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Most of us know of this site, and no I'm not starting a thread to show off these hos.
What I want to discuss is the sources of these pics - where do you think they all come from?
Boyfriends? Perverts with cameras, or... do the girls themselves take these photos with the express purpose of being on this very site?
I'm trying to understand where this kind of stuff comes from.

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Aug 13, 2009

The work, which becomes a new genre itself, will be called...

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Aug 13, 2009

This most likley. And as you said, boyfriends. On that note, when it isn't some dipshit, I don't really get why people take sexy pics of themselves and put it on the internet. Seems infinatly stupid.
;){____/| Anime Reviews /|\ Actually an '06er /|\ New Short Story! More to come. |\ ____}(;

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Aug 13, 2009

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Aug 13, 2009

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Aug 13, 2009

most girls like taking pics of themselves and posting it on web pages...they think it's cute that way...my gf do that all the time, mostly on facebook
Chris F.- Varsity Football Captain, Starting QB, #11
All-Regional Offensive MVP (2), District Player of the Year (1), 2 State Championshps

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Aug 13, 2009

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Aug 13, 2009

Whoa this site needs to be taken down.

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Aug 13, 2009

If you have goods to show off, you don't lose anything by posting them in plain sight. If everyone with a nice body did it, there would be a very sizable collection of sexy pics, and with a lot of variety. If no one did it, there would be no amateur porn, which would be bad for people who like that stuff.
It seems to me that showing off your body is a nice way to contribute to society, assuming your body is nice looking. I appreciate all that these girls are doing for us.

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Aug 13, 2009

Am I going to jail for looking at that site?
I'm an animator , a (dodgy back alley) VA and also a writer.
PM me if you want feedback on your writing, music or flash to get review'd by me. I'm pseudo-qualified. Maybe.

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Jan 4, 2010

Most of the pics there are taken from good ol' JJAM or imagefap. At least one third, that is.

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Jan 4, 2010

Holy fuck one of those girls goes to my school.

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Jan 4, 2010

Hmm..well I know from experience that sometimes girls will take pics for their bfs; pics which will eventually get given to people who turn out to be stalkers and spread said pics all across the big wide interwebs.
"Sit down and shut up and do as I say" -- Zeus

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Jan 4, 2010

People's daughters. Also, don't try to get your hopes up on finding "sauce" on some nudes here.
Join chat | In Obscurity Forever. | Least noticed user '13? Vote for me!

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Jan 4, 2010

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Jan 4, 2010

holy shit. I feel really bad for looking at that site. although they are all my age so it's not like i didn't like it but that shit needs to go down now.
PSN ID: jake-thesnake_ng XBL: SFC Fox Paw

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Jan 4, 2010

What the hell is my sister doing on that site?!
"There's a very fine line between not listening and not caring. I like to think I walk that line every day of my life." -Leonard Church

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Jan 4, 2010

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Jan 4, 2010

I'm a little worried. I've never even heard of this site but apparently I've clicked that link before.
" Let the metal flow " - Chuck Schuldiner

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Jan 4, 2010

Actually, you CAN find sauce quite easily. Just go to jjam because a lot of JBG's "hotter" girls are already posted there in galleries with nudes. I hope this isn't advertising.
My topics when I wasn't an asshole... 1 2

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Jan 4, 2010

Facebook/Myspace should have been obvious. They probably just take them from there.

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Jan 4, 2010

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Jan 4, 2010

Yeah, they pretend they're talking to the girls O_0
My topics when I wasn't an asshole... 1 2

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Jan 4, 2010

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Jan 4, 2010

I did not know, or need to know, about that site.

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Jan 4, 2010

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Jan 4, 2010

|"My dick was in the Guinness Boom of World Records... Then I left the library.|

Response to
Jailbait Gallery

Sep 11, 2011

you'll be glad to know its down now
Pay attention and stop at the right time when rolling through the levels!
You Got Trapped Inside a Broken AI!

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