


Glyff - Privacy that maintains a decentralized internet platform

Bitcoin and other crypto currencies are structured as independent state payment systems, which can restore power to society, created with the aim of decentralizing the financial system when market laws are responsible for pricing and pricing without intervention from government agencies. But with the growing popularity of digital money, governments and law enforcement agencies around the world have begun trying to control public blockchains to track people's activities to collect taxes.

Decentralized ecosystems such as Ethereum promote the idea of ​​launching user programs on the blockchain, but they do not have transactional confidentiality, that is, all actions are immediately visible on the blockchain, preventing applications from maintaining confidentiality technology in conditions where privacy is paramount. to stock, important transactions. As a result, there is an urgent need for technology to increase privacy. This is the reason for creating a project called Glyff.

Glyff is a decentralized internet platform that can provide transfers of personal assets and privacy that can be programmed for smart contracts. 

Glyff has balanced data privacy and transactional security with computational efficiency, which ultimately makes it easy through smart contract throughput to be easily programmed to the enterprise level while upholding the core principles of the blockchain. Glyff, like Ethereum, allows the development of decentralized applications, but with the main differences: the ability to hide data from computational nodes. This allows developers to enter sensitive data in their smart contracts, directly in the chain, without compromising security

How does it work?

Including the achievement of new electronic money transfers in the Ethereum format, personal data security, and a balanced Glyff security exchange by making a large PC at several points or other production layers. Creating sharp Programming light, it's easy to apply high rules while applying block rules. Glyff, as Ethereum, gave permission to improve decentralized applications, with fundamental differences: the ability to hide records from the center. This allows manufacturers to enter unstable data in knowledgeable contracts, quickly, ensuring there is no compromise.


Blockchain is one of the most important latest technological inventions, which allows businesses and individuals to instantly send money and information through the internet, without the need for third parties. However, existing modeling completely forgets privacy, with overall data and the amount transacted between parties exposed to the public, while most real world applications - health, finance, IoT, etc. - requires details about their operations to remain undisclosed and incompatible with the public blockchain system.

Our Solution

We also build a new generation decentralization platform that allows the transfer of safe value and intelligent contract execution, in complete confidentiality and with the assurance of strong truth. Glyff, like Ethereum, allows the development of decentralized applications, but with the main differences: the ability to hide data from computational nodes. This allows developers to enter sensitive data in their smart contracts, connect directly, without compromising security.

The main features of the Glyff project?

☑️ Private transactions with the sender, recipient, and the amount transferred is completely hidden.

☑️ Guaranteed Integrity guaranteed and strong anonymity property with cryptography without knowledge.

☑️ Non-specialist programmers can develop applications that focus on privacy, even without cryptographic knowledge.

☑️ Enables the use of smart contracts for decentralized applications that require personal computing and secure data.

GLYFF and ICO tokens

The token is checked as GLY TOKEN. It is worth ERC20; it was created on the blockchain Ethereum. The platform will be sent GLY tokens via TGE. 1 GLY will be priced at USD $ 0.11 in the middle of the pre-agreed platform. Pre-opening of the purchase project to start on December 20, 2018 and will continue to run for multi months until January 19, 2019 with a price reduction rate of 25%. After that the ICO assignment will begin on February 20, 2018 and will continue for multi months until March 22, 2019 where 1 GLY will be sold at a price of USD $ 0.13 on this middle platform.

Convincingly, this project is a decentralized protection platform for spearheading that empowers safe prices and smart contract execution, in total confidentiality and with strong confirmation needed. Glyff, as Ethereum, can improve applications that are centralized, but with a major difference: the capacity to disguise information from an Upgrade hub. This empowers designers to incorporate complicated information into their intelligent contracts, complicated in chains, without security bargains.

Tim Glyff

The Glyff platform includes a group of professionals in various fields of activity. They work together and combine their experience and knowledge for the success of this project. Christopher Moore is the founder and CEO of the Glyf platform. Noah Vesely functions as a researcher and developer. Olga Fomina is a marketing manager.


Glyff is a decentralized platform for smart contracts that focus on privacy. This makes it possible to hide details of financial transactions from the general public and offer confidentiality that can be programmed using cryptographic primitives called proof without disclosure. This platform can be used widely in various fields of economic life.

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