


World cartography on the blockchain with GoWithMi

About GoWithMi

The GoWithMi Project is currently building the first complete decentralized location-based service (DLBS) infrastructure in the world.

And this platform aims to provide a complete and reliable exchange of geospatial values ​​for large-scale trade ranging from data, computing, private terminals to commercial ecology, and to create a multidimensional, safer and smarter value stream, complementing the last key component of the blockchain to empower application of the real economy.

The GoWithMi Project is currently building the first complete decentralized location-based service (DLBS) infrastructure in the world. 

It aims to provide a complete and reliable exchange of geospatial values ​​for large-scale trade from data, computing, personal terminals to commercial ecology, and make multidimensional, safer and smarter value flows. The GoWithMi geospatial ecological consensus network consists of the production of geospatial consensus data, spatial computing power networks, geospatial asset nodes that govern themselves, and support platforms for sharing business applications.

The general public opinion system of the GoWithMi geospatial environment encompasses the actual creation of geospatial public opinion information, spatial processing energy systems, geospatial resource nodes which control themselves, and assistance systems related to discussing company programs. The actual DLBS system, very oracle, as well as a general opinion chart that is incorporated, provides a general opinion algorithm to encourage engagement and achieve benefits for everyone, cross-chain assistance for the blockchain system, one-stop assistance for programs that consider location-based providers, which allows traditional companies to jump into new periods related to the company pré-réglable,


As the most popular and frequently used, centralized digital currency exchange has accumulated significant influence over the years. Centralized exchanges control the power to make or break blockchain projects, and usually, they are the only business that remains profitable despite the level of volatility and instability experienced by the cryptocurrency market.

The great wealth and influence of centralized exchange has led to unethical and serious acts of market manipulation and exploitation that precisely emphasize the reason why more decentralized exchanges are needed now than before.

A surprising information was revealed by Trader crypto named Silvain Ribes, where he believed that far above the $ 3 billion volume of all crypto assets was made and was not real and that OKex, which is the number one exchange rated by volume, was the main actor with up to 93% fake volume.

In addition, other traders point to the disturbing fact that the NASDAQ stock exchange only charges under $ 200,000 for large company listings, while many centralized crypto exchanges try to charge more than $ 500,000 in registration fees.

Cryptocurrency influencers and many others on the internet are beginning to share different bad stories about how centralized exchanges operate in the same corrupt way as any regular centralized organization that has too much power and influence if left unchecked.

About GoWithMi

The GoWithMi Project is currently building the first complete decentralized location-based service (DLBS) infrastructure in the world. 

It aims to provide a complete and reliable exchange of geospatial values ​​for large-scale trade from data, computing, personal terminals to commercial ecology, and make multidimensional, safer and smarter value flows. The GoWithMi geospatial ecological consensus network consists of the production of geospatial consensus data, spatial computing power networks, geospatial asset nodes that govern themselves, and support platforms for sharing business applications.

The general public opinion system of the GoWithMi geospatial environment encompasses the actual creation of geospatial public opinion information, spatial processing energy systems, geospatial resource nodes which control themselves, and assistance systems related to discussing company programs. The actual DLBS system, very oracle, as well as a general opinion chart that is incorporated, provides a general opinion algorithm to encourage engagement and achieve benefits for everyone, cross-chain assistance for the blockchain system, one-stop assistance for programs that consider location-based providers, which allows traditional companies to jump into new periods related to the company pré-réglable,

The main features of the GoWithMi platform


GoWithMi may truly decentralize the true main elements of the web ecosystem —— geolocation support, which makes it the actual main element of the entire blockchain system, and may eventually be easily invoked through various top-layer programs from the Web and the blockchain system.

Decentralized location-based support functions (DLBS) GoWithMi covers all technical groups related to area charts, research and problems, routing pathways, research on peripheral and visitor info, spatial wise exploration, and so on. Almost all information and providers tend to operate with GoWithMi’s electricity costs as the first “Gaia spatial processing blockchain system on the planet.” Gaia can recognize storing complete information about strings, seeing the actual decentralization of POWs as well as the higher effectiveness of EOS, entering exploration of special equivalent goods, and having the ability to avoid “mining pool control”. As a result, allowing actual decentralization procedures from location-based support programs will never be completed,

Oracle Very Spatial

Whenever almost all blockchain tend to use actuality, they will experience the biggest problem: how can you connect the actual “unbelievable” globe from the blockchain to the “trusted” globe on the blockchain? This involves a “trusted login system. inch GoWithMi offers a type of login system that can be trusted.

The very spatial GoWithMi forecasting provides a “trusted entrance mechanism” related to the unique blockchain and is needed for almost all wise agreements related to location-based providers, which connect both different sides and to the actual string along with a “trusted” system. This can provide reactions related to credible location-based information regarding wise agreements, allowing pre-renewable systems related to Turing-complete, symbolized through Ethereum to be able to easily join traditional companies, positively market improvements actual fast related to scattered sectors related to locations such as express travel, travel and holidays, food delivery, shipping delivery,

Chart of public opinion

On this planet, there are 60% of the area and four million populations but cannot benefit from providing the same high quality chart since the area was made. This is because how the size associated with offering graphic information is usually very dependent on the selection of jobs around the world, higher industrial prices that search engines cannot actually pay for.

The real GoWithMi General Opinion Chart has a new strategy of making the first number of “spatial public opinion mechanisms” that allow individuals in a part of the world to collectively preserve “world map information books” without tolerance. We are all with the beautiful style of online game systems of public opinion such as POM (Evidence related to Mapping) and Spatial Bancor, subversively resolving the main difficulties that are actually related to business graphics such as cooperative manufacturing, car guidance, and valuation values, overcoming actual limitations which is related to the business of human labor, allowing individuals to collectively build, preserve, and reveal “world maps” without limits,



For more information, visit:

For more information,

Website:   http://gowithmi.com/

Whitepaper:  https://www.gowithmi.com/whitepaper/index.html

Telegram:  https://t.me/gowithmi_en

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/gowithmi.global

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/GoWithMi_GL

YouTube:   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZna_eTs_eLBEjtvpTexMvw/featured

Other:   https://github.com/GoWithMi

Download the application:   https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gowithmi.mapworld  .

Download the application:   https://itunes.apple.com/ng/app/gowithmi/id1294086705?mt=8 .

Username: COB 

Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1929500

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