Good Spanking Stories

Good Spanking Stories


Good Spanking Stories
A lazy girlfriend asks her boyfriend to cane her after failing to take out their trash
A girlfriend clears her conscience bent over her boyfriend's desk before a girls' night out
A disobedient girlfriend bends over her boyfriends knee for the first time

Part 6 of Amy, Christina and Bianca

A girl accepts her boyfriend's belting for deliberate disobedience
A lazy girl finishes a job application bent over her boyfriend's knee

m/f gym shoe over the knee spanking

A young wife repeats her vows under her husband's cane

m/f cane over a table white panties

A girl is caned on her first date for poor etiquette during dinner

Part 1 of Amy, Christina and Bianca

Late on duty, a superyacht stewardess is bent over the chart table for the wooden ruler
A young wife gets a bedtime spanking for bad manners
When her spanking doesn't hurt enough, a dutiful girl asks for the cane
After reading a hidden book, a marketing executive gets hooked on spanking
Discovering a cane in a hotel, a horny girlfriend takes it home to her boyfriend
Itching for it, a willing girlfriend solicits a tough caning from her boyfriend
A girlfriend is grateful when her boyfriend imposes monthly punishment
A brave girlfriend faces strict cane strokes after lying

Part 7 of Amy, Christina and Bianca

A superyacht stewardess is held to account for uniform imperfections
Bad driving manners lands an obedient girl over the hood of her car for a week of caning
A girl is belted on a first date for brattish behavior
A young wife is strapped for her snappish attitude before dinner with her parents
A fashion buyer is punished on her first date for arriving late
A personal assistant comes during her strict office caning
A personal assistant visits her strict disciplinarian and tells her boyfriend
A well-dressed girlfriend visits her disciplinarian after her behavior crosses the line

f/f spanking discipline cane panties

Years after her schoolgirl crime, a principled human rights lawyer get the caning she deserves
A lawyer visits her disciplinarian after masturbating about her girlfriends' punishments
A smart girl is caned over her boyfriend's desk for lying

m/f cane over the desk lace lingerie

A once obedient girl is caned by her best friend's boyfriend for speeding
Two best friends share an unexpected sleepover and their paddled and caned bottoms
Giving unqualified advice about paddling earns a girl four sound swats on her jeans

Part 2 of Amy, Christina and Bianca

A spanked superyacht stewardess confesses further misbehavior
A college girl gets caned and strapped for lying to her parents and her future boss

f/f spanking discipline cane lawyer

An obedient girlfriend bends over the kitchen table for her first ever caning
A girlfriend hosts a successful business dinner after her irritated boyfriend straps her

m/f spanking discipline paddle strap

Three best friends masturbate after sharing their worst punishments
Changing her jeans, a girl exposes her caned bottom to a curious friend
Her date's stern tone makes a discipline-hungry girl horny

Part 4 of Amy, Christina and Bianca

On a private beach, an embarrassed superyacht stewardess reveals her caned bottom to a guest
Blaming her obvious mistake on her boyfriend, a girlfriend must negotiate a hard spanking
A personal trainer is ordered to wear white panties by her new boyfriend
Questioning her strapping, a girlfriend feels the punishment belt on her wet, bare bottom

Part 3 of Amy, Christina and Bianca

A superyacht stewardess is caned in formal uniform for gross misconduct

Part 5 of Amy, Christina and Bianca

Desperate for discipline a uniformed superyacht stewardess wears non-regulation panties
A willful girl receives a sound hand strapping from her older sister
Overstepping, an experienced personal assistant feels the power of her riding crop
Disrespect leads a personal assistant to request six extra strokes of the cane
Backseat driving forces an over-confident girl to touch her toes for the cane
A girl-next-door is caned for dangerous driving and a wanton lie
A gutsy girlfriend asks for the cane before a work party to prove her obedience
Each regretting meaningless sex, two Swiss finishing school girls whip each other
Two disobedient customer service girls take the gym shoe to keep their jobs
Indiscretion leads two career girls to bed over the same dining table for the cane
An insensitive girl gets caned for bad manners after dinner with friends
A generous girl asks her boyfriend to cane her friend
During a hotel breakfast, a disciplined girl shares her embarrassment with a surprise new friend
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kelyannsmith kelyannsmith 2005 - 11 - 18 14:25:00
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most people that i used to watch on lj are gone
The most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me when I was in school, was the day my teacher, Mrs. Rider, paddled me. I was 14 years old and…
loved it enough to share its been a long time, posting anything and i finally had a chance to chatch up on reading and i found this one from 2005 and…

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I’ll always remember the last spanking I got while living at home – it was exactly three days before I left home for college!
A couple of weeks earlier, my mom had told me to go through my closet and box up all the old clothes I wasn’t taking with me. She reminded me about this several times over a couple of weeks but I kept putting it off.
Three days before I was leaving, Mom said she wanted the task done by the time she got home from work that day. I started sorting my clothes as requested – but then a friend called and asked me if I wanted to go to the pool. No prizes for guessing what I chose.
Mom was already home by the time I got back, and she was not happy at all. To cut long story short, we got into a huge argument, I smarted off and told her to get off my back. Then I stormed off to my room.
As I was changing out of my wet swim clothes, Mom came in with the family paddle in her hand. I started arguing again, but Mom said I was acting like a child and needed a spanking.
I suppose I could have resisted more, but in the end I thought it best to just bend over and take my licks. Mom usually didn’t spank me naked but since I was already undressed, she did.
I think she knew that this would be the last time she spanked me, so she put a little extra oomph into every spank and gave me significantly more swats than she usually did during my childhood.
In fact, she walloped me so well, I actually cried – something I never usually did during a spanking, even when I was a little boy.
All Maman stories are copyright, unauthorised reproduction may lead to legal action.
Maman is an adult website containing recollections of corporal punishment experienced during the contributors' childhoods. By proceeding, you are asserting that you are over the age of majority for the country in which you reside, and you further agree to the use of cookies on this website. Note that although this website contains only legal content, Maman is nevertheless a fetish site and should be considered Not Safe For Work (NSFW). Maman does not advocate corporal punishment for today's children. If you are a minor or likely to be upset by the subject matter, please do not proceed any further. 

This is the first of several stories about spankings I received growing
up that were not administered by my parents or teachers.

When I was 12 years old I started a yard service where I cut the grass
for several of my neighbors each week and made extra spending money.
One of my customers was a widowed lady, in her thirties, who taught
at our neighborhood high school.

One week I messed up one of her
flower beds and when I asked to be paid, she asked me about the damage
to the flower bed and I made a smart remark about wanting my money and
didn’t care about her flowers. At this point she told me to come into
the house while she got my payment.

A few minutes later she returned
carrying a large wooden hairbrush, and she told me that the only
I was going to receive was a good old fashioned bare bottom spanking.
She grabbed my hand and, told me that nobody talked to her that way and
that I needed to learn some manners, across her knee. She then picked
up the wooden hairbrush and told me to lower my pants and bend over her
knee to get the spanking I deserved. I argued with her and as a
when I finally ended up over her knee, my pants were at half mast and
she pulled down my underpants and used the big hairbrush on my bare

The first spanking consisted of about 50 hard swats
carefully so that not an inch of my bare behind was left unattended to
and that turned my bottom bright red and had me crying and begging for
her to stop. When she was finished paddling my backside she made me
remove my pants and underpants and stand in a corner where she could
my red and obviously sore behind and everything else.

I spent two
hours in her house that afternoon with my pants and underpants off, and
I received two additional spankings, each one as hard as the first.
I continued to cut this ladies yard every week for the rest of that
summer and for years to come, and found other jobs to do for her during
the winter until I left for college when I turned 18. After each job
when I received my pay, she always found a reason to give me a spanking
with her hair brush, and I looked forward to having my pants removed
my bare bottom spanked more than the money I received for the jobs I

I got this neighbor as my teacher for my Sophomore Algebra class, and
went to her house twice a week for extra tutoring after school. These
math tutoring sessions usually lasted for at least 1 ½ to 2 hours and
always started and ended with a bare bottom spanking, with additional
swats delivered to my bare behind if I missed a question or didn’t work
hard enough. I learned a lot about algebra that semester, with my
pants off, my bare behind red and either at or over her knee. I got
such good grades in Algebra that my parents paid her to provide
sessions once a week for the other math classes I took during my Junior
and Senior year. Little did they suspect that in addition to helping
me in my math, they were giving me the opportunity to receive an extra
spanking(s) from this lady each week. My math grades improved
and they gave most of the credit to this teacher, when it should have
been given to the hairbrush and the impression it made on my behind.

During my four years of college, whenever I was home from school, 60
miles away, visiting my parents, I always visited this teacher to talk
about how college was going and to get a spanking, which she was always
more than ready to give me. I enjoyed these sessions so much that I
came home at least 3 weekends a month to visit my parents, even if just
for a Sunday afternoon. The spankings she gave me during college
varied, I always was told to remove my pants while she got the
hairbrush, then she turned me over her knee, pulled my underpants down
and off then she proceeded to give me 100 hard and very carefully
smacks with the back of that large wooden hairbrush that ensured my
entire behind was bright red and very sore, she didn’t leave an inch of
my bare bottom that had not felt the hairbrush. Afterwards I was
to stand in a corner with my sore red b
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