Good morning Dominion... You ready to get your ass handed to you?

Good morning Dominion... You ready to get your ass handed to you?



We have quite a bit to work with overnight...

No honor amongst thieves...

You have something to say I suggest you say it now. You will be exposed and we will hunt every last one...

Care to explain why you are blacklisted and show up on the Threat Intel sites 75+ times 🤷🏽‍♂️

Ahhhhh, that explains it...

Makes me feel so much better you are all over the Dark Web...

That’s cool can you make sure that Cloudfare only blocks the transmission of @realDonaldTrump votes? K thanks

Making more and more sense...

Honeypot for who though?

Hi 🙋🏽‍♂️

That’s cool because those httpd’s are secure right?

I have captured quite a bit the last couple of days. Shoot me what you got and I will do the same 🙌🏽

Porn sites like this one 😅

Wow these people are comp’d af...

I haven’t really even dug in yet but it is a joke how bad it is...


Occasional travel “both” domestic...


What a tangled web we weave...


Let’s look at the election security laws/guidance by state...

GA blaming the “glitch” on a software update is their biggest mistake as the machines are not supposed to be connected...

We know they are and they admitted it...

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