Golden Sperm

Golden Sperm


Golden Sperm
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Golden Sperm is by far one of the most hyped OPM monsters to ever exist. It was featured very briefly in the webcomic but still built a massive and dedicated fanbase as OPM fandom was awaiting its manga entrance. For years it's been used on CV for many high tier hypothetical battles. Now, that its been some time since the monsters final passing in the manga, I think it's time we sit and take a deeper look. Did Golden Sperm live up to the hype? And regardless of that, how powerful really was it?
Sit back and join me on the journey throughout this respect thread/ character analysis. Also, let me know what do you think about Golden Sperm, discussion is welcomed below.
This post is a part 2 out 3 in the thread series I'm doing on Black Sperm. If you wish to see my previous post featuring Black Sperm and a deeper look on its powers, abilities and misconceptions surrounding this monster, you can find it here.
Golden Sperm is a merged entity, created with the use of countless individual monsters known as Black Sperm cells. While merging, Black Sperm cells give up their individuality and become permanently fused into a singular being. Fused Black Sperm cells can no longer separate.
The motif behind Black Sperm cells making such an ultimate sacrifice is power. Despite each cell possessing great power and their numbers being simply unfathomable, Black Sperm cells seemed to be hopeless in the face of some of the most powerful characters on the Cadre vs S class battlefield, such as Superalloy Darkshine and Vomited Fuhrer Ugly. In order to achieve ultimate durability and strength to overpower these powerhouses, who were casually disposing of massive amounts of Black Sperm cells, they've decided to sacrifice and fuse.
It's precise threat level is not known, however, it's been long speculated that Golden Sperm's threat level is "Dragon or Above" based on the fact that it's base form, obviously vastly inferior to Golden Sperm is already level "Dragon":
combined with several statements made by Murata and One (the mangaka and the author behind the OPM manga), that seem to allude to its threat level being Above Dragon, such as these:
There have been some misconceptions surrounding Golden Sperm's cell count.
Though many fans appear to be under impression that Platinum Sperm has a higher cell count then Golden Sperm, this is actually not the case. This misconception has been caused by their numbers revealed as different in the Chapter 152.
Based on these two panels, a misconception was quickly created. At first glance it appeared as if Golden Sperm was composed out of almost 12 trillion cells LESS than Platinum Sperm (43 trillion to be exact), who was the "Ultimate 54 trillion combination". However, what many fans failed to realize is that those 12 trillion cells of difference between the two, were already lost by Golden Sperm in chapter. 151.
Though the numbers are obviously rounded, it's still a conclusive fact that both Platinum and Golden Sperm would have roughly the exact same cell count, which is 53+ trillion cells.
Just as Gold isn't actually more valuable metal than Platinum, but simply a different metal of almost the exact same value, (the exact price varies, often swapping between one and the other being on top depending on many different factors on the market), Platinum Sperm isn't actually composed out of more Black Sperm cells, but a very similar amount. Rather, differences in their powers and appearance are caused by their different purposes.
Platinum Sperm is modeled after a runner athlete, and is a fusion focused on achieving ultimate speed in order to blitz King before he can make his ultimate move.
Meanwhile, Golden Sperm is modeled after weight-lifting body-builder and was created to be the ultimate powerhouse in terms of durability and strength, to overpower a physical powerhouse such as Vomited Fuhrer Ugly and survive his devastating acid spit.
The differences between their particular traits follow this logic too, and are very apparent which quite reliably confirm this. After becoming "Platinum", Sperm's speed drastically increases, as it goes from being outpaced by Atomic Samurai Sunblade to rivaling Monster Garou at his top speed:
However, his strength tier visibly dropped as well, as he went from easily one shooting Darkshine, who is confirmed to be "unparalleled" and "on the top of hero world" in terms of his durability:
To being unable to fatally injure heroes with far inferior durability such as Atomic Samurai, Flashy Flash, Puri Puri Prisoner, and even sub S-class like Iaian despite landing clean undefended strikes on them.
Though not as fast and agile as its more speed oriented counterpart, Platinum Sperm, Golden Sperm has still displayed amazing reflexes and combat speed, and it's worth acknowledging.
By far Golden Sperm's best feat is reacting to Sun Blade amped Atomic Samurai, blocking every single one of his Atomic Slash cuts just inches from him reaching Homeless Emperor's face.
Though he was later unable to break the sword before it cut off his arm, reacting to Atomic Slash is a feat very few monsters could replicate. Atomic Samurai isn't a very impressive on feet, but when it comes to his combat speed, he is by far one of the most impressive S-class heroes in the series. To judge Golden Sperm's speed, we need only to look at Atomic Slash's top feat, which would be performing Atomic Slash against Psychorochi's energy beam:
Since her energy beam was rather reliably calculated to be anywhere from Mach 7278 to Mach 29112:
and we know from the databook , Atomic Samurai's Atomic Slash consists out of "over 100" slashes (let's say 101 to avoid the highball claim) this means individual slash has the speed of anywhere from Mach 735 078 (Relativistic+) to Mach 2 940 312 (FTL)
This seems consistent with Golden Sperm's other speed feats of very casually blitzing massively hypersonic and above characters like Superalloy Darkshine and Fuhrer Ugly, which on its own would put him on relativistic tier or above, at least in my opinion.
Of course, unless a clear WoG statement for Golden Sperm's speed is made, these feats are up for individual interpretation, and there will not be canon consensus on this. Still, an attempt is an attempt! Feel free to disagree, but Golden Sperm is certainly no slouch.
Last but no least, Golden Sperm is primarily known for its unrivaled strength and near invulnerability, so let's look at those as well. The best point to scale Golden Sperm's physicals seems to be Superalloy Darkshine. Golden Sperm was presented as decisively more powerful between the two, it has superior, bulkier and more durable muscles even capable of withstanding Fuhrer Ugly's spit (which Darkshine couldn't) and it can one shot Darkshine, even though the latter claimed he doesn't know of any way to hurt his own body , which would obviously mean his durability is even greater than his own strength.
In turn, Superalloy Darkshine is strong enough to one shot some of the most durable monsters in the series, such as Psychorochi (forcing it to defuse) or Half Monster Garou (who was already powerful enough at the time to fight Orochi too)
Based on feats like these it should go without saying that in terms of sheer physicals Golden Sperm scales to some of the most powerful characters in the series. Though I am reluctant to narrow it down to a specific AP tier (this seems to be a very dividing topic in the community) it's easy to interpolate for everyone. Golden Sperm is most definitely a rival to Orochi and other high tier characters it terms of physicals just like Murata suspected. "Golden Sperm is all about speed and power" indeed!
thanks for addressing the bs count controversy. I've been pointing this out since the chapter came out
if you say he should scale to Orochi, do you mean he's multi-continental?
thanks for addressing the bs count controversy. I've been pointing this out since the chapter came out
if you say he should scale to Orochi, do you mean he's multi-continental?
hmm? Based on what is Orochi physically multi-continental (not taking Gaia-canon into account)?
although I have to disagree with GS or AS being FTL, part of the Orochi scaling, and PS failing to kill PPP or Iaian, a lot of this is pretty well sought after and you can see the effort.
I didn't see this calc before. Nice find. I still wouldn't put my both feet on this, since Half-Monster Garou lost that fight. In any case I think Darkshine's tackle dealt a LOT more damage to Garou than Orochi's attacks, so the case for scaling is still valid. It would also put more credit on the calc from @lichgod3 for a 54 trillion merge (the calc assumes a single black sperm cell is town level, which is something I've made the case in my previous thread )
Large town level= 100,000 tons of tnt
100,000 × 54,000,000,000,000= 5.400x10^18 or 5.40000000E+18 (depending on which calculator your using)
in short, multi continental is not a bad conclusion, there is some fair scaling for this if you wanna use it. But I think a lot of ppl on CV would find that problematic, I'd personally use a lower scaling just to avoid controversy.
although I have to disagree with GS or AS being FTL, part of the Orochi scaling, and PS failing to kill PPP or Iaian, a lot of this is pretty well sought after and you can see the effort.
Any particular reason you disagree? You believe the calc is wrong, or perhaps you'd just say its PIS?
Solid explanation regarding the cell counts between Platinum and Golden.
Since he's still alive in the webcomic, I'd like to see him instantly transform between forms in the future if his cell count is high. That would be super cool to watch. Also Diamond Sperm of course.
Solid explanation regarding the cell counts between Platinum and Golden.
I'm actually kinda curious whether or not BS will be alive in the manga too. Metal Bat seemed to have finished off the leftover cells that went into hiding, and my instant thought was that it's probably a retcon from the webcomic. Well, if he's alive, Diamond Sperm is a must have lmao.
@comicgirl21 : "Any particular reason you disagree? You believe the calc is wrong, or perhaps you'd just say its PIS?"
I was mostly saying it for context, as Atomic Samurai only blocked Psykorochi's attacks after she transformed into a jet. I think at that point she was well weakened, since it was after his training to Tatsumaki, Drive Knight and Genos, so the potency and speed might be less than before.
The Orochi thing is doubtful by Garou and ONE, since in the confrontation with Garou, Gyoro Gyoro specifically told him that he will should not kill him, and ONE said that GS=Orochi for the Webcomic, the manga is deviated enough from the original source to say that mention applies just the same, with the introduction of PS I think that is saying enough. I know that Orochi did not exist in the WC, but the mention of ONE was for the time when Golden S had faced Garou in a 1v1 and resisted Tatsumaki's neckbreaker.
Other than that, KOing Darkshine with one hit and Intercepting a buffed AS attack is pretty impressive, and the other arguments are also well formulated.
@comicgirl21 : "Any particular reason you disagree? You believe the calc is wrong, or perhaps you'd just say its PIS?"
I was mostly saying it for context, as Atomic Samurai only blocked Psykorochi's attacks after she transformed into a jet. I think at that point she was well weakened, since it was after his training to Tatsumaki, Drive Knight and Genos, so the potency and speed might be less than before.
Interesting. I would agree in terms of power the beam definitely looked weaker, but speed is connected to the nature of the laser more than to it's power in my opinion. For example, a laser made out of light is lightspeed regardless if it's a Death Star laser about to blow up a planet or a a math class pointer for the chalkboard. Even if we had proper ground to speculate it got slower though, AS's speed would be massively amped by the Sunblade on the other end of the equation, so I think that an argument based on a character being weaker/stronger would rather go in the favor of AS than Psychorochi. Then there's a backup argument for AS based on the recent Flashy Flash showings that are most definitely FTL. It wouldn't be unreasonable to suggest AS can have attack speed on the same tier to Flash considering he is supposed to be a superior swordsman going by the lore. Even more so after being amped by the Sunblade.
It's still a fair observation though, there is definitely more context to consider there than I've initially wrote.
The Orochi thing is doubtful by Garou and ONE, since in the confrontation with Garou, Gyoro Gyoro specifically told him that he will should not kill him,
Wouldn't be fair to say though that Garou would need to at least be somewhat comparable to withstand so many of his attacks? It's not like he got one shot like you'd expect if the gap between them was that outrageous. And then again, Darkshine fought a superior version of Garou to what Orochi fought, so if any gap was there, it would've gotten even smaller. And then Golden Sperm, who is far stronger than Darkshine would've completely closed that gap for sure, don't you think? There is more context to consider there as well.
and ONE said that GS=Orochi for the Webcomic,
Considering Orochi doesn't exist in the webcomic, I think this statement can't be applied to the webcomic at all. Golden Sperm did not exist in the manga yet, that's true, but both One and Murata surely had the storyboard at that point, besides, Black Sperm was featured at that point in the manga already too.
Other than that, KOing Darkshine with one hit and Intercepting a buffed AS attack is pretty impressive, and the other arguments are also well formulated.
Thanks! I think your arguments are very well made too. We may not agree, but discussing context is never easy and can lead to contradictions on many levels so it's not like anyone is factually right here. Thanks for the discussion!

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