Gooreo; A Stage Intended To Help Graduate

Gooreo; A Stage Intended To Help Graduate


Gooreo Project Overview

Gooreo is a unique stage and utilizing circulated vault innovation (blockchain) for quest for new employment. The framework considers the particular specialization and abilities of alumni for quick and precise hunt, decreasing the season of work. The stage is likewise valuable for businesses who are searching for youthful and gifted experts in every aspect of present day innovation. Without a doubt such a venture is particularly sought after by society. 

Gooreo is a one of a kind stage intended to help graduate understudies secure positions that are fitting for their strengths, just as give entrepreneurs the chance to discover gifted understudies, including youthful ones and new alumni to work incidentally or for all time in their Organization. 


For business people 

Understudies will ensure that they have employments in their claims to fame; endless supply of work will get an affirmed testament on the site and in the organization to affirm their experience 

For the network 

With GOOREO, the network will profit by its young thoughts and advancements and spare a ton of cash in making open doors for new alumni. 

Uniqueness of the stage 

The stage in this manner lessens not just time, sparing the officially little investment funds of youthful experts, the majority of whom as a rule spend on training, yet in addition the costs of organizations that are much lower on the Gooreo stage. This is one of the significant elements that organizations should give close consideration to. Utilize trend-setting innovation in all parts of your life and you will dependably be at the front line. 

The framework does not force any confinements on circles or ventures, it tends to be utilized by any organization that needs staff recharging, it generally offers ideal arrangements, finding those masters who might be valuable for further business advancement in the quickest and least demanding way. 

The framework evacuates all superfluous and pointless delegates while in transit to the objective, who are regularly repetitive connections and don't add to a fast hunt. 

How Gooreo function

Every understudy must enroll their record on the stage and make their very own proficient resume 

The organization will distribute the opportunities and spot the essential abilities, just as decide if the work is nearby or at an incredible separation. 

After the understudy finishes his work in the organization through the Gooreo stage, he will get a testament created by the framework and furthermore get an appraisal from the business (medium, great, great) 

Occupations will be accessible legitimately to all understudies concentrating in a similar field (and in a similar nation in the event that they are in that field) with the goal that they can apply for employments in organizations that are searching for representatives.

OREO coin review

Total number of tokens issued: 440,000,000 million

Coin name: OREO Coin

Symbol: OREO

Ethereum standard: ERC20 Total emission: 1,000,000,000

Full source: 1,000,000,000

Code: ERC233

Digit capacity: 18

Contract Address: 0xfb71ab03d371c43f5e2f3747e5f790370399e778

Road map


June 2018: 

Project and launch ideas.

September 2018: 

Publish smart contracts and write technical documents.

November 18, 2018 - December 15, 2018:


February 15 - 28, 2019 

Release of the Alpha version for the Gooreo platform.

Including Android and iOS apps.

February 23, 2019: New Bounty Campaign Launched

March 15, 2019 - April 30, 2019: the launch of major sales of ICO.

May 1, 2019: register with OREO on 3 main exchanges (Latoken, IDCM and CoinTiger)

May 15, 2019: distribution of gift tokens to old and new campaign

July 1, 2019: additional list of cryptoexchange

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Author: abeexy

Bitcointalk link:;u=2247475

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