Gorgeous Chicks With Dicks

Gorgeous Chicks With Dicks


Gorgeous Chicks With Dicks

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These gorgeous girls didn’t get this fit by accident (48 Photos)
That's actually one of the most perfect expressions of the human body. Everyone has the muscles you're seeing in this picture but what's insane is the amount of work she's done to express it in her way.
guys who think this is disgusting have a tiny penis. True story-
What does the size of her penis have to do with it?
i bet she could hold her poop in for a month with an ass that tight!
That's the best I have ever seen wow on a scale of 1-10 she's a 100% perfect
"Dude legs", proclaims the man who is understandably mistaken, never having had a woman bend over for him.
I can't believe I fell for this morons cry for attention. Now I'm the chump for having to point out that he's an idiot. The Berry might have images more to your liking. And if so, that's OK too.
damn it who is she!!!! i need to know!!! every week theres a new photo with those blue Addidas and sexy running shorts!! i cant take it anymore, she perfect need moar!!!!
i am so glad i finally have seen a face to that body thank for the info
Or Body Space "chicken tuna" on bodybuilding.com
I'm so upset with myself for a) thinking it was her when I saw the pic, and b) seeing your reply and thinking "I knew it!" My life is a sad one…
Good tuck job. Can't even see the penis
Just because you're too much of a pussy to get that hard, you don't need to belittle other's accomplishment.
you have to be joking or a homo. great feminine muscular legs with well developed hamstrings.
she might be a sprinter. who knows? clearly her legs are awesome.
why would you write something so mean?
Where the girls with curves?? All these women look like men bodies
Do u think gay guys get turned on by these "women"?
All these women are gorgeous! Some more muscle than me, but I wouldn't kick 'ember outta bed fer eatin crackers
See FLBP, Hump Day, Because Squishy.
Variety is the spice of life, and Chivettes come in all forms.
Male bodies? You're not only an idiot but a really insecure one at that obviously.
Come on guys, nobody cares that you're gay and hate women. Keep it to yourself. These ladies are beautiful.
Sorry ur right.. I do turn on ESPN and watch the worlds strongest women and jacket off so good
sorry, didn't realize these were women
Yeah we're gay because we don't like unnaturally muscular women who are built like men…
LOL, what else are they supposed to look like after extensive workouts?
every one is entitled to their own opinion, doesn't mean they are gay. me, i personally find girls with muscles fucking disgusting, doesn't mean i'm a fag
Just Edit url ( _ Com) write ( .Com) Don't miss this
#19oh baby flex those arms — such a turn on .. She could rip my dick off with those biceps
While I understand different people have different preferences, it is counterintuitive that women with athletic and toned bodies draw more ire than you losers requesting dildos in the background photos- much less proposing to snorkel some chick's ass.
How's this: nobody gives a fuck what you like or don't like, whether you want (It pains me to write this, as I feel like a lemming) "moar" or want "real" chivettes. Get over yourself and get a life. Ps KCCO
#9 #28 #48 i love so hard my love turned into a boner
tacos is a weird statement, oregano is a spice.
I don't even know what to make of that, so I just gave you a thumbs up.
Is this a girl trying to act like a guy??
Took me a long time to scroll past that one
Wokring out is good…doing steroids is BAD.
#11 looks like a sweaty man. Eww.
#13 has the biggest head I've ever seen.
Very FEW of these women are actually sexy…most need to tone it down and notch and they could have a sexy, fit and curvy WOMANLY body.
#10 should be the ideal fit women in these post, not man abs #17
Don't know why you call it "man abs", because I'm sure as hell that you don't have abs like that.
#10 along with many of these girls look to have genetics on their side w/ out actually working for it. I want before and after pics on these ladies…PS Abs are ok with me
1. They're more fit than you'll probably ever be, so telling them to be more fit yet more curvy, you're an idiot…
2. Muscle is part of a woman body as well and gives you much more "shape" than the gelatinous fat you seem to be so fond of.
3. Obviously jealously is obvious, maybe you should hit the gym
Post a pic of yourself and see the site come to life judging you, shut the f*ck up and let us guys enjoy these fit women in all their glory
is #11 Kate Mara? Either way…not eww in any way
Whatever fatty. B-) PS — I rarely troll, but this one seems deserved.
If you got your ass in the gym you could probably get rid of your curvy womanly body.
#11 is fine as hell! #13 just has a goofy picture angle, both are beautiful and way hotter than any soft, "skinny"fat girl anyday! You also do know that non of these girls tried to get on here, right? They were all randomly chosen by editors. Let's see an actual picture of YOU for us to judge; you probably won't like what everyone has to say.
One of the highlights! You look amazing!
When I die, I want to go to #2 's panty drawer…
I'm gay and into men, but damn this women is the kinda man I am looking for
Also got a serious case of perfect ass n leggies
Just as long as she doesn't have man 'front' I think we'll be okay.
It's probably just because she is working out. Probably looks fine an hour afterward or so. Still not too bulky, would bang
you have pretty low expectations from man-backs.
If she wasn't like mid-pullup she would probably look fairly normal.
This post has deviated from the women who are fit to women that are juiced out on roids…
Yeah, some of these girls are fit, and some are ripped to a point that seems disconcerting.
You obviously have never seen a woman on steroids before. The ones in this post that obviously make you question your manhood have put in countless hours of hard work to look the way they do. You prefer women to be soft? Fine. I know how dedicated these women are to being healthy and that in itself is sexy as hell.
I agree-not sexy to me at all, except the girl walking the dogs
I doubt these women are on roids. Many of them are crossfitters proven by the bumper plates, kettle bells, HSPU's, knee high socks and pics clearly taken from the box. I see these girls several times a week and they are not on roids, they are; however, BAD ASS!
That could have been the only picture in here and I would have been completely ok with that.
Yes she is gorgeous, women playing with their long hair gets me every time.
If she had on thigh highs, I would have had a heart attack and died a happy, happy man.
don't get me wrong – i agree 100% that this girl is amazingly gorgeous, but when photoshopping there is a fine line between improving a photo and ruining it and i think whoever modified this photo ruined it. a girl's ass doesn't have to look like Coco to be sexy.
Google – Me in my place. There's more of her there.
I thought the post was Okay, not bad but not great. Then #43 a grand slam to save the day.
What?! She has the body of a lanky 14 year old boy. No hips, no tits. Not sexy.
#29 is Margrett Gnarr, Icelandic fitness model
#28 Is at the maximum level of hotness.
Her and #23 I thought were absolute perfection, the rest.. a little overdone.
Agree, beautiful curves and lovely skin.
before anyone acts as if they are disgusted, please, honestly tell me you would kick them out of your bed!
Honestly, I would because they would turn into a roid monkey and rip my head off… So now that I told u that, I can tell u that I am disgusted by half these women
Who said there on roids? Also no need to hate people in better shape than you because you hate what you can,not have or afraid of.
Well if its not roids, they got some serious testosterone.. Probably have a balls sac too
I stopped reading your post when you misspelled "they're."
I would only kick them out of bed if, they're better on the floor.
Yes, I don't want to run my hands on her stomach and feel a man's 6 pack.
I think they are too ripped to be kicked by anyone…. all these women would have clits like little dicks too.. way too much testosterone
Can we get a like and dislike button under each individual picture
I can't even like or dislike comments…
haha. same here, nick. my phone won't allow me to! >:(
only feminine one-others are she/men
Bobble heads have come to life!
LOL!! maybe just a bad angle but who knows, funny nonetheless…
And I am referring the the chick who made the post
Learn to spell before you complain.
check out the dude checkin her out lower left corner
I know its not her but from that angle she kinda looks like aunt becky(lori loughlin)

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Man With Face Blindness has Married Two of World's Most Beautiful Women
Diana Jenkins Probably has Much More Than Cartier in Her Closet
We're not size queens or anything but the HBO comedy Hung —about a man (Thomas Jane) with a large penis—premieres in June, and it got us thinking about big penises, the ultimate status symbol for men*. After the jump, a list of famous ones.
1.) Rasputin** The Russian mystic's disembodied penis is on display at the Russian museum of erotica in Saint Petersburg, in a tall jar, measuring 11 inches—flaccid.
2.) Liam Neeson In her autobiography No Lifeguard on Duty , Janice Dickinson wrote of her ex-boyfriend Liam Neeson, saying he had "the biggest penis of any man alive. He unzipped his pants and an Evian bottle fell out."
3.) Jay-Z Accounts from several different groupies say that Jigga is well endowed, "The biggest dick you will ever see in your life, but boring. Huge. Like a one-liter Pepsi bottle. What do you call those things? The 20-ounce bottle. It's beyond huge. It could block the sun."
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4.) John Holmes Even though he had one of the most celebrated dicks in porn history, due to its size, there's no real documentation of his measurement. His manager claimed he was 13.5 inches, but Holmes' first wife said he measured it in front of her, before he started doing adult films, and it was 10 inches.
5.) Vincent Gallo Have you ever seen Brown Bunny ? (Link NSFW)
This rumor about how large his dick was has been around for a while, and at his Friars Club memorial in 2002, his friends joked about his size.
7.) Wilt Chamberlain His nickname was "Big Dipper." He claims to have gotten a lot of use out of it.
8.) Tommy Lee Thanks to the sex tape with then-wife Pamela Anderson, everyone has seen Tommy's peen . It's guesstimated to be about 8 inches, erect. (Link NSFW)
9.) Frank Sinatra Ava Gardner once said of her ex-husband, "He only weighs 120, but 100 pounds is cock."
10.) Alexis Arquette Some years before her sex reassignment surgery, Alexis had a lot of taping to do. (Link NSFW)
10.) President Johnson "He was a lifelong exhibitionist who in college had dubbed his penis ‘ Jumbo .'"
11.) Errol Flynn He was notorious for his cock, which he once used to play the piano . A classical pianist!
12.) James Woods That's the rumor, anyway, but we don't really care to find out definitively.
13.) Colin Farrell It looks like a baby's arm . (Link NSFW)
Glamor model Jordan aka Katie Price says that her husband's penis is the size of a large television remote control.
15.) Anthony Keides The girls on Metal Sludge —a site where groupies compare notes on the rock stars they've fucked—say the Red Hot Chili Peppers front man is a "very large" penis that is "beyond gorgeous."
16.) Tony Kanal The girls on Metal Sludge also say that the No Doubt bassist—who is Gwen Stefani's ex—measures about 10 inches.
17.) Tony Danza He's uncut and long. (Link NSFW)
18.) Ray J Don't all guys with sex tapes that "leak" have big dicks? (Link NSFW)
19.) Dan Rather The report on Rather is that "he is as hung as he is handsome and intelligent."
20.) Simon Rex It's no wonder why he used to do porno.
*It is the personal opinion of the writer that big penises hurt. **This list is not compiled by size order.


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