Gmc end of life care guidelines

Gmc end of life care guidelines

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22 Jun 2010 The recently published guidance from the General Medical Council (GMC) on end of life care comes into force on 1 July 2010 and commands the attention of all doctors in the United Kingdom by emphasising that failure to comply will place registration at risk.1. Change became essential following the These pages will focus on end of life care which is a particularly challenging area of practice and something most doctors will face at some point. We have a range of resources available to doctors navigate some difficult situations they may come across. End of life care: Guidance. 1. Patients who are approaching the end of their life need high-quality treatment and care that support them to live as well as possible until they die, and to die with dignity. End of life care: Legal Annex. This annex is not intended to be a comprehensive statement of the law or a list of relevant legislation and case law, nor is it a substitute for up-to-date legal advice. It is for reference purposes only. Consent and capacity. The GMC guidance Consent: patients and doctors making decisions Guidance on organ donation in end of life care. The session, Treatment and care towards the end of life: good practice in decision making, explains the key principles in the guidance and helps doctors to apply the principles in the guidance to some of the common challenges that arise when caring for patients towards the end of life. This guidance provides a framework for good practice when providing treatment and care for patients who are reaching the end of their lives. It expands on the guidance in Consent, patients and doctors making decisions together, which sets out the principles on which good clinical decisions should be based. 20 May 2010 Treatment and care towards the end of life: good practice in decision making. General Medical Council. 06. The General Medical Council (GMC) is the statutory regulator for the medical profession in the UK, and this guidance applies to doctors working in all four UK countries. This guidance is based on Guidance on when to consider making a Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNACPR) order in end of life care. In the sections below you can find links to a range of resources that provide help and advice about different aspects of end of life care for doctor and patients, relatives and carers.

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