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The Roman Goddess list contains names and attributes of over fifty Roman Goddesses.
Discover the meaning of the goddess names and archetypes by exploring their myths and symbolism.
Lists over 40 Goddesses of childbirth and pregnancy, from around the world
This Egyptian Goddess list, covers many of the fascinating Goddesses that you will encounter Egyptian mythology.
For each Goddess I have included a brief description of her areas of influence. Please note that many of these roles evolved overtime and that major Goddesses, like Isis absorbed the characteristics of minor deities.
Amaunet - The Ogdoad Goddess of the North wind, this carried the rain, she was the female form of the originally androgynous God Amun. (Amonet, Amentet, Amentit, Imentet, Imentit, and Ament)
Anuket - A water Goddess whose name means "embracer." Her waters lapped the sacred island, Seheil.
Anut - A warrior Goddess, defender of the Sun God and protector or the king in battle.
Bast - The Cat Goddess and solar deity linked with fertility childbirth and perfume. (Bastet, Ubasti, and Pasht).
Beset - A protective deity associated with childbirth and rebirth.
Bata - A cow Goddess associated with the Milky Way. As a representation of the cosmos, she was considered to be the essence of the soul. She was associated with music and the ankh. (Bat)
Hathor - A solar Deity whose areas of influence included music, dancing, joy and fertility. (Het-Hert, Hetheru)
Hatmehit - A fish/ dolphin Goddess. As wife of Osiris, and mother of Horus, she eventually became assimilated by the Isis. (Hatmehyt and Hetmehit).
Hedetet - A scorpion Goddess who was the daughter of Ra.
Heket -Depicted as a frog. (Hek, Hektet and Heget). She may also have been the inspiration behind the Greek Goddess Hecate.
Isis - Perhaps the most famous Goddess in this Egyptian Goddess list. Isis was associated with fertili magic and healing. She eventually absorbed the roles of many lesser Goddesses.
Iuasaas - Female counterpart of Atum the creator God.
Kauket - Deity of darkness and chaos and wife of Kek.
Ma'at - Goddess of truth, justice and balance. She prevented the creation from reverting to choas and judged the deeds of the dead with her feather.
Mafdet - A Goddess who killed Ra's enemies.
Mehet -Weret - The primeval cow Goddess who gave birth to the sun God Ra.
Menhit - Goddess of War, she is shown as a lion headed deity and is considered by some historians to be an aspect of Sekhmet. Her name means she who slaughters
Meretseger - A cobra Goddess who protected the tombs in the Valley of the Kings. She was also the Deity of punishment and mercy.
Meskhent - Goddess of childbirth and midwifery. (Meskhenet)
Mut - Shet was an ancient Egyptian mother Goddess, she was the mother from which the cosmos emerged.
Neith - Goddess of the hunt and war. As a Goddess of weaving and the domestic arts she was a protectress of women and a guardian of marriage. (Neit, Nit, Net)
Nekhbet - Like many deities in my Egyptian Goddess list was depicted in the form of an aniamal. She was the vulture Goddess of Upper Egypt, childbirth and protector of Pharaoh. (Nekhebet, Nechbet)
Nephthys - Goddess of death, decay and the unseen. This deity is also linked to magic.
Nut - She was the Goddess of the sky and all heavenly bodies, a symbol of resurrection and rebirth. (Nuit, Newet, and Neuth)
Pakhet - A panther or lioness Goddess who hunts at night. Her name means "one who scrathes."
Renenet - Goddess of the future and prosperity and abundance. As the Goddess of suckling, Renenutet gave each newborn baby a secret name to protect it along with its mother's milk. She was also linked to the harvest. (Ernutet, Renenutet, Termuthis)
Renpet - As Mistress of Eternity she was associated with spring, youth and renewal.
Saosis - She was linked to Hathor. She was symbolized by Acacia trees.
Satet - Goddess of the bountiful floods. When the Nile flooded the previously barren land blossomed into life. (Setet, Sathit, Satit, Sati, Setis, Satis)
Sekhmet - Goddess of destruction and war. She also battled against sickness and disease. (Sakhmet, Sekhet )
Selkhet - She is a protector of the hawk-headed canopic jar, and along with three other deities who guarded the royal coffins and canopic chests. (Selkis,Selkit, Selket, Selkhet, Serqet)
Seshet - The great scribe and librarian who was responsible for accounting, architecture, astronomy, historical records and mathematics. (Sheshat, Sashet)
Shait - She represented a persons destiny, she journeyed with an individual from birth to death. She kept a record of all of their deeds and desires and passed judgement on the soul at death.
Sopdet - The Goddess of the Dog Star (Sirius) whose position overhead in the sky at dawn signalled the inundation. (Sothis)
Tayet - Egyptian Goddess of weaving and the wrappings used in mummification.
Taweret - A demonic fighter who was part crocodile and part hippo. She protected pregnant women and the infant during childbirth. (Taueret, Taurt, Toeris, Ipy, Ipet, Apet, Opet, Reret)
Tefnut - A lunar Goddess of water and fertility. She represented moisture. (Tefnet, Tefene)
Unut - An Egyptian Hare Goddess who was originally depicted as a snake Goddess.
Wadjet - A snake Goddess who was the Patron of Lower Egypt. (Wadjet, Wedjet, Wadjit)
Wosyet - Protector of the young. She was also an early consort of Amun (Worsret, Waset)
I have also included varies spellings of names in this Egyptian Goddess list, reflecting both the difficulties of hieroglyphs not representing many vowel sounds and geographical variations.
This Egyptian Goddess list reflects the importance of nature and it's cycles on Egyptian society. Many Goddesses have animal forms or are Hybrids of woman and animals. You will also notice that a large number of the Goddesses are associated with death and rebirth.
For more information about the general characteristics of the Egyptian Goddesses , I recommend following the above link.

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