Gomi Stasia

Gomi Stasia


Gomi Stasia
Stasia loses 55 lbs since surgery. GOMI could have done it better.
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spicy cavewoman WASP (Wealthy Anglo Saxon Person)
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http://m.imgur.com/UcSka09 By all accounts it looks like Stasia's WLS has been successful. However, the ladies at GOMI know that the only way show weight loss post surgery is scale pics. Oh, and 5lbs a week is not a good rate. And she didn't actually lose anything, she's just posting because GOMI has been making fun of her. And she's not really going to the doctor because she didn't start a go fund me. Eyeroll
I hope she stays well, loses the weight she wants to, stays off the public Internet, and stops grifting.
Didn't she have like the most conservative surgery?
I want you to lose fiddy pounds in the next munt.
[anyone who watches the show will understand this]
Good for Stasia. I don't know if she's really a grifter as GOMI makes her out to be, I don't know much about her. I swear, GOMI just wants to watch everything burn.
She is. She totally is. Her rants on gofundme about haterz and trolls are pretty awful. But at the end of the day she's...improving? I don't know. She's gone private (or tried to) she's focusing on herself, she's working and making money, and I can think of a good ten bloggers who are more obnoxious than her right now, yet she stays on that hate radar because ?????reasons.
I think she was completely surprised by being internet popular for the first time in her life, and decided to ride that wave of money as far as it would go, but she's hardly a grifting mastermind. Mostly GOMI-ing is the best thing that could have happened to her.
She is the griftiest grifter to ever grift. Don't doubt that.
lol she is. That's one thing gomi isn't wrong about. However, she seems so much happier and healthier now. And 55 pounds is great. She's pretty tall too.

Stasia Cooks Dinner For Friends. GOMI Loses It's GD Mind.
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spicy cavewoman WASP (Wealthy Anglo Saxon Person)
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In my normal trying to keep up with Stasia, I have to rely on GOMI as Stasia has locked down everything. So, in what has to be the least unsurprising news ever, GOMI hit a new low today in the Stasia thread.
Stasia had friends over for taco night this weekend. Pic of what Stasia served: https://imgur.com/a/20kNK
Sound wonderful, right? I'm guessing it was a thank you dinner for those who have helped her during her surgery or maybe a simple meal with freinds. Oh no, not in GOMI land. In a mere page or two of responses:
Stasia's food is "fucking disgusting"
Alice calls the pic a "food mountain"
A poster doesn't recall Stasia cooking for friends previously, so Stasia is "seriously disordered"
Stasia did not cook for friends as she has no friends, so she went through the trouble of making a meal so she could appear to have friends
Stasia's friends are definitely figments of her imagination as she did not tag anyone to prove they exist
Stasia cooked all this food just to lick it and throw it away
Stasia's been diagnosed with who knows what, but it's in the DSM-5
Stasia cooking dinner for friends = expected trainwreck has arrived
This level of minutiae over what a blogger served for dinner, to me, is a great demonstration of what a POS site GOMI is now. I can't imagine any blogger taking what is written about them seriously. The snark is so inane it's simply laughable.
Link to dinner pic in case you missed it above: https://imgur.com/a/20kNK
She's probably cooking for people who represent a cold market for all her MLM schemes.
They say 'food obsessed' like it's a bad thing.
I still think she's obnoxious. And maybe it's reaching, but I think she's lazy. Able bodied adults, who choose not to work to make their own living, yet whine about how they waaaaant it and expect others to fund their lifestyle and other non-essentials aren't my cup of tea.
Hey guys...I didn't say I agreed with GOMI on their conversation or these specific comments. But, I still maintain that Stasia doesn't do it for me at all. In fact, I think her behaviour is atrocious. No matter what someone else picks on, Stasia is a scam artist who doesn't make it easy for anyone to defend her. Sorry.
I think everyone here would agree with you. But to go fanfictioning about how someone cooks just to lick the food has no place in decent, human conversation.
Sure, but what does that have to do with her making fajita bowls for her friends? There are plenty of things to snark on Stasia for (namely the grifting), but instead of talking about that, GOMIers do the kind of bullshit the OP is calling out.
GOMI is way over the top on Stasia, but I will say that everything she cooks looks completely repulsive. It's impressive how she manages to make otherwise good food look really awful.
I can't ever decide if that's because of the food, or because she's just a shitty photographer. I stopped taking pictures of my food, because it always manages to look like a plate of vomit. GFG has this exact same problem.
The idea that she's food obsessed just kills me. What does that even mean? She can't mention food ever again? She's supposed to subsist on air and skinny thoughts? If she even so much as mentions the food she has to eat now or the portion sizes they started losing their wigs screaming she's food obsessed.
I also love they think her job is fake. Um, okay. She worked out at that YMCA for months and is friends with some of the people there. I don't see how it's surprising that simple networking landed her a job.
These people need to go outside for a bit.
I don't like stasia because crowd funding elective surgery just isn't my cup of tea, but holy crap...the reaching. GOMi hates anyone who loses weight, they call Gracie disgusting and old lookin...hello, she had WLS. of course she's going to look weird in the face.
They also make fun of anyone who tries to lose weight and fails.

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I only knew of Stasia from what was posted here from GOMI. Unfortunately, I've been going to GOMI to see how she is doing, but man, trying to read between the lines of hate is ridiculous.
From what I see, she is posting where you can only see if you are subscribed to her. Why any of her posts make it to GOMI is beyond me as isn't that a violation of ... cough ... the point of GOMI and its ... cough ... rules?
Alice, in particular, really hates on this woman.
It seems Stasia is casually dating someone. Good for her. Here's what Alice had to say about it:
I don't believe for one second that this grift hog has a boyfriend. Especially not one of several months. Maybe some fat fetish booty call she's trying to massage into a relationship, but that will end when she finally gets tired of waiting for a commitment and starts sending him links to engagement rings or doing the 'my lease is almost up' hint bombing.
And yeah, still wondering how she went from 'I'm being evicted' to suddenly having $5k for an elective surgery.
I couldn't image how I would feel if I stumbled across the rantings of this alcoholic lunatic.
Does anyone know if Stasia has any open social media?
The thread over there this morning is just out of this world. I simply don't see the 'grift hog' others see. Stasia is nutty, but if people want to give her money? So what? It's not a stick up. She's working and losing weight. I'm not sure what else she's supposed to do. My theory on why Alice hates her so much is that she seems to hate people who endure the GOMI destruction. While Stasia is still mostly cringey to watch, she's working, got her surgery, and still has people who like her. Whereas Alice might feel she is entitled to more upward trajectory? Idk, only thing I can come up with. But goodness, let Stasia live and make her own mistakes. She's really not hurting anyone.
I really hope that upward trajectory for Stasia continues. She has a job and she got her surgery; those are two big steps in the right direction. They also create an external locus of control (so to speak) where a very immature person has some positive boundaries and structure (can't binge, has to interact with others and not just getting praise on a screen).
But you can't say that on GOMI. On GOMI, if you have any opinion on Stasia other than calling her a fat pig, who will never, ever be a married woman, the hams drum you out of the thread. (edit for double post)
I hate GOMIs take on this one. "How dare she have a new job and be fat and mentally ill?" Give the girl a chance to enjoy her life!
Honestly, to me she seems like a generally nice person with a few weird quirks. She never promised anything from the GFM other than taking care of her needs and getting surgery for herself, which she did, so what is everyone complaining about? Anyone who gave her was not expecting anything for themselves, and Stasia is not a registered charity or beholden to them in any way.
As far as her MLM participation, she is WAY less aggressive and annoying than many of my personal friends who have online Tupperware parties or sell epicure or Norwex or other dumb shit, and why shouldn't she showcase the products on her own social media accounts? That's the whole point of MLMs.
I don't think asking people for money while being honest about the purpose of said money counts as "grift". GFG legit scammed people. Stasia is just bad with money but good with being personable.
I don't recommend doing this, but if you read from the start of her GOMI thread, Stasia's obvious lies and bratty, reactive behavior are pointed out from page one. Every post she makes (and granted, I need to stop reading her GOMI thread) shows how entitled she feels she is to her readers' ("fans'") money. She is constantly in that "beg/brag" cycle and she knows exactly what she is doing. Her multiple, and ever-changing, Go Fund Me campaigns, and full-throated pleas for protein powders and paypal, reveal someone who is running a low level field experiment to test exactly what makes her subjects press the DONATE NOW button. (I mean, it works, so in some ways I cannot blame her.)
Anyone who gave to her is a complete idiot and deserves what they get. Anyone who seriously listens to her pleas for "more free clothes" is really dumb, if soft-hearted.
But this woman is not a nice person.
Anyway, none of this excuses the ghoulish excitement over her health issues in that GOMI thread.
I bet it really chaps Alice's ass that a "grifthog" like Stasia has managed to have a series of (albeit failed) relationships while she remains painfully single and bitter?
The cognitive dissonance from PP in that thread is so intense. I don't understand how she doesn't see the irony in her criticisms of Stasia, when so many of them apply to her as well:
begging for money and then not using it for its stated purpose
Maybe PP hates Stasia so much because she sees herself in her.
Alice has an insane amount of self-hatred and I think she tries to deflect a lot of it onto other women just as a way to cope. I really think she'd be suicidal if she didn't have GOMI as an outlet.
She has a private Facebook, but it is open to tens of thousands of people she's never met because she wants to sell them stuff/get donations from them. I'm honestly surprised there's only one mole.
No open social media and I don't blame her. But it's okay because a crazypants will screen shot every post Stasia makes and freak out over all of them. Haven't you heard? She's FOOD OBSESSED. Apparently the surgery was supposed to make her blind to all food and not miss food at all and that clearly didn't work because she still mentions food which means she's going to blow out her stomach. drool emoji
And everything that you and u/a_sheila say shows me that I need to stop reading her thread. It's vile. I don't like Stasia but there's a limit.
I know. The comments there are so horrible. Nothing justifies what they say about her.
She has no open social media, but don't worry the completely unhinged "Stayshalines mom has got it going on" posts far more than you'll ever want to see/know about her on gomi. Complete with longwinded critiques on every aspect of Stasia's life.
the gold is she will post a screen shot with the commentary like "OMG STASIA! NO ONE F-CKING WANTS TO SEE THAT?! WHY WOULD YOU POST THAT?!!?" it's like... do.you.see.the.irony?????
CouncilorBirdy was banned pointing that out to her lol
Oh man, the amount of time she spends stalking Stasia's Facebook posts is scary. She must have alerts set or something, because only minutes go by before she's posted a screen cap of her of her updates.
Also shocking that screen caps containing Stasias phone numbers and emails are allowed to remain - how does that not violate GOMIs posting policy?!
Right? Unhinged is a great description.

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spicy cavewoman WASP (Wealthy Anglo Saxon Person)
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Isn't she getting free/discounted wait loss surgery because she was going to talk about it on social media? Guess that's not happening.
This morning I saw they were claiming IG removed her account. I couldn't keep up with that thread all day to figure out how they knew that for sure.. anyone know?
I wondered if maybe one of the marines reported it?
Someone posted a screenshot of an Instagram notice that said something like "Stasia2point0 account has been removed for violating our community guidelines". Like I said before, it seems fishy to me that Instagram would think that Stasia's account broke any rules.
Will her fangirls actually follow her to YouTube? She is awful on video. The videos in which she cries or sings (so, all of them) are unwatchable.
Someone actually ended up getting her removed from Instagram entirely, GOMI has a screenshot of someone's notification that she was removed for violating community guidelines.
Honestly, she deserves all of this backlash and to her her Instagram canned. She is a scammer, and a truly lazy woman who refuses to take any blame for her actions.
That said, I hope she truly stays away and gets some real therapy, especially before her surgery.
I didn't see the actual screen shot saying she was removed for violating community guidelines. Do you think it was deleted?
Copied this from her Facebook comments because I still can't figure out how to post a screenshot here. I don't even know where to begin. I guess I'm just "being sensitive" because I'm a veteran who has watched other vets kill themselves slowly, drink by drink, while people like Stasia and Angela here LOL about our poor coping skills. War is fucking hilarious, am I right?
Angela Scott: I really think people were just being sensitive to the fact that they were Marines and there is a big issue with alcoholism used as a coping mechanism for depression/PTSD in the military. Had you not revealed that part I don't think people would have been as upset. If it was some random college kid from a frat party I bet nobody would have even cared lol
Stasia Bowen: Agreed completely!! And I didn't think about that part at all.
Wow. First of all, so sorry that people might be sensitive over the people in our armed forces. Second, that would be a gross, immature, attention-whoring thing to do, no matter the subject of the photo. There are so many ways she could have told a funny story about a horrible night as an Uber driver that began with barf and ended up with some guy falling at her feet and giving her money. She chose the one that would get her a shit ton of attention, especially negative attention, which she loves. (I get a strong sense that she knew this was wrong, because she went out of her way, in the original instagram comment, to say that "no faces are shown so it's ok to show". To me, that says, I KNOW THIS IS WRONG AND PRETTY CREEPY BUT I WANT TO DO IT ANYWAY SO LET ME TRY TO EXPLAIN.)
I think what Stasia did (posting a picture of someone who didn't consent and making a nasty comment about the caliber of people in the military) was pretty crappy.
I also think it would have been possible to criticize her actions without resorting to calling her "flesh mountain."
And yes, someone has taken that as a username.
It's GOMI's twist on Michelle Obama's advice: when bloggers/instagrammers go low, they go lower. I think it's totally fair to call out her post but the fat shaming they tag onto it is absolutely disgusting. It makes it hard to give any credit for the valid points.
When I saw the comments about her Uber fare I wondered if Uber could cut off her driving privileges? That can't be good for them as a company.
Also, can't you refuse a fare? I'm sure if she declined the pickup and said the man/kid was sick and she didn't want a car full of barf or to care for dangerously intoxicated individuals she would have been well within her rights?
I reported her to Uber. Sorry, taking ANY pics of passengers is fucked up.
Man she is a pretty girl I wish I could fix her makeup though.
I can never take anyone seriously when they have gravity-defying eyebrows.
Good thing RESPECT was able to use some of her precious data to weigh in on this subject πŸ™„
I do think it will help Stasia to be off the internet, the internet was definitely her downfall and she needs to stand on her own two feet and support herself at this point.
I don't believe she is capable of GOMI-ing. She will be posting her life in some way or another in instagram or somewhere else
This is really interesting, as I'm sure that GOMI was full of a bunch of cyber bullies, but from what I know of her, her actions actually are questionable. The thing GOMI doesn't realize is that they have made her the victim, so now all she has to do is point their way and people will forget what she's done wrong.
Someone on GOMI (Kip Dynamite, I think) made a point I really agree with: actually getting TFO the internet will improve her life substantially, but she's unlikely to do it because people give her money. My own belief is that GOMI is the best thing to ever happen to her paypal account; I don't see her giving up now.
Right? What is it? I think she's sort of pretty but I can't figure out the texture. It's like silly putty

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