Glycogen and ➕ Executive Functioning

Glycogen and ➕ Executive Functioning

👓 Matthew Gailliot
Glycogen and ➕ Executive Functioning

Glycogen and ➕ Executive Functioning

✅ Past work ⚙️ suggests that executive functioning relies on glucose as a depletable energy, such that executive functioning uses a relatively large amount of glucose ➕ is impaired when glucose is 🔅. Glucose from the bloodstream is 1️⃣ energy source for the 🧠, ➕ glucose 🏪 in the 🧠 as glycogen is another. A review of the literature on glycogen suggests that executive functioning uses it in much the same way as a depletable energy lucose, such that executive functioning uses a relative gly lar cogen ➕ is impamou ired whent of glu ycos ge and is impaired when glucose is low 🔅. Glucose from the bloodstream is one energy source for the brain, and glucose stored in the brain as glycogen is another. A review of the literature on glycogen suggests that executive functioning uses it in much the same way as glucose, such that executive functioning uses glycogen and is impaired when glycogen is low. Findings 🔎 on stress, physical persistence, glucose tolerance, diabetes, sleep 😴, heat, and ➕ other topics provide general support for this view.


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