



Světlíky, izolace budov, sendvičové panely, ocelové konstrukce

Krásnostudenecká 1545/32, 405 02 Děčín 6

Krásnostudenecká 1545/32, 405 02 Děčín 6

Střešní světlíky a prosvětlovací systémy

Hydroizolace a zateplení plochých střech

Střešní a stěnové sendvičové panely s PUR, PIR a minerální vlnou

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Jsme odborníky na prosvětlovací systémy, hydroizolaci a zateplení, sendvičové panely a ocelové konstrukce.

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GOLSS - světlíky
Krásnostudenecká 1545/32
Děčín 6, 405 02
+420 412 519 886
+420 412 519 887
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IČ: 25041291
DIČ: CZ25041291

© 1998 – 2016 Golss s.r.o. – světlíky, izolace budov, sendvičové panely, ocelové konstrukce
V oblasti prosvětlovacích systémů vyhovíme všem požadavkům našeho zákazníka. K nejdůležitějším funkcím, které světlíky poskytují, patří osvětlení, odvětrávání a funkce tepelně-izolační .
Ruku v ruce zde kráčí nejnovější technologie s dlouholetou zkušeností , díky nimž provádíme 100 % izolaci a zateplení jinak problematických plochých střech.
Střešní a stěnové sendvičové panely s PUR, PIR a minerální vlnou jsou ideálním materiálem pro projekty komerčních a průmyslových staveb, obchodních středisek, sportovních hal a zemědělských objektů.
Na přání svých zákazníků vyrábíme, dodáváme a montujeme různé typy ocelových konstrukcí a všeho, co s tím souvisí.
Prosvětlovací systémy
V oblasti prosvětlovacích systémů vyhovíme všem požadavkům našeho zákazníka.

K nejdůležitějším funkcím, které světlíky poskytují, patří osvětlení, odvětrávání a funkce tepelně-izolační. …
Nejnovější technologie s dlouholetou zkušeností
Hydroizolace, zateplení a prosvětlovací systémy (světlíky, prosklené stěny a další) jsou tím nejlepším řešením při generálních opravách plochých střech a realizaci nových …
Střešní a stěnové sendvičové panely s PUR, PIR a minerální …
Různé typy ocelových konstrukcíNa přání svých zákazníků …
Vynikající ochrana proti dešti, sněhu a slunci Odolné vůči …
Sklenářství Děčín – různé druhy zasklívání a …
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K našim největším prioritám však patří schopnost komplexního řešení Vaší zakázky od podlahy až po střechu.

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1. A surface shininess or luster.
2. A kind of paint that dries to a shiny finish.
3. A cosmetic that adds shine or luster, such as lip gloss.
4. A superficially or deceptively attractive appearance or good reputation: The firm lost some of its gloss when its investments performed poorly.
1. To give a bright sheen or luster to.
2. To apply a gloss to: glossed her lips.
To make attractive or acceptable by deception or superficial treatment: a résumé that glossed over the applicant's lack of experience.
[ Perhaps of Scandinavian origin ; akin to Icelandic glossi , a spark ; see ghel- in Indo-European roots .]
a. A brief explanatory note or translation of a difficult or technical expression usually inserted in the margin or between lines of a text or manuscript.
b. A collection of such notes; a glossary.
2. An extensive commentary, often accompanying a text or publication.
3. A purposefully misleading interpretation or explanation.
1. To provide (an expression or a text) with a gloss or glosses.
2. To give a false interpretation to.
[Middle English glose , from Old French, from Medieval Latin glōsa , from Latin glōssa , foreign word requiring explanation , from Greek, tongue, language .]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
a. lustre or sheen, as of a smooth surface
b. ( as modifier ): gloss paint .
2. a superficially attractive appearance
4. (Clothing & Fashion) a cosmetic preparation applied to the skin to give it a faint sheen: lip gloss .
to give a gloss to or obtain a gloss
[C16: probably of Scandinavian origin; compare Icelandic glossi flame, Middle High German glosen to glow]
1. (Library Science & Bibliography) a short or expanded explanation or interpretation of a word, expression, or foreign phrase in the margin or text of a manuscript, etc
2. an intentionally misleading explanation or interpretation
3. (Library Science & Bibliography) short for glossary
(Library Science & Bibliography) to add glosses to
[C16: from Latin glōssa unusual word requiring explanatory note, from Ionic Greek]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
1. a superficial luster or shine; glaze: the gloss of satin.
2. a deceptively good appearance.
3. a cosmetic that adds sheen or luster, esp. lip gloss .
5. gloss over, to give a deceptively good appearance to; mask: to gloss over someone's foibles.
[1530–40; probably akin to Dutch gloos glowing, Middle High German glosen to glow, shine, dial. Swedish glysa to shine]
1. an explanation or translation, by means of a marginal or interlinear note.
3. an artfully misleading interpretation.
4. to insert glosses on; annotate.
5. to give a misleading interpretation of; explain away (often fol. by over or away ): to gloss over a difficult text.
[1250–1300; (n.) Middle English glose (< Old French) < Medieval Latin glōsa, glōza < Greek glôssa word requiring explanation, literally, language, tongue; (v.) Middle English glosen < Medieval Latin glōssāre, derivative of glōsa]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:
explanation , account - a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc.; "the explanation was very simple"; "I expected a brief account"
wordbook - a reference book containing words (usually with their meanings)
smoothness - a texture without roughness; smooth to the touch; "admiring the slim smoothness of her thighs"; "some artists prefer the smoothness of a board"
radiancy , refulgence , refulgency , shine , effulgence , radiance - the quality of being bright and sending out rays of light
French polish - the glaze produced by repeated applications of French polish shellac
glaze - a glossy finish on a fabric
appearance , visual aspect - outward or visible aspect of a person or thing
color of law , colour of law - a mere semblance of legal right; something done with the apparent authority of law but actually in contravention of law; "the plaintiff claimed that under color of law the officer had deprived him of his civil rights"
simulacrum - an insubstantial or vague semblance
face value - the apparent worth as opposed to the real worth
guise , pretence , pretext , pretense - an artful or simulated semblance; "under the guise of friendship he betrayed them"
camouflage , disguise - an outward semblance that misrepresents the true nature of something; "the theatrical notion of disguise is always associated with catastrophe in his stories"
verisimilitude - the appearance of truth; the quality of seeming to be true
polish , smooth , smoothen , shine - make (a surface) shine; "shine the silver, please"; "polish my shoes"
hush up , sleek over , whitewash , gloss over - cover up a misdemeanor, fault, or error; "Let's not whitewash the crimes of Stalin"; "She tried to gloss over her mistakes"
gloss over , skate over , skimp over , slur over , smooth over - treat hurriedly or avoid dealing with properly
rede , interpret - give an interpretation or explanation to
translate , interpret , render - restate (words) from one language into another language; "I have to translate when my in-laws from Austria visit the U.S."; "Can you interpret the speech of the visiting dignitaries?"; "She rendered the French poem into English"; "He translates for the U.N."
apologise , rationalize , apologize , rationalise , justify , excuse - defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning; "rationalize the child's seemingly crazy behavior"; "he rationalized his lack of success"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. shine , gleam , sheen , polish , brilliance , varnish , brightness , veneer , lustre , burnish , patina The rain produced a black gloss on the asphalt.
2. façade , show , front , surface , appearance , mask , semblance He tried to put a gloss of respectability on the horrors the regime perpetrated.
gloss over something conceal , hide , mask , disguise , cover up , veil , camouflage , whitewash (informal) , smooth over , sweep under the carpet (informal) , airbrush Some governments are happy to gloss over continued human rights abuses.
1. interpretation , comment , note , explanation , commentary , translation , footnote , elucidation A gloss in the margin explains this unfamiliar word.
1. interpret , explain , comment , translate , construe , annotate , elucidate Earlier editors glossed 'drynke' as 'love-potion'.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
Idioms: paper over , put a good face on.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
بَريق، لَمَعان يُرَتِّب الكَلِمات في مَسْرَد
lesk lesklý opatřit poznámkami pozlátko dělat si slovníček
kiillottaa kiilto pintakiilto sanasto selittää
felületi fény magyarázó jegyzetekkel ellát
blizgantis blizgėjimas blizgesys sudaryti žodynėlį užglaistyti
2. (= play down ) → paliar , restar importancia a
3. (= cover up ) [+ mistake etc ] → encubrir
1. (= shine ) → brillo m , lustre m
2. ( also gloss paint ) → pintura f de esmalte
C. CPD gloss finish N (= paint ) → acabado m brillante ; ( on photo ) → brillo m satinado gloss paper N → papel m satinado
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
(= shine ) → brillant m , lustre m
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
n → Glanzlack (→ farbe f ) m ; high gloss → Hochglanzlackfarbe f
n (= shine, lip gloss) → Glanz m ; ( fig , of respectability etc ) → Schein m ; to take the gloss off something (lit) → etw stumpf werden lassen ; (fig) → einer Sache (dat) → den Glanz nehmen ; to lose its gloss (lit, fig) → seinen Glanz verlieren ; gloss finish (Phot: on paper) → Glanz (→ beschichtung f ) m ; (of paint) → Lackanstrich m ; the photos had a gloss finish → es waren Glanzabzüge ? also gloss (paint)
n (= explanation) → Erläuterung f ; (= note also) → Anmerkung f , → Glosse f (geh) ; to put a gloss on something → etw interpretieren
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
a. ( explanation ) → glossa , nota esplicativa
b. ( shine ) → lucentezza , lustro ( also gloss paint ) → vernice f lucida
gloss over vt + adv ( play down ) → sorvolare su ; ( hide ) → coprire , mascherare
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
brightness or shininess on the surface. Her hair has a lovely gloss; ( also adjective ) gloss paint. glans, skyn بَريق، لَمَعان блясък brilho lesk; lesklý der Glanz glans; skin; emaljelak γυαλάδα lustre , brillo läige براقی؛ تلا لو kiilto brillant ברק चमक sjaj (felületi) fény permukaan yang mengkilat gljái lucentezza ; brillante つや 광택 blizgesys, žvilgesys (auduma u.tml.) spīdums; spīdošs kilat glans , glans- glans , ferniss połysk ځلا، رڼا، برېښنا، ظاهرى ښكلا brilho strălucire; strălu­citor блеск lesk; lesklý (ki ima) bleščeč videz sjaj glans ความแววาว parlaklık 光澤 блиск چمک láng bóng 光泽
to make a glossary. The student glossed the difficult terms in order to understand the article. aantekeninge maak by يُرَتِّب الكَلِمات في مَسْرَد тълкувам montar um glossário glosovat, opatřit poznámkami, dělat si slovníček ein Glossar erstellen skrive gloser op; skrive ord op ερμηνεύω , καταρτίζω γλωσσάριο glosar , comentar sõnastikku koostama فهرست وار نوشتن selittää לַעֲקוֹף, לְהַחֲלִיק बाहरी चमक देना dodati bilješke magyaráz(ó jegyzetekkel ellát) membuat kamus kecil glossare 注釈をつける 광을 내다 sudaryti žodynėlį izveidot glosāriju mencari makna kanttekeningen maken bij lage glossar robić notatki, zaopatrywać w przypisy لمن ليك составлять глоссарий glosovať, robiť si slovníček narediti glosarij rastumačiti glossera, skriva ordförklaringar อธิบายความหมายของศัพท์ kelime listesi çıkarmak 注釋,注解(詞彙) складати глосарій متن کی تشریح chú thích 做词汇汇编,注释
a list of words etc with their meanings. a glossary of technical terms; a Shakespeare glossary. glossarium, woordelys مَسْرَد بالكَلِمات الصَّعْبَه кратък речник нa специални/редки думи glossário slovníček das Glossar ordliste γλωσσάριο glosario glossaar واژنامه sanasto glossaire מילון शब्द संग्रह glosar (magyarázatos) szójegyzék daftar kata orðalisti glossario 用語辞典 (어떤 특수한 주제, 분야 등에 관한) 용어 žodynėlis glosārijs, (noteiktas zinātnes nozares, grāmatas u.tml.) vārdnīca daftar kata verklarende woordenlijst ordliste , glossar , glosebok słowniczek دمشكلو لغاتو او اصطلاحاتو كوچنۍ ډكشنرى چې اكثراُ دكتاب په پاى كې راځي glossário glosar глоссарий slovníček slovar rečnik ordlista, ordbok อภิธานศัพท์ sözlükçe 詞彙表 глосарій فرہنگ الفاظ و معنی lời chú thích 词汇表
smooth and shining. The dog has a glossy coat. glansende, blink مَصْقول، لامِع، لَمّاع бляскав brilhante lesklý glänzend blank; skinnende γυαλιστερός , στιλπνός lustroso , brillante , reluciente läikiv براق kiiltävä lustré חָלָק וּמַברִיק चमकीली sjajan, ulašten fényes (felületű) halus gljáandi lucente つやのある 광택 있는 žvilgantis, blizgantis spīdīgs; gluds berkilat glanzend blank , skinnende , glansfull lśniący ځلاند، روڼ، روښانه brilhante lucios лоснящийся lesklý gladek, blesteč gladak glansig, glänsande, blank เป็นเงามันหรือวาว parlak , pırıl pırıl 有光澤的 блискучий چمکیلا bóng loáng 有光泽的
glans, blinkheid لَمَعان، صَقْل бляскаваост brilho lesk der Glanz blankhed στιλπνότ
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