardian princes existed in the conditions of spreading the Russian colonial control system over their possessions. This system was implemented through the institution of tribal courts and punishment. Therefore, the princes tried to attract the sympathy of the population, to reduce the level of social tension and to consolidate all the estates within the framework of the Sharia legal system. Impossibility to implement reforms under pressure of the Russian military authorities and a rapid dismantlement of social and political institutions led to a mass emigration of Kabarda population to the Ottoman part of Circassia. The owners of Western Circassia, who existed in the conditions of the weakened Ottoman jurisdiction and the growth of sworn fraternities influence, strove for the Russian military support, thus every time losing a significant part of sovereignty. David Tsintsadze. During the — that khan organized four large-scale campaigns against the principalities of Circassia. The main source about those campaigns is the work of the Ottoman chronicler Kaysuni-zade Mehmet Nidai, better known as Remmal Khoja, who was the court geomancer of Sahib Gerey. That source gives the opportunity to imagine in detail the nature and the scales of the military and the political pressure of the Ottoman Empire and the Crimean Khanate onto the Circassian principalities. In addition, the source allows taking a look at the internal political situation of Circassia, the relationship of its constituent principalities, as well as shedding some light on the history of the princely houses and formation of the sub-ethnic groups of Adygeyan ethnos. For his expeditions into Circassia Sahib Gerey organized if not general then in any case mass mobilizations among the Crimean Tatar population of the Khanate: units and levies of the chief Tartar Beys participated, too. Sahib Gerey possessed the clear advantage in the form of firearms, which in that period Circassian principalities had not. Sahib Gerey also possessed the advanced field artillery provided by the Ottomans. Beylerbey of Kefe provided him with numerous fleets to ferry his troops across the Kerch Strait. Sahib Gerey made a series of cruel defeats among Circassians, executed many Circassian mirzas, captured a lot of people and, in fact, put a huge tribute for slaves onto the subordinate principalities. For the first time in the history of the Crimean Khanate Sahib Gerey organized his personal guard from among slaves — according to the model of the Ottoman kapikulu. The expeditions of Sahib Gerey became the cruelest historical military and political challenge or a stimulus shock, according to the terminology of Arnold J. Toynbee what forced the Circassian elite to seek an ally in the Russian state. The work of Remmal Khoja has also some value in terms of the historical ethnography of Circassians: it reveals some details of their national lifestyle related to the national life-support system, housing and settlement complex and the armament. В статье рассматривается завоевательная политика крымского хана Сахиб-Гирея в отношении Черкесии. На протяжении — гг. Основной источник по этим походам — сочинение османского летописца Кайсуни-заде Мехмеда Нидаи, более известного как Реммал Ходжа, являвшегося придворным геомантом и летописцем Сахиб-Гирея. Сочинение Реммал Ходжи «Тарих-и Сахиб Герей хан» или «История хана Сахиб Герея» является одним из наиболее ценных источников по истории не только крымско-черкесских отношений, но и, в целом, по истории Черкесии эпохи позднего Средневековья и начала Нового времени. Данный источник позволяет в деталях представить характер и масштабы военно-политического давления Османской империи и Крымского ханства на страну черкесов. Кроме того, источник позволяет бросить взгляд на внутриполитическую обстановку Черкесии, на взаимоотношения составляющих ее княжеств, проливает свет на историю княжеских домов, формирование субэтнических групп адыгского этноса. In the middle of the XVI century the feudal elite of the Adygs was able to develop a political strategy aimed at containing the Ottoman-Crimean aggression. The central idea of this strategy was the military alliance with the Russian state. Moscow sought to conclude a separate peace with Devlet Giray, because it faced great military difficulties in the Livonian War. Moscow was not able to wage war against Livonia, Lithuania and the Crimea at the same time. Both Moscow and Vilnius were vitally interested in ensuring that their powerful southern neighbor, the Crimean Khanate, refrained from attacking their borders and would choose the territory of the enemy for annual raids. So there was a long geopolitical situation, called by S. Soloviev «Crimean auction. Специальный выпуск. Madina Pashtova. Основная проблематика представленных в настоящем номере публикаций отражает весь спектр научных представлений о локальной идентичности в ее черкесском адыгском преломлении. Черкесский мир, традиционно отличавшийся значительной пестротой и неоднородностью внутренней структуры, за последние полтора столетия приобрел еще большую мозаичность. В настоящий момент мы видим легко различимое своеобразие в культуре и стиле мышления адыгов, ныне разделенных государственными границами и административными барьерами. Необходимость изучения регионально-локальных экспликаций народной культуры была обозначена уже на Первых чтениях памяти М. Мижаева Архыз, г. Статьи, предлагаемые читателю в настоящем выпуске, отличаются широким географическим охватом не только самого предмета исследования — различных этногрупп черкесов Кавказа и диаспоры, но и самих авторов этих работ. Используя разные методологические подходы и описывая разные сюжеты, они, каждый по-своему, демонстрируют нам настоятельную необходимость объединения усилий для дальнейшего изучения феноменов регионально-локальных традиций и форм идентичности. Remarkable accurate and informative maps of the Black Sea Basin were created in the European cartography during the 14th — 16th centuries. Their quality refl ected the high level of the geographical and the historical-ethnographic knowledge of this region of the Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. In such a case, the name could appear under conditions of rather numerous presence of Circassian population during the period preceding the Ottoman conquest According to the point of view, repeatedly expressed in the historiography of the history of the Late Medieval Crimea, the dynasty governed the Principality of Theodoro Crimean Gothia in — came from Circassia. Among the vast corps of Russian ambassadorial documents introduced into scientific circulation, there is a group of charters, reports and letters that came out of Crimea containing objective information about condition of the Crimean-Circassian relations, as well as the state of affairs in the Circassian possessions of the NorthWestern and the Central Caucasus. This article is devoted to one of such sources - the charter of the Russian envoy to the Crimean Khanate Elizar Rzhevskiy , consisting of four reports, on the basis of which the aspects of the Crimean-Nogai-Circassian relations in the that had been previously unknown and not sufficiently covered in the existing publications, are reconstructed. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Related Papers. Открытие Черкесии. Походы Сахиб-Гирея I в Черкесию в гг. XVI В. Мижаева «Регионально-локальные традиции и формы идентичности черкесов Кавказа и диаспоры». Противостояние военно-политических коалиций в Черкесии: на основе сообщений Елизара Ржевского г. Confrontation of military-political coalitions in Circassia: on the basis of a report by Elizar Rzhevskiy

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