Go Where the Sinners are.

Go Where the Sinners are.


When it comes to sharing the love of God with others, the Bible encourages us to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to “where the sinners are”. That is, to go out and seek those who have been living in sin and invite them to be part of the Kingdom of God.

This idea is captured in Luke 5:32, “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Jesus’ first mission on Earth was to find those people who had strayed from the path of righteousness and invite them to have a relationship with God. He sought out those who were hurting, struggling or just looking to get away from their current situations, and opened their eyes to the amazing grace and love that could be found in a relationship with Him. Jesus was looking for sinners to join in the mission of building the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Bible also speaks of Jesus having compassion for sinners in James 5:20, “Let him know that whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins”. It should be noted that Jesus was always teaching and speaking with love and grace. He never shamed anyone or pushed them away; instead, He welcomed them in a spirit of acceptance and understanding. He cared so deeply for the well being of all people, even those struggling with sin.

As believers of Jesus, we too can “go where the sinners are”, by showing the same compassion, love, and mercy that Jesus demonstrated. We can reach out to people who are lost and confused in sin, and offer them a hand of friendship. And by speaking of the mercy and grace of God, we can lead them to repentance and invite them to join in the mission of building the Kingdom of Heaven.

Another way to "go where the sinners are”, is through practical works of love. We can reach out to our local communities by giving to the needy, visiting the sick or elderly, and providing help to those who are struggling in any way possible. This may include volunteering our time with various community projects, offering goods or services to those who need it most or simply offering a listening ear and an encouraging word. All of these things, as taught by Jesus, are ways we can be of service to those who are struggling in sin.

Finally, as seen in Matthew 28:19-20, we can “go where the sinners are”, by being prepared to share the gospel with anyone, regardless of the situation. We are commanded to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I [Jesus] have commanded you.” This is a call to go, witness, evangelize and minister to all people, and in particular, those who are sinful.

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