Gooreo    as one of the most useful applications for students and business

Gooreo    as one of the most useful applications for students and business



GoOreo is a unique platform designed to help graduate students find jobs that are appropriate for their specialties, and to enable business owners to attract talented students or young graduates for temporary or permanent work in their organization. 

GoOreo creates a platform to simplify the job search process for graduates and new graduates, thereby greatly improving their livelihoods. Corporate organizations also benefit greatly from our platform, because there is a minimization or elimination of costly recruitment services to get the necessary talent needed for their specific roles in order to maximize profits in the long run.

The goal we want to achieve:

  • Develop    Gooreo    as one of the most useful applications for students and business owners to quickly and easily find desired jobs and applicants at any time and in any country.
  • Immediately deploy applications in all countries to prove to the world that the Oreo model is an efficient model that can be implemented globally.
  • Permanent repair of the platform based on user feedback and a roadmap for the continuous presentation of new features to the public.
  • Innovate and disrupt traditional ways to promote work to balance technological advances and fast-paced life.
  • Increase in funds required to distribute applications around the world.
  • Develop a decentralized and autonomous network between students and business organizations with a broad base of new features, services, and transactions.

How it works?

  • Each student registers his account in the application and writes his professional resume.
  • The company will publish applications for employment and write the necessary competencies and determine whether the work is local or online.
  • The letter will be sent directly to all students studying in the same field (and in the same country, if the work is local), and will be applied in companies looking for employees
  • Candidates are accepted through the same site, and candidates can be accepted on social networks, especially (LinkedIn).
  • At the end of this working period, students receive a certificate that is certified by the site and the company and assign it a degree (good, medium, very good).

Advantages of Goreo


Students will make sure that they have a job in their specialty, and after completing their work they will receive a certified certificate on the website and in the company to prove their experience.


With the Gooreo platform, business owners can get a lot of time and money and easily find young people to hire them in various fields.


With GOOREO, the community will benefit from its youthful ideas and innovations and save a lot of money in creating opportunities for those who have just graduated.

Vision and Mission


  • From all software that is a competitor to Employment with unique characteristics and features that exclude us. Our vision is to be an optimal / optimal childhood program.


  • Our goal is to help graduate students find jobs in their areas of specialization, as well as help companies gain skills along with their knowledge.

The added value of Gooreo as an app

The opportunity to participate in a decentralized system in which students can create resumes in the future and test all their competencies. 

Systems aimed at applications based on their specialization and preferences in location (remotely or locally). 

Trusted certificates from sites and companies, providing students with a degree of medium, extraordinary) after completion of work. 

Gooreo is a universal client list service platform in one application and uses geolocation technology to connect people. 

Easy and quick access for graduates who are looking for work and organizations around the world. 

Secure blockchain transactions and an efficient hiring process. 

Gooreo app has been developed and is ready to use. The current version of the application will be enhanced by feedback from the community and will be updated with new technologies and features.


Coin name: Oreo coins

OREO symbol

For ERC20

Total amount of deliveries 1 000 000 000

Decimal 18


45% Product Development

Product development in accordance with the roadmap.

25% Marketing and Partnership

The cost of attracting business owners, building partnerships with universities.

12% of operations

Operating expenses, non-technical staff salaries.

3% legally

Creation of companies, conclusion of contracts with business owners, development of legal contracts for the use of services and many other legal tasks.

15% management

C-level executive salary.

Road map

June 2018

Draft idea and start.

November - December 2018.

Pre-ICO and ICO

February 2019.

Development and testing of the base platform for alpha and beta versions.

July - September 2019. Register

as many coins on the exchange as you can.

September 2018

publishes smart contracts and writes technical documents

January - February 2019 Registration of

coins for up to 3 exchanges

Platform  Mei 2019  Rilis




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Author Menthil85

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ETH : 0xcfAA89619e4e36d9F9a024Fe02Ce30afa04Bcaa3

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