Glossary Latex

Glossary Latex


Glossary Latex

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A glossary is an alphabetical list of terms with their definitions. Just like creating a reference section , creating a glossary can be done automatically in LaTeX with the support of specific packages.
In this tutorial, we’ll study step-by-step how to create a glossary in a LaTeX document.
The current active LaTeX packages dedicated to creating glossaries are nomencl and glossaries . These packages support acronyms and multiple glossaries and can work in several languages (using babel or polyglossia ).
Obviously, as for all other LaTeX packages, we need to use the \usepackage command to load the nomencl or glossaries package. There are also certain packages that need to be loaded before glossaries, if they are required: hyperref , babel , polyglossia , inputenc, and fontenc . In that case, these packages must be loaded before glossaries.
The following steps describe the procedure to generate a glossary in LaTeX documents:
In what follows, we’ll introduce a step-by-step tutorial for generating a glossary with the glossaries package.
First, we need to load the glossaries package:
Once glossaries have been loaded, the following command is used to generate the glossary:
Now, we can create entries to define our terms and definitions using the command \newglossaryentry :
As we can see, there are three parameters that are passed to the \newglossaryentry command. For the above example, here are details of the three parameters:
We then can produce the desired term in the document, we can use the standard command \gls{} as follows:
The \gls{} command prints the term in lowercase letters. For instance, \gls{latex} will print latex. 
To capitalize the first letter or pluralize the term, we use the following additional commands:
The last step is to display the glossary in the document. To do this, we use the command \printglossaries .
Now, let’s create a simple glossary following the above steps:
This will generate the following result:
We can see that, resulting from the usage of the commands \Gls{} and \gls , here the term Fondue is capitalized, and raclette is in lowercase letters.
Acronyms are different from glossary entries. For acronyms, the definition is produced in the text with the acronym in parentheses. For glossary entries, only the name is produced. The package distinguishes between a glossary and a list of acronyms.
By default, acronyms are produced as part of the glossary. To generate a separate list of acronyms, the package needs to be loaded with the acronym option:
To define an acronym entry, here is the command:
Let’s understand the \newacronym command usage and parameter description with an example:
To print the list of all acronyms with their definition/description, we can use:
Please note that if we use an online LaTeX platform such as Overleaf to compile our LaTeX documents, this command works just fine. Nevertheless, it may happen that the command \printglossary[type=\acronymtype] needs a temporary file that is created by \printglossary to work properly. To solve this problem, the only thing we need is to put the command \printglossary just before the command \printglossary[type=\acronymtype] . After the first compilation, we can delete the \printglossary command.
Now let’s see what the basic example above looks like when we define the terms as acronyms and use the acronym option:
This will generate the following result:
In the above examples, we showed that LaTeX creates the glossary section in the final document with the title “Glossary” (or “Acronyms” with the \acronymtype option). It is possible that we may need to use a different title for our glossary in some situations. To do so, we need to add the additional parameters to the \printglossary command:
Following are the two parameters that are passed with \printglossary command:
To display the glossary section in the table of content, we need to add an option when loading the glossaries package:
Finally, let’s take a look at the following simple example:
This will yield the following result:
As we can see, the title of the glossary section appears as Used Terms instead of the default one ( Glossary ). Also, in the table of contents, the glossary section is listed as a List of Used Terms.
In this article, we’ve presented a step-by-step tutorial to generate a list of glossaries or acronyms in LaTeX using the glossaries package. We have also learned how to customize the glossary section and how to change its appearance on the table of contents of the LaTeX document.
If you have a few years of experience in Computer Science or research, and you’re interested in sharing that experience with the community, have a look at our Contribution Guidelines .

15. January 2014
by tom
\newglossaryentry {utc}{name=UTC, description={Coordinated Universal Time}}
\newglossaryentry {adt}{name=ADT, description={Atlantic Daylight Time}}
\newglossaryentry {est}{name=EST, description={Eastern Standard Time}}
\gls {utc} is 3 hours behind \gls {adt} and 10 hours ahead of \gls {est}.
\newglossaryentry {⟨label⟩}{name={⟨key⟩}, description={⟨value⟩}}
\newacronym {⟨label⟩}{⟨abbrv⟩}{⟨full⟩}
% Load the package with the acronym option
\usepackage [acronym,nomain]{glossaries}
\newacronym {utc}{UTC}{Coordinated Universal Time}
\newacronym {adt}{ADT}{Atlantic Daylight Time}
\newacronym {est}{EST}{Eastern Standard Time}
\gls {utc} is 3 hours behind \gls {adt} and 10 hours ahead of \gls {est}.
\small \hfill Created by
makeindex -s -t filename.glg -o filename.gls filename.glo
makeindex -s -t filename.alg -o filename.acr filename.acn
latex... | bibtex ... | makeindex -s -t %.alg -o %.acr %.acn | makeindex -s -t %.glg -o %.gls %.glo | latex | latex | pdf
\renewcommand { \glsnamefont }[1]{ \textbf {#1} \hspace {20pt}}
\documentclass [a4paper,12pt,oneside] {report}
\newglossaryentry {chu}{name=CHU, description={Centre Hospitalier Universitaire}}
\section {Présentation de l'établissement}
Le \gls {chu} de Rennes est à la fois un établissement de soins, de recherche et d'enseignement, implanté sur cinq sites de la ville : \ \
\printglossary [type= \acronymtype , title={Abréviations}]
\usepackage [toc,section=section]{glossaries}
\newacronym {des}{DES}{Data Encryption Standard}
According to Wikipedia , a glossary is an alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with the definitions for those terms. It doesn’t come as a surprise that there are several LaTeX packages that assist with the generation of glossaries. Among them are the nomencl package , the glossary package , and the glossaries package . Nomencl has been around for quite some time and I previously wrote about it on this blog . Glossary is obsolete and has been replaced by glossaries, the most recent and flexible of the three packages. Here, I’ll introduce the glossaries package and provide some code that I hope will help non-expert LaTeX users to generate a glossary or list of acronyms.
Most commands are straight forward. A few remarks on the term definition command \newglossaryentry . The first argument it takes is the label used to produce the term later. The second argument is a key-value pair defining the term and its description. Curly brackets are required if name or description consist of multiple words, commas, etc.
The command \gls produces the name of the term given the label. To capitalize the first letter or pluralize the term, the package implements additional commands.
Acronyms are different from glossary entries. For acronyms, the definition is produced in the text with the acronym in parentheses. For glossary entries, only the name is produced. The package distinguishes between glossary and list of acronyms. To do that, the user defines acronyms differently from glossary entries.
By default, acronyms are produced as part of the glossary. To generate a separate list of acronyms, the package needs to be loaded with the acronym option.
Let’s see what the basic example above looks like when we define the terms as acronyms and use the acronym option.
And here is an example of a document with a list of acronyms.
The same alternative commands as for the glossary are used to capitalize and pluralize acronyms.
Probably the trickiest part comes next. The formatted glossary or list of acronyms needs to be generated from the list of glossary entries or acronyms using makeindex . Your editor might have a button, but in general the files are generated in the terminal/command-line. The package author provides a Perl script makeglossaries that greatly simplifies this step. However, it requires Perl to be installed on your computer.
After typesetting the document once (latex/pdflatex), go to the terminal, navigate to the project folder and try the following:
Replace filename with the name of your tex document.
If this doesn’t work, you probably don’t have Perl installed and need to use makeindex instead (see below). If you manage to run the Perl script but some entries are rejected, the problem is in the LaTeX code.
Here is my makeglossaries output for glossary and list of acronyms:
Again, replace “filename” with your the name of your tex document.
If this worked, you’re almost done. All you need to do now is go back to the LaTeX document and typeset it again. The glossary or list of acronyms should show up in the document now. Typeset again to make sure the table of contents is updated.
This concludes the basics on glossaries. I might write more about this package later. If you have questions, see the package documentation on CTAN or drop me a comment below. Thanks.
Multiple glossaries in LaTeX 1. April 2014 In "Introduction"
Glossary in Latex 1. November 2007 In "Introduction"
Thanks for the good write up this is a very useful tool for any type of technical document writing which relies heavily on acronyms and other jargin.
Hi, anybody can tell why my list of glossaries and acronyms not generated, although they appear in the text.
Please provide a minimal working example and I’ll see what I can do…
Hi! I have copied the example above about Acronyms but even using \printglossaries the list doesn’t appear
Thanks for your comment. Did you run makeglossaries in the command line as explained towards the end of the article?
Hi, great entry, really helped me!
On addition for people with similar problems;
in Texmaker you can’t define the three commands for makeindex in the makeindex-field.
You have to either specify it as custom command or enter it manually into your compile-line like this:
With this your acronyms and glossary will shop up correctly.
Thank you very much, I was stuck and your solution worked like a charm. However, I have just one more question: “Am i obliged to execute all these commands each time I update my list of acronyms ?
That’s right. If you update the list of acronyms, you would have to rerun the command. What I usually do is write a shell/batch script that contains all the commands (latex, bibtex, glossaries, etc.) and then just run the script or use latexmk .
Thanks for this post. How can I add some space between the Abbreviation and its full form. They are very close to each other, I need some space between them.
You can add more space between the abbreviation and the full name by redefining \glsnamefont :
makeindex procedure worked for me on Windows through command prompt. Thanks.
There is an issue when the acronym is firstly defined in plural: No gap between the expanded version and the acronym in parenthesis
Did you try the glossaries package which supports singular and plural forms of acronyms ( \gls{abc} and \glspl{abc} )?
Yes I am using this package. The problem I am having it the following:
Assume I have the acronym ACR. Then if the expanded version appears in text for the first time in plural, I get ”…Acronyms(ACRs)…”
Currently I have identified the following problem in the filename.glsdefs file:
To solve it, I manually enter a gap in the file.
Perhaps there is a smarter way to solve the issue.
According to the bug tracker here , moving the definition of the acronym to the preamble solves the issue.
Personally, I have all acronyms in a file called ‘acronyms.tex’. I load the file in the preamble using:
Hi, can you fix the unavailable images especially for the part of “Make glossaries output ?
Hi there, thanks for telling me. I’m working on the issue. It should be fixed for this particular article now. Best, Tom.
And about the first methode, i have these messages :
audric-jan:~ audricjan$ makeglossaries rapport
makeglossaries version 2.14 (2014-03-06)
Auxiliary file ‘rapport.aux’ doesn’t exist. Have you run LaTeX?
audric-jan:~ audricjan$ makeglossaries /Users/audricjan/Desktop/rapport\ tex/rapport.aux
makeglossaries version 2.14 (2014-03-06)
added glossary type ‘main’ (glg,gls,glo)
added glossary type ‘acronym’ (alg,acr,acn)
The file extension ‘aux’ doesn’t correspond to any
known glossary extension. Try running makeglossaries
without an extension, e.g. makeglossaries “/Users/audricjan/Desktop/rapport tex/rapport”.
The second methods should work if you do what it says in the last line. Try running makeglossaries without an extension (remove .aux).
Let me know if you run into more issues.
Sorry, i made a mistek in my precedent message, you can forget it..
audric-jan:~ audricjan$ makeglossaries /Users/audricjan/Desktop/rapport\ tex/rapport
makeglossaries version 2.14 (2014-03-06)
added glossary type ‘main’ (glg,gls,glo)
makeindex -s “” -t “/Users/audricjan/Desktop/rapport tex/rapport.glg” -o “/Users/audricjan/Desktop/rapport tex/rapport.gls” “/Users/audricjan/Desktop/rapport tex/rapport.glo”
Index style file not found.
Usage: makeindex [-ilqrcgLT] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 …]
Style name indicates makeindex, but may be in xindy format.
Remember to use \setStyleFile to specify the name
of the style file rather than redefining \istfilename
Check ‘/Users/audricjan/Desktop/rapport tex/rapport.glg’ for details
audric-jan:~ audricjan$
Please remove the white space in your document folder, e.g. rename “rapport tex” to “rapport_tex”. Then delete meta files such as .aux, .glg, .gls, .glo, .ist and rerun LaTeX and makeglossaries. If that doesn’t help, post a minimal example here. That is, a LaTeX document with just one glossary entry and no or little content. I will then run it on my computer and try to advise.
Thank you for your help. I tried with deleting the space, but it still doesn’t work and i have the same message..
Your code is absolutely fine. All you have to do is change directory and run makeglossaries from within the project folder, rather than using the path to the file.
Also, to change the heading use the following line rather than \chapter :
hi! it’s ok now! shame on me..i didn’t know i have to write “sudo” before “makeglossaries”….
Please see my response. On my computer, using sudo doesn’t fix the problem…
It’s strange, all it’s ok for me, only chen “sudo”.. maybe it’s better that i let it like this! In all the cases, thank you very much for you time tom!
Just a last question, do you know how i can delete the number page that is written after each word in the glossary?
Thanks. I was using ‘makeglossaries’ with the name of my glossaries file and couldn’t for the life of me figure out why it wasn’t working! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction
Glad you found the information here useful. Thanks for your comment. Best, Tom
Please help !!! I didn’t understand this error even though I have already installed perl
” makeglossaries : The script interpreter could not be found.
makeglossaries: Data: scriptInterpreter=”perl.exe”
As I won’t be able to reproduce the problem, I can’t offer you any specific help. What comes to my mind is that either Perl was not properly installed or makeglossaries cannot find the software. You can find some suggestions on the former here and on the latter here . Alternatively, you could try to generate the glossaries using makeindex ( see here ).
I’m using Papeeria to create an Latex-file. I like to create a list of acronyms but I don’t have Perl on my computer. Now I have followed to procedure with makeindex but it still doesn’t work. So I wondered if it was possible to perhaps give me a extensive example or are there other methods to create a list of acronyms?
The alternative would be to use the acronym package , but there is no difference. You would still have to use makeindex .
I’m not familiar with Papeeria, but maybe they can help you. If you’d like to run it on your computer, you’ll have to open the command line, navigate to the project directory and then use the makeindex command to create a list of acronyms. You might have to first typeset the document using (pdf)latex .
I might be able to help if you send me the error you get from makeindex or describe the problem.
thank you very much for this helpful guide!!
I have a quaestion: when I use tableofcontents the Glossary section (which is correctly generated) is not taken into account in the table of content..
Thanks for your question. Try loading the package with these options:
I have used the following code to for list of abbreviations. abbreviations are creating but i am not able to generate the list. please anybody help me to print the list after table of contents
You’ll have to create the list using makeglossaries or makeindex , either in your editor or in the terminal/commandline. This is explained towards the end of the article. Let me know if you have further questions.
Thanks for this useful entry. Users might like to know that updating of the glossary items is effected if you put the \newglossaryentry commands before \begin{document}. (Sorry if this is already commented on — I didn’t read the entire chain.) Check this entry for details:
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1. November 2007
by tom
\glossary {name={entry name}, description={entry description}}
\addcontentsline {toc}{chapter}{Glossary}
makeindex document.glo -s -t document.glg -o document.gls
makeindex -s -t document.glg -o document.gls document.glo
\renewcommand { \glossaryname }{Your Glossary}
A glossary is a nice thing to have in a report and usually very helpful. As you probably can imaging, it is very easy to create in Latex. Nevertheless, there are a few things to be done, especially generating the glossary-files.
First you have to tell Latex to use the glossary package and to create the glo-file containing all the glossar-entries in your document:
Next you have to add glossary entries to your document. They are of the following form:
Note: Usually, the glossary-entry should be added to keywords where they first appear.
A glossary-entry produces by default the following format:
"entry name" "entry description (on multiple lines if necessary)", "page number"
And finally you have to tell Latex where to place you glossary inside the document which is done by the following command at the location you want to produce the glossary:
Optinally, you can reference to the glossary in the index (toc-file) by adding the following command after \printglossary" :
What you do first is
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