Good Swallow Sperm

Good Swallow Sperm


Good Swallow Sperm

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Ah milk. The Dairy Council spends billions of dollars each year promoting the benefits of this cold, white drink. But have you ever wondered about the benefits of man milk? Yes, you read that correctly, man milk, aka semen. 
As crazy as it sounds, semen has a multitude of benefits stemming from the minerals and nutrients it contains, and those seminal benefits can be passed directly on to you. That’s right; we did the research and now we’re here to present you with the facts.
Perhaps you’ve recently swallowed some baby gravy, or you enjoy drinking that man milk routinely. Regardless, you’re looking to find out if this creamy substance will provide you with anything more than a slightly sour stomach and a faint acidic aftertaste. So let’s take a dive into this sticky subject, and see the benefits that it offers.
The vaginal and rectal linings are very absorbent, so either one is a viable route for soaking up the nutrients in your man’s spunk sauce.
Semen contains quite a few components that have been studied to show anti-depressant qualities. One of these is nerve growth factor . Its primary responsibility in semen is to help relax the female so that the sperm can achieve its reproductive objective. It’s also been shown to be a vital hormone missing in the brains of those who suffer from Major Depressive Disorder. This means that increasing nerve growth factor would only prove to make people happier. Additionally, nerve growth factor has been found to be an anti-inflammatory as well as an antioxidant.
Semen contains mood-enhancing compounds like oxytocin , progesterone , estrone, serotonin, and melatonin . Oxytocin is also known as the “cuddle hormone” because, when released, it makes people feel more affectionate and connected. Progesterone has been shown to have anti-anxiety characteristics. Estrone piggybacks on serotonin to help enhance moods, and melatonin helps relaxation occur.
A study backed by the SUNY institute found that female college students who received baby batter on a regular basis were happier and less suicidal than those who didn’t. Researchers chalked this up to the mood-enhancing benefits of semen, however, they didn’t take into account any other factors, like a happy home life, being successful in school, or, I don’t know, getting raw D on the reg. Sounds like a pretty good place to be in life, and it sounds a little irresponsible to claim that the happiness of these women was directly dependent upon getting 20 ccs of white gold injected into them without taking any other factors into account. But what do I know? I’m no scientist. I’m just a chick writing a blog post about the benefits of man mayo.
The amount of Google searches for “eating cum” is astounding: a little under 10,000 for the past month, to be exact. In fact, this may have been the route you were thinking of when you initially clicked on this blog post. Lucky for you, we’ve got what you were looking for. Swallowing semen is the quickest way to get all of the benefits of your man’s baby juice, and think, he might even enjoy it too. Yes, it is healthy to eat sperm.
We know this might be hard to swallow, but yes, semen can make you live longer. Spermidine (originally isolated from sperm, hence the name), when ingested, has been proven to dramatically increase the lifespan of animals by as much as 25 percent. In the same study , it was also found to prevent liver disease as well as liver cancer.
Nerve growth factor does a lot for the body. In addition to being an antidepressant, an anti-inflammatory, and an antioxidant, it’s also known to help stop the brain from aging. Nerve growth factor, which is very abundant in semen, is vital for maintaining the brain’s neurons. Neurons process and transmit information; they’re what make your brain work. Survival of these neurons is essential for you to have a working brain! Who knew that giving brain could affect your brain in such a positive way?
Have you recently taken a vitamin deficiency test (maybe on ), and found that you were lacking in a few vital nutrients? Well get a spoon and ask your man for a plate of some nut butter, because semen is chock full of zinc , potassium , magnesium , calcium , and citrate . The nutrients get absorbed in your body like a less expensive vitamin shot (see ya later, Jamba Juice).
This might come as a surprise to you, but semen not only benefits the inside of your body but the outside as well. That’s right, with the amounts of zinc , vitamin c , and spermidine in your dude’s jizz, you could open up your own skincare line (this statement has not been evaluated by the FDA).
Looking for an alternative, all-natural teeth whitening solution? Forget the charcoal; check out your man’s chubby. Although it’s not the white paste you’re used to putting on your toothbrush, semen has loads of zinc in it, which is a natural teeth whitener. Zinc’s seminal job is to aid the sperm’s survival. But that doesn’t mean that it can’t also aid the survival of your pearly whites.
Have you heard of a keratin treatment? Basically, you pay someone hundreds of dollars to put protein in your hair to make it stronger. Well, did you know that there’s a source of protein that you probably haven’t considered? Semen has over 200 different kinds of protein in it which can give your hair the strength and shine that it so desperately needs.
Semen also contains spermidine , which, when used on human scalps, has been shown to promote shaft elongation (LOL) as well as prolonged hair growth. Even though semen may be the one thing that you’ve actively tried to keep out of your hair, go ahead and consider this DIY hair treatment the next time you want to give your hair some life (get it?).
Spermidine is back, baby! In addition to increasing longevity and aiding in healthy hair, spermidine is an antioxidant and is great for the skin. It’s believed to smooth skin, lessen wrinkles, and even diminish acne. In fact, companies sell spermidine-derived facial cream for upwards of $200! If you’re not looking to spend that money, a money shot would be a cheaper and more natural alternative. 😉
Let’s say you’re a man reading this blog post, and your partner doesn’t have a penis, or your penis-wielding partner isn’t willing to give you a nice, cold glass of man milk, so the only readily available source of semen is your own. You should be able to get some seminal rewards too! Sure, go ahead and smear it on your face and in your hair, but does the thought of drinking your own kool-aid or shooting it up your butt disgust and terrify you in ways that you’ve never felt before? Not to fear! There’s a way for you to utilize your own love juice, and it involves loving yourself.
Injaculation, or “retrograde ejaculation” is the process of releasing your semen inside your own body. When nearing close to an ejaculation, instead of allowing the splooge and all of its benefits land on an ungrateful sock, you release it in retrograde, or back inside of your body. It may sound painful or unnatural, but it’s not. Taoists have practiced injaculating for thousands of years, as well as certain sects of Buddhism, Hinduism, and even ancient Egyptians! So go on, show yourself some love.
Now you know the different ways you can use that baby batter to your benefit, but there are a few things you should keep in mind before diving face-first into a vat of high fructose porn syrup.

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*Remember, you can get STDs from oral sex, anal sex, and getting sex fluids in your eyes !*
And if you’re interested in learning more about the specific components of semen, check out our post on What’s Semen Made of or The Benefits of Sex .

Medically Reviewed by

J. Frank Martin JR., MD

May 5, 2022

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Lauren Crain is a writer, designer, and joke-teller. With an academic background from Texas State University in communication and education, Lauren works tirelessly to find the best way to transform hard-to-grasp concepts into straightforward information. She's been a writer her whole life, but she began writing professionally in 2014. In 2018, she joined the editorial staff because of her passion for communicating information about public health and destigmatizing sexual health. Before becoming a member of the team, Lauren worked as a communication skills teacher, marketing coordinator, and freelance writer and designer. Her work has been featured on Forbes, The Muse, Insider,, Her Campus, and Business News Daily. When she's not researching, writing, or trying to communicate authentically, you can find her sitting outside.

What Science Says About The Benefits & Risks Of Swallowing Semen
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By Kimberly Resnick Anderson — Written on Sep 25, 2021
In my clinical practice, I'm always looking for ways to help women reduce their aversions to certain sexual acts or bodily fluids — like swallowing semen, for example. Of course, it's always helpful to have science on your side when making a case.
Unfortunately, for many of the women I treat, the flames of passion are all too often extinguished. But based on my knowledge of evolutionary sexology, I've come up with a useful clinical intervention — and I see it working every day.
It's based on the theory that seminal plasma (the fluid that provides nutrients and protection for sperm, consisting of a complex range of organic and inorganic constituents) may have many health benefits.
Yes, you read that correctly — swallowing semen is actually healthy for you.
Semen is the thick fluid that comes out of a male's penis when they ejaculate during intercourse or sexual activities. Semen is also referred to as ejaculate.
Many believe semen is the same thing as sperm , but they are actually two separate things. Semen and sperm are kind of like squares and rectangles — sperm is a part of semen, but semen isn't a part of sperm.
In fact, sperm is only one component of semen, which also contains enzymes like fructose and proteolytic. Semen is made up of multiple components, including citric acid, free amino acids, fructose, enzymes, phosphorylcholine, prostaglandin, potassium, zinc, sodium, fat, cholesterol, and traces of vitamin B-12 .
Mostly, yes, the components that make up semen are safe to ingest. When swallowed, semen is digested in the same way food is.
There are some people who are allergic to sperm , a condition called human seminal plasma hypersensitivity (HSP). It's a very rare allergy where individuals are hypersensitive to the proteins found in semen. It affects around 40,000 women in the US.
The alleged health benefits of seminal plasma are believed to be activated when a man deposits semen into a woman's vagina, but research suggests that the same benefits may also be available if it is swallowed (and some theories even suggest that semen deposited anally will offer the same benefits).
Studies have shown that semen elevates your mood and even reduces suicidal thoughts. According to a 2002 study , women who were exposed to semen had a consistently better overall mood and were less susceptible to depression.
According to a 2009 study , semen boasts anti-anxiety hormones like oxytocin, serotonin, and progesterone.
The driving force of anxiety is oxidative stress and semen actually contains several combative antioxidants. Having these antioxidants makes semen a prime warrior against anxiety.
Semen contains melatonin, a sleep-inducing agent.
A 2015 study that looked at the relationship of seminal melatonin concluded, "Semen contains melatonin, the natural hormone your body releases to regulate sleep cycles. This explains why people feel tired after swallowing semen or being exposed to it during intercourse."
Our body's natural reaction is to absorb the nutrients we ingest, so when swallowing semen, it's like taking a melatonin pill for the night. The same goes for your vaginal lining, which also absorbs semen.
And it's even been shown to improve cardio health.
A 2016 study found that "high levels of dietary spermidine [which is found in semen], as assessed from food questionnaires, correlated with reduced blood pressure and a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease."
Preeclampsia is a condition that causes dangerously high blood pressure during pregnancy. A 2000 study suggested that "swallowing sperm is correlated with a diminished occurrence of preeclampsia."
The study looked at an isolated peptide called HLA, which has the ability to transfer tolerance. Soluble HLAHLA antigens that are present in the seminal plasma can cause tolerance in the mother to paternal antigens that cause preeclampsia during pregnancy.
Based on a 2019 study , the findings are clear: semen actually improves your memory.
In the study, researchers looked at a seminal peptide that affected the female memory and demonstrated that this "sex peptide enhances memory by acting on a single pair of serotonergic brain neurons"
Their result was that semen had a strong effect on the female brain. However, this was just done on fruit flies, so more research is needed to to further verify if it also works on other organisms.
Findings of additional studies "suggest that semen-exposed women perform better on concentration and cognitive tasks."
A 2009 study showed that semen may slow down the aging process of your skin and muscles. Semen contains a healthy portion of zinc, which is an antioxidant — and some have even tried semen facials , though word is still out on whether or not that actually works (more on that below).
Impressed? You should be! Nature knows what she's doing!
Some of the helpful chemicals in seminal plasma include testosterone, estrogen, prolactin, opioid peptides, oxytocin, serotonin, melatonin, and norepinephrine. Just think, you can get a dose of all that without having to go to the vitamin store!
Psychologist Gordon Gallup said that the best thing to cure morning sickness is ingesting the semen of the same person who got you pregnant. He explains that "the more often the woman is inseminated prior to conception and during the early stages of the pregnancy, the more tolerance her body develops to his genetic material."
This results in the woman's development of a successful immunosuppressant, which inherently stops stomach problems, making her vomit on command.
When I tell women with arousal disorders they can reap all of the above-mentioned health benefits, it often enables them to be more receptive to sex.
Suddenly, their willingness to "swallow" increases if they think it might help them sleep better or reduce their pain. They can tolerate intercourse if they believe it may help with depression. Plus, if you're willing to give it a try, there are ways to make semen taste better so you might even enjoy doing so.
Though much of the research in this area is preliminary and needs to be replicated, more empirical research will support these initial findings. Of course, nothing is perfect, and there are some health risks that come with swallowing semen.
Nothing horrific actually happens when you swallow semen — it's comprised mostly of water , after all, and is digested the same way your food and drinks are. However, there are some safety risks to be aware of.
If you're swallowing semen, you're likely not using a condom. And, like most other sex acts performed without a condom, contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is always a probability.
According to Planned Parenthood , having semen in your mouth puts you at risk of bacterial infections such as gonorrhea and chlamydia.
If you've ever felt sick after swallowing semen, it could be because you have a semen allergy.
Known as seminal plasma hypersensitivity, semen allergies affect roughly 40,000 women and may cause symptoms such as pain, itching, redness, swelling, hives, and difficulty breathing. Some women have also reported feeling nauseous after swallowing semen.
Many have suggested that applying semen topically gives glowing skin, helps treat acne, and prevents aging. However, there's no research to suggest that any of this is true.
Many YouTubers and celebrities have raved about the semen facials that supposedly give them naturally glowing, smooth, non-wrinkly skin. However, experts say this isn't true because there isn't a high enough dose of proteins.
Dermatologists also say that semen treating acne is just an urban myth. This remedy is usually found on acne forums, but there is no evidence to support semen having any acne-combating properties.
Again, dermatologists say there isn't a high enough dosage in semen to effectively do this to your skin and can give allergic relations or even STIs. Dermatologists still recommend serums containing a high concentration of vitamin C and retinoids for anti-aging effects.
Kimberly Resnick Anderson, LCSW , is an AASECT-certified sex therapist with more than 20 years of experience evaluating and treating sexual concerns, as well as a clinical instructor of Psychiatry at UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine, and an associate professor of psychiatry at Northeast Ohio Medical University.
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Women always swallow men’s semen as a sign of accepting him. [Photo/]

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