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These datasets underpin the analysis presented in the agency's work. Most data may be viewed interactively on screen and downloaded in Excel format. All countries. Topics A-Z. The content in this section is aimed at anyone involved in planning, implementing or making decisions about health and social responses. Best practice. We have developed a systemic approach that brings together the human networks, processes and scientific tools necessary for collecting, analysing and reporting on the many aspects of the European drugs phenomenon. Explore our wide range of publications, videos and infographics on the drugs problem and how Europe is responding to it. All publications. More events. More news. We are your source of drug-related expertise in Europe. We prepare and share independent, scientifically validated knowledge, alerts and recommendations. About the EUDA. Similarly, the content of this particular summary does not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Republic of Georgia and should be seen as the product of the particular programme of technical assistance. Authors: J. Javakhishvili, L. Sturua, I. Kirtadze, N. Balanchivadze, D. Otiashvili; edited by T. This country overview and auxiliary papers were created within the framework of the project Introducing Addictology in Educational System in Georgia and its component NDO. Last update: May It is defined as the value of all goods and services produced less the value of any goods or services used in their creation. Unemployed persons comprise persons aged 15 to 74 who were: without work during the reference week; currently available for work; actively seeking work. Prison population rate per inhabitants. Georgia is located in the South Caucasus, a traditional trafficking corridor from Asia to Europe. The country consists of 11 regions; Tbilisi is the capital city with a population of 1 Other major towns are: Kutaisi , Rustavi , Batumi , Zugdidi , Chiatura 70 , Gori 70 , and Poti 50 The official language is Georgian, and in the territory of Abkhazia it is Georgian and Abkhazian. The main religion is Georgian Orthodox Georgia was annexed by Russia in the nineteenth century and then again by Soviet Russia in , becoming the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic and part of the Soviet Union. Following the break-up of the Soviet Union Georgia regained its sovereignty on 14 November ; by a popular vote it became a presidential republic. Since then the country has gone through several economic, political and social crises, and two internal political conflicts with the Russian Federation that eventually led to the Georgian—Russian war in August The war resulted in de facto Russian occupation of two important border regions of Georgia — Abkhazia and South Ossetia — and internally displaced persons left those two regions. The relaxation of political, social and trade control since the fall of the Soviet Union and the existence of territories and borders not controlled by the legitimate government was accompanied by an increased and more visible use of illicit psychotropic substances and their greater availability. No data is available on drug use among the general population; no general population survey has ever been conducted due to lack of funding, nor is one planned by the national authorities for the foreseeable future. A sample of students aged 15 to 16 and representative of the capital city were interviewed in spring The study found that marijuana was the most frequently reported drug: 3. Ecstasy was the second most frequently used illicit drug, with a lifetime use reported by 7. Lifetime use of crack cocaine was reported by fewer respondents 1. Lifetime prevalence of powder cocaine use was reported by 0. At least one experience with drug injecting was reported by 0. Primary prevention of drug use by both the Georgian government and international donors has received limited attention so far. From the late s on there has been sporadic activity, insufficient funding, limited projects and beneficiaries, and a lack of quality control mechanisms for prevention activities. Currently, drug prevention activities are either substituted by general programmes promoting a healthy lifestyle or they are, to some extent, integrated into HIV-prevention activities. The extent of problem drug use in Georgia was traditionally calculated using estimates with unclear definitions and unknown authors that were widely used by media and decision makers. Until the mids, raw acetylated opium was prevalent in the black market. Heroin became the drug of choice for Georgian problem drug users PDUs from the late s until approximately — Since —09 home-made stimulants prepared from cough medicines containing pseudo-ephedrine or phenylpropanolamine which are easily available from pharmacies without a prescription have been among the most widespread injected drugs Otiashvili et al. There is no consensus among the experts regarding what is the final injectable product in this case, although desomorphine is definitely present in the final preparation personal communication with Tsulaia Ekaterine. Reliable and valid national data on the overall number of patients treated for drug use disorders do not exist in Georgia, as the standards according to which existing clinics are collecting and processing the data on the treated patients differ significantly and are not coordinated. In , there were patients males, 7 females enrolled in the opiate substitution treatment OST programmes funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, while 1 individuals of whom 17 were female were in a methadone maintenance programme run by the state-funded OST services. For more details see the section on treatment response. Most were 29 to 40 years of age at the time of testing. In 2 cases the infection has progressed to the AIDS stage, and of these people have died. As of May , the cumulative shares of these two routes in all known HIV cases were In , some In the early s the registration of drug-related deaths was interrupted and there were no data available pertaining to drug-related deaths or mortality until In , a special drug-related mortality study based on matching the national narcologic register with the general population mortality register was launched by the Georgian Research Institute on Addiction currently The Centre for Mental Health and Prevention of Addiction within the SCAD Programme. As a result of this study, the lower limit for the number of males aged 18 to 64 that were registered with the narcologic register and died in was determined, which was 6 per 1 people of the same age group. This rate was double the mortality rate among the general population of males of a similar age group in Todadze, Since , The Levan Samkharauli Forensic Expertise Bureau re-started registration of drug-related death cases, though the number of the registered cases is very low from 39 cases in to 15 cases in and according to anecdotal evidence from the harm reduction services it does not reflect the reality in Georgia. Currently there are four clinics providing residential drug dependence treatment in Georgia, three of which are based in Tbilisi and one in Batumi. Before , a limited number of residential treatment cases were sporadically financed from the State budget, but from —09 the State did not fund any drug treatment case. In , the Ministry of Health resumed funding programmes for a limited number of treatment cases. In , the State programme funded the treatment of 80 patients out of a total of patients treated by the four clinics that are providing addiction treatment in Georgia. There are no mechanisms in place for the long-term follow-up of patients, and no national treatment guidelines or protocols exist; therefore, treatment effectiveness is not properly monitored and evaluated. In psycho-social rehabilitation services were introduced to strengthen the sustainability of the abstinence oriented treatment, though the number of patients involved both in AOT and psycho-social rehabilitation has declined every year since Opioid substitution treatment was initiated in Georgia in , with methadone as the only legal medication. Contrary to abstinence oriented treatment, demand for opioid substitution treatment OST and opioid-assisted detoxification is on the rise — there has been a steady increase in the number of patients, expanding geographical coverage and diversified treatment modalities included in the OST programmes. Additionally, the State co-funded 11 OST sites operating in different regions of Georgia, covering the costs of substitution medication, while patients paid approximately EUR 70 per month for services. In , some 1 people received services in the frame of the State-funded OST programme with methadone of which 17 were females. In , some prisoners were detoxified using methadone in a treatment site at Prison no. One of the significant outcomes of these efforts is the emergence and rapid growth of the HR-focused non-governmental organisations NGOs. In , seven organisations working in the field of harm reduction formed the Georgian Harm Reduction Network GHRN , which brought together 20 organisations in By the end of there were 10 HR sites of a combined type clients could receive both sterile equipment for injection and VCT in the same site run by members of GHRN in different towns of Georgia. In there were The GHPP commenced in and provides: risk reduction counselling to people who inject drugs; counselling and testing on HIV; testing for HCV and HBV; and peer-to-peer education and outreach services by employing the model of community level interventions. Many drug users have switch to new home-made substances that are in general more toxic and harmful. In comparison, a single dose of home-made preparations of amphetamine-type stimulants or opioids costs EUR 3—5. The amount of heroin seized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia varied from However, the amounts of illegal drugs seized in Georgia have been constantly smaller compared to those seized in neighbouring countries. According to data from the Supreme Court of Georgia, 3 people were convicted of drug-related offences in Article 33 of the Penal Code of Georgia. Some1 of these were convicted for the illegal consumption of drugs. Thus, although the rate of imprisonment for drug consumption related offences has been gradually decreasing in the last three years, the number of people fined or subjected to conditional sentencing for these offences remains high relative to the population and the estimated number of drug users. Drug use per se constitutes an offence under Georgian legislation. It is punishable with both administrative and criminal sanctions. Court decisions on drug use offences are mostly based on rapid stripe test results positive urine test for either illicit drugs themselves or the inactive metabolites of drugs conducted by the forensic laboratory of the Ministry of Internal Affairs MoIA. However, such testing has become widespread. Out of 27 people tested for drugs and metabolites in , less than a third 8 gave a positive result using the rapid stripe tests. Possession of any amount of drugs is a criminal offence under the Penal Code of Georgia Article , with no differentiation between the possession of drugs for personal use or for trafficking. For the majority of substances that are widespread in Georgia there is no legal definition of what constitutes a small quantity, and therefore any amount found in the illegal possession of a person is deemed a large amount, leading to severe punishment. In , the Parliament of Georgia adopted a document setting out the main directions of the National Drug Strategy. The national priorities were defined as follows: treatment and rehabilitation; prevention; harm reduction; staff capacity building; informing the public; establishing a drug information system; coordination. The elaboration of the action plans according to the approved priorities and main aims was delegated to the relevant ministries, but no action was taken. Hence, the country was left with no formal or comprehensive drug strategy until In the Ministry of Justice of Georgia took the lead and started to facilitate strategy elaboration. The process is still ongoing. On 22 November the President of Georgia issued special decree no. The newly established Interagency Coordinating Council started work in , facilitated by the Ministry of Justice of Georgia. The Council unites representatives from the different supply and demand reduction governmental agencies, non-governmental legal entities and international organisations, experts and scientists working in relevant areas. The main objectives of the Council are: i the elaboration of drug abuse prevention policy based on human rights protection principles; ii the development, periodical revision and monitoring of the implementation of a national anti-drug strategy and corresponding action plans; iii the development of proposals and recommendations for elaborating the national anti-drug strategy; iv the coordination of interagency activities in the process of implementation of the national anti-drug strategy for the purpose of promoting implementation of corresponding measures. Baramidze, L. Chokoshvili Otar, A. Kirtadze, I. National Statistics Office of Georgia n. Available at www. Otiashvili, D. Sikharulidze, E. Sirbiladze, T. Todadze, Kh. Homepage Quick links Quick links. GO Results hosted on duckduckgo. Main navigation Data Open related submenu Data. Latest data Prevalence of drug use Drug-induced deaths Infectious diseases Problem drug use Treatment demand Seizures of drugs Price, purity and potency. Drug use and prison Drug law offences Health and social responses Drug checking Hospital emergencies data Syringe residues data Wastewater analysis Data catalogue. Selected topics Alternatives to coercive sanctions Cannabis Cannabis policy Cocaine Darknet markets Drug checking Drug consumption facilities Drug markets Drug-related deaths Drug-related infectious diseases. Recently published Findings from a scoping literature…. Penalties at a glance. Frequently asked questions FAQ : drug…. FAQ: therapeutic use of psychedelic…. Viral hepatitis elimination barometer…. EU Drug Market: New psychoactive…. EU Drug Market: Drivers and facilitators. Statistical Bulletin home. Quick links Search news Subscribe newsletter for recent news Subscribe to news releases. Breadcrumb Home Publications Overview of the national drug situation in Georgia Overview of the national drug situation in Georgia Last update: May Contents Drug use among the general population and young people Prevention Problem drug use Treatment demand Drug-related infectious diseases Drug-related deaths Treatment responses Harm reduction responses Drug markets and drug-law offences National drug laws National drug strategy Coordination mechanism in the field of drugs References. National Bank of Georgia, , Annual report. Council of Europe.

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