Gorean Stories

Gorean Stories


Gorean Stories

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I'm constantly exploring the internet and online libraries for information. Today I found a wealth of knowledge about Gorean Lifestyle. I personally can't distinguish between online Gor and real life Gorean living so they are together in this list. Please feel free to leave a comment and add your own resources!

Gorean from Wikipedia - As applied to non-fictional individuals, the word 
Gorean means an adherent of the philosophies espoused in Norman's writings, especially someone who lives a 
lifestyle based on this philosophy.

Gor (pronounced
/ˈɡɔr/ ), the 
Counter-Earth , is the alternate-world setting for 
John Norman 's 

Chronicles of Gor (sometimes called the 
Gorean Saga ), a series of twenty-eight novels that combine 
philosophy , 
erotica and 
science fiction .

- On this site, you will find facts and thoughts specifically pertaining to Gorean philosophy, Gorean culture and the application of such to real life here on Earth.

- A relatively old archive (2004) of information pertaining to the books and online Gor.

- Here at ~The Gorean Cave~ instead of just expecting that you should 'base your answer on this one quote', I have taken my research a step further. I have provided not just the most popular quote, but many (if not all) of the quotes on the subject. I even then, in many cases, show you the context of these quotes.

Eden - A now static website about online Gorean slavery.

- This is just one man's opinion about the differences between Gor and BDSM. It was written in response to a question a slave asked me and replied by e-mail. She wanted to know the difference between the two as she came from BDSM areas. That is not a place I have ever been a part of. Others will tell you similar things and different ones, including that there is no difference. I say to the last group, you just don't understand what Gor really is.

- maralyn offers, here in these pages, essays, information about Gor, quotations from the Gorean book series and more.

- originally created in partnership with one of the publishers of the novels.

The Gorean Lifestyle: A Woman's Right is Slave by Associated Content - One person's opinion on Gorean Lifestyle.

- The current publisher of the novels hosts this site for John Norman fandom.

A Comprehensive List of Gorean Chat Rooms and IRC Channels

The following set of videos is by
MasterRocker . Descriptions and Quotes are from the Gor Book series by John Norman.
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Kata BOMBASTIS, Sewa Rumah Malang Kota dekat Poltekom, Sewa Rumah Malang Kota dekat GOR Ken Arok, Sewa Rumah Malang Kota dekat Pasar Sayur Gadang, Sewa Rumah Malang Kota...
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There is not a lot written about exotic slaves. What we do know is that exotics may be bred or trained for almost any unusual purpose, and some of these purposes, unfortunately, seem to be little more than to produce quaint or unusual specimens.

These are the exotics mentioned in the books:

Diversity of colors

Diversity of facial features

Diversity of peltings

Draft Slaves

Ears, unusual, very large, with extremely long lower lobes

Ho-Hak, from the marshes.

Language, without one

Passion Slaves

She was fairly complected but had extremely dark hair and dark eyes, very red lips; the movement of her exquisite body was a torment to observe; she looked at me with a slight smile, regarding the black of the tunic, the mark of the dagger; her lips were full and magnificently turned, probably a characteristic bred into her; I had no doubt this black-haired, cruelly beautiful woman was a bred Passion Slave. She was one of the most rawly sensuous creatures on which I had ever looked.

Poison saliva

Over months or years she is rendered immune to a poison, whose bite is lethal.

Simple, Childlike

They are raised from the time they are infants never looking on a man. They do not know they exist. Normally a Ubar who has been victorious in battle will purchase one, for his high officers, to be brought to the victory feast. When the girl is purchased she is drugged and kept unconscious until the height of the feast commonly to find herself unclothed in a cage of male slaves. Not infrequently, the girl goes mad and is slain the following morning.


Lara's lips had been rich and fine, sensitive and curious, tender, eager, hungry; the lips of Vika were maddening; I recalled those lips, full and red, pouting, defiant, scornful, scarlet with a slave girl's challenge to my blood; I wondered if Vika might be a bred slave, a Passion Slave, one of those girls bred for beauty and passion over generations by the zealous owners of the great Slave Houses of Ar, for lips such as Vika's were a feature often bred into Passion Slaves; they were lips formed for the kiss of a master.
Priest-Kings of Gor   Book 3   Page 53

"You thought I was a Passion Slave," she chided.

She looked away from me, toward the wall. "You were right in a way, Tarl Cabot."

She looked at me directly. "My mother," she said bitterly, "- was a Passion Slave - bred in the pens of Ar."
Priest-Kings of Gor   Book 3   Page 69

"Yes," I said, "you are that beautiful."

She looked at me mockingly. "Do you know what a Passion Slave is?" she asked.

"It is a female of the human kind," she said, "but bred like a beast for its beauty and its passion."

"It is an animal," she said, "bred for the pleasure of men, bred for the pleasure of a master."

"In my veins," she said, "flows the blood of such an animal. In my veins flows the blood of a Passion Slave."
Priest-Kings of Gor   Book 3   Page 73

The women I had owned, Sana, Talena, Lara, and others of whom I have not written, Passion Slaves rented for the hour in the Paga Taverns of Ko-ro-ba and Ar, Pleasure Slaves bestowed on me in token of hospitality for a night spent in a friend's compartments, had known that I was master and that had been sufficient.
Priest-Kings of Gor   Book 3   Page 73

Then I stepped back for I noted, coming along one of the curving walks, two lovely girls, clad in white, their hair bound back with white silk; they were quite young; perhaps less than eighteen.

"Do not fear," said Ho-Tu. "They cannot see you."

I studied the glass that separated us. The two girls strolled near the glass and one of them, lifting her hands behind her head, studied her reflection gravely in the mirror, retying the band of silk which confined her hair.

"On their side of the glass," said Ho-Tu, "it seems a mirror."

I looked suitably impressed, though of course, from Earth, I was familiar with the principles of such things.

"It is an invention of the Builders," said Ho-Tu. "It is common in slave houses, where one may wish to observe without being observed."

Now one of the girls laughed and pushed the other and then turned and fled, pursued by the other, also laughing.

"There is a system of sound baffles," said he. "We can hear them but they cannot hear us."

I regarded the two girls running off. Beyond them I could see some others. Two of them were playing catch with a red ball.

There seemed to me something strange about these girls, though they were beautiful. They seemed, in a way, simple, very childlike.

"Of course," said Ho-Tu, adding, "but they do not know it."

I could now see the girl playing the lute. She was lovely, as were the others. She was strolling about one of the pools. Two other girls, I now saw, were lying by the pool, putting their fingers in the water, making circles in the water.

That expression is used for any unusual variety of slave. Exotics are generally quite rare.

"In what way?" I asked. I myself had never cared much for exotics, any more than I cared much for some of the species of dogs and goldfish which some breeders of Earth regarded as such triumphs. Exotics are normally bred for some deformity which is thought to be appealing. On the other hand, sometimes the matter is much more subtle and sinister. For example it is possible to breed a girl whose saliva will be poisonous; such a woman, placed in the Pleasure Gardens of an enemy, can be more dangerous than the knife of an Assassin.

Perhaps Ho-Tu guessed my line of thought, for he laughed. "No, No!" he said. "These are common wenches, though more beautiful than most."

"Then in what way are they exotic?" I asked.

Ho-Tu looked at me and grinned. "They know nothing of men," said he.

"You mean they are White Silk?" I asked.

He laughed. "I mean they have been raised from the time they were infants in these gardens. They have never looked on a man. They do not know they exist."

I then understood why only women had been seen in these rooms.

I looked again through the glass, at the gentle girls, sporting and playing together by the pool.

"They are raised in complete ignorance," said Ho-Tu. "They do not even know they are women."

I listened to the music of the lute, and was disturbed.

"Their life is very pleasant, and very easy," said Ho-Tu. "They have no duties other than to seek their own pleasure."

"They are very expensive," said Ho-Tu. "Normally the agent of a Ubar who has been victorious in battle will purchase one, for his high officers, to be brought to the victory feast." Ho-Tu looked at me. "The attendants, when the girl is purchased, give her a drug in her food that night, and remove her from the gardens. She is kept unconscious. She will be revived at the height of the Ubar's victory feast, commonly to find herself unclothed in a cage of male slaves set up among the tables."

I looked back at the girls through the glass.

"Not infrequently," said Ho-Tu, "they go mad, and are slain the following morning."

"Commonly," Said Ho-Tu, "they will seek out a female slave, one who reminds them of the attendants in the garden, and this woman will comfort them, and explain to them what they are, that they are women, that they are slaves, that they must wear a collar and that they must serve men.
Assassin of Gor   Book 5   Pages 114 - 116

I looked to one side and was startled. Watching us was a woman in Pleasure Silk, of remarkable beauty, yet with a certain subtle hardness and contempt about her. She wore a yellow collar, that of the House of Cernus, and yellow Pleasure Silk. The slave bells, a double row, were locked on her left ankle. About her throat there hung a slave whistle. From her right hand, looped about the wrist, there dangled a slave goad. She was fairly complected but had extremely dark hair and dark eyes, very red lips; the movement of her exquisite body was a torment to observe; she looked at me with a slight smile, regarding the black of the tunic, the mark of the dagger; her lips were full and magnificently turned, probably a characteristic bred into her; I had no doubt this black-haired, cruelly beautiful woman was a bred Passion Slave. She was one of the most rawly sensuous creatures on which I had ever looked.
Assassin of Gor   Book 5   Page 150

the House of Cernus now, altogether, had better than one hundred and fifty barbarians in training, under the tutelage of various Passion Slaves;
Assassin of Gor   Book 5   Page 206

One was slender, a fragile girl, with deep gray eyes; the other had dark eyes and hair, a body that might have been that of a bred passion slave.
Assassin of Gor   Book 5   Page 400

Ho-Hak's right ear twitched. His ears were unusual, very large, and with extremely long lower lobes, drawn lower still by small, heavy pendants set in them. He had been a slave, doubtless, and, doubtless, judging by the collar, and the large hands and broad back, had served on the galleys, but he had been an unusual slave, a bred exotic, doubtless originally intended by the slave maters for a destiny higher than that of galley bench.

There are various types of "exotics" bred by Gorean slavers, all of whom are to be distinguished from more normal varieties of bred slaves, such as Passion Slaves and Draft Slaves. Exotics may be bred for almost any purpose, and some of these purposes, unfortunately, seem to be little more than to produce quaint or unusual specimens. Ho-Hak may well have been one so bred.

"You are an exotic," I said to him.

Ho-Hak's ears leaned forward toward me, but he did not seem angry. He had brown hair, and brown eyes; the hair, long, was tied behind his head with a string of rence cloth. He wore a sleeveless tunic of rence cloth, like most of the rence growers.

"Yes," said Ho-Hak. "I was bred for a collector."

"I broke his neck and escaped," said Ho-Hak. "Later I was recaptured and sent to the galleys."

"In doing so," said Ho-Hak, looking at his large hands, heavy and powerful, "I killed six men."
Raiders of Gor   Book 6   Pages 15 - 16

Ho-Hak had been bred a slave, a degraded and distorted exotic,
Raiders of Gor   Book 6   Page 88

Then one other stepped forward. It was Ho-Hak, from the marshes, the rencer. His face was white. No longer about his throat was clasped the collar of the galley slave, with short dangling chain. He had been a bred slave, an exotic. His ears were large, bred so as a collector's fancy.
Marauders of Gor   Book 9   Page 19

A free woman, robed in white, veiled, was being carried in a sedan chair by four draft slaves.
Beasts of Gor   Book 12   Page 112

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