



Slave To Sweetness
(added page 4)


Brothers Broda
(added page 2)


Dylan's Training
(added page 2)


Space Rangers
(added page 12)


Slave To Sweetness
(added page 3)


Slave To Sweetness
(added page 2)


(added page 2)

Randy Dragon

Space Rangers
(added page 11)


(added page 2)

Master Skrain

Purple Thunders Trapped Torture

Arthur Hero
(Illustrated by Robert Lust)

Space Rangers
(added page 10)


Slate Returns
(added page 3)

Arthur Hero

Space Rangers
(added page 9)


The Mission
(added page 12)

Randy Dragon

Thor in Chains

Master Skrain
(Illustrated by Kalabro)

The Mission
(added page 11)

Randy Dragon

The Mission
(added page 10)

Randy Dragon

The Mission
(added page 9)

Randy Dragon

Coach Goes Down
(added page 2)

Jock Topper

His retinue, fawning and clustering as close as etiquette would allow, followed
the royal person - ministers and aides falling over themselves to impress with
their wit and sycophancy as he walked - and a small smile flickered on his
mouth as he played with the idea of putting some of THEM in the restraining
equipment. That would be much more fun than tormenting innocent slaves, and it
might buck their ideas up a bit.

They passed the rack, with its screaming occupant begging for mercy; the water
torture; the wheel; the slow castration ("pull on the wire, sire?") - Ah, that
slave was quite cute. The king whispered into the ever-ready ear of an aide for
the slave to be released and brought to his private chambers later - the
garrote; the impalements... it went on and on, and the King remained
unimpressed. What was needed was a little more imagination for God's sake.

The royal party turned a corner and the King stopped abruptly. "And what have
we here?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.

There was subdued consternation in the retinue. Apologetic coughs resounded.
"Sire," fawned the aide, "it is not worthy of your Royal attention. It is a
piece designed by an apprentice. I will have him whipped and placed on the rack
for your enjoyment tomorrow." The aide looked around desperately for something
better to show the King. "If your Majesty would care to come this way, sire, I
have a piece I designed myself that would..."

"Silence!" The King cut off his whimpering. "Produce the apprentice."

A young man stepped forward in terror. "Sire, I am your servant."

Before them was a hole in the floor. It was about six feet deep and five feet
in diameter. Looking down, the King saw a seething mass of vipers at the
bottom. At the very edge stood two thin marble pillars three feet high - one
each side of the hole. The pillars, firmly fixed in position, ended in flat
tops some six inches square. A young slave, naked, and with his arms tied
behind his back so that each hand gripped the opposite elbow, stood trembling
at the side of the hole.

"Sire, " the apprentice's voice was cracking with terror, "the idea is simply
that the slave is lifted onto the pillars, so that he is standing with one foot
on each, and that your Majesty may use any means you wish to cause him to lose
his balance and fall to his death into the vipers. "

There was an awful silence as the retinue held their breath, awaiting the
King's response.

Then the King smiled for the first time that evening. "I like it," he said.

There were gasps of relief all round.

"You have an imagination, young man." The King turned to his aide. "This
apprentice is henceforth Director of the Royal Entertainments."

The former Director seethed quietly at the back of the crowd.

"However," continued the King, returning his attention to the pillars, "I would
like a couple of improvements. First, put some grease on the pillars and on the
bottoms of the slave's feet - that will make it more difficult for him to
stand. Secondly, blindfold him so that he is unable to prepare himself for what
I shall do to him."

The improvements were carried out immediately - goose fat was spread liberally
onto the boy's soles and the tops of the marble posts, and the youth's eyes
were covered with a strip of leather. Then, carefully, the slave was lifted up
and his legs spread wide so his feet could be positioned on the pillars. It
took a while for him to be able to balance himself, but soon he was standing
unsupported over the pit of snakes. Small whimpering sounds came from him, but
his head rose as the King spoke to him.

"It would be easy for me to push you off, slave, but it would afford me little
amusement. I therefore intend to give you a chance to stay in position and
live. I give you my word that I will not use force to cast you to your doom. I
fancy rather a battle of wills."

The King turned and whispered an instruction to his aide, who immediately
departed, returning in a few moments with an object in his hands. It was a
large silver plate, in the centre of which was a long, white, pointed

The slave boy stood swaying slightly on the posts, his feet overhanging the
flat marble tops by a couple of inches at front and back. The blindfold made
balancing more difficult and he tried not to move a muscle in case a foot
slipped on the warm grease. He stared ahead into the black leather, having no
idea what torture the King planned for him. Perhaps it would be fire on his
genitals, or stinging insects on his nipples - the possibilities were

He was therefore totally unprepared for what actually happened. The King walked
silently around until he was facing the slave and then, reaching up, he touched
the point of the feather to the boy's scrotum and tickled the vulnerable
testicles sharply.

The youth let out a squeal of surprise and convulsed in ticklishness. He tried
to close his knees together to protect his sensitive balls, and began to lose
his balance on the posts. It took everything he could do to stay upright.
Gradually he had himself under control again and became reasonably stable once

The King felt his own cock stirring under the velvet robes as he watched the
boy fighting to retain his balance, and imagined what he must be feeling -
helpless and blindfolded, unable to see what was coming, or when.

After a long pause, during which the boy's body still twitched in expectation
of another assault on his balls, the King applied the feather to the space
between two of the youth's toes. The boy screamed and began to laugh
uncontrollably as the King worked the feather in and out devilishly. He tried
to move his foot to escape the intense tickling, but every movement threatened
to dislodge him from his precarious position. His foot slipped and slid over
the greasy pillar dangerously, and he was unable to use his arms to help him

The King stepped back and looked up at the slave - he was indeed a very
beautiful boy. His golden hair fell over the black leather blindfold and the
tip of his tongue flicked over his red lips as he desperately tried to
concentrate on keeping still.

With the feather gripped firmly in his hand, the King moved forward and applied
its tip to the boy's thighs - but this time it wasn't just a quick flick - this
time he teased and tickled up and down the youth's bare legs, unpredictably and
fiendishly. He worked the stiff tip right into the crevices at the boy's groin,
he tickled the backs of his knees, and tormented mercilessly the sensitive
insides of his thighs. Again, he tickled the exposed parts of the lad's bare
soles. The boy desperately tried to use the tops of the pillars to cover them,
but his feet were bigger than they were - if he moved the foot back to protect
the underside of the toes, the King tickled the base of the heel. When that
became too much to bear he moved his foot forwards - which exposed the toes and
the front of the sole. And every movement made him sway and fight for

The slave boy was in hysterics. He was excruciatingly ticklish at the best of
times, but now, here, restrained and blindfolded, every single touch of that
despicable feather sent him into paroxysms of helpless laughter and involuntary
muscle spasms which threatened at every moment to dislodge him and send him to
his death. He swayed on the slippery posts, his legs bending and straightening
maniacally in his efforts to remain upright. His body was bent at the waist in
a useless attempt to protect his most ticklish spots of all - his balls and
cock - and he thrashed his head to get rid of the blindfold. If he could see it
would be so much easier to resist, but the leather was fastened on securely.

Then a shudder ran through the boy as he felt the feather run along the length
of his cock. In spite of his predicament, and the fact that he could fall to
his death at any second, he began to get hard.

The King noticed this with interest, and set to work on the young penis with
vigour. The feather teased along the shaft, ran around the sensitive glans and
flicked over the piss-slit, tickling madly. It danced over the youth's balls,
explored along the area between his widely parted legs, and teased between the
buttocks until it found the pink hole nestling there. But always it returned to
the stiff, now dribbling young cock.

It was standard procedure to keep all the King's entertainment slaves in a
permanent state of sexual frustration, and this one was no exception. His need
for orgasm was urgent indeed - the King knew he probably hadn't cum for over a
week. As the royal hand twirled the feather, a wonderful thought occurred to

Concentrating hard now, the King worked specifically on the boy's cock. He
caused the feather to tickle and tease the rock-hard organ relentlessly,
watching it twitch and jerk as the youth involuntarily began the long climb
towards orgasm. An expert in the art of male sexual techniques, he knew exactly
what he was doing as he began at the bottom of the shaft and slowly - so very,
very slowly - worked towards the tip. The soft feather caressed the boy's cock
with a kiss of silk - hardly touching, but every movement sending electric
currents of ecstasy through the young body. Gradually, millimetre by
millimetre, the feather danced upwards towards the sensitive tip of the youth's
penis, its cunningly slow progress calculated precisely to cause the eventual
orgasm to be of the most shattering intensity possible.

The slave boy's lips were parted, his eyes were closed behind the blindfold,
and he was moaning in pure sexual frustration. Occasionally he would lose
concentration and his hips would begin to thrust forward and back until, with a
sharp gasp of fear, he brought them back under control. As the feather
progressed along the shaft, getting nearer and nearer to the tip of his cock,
and the pressure of the spunk in his balls increased, his need to cum
intensified proportionally. He was now at the point where a single firm stroke
on his cock would make him ejaculate spontaneously. He was powerless to control
it - either to make himself cum or to prevent his nearing the point of

Just then a foot slipped and he cried out as he almost lost his balance. In the
nick of time he managed to get the sole back onto the centre of the post.

The King was enjoying himself immensely, and his retinue was silent, watching.
Every one had an erection, and several were surreptitiously stroking their
cocks under their gowns.

The feather was now well past half way up the boy's cock and the King's hand
drew circles in the air as it made the soft tip play round and round the rigid
pole. Precum was dripping down from the end in long pearly strands that reached
almost to the bottom of the pit where the poisonous snakes writhed in a shiny
green mass.

The boy was oblivious to them, however, lost as he was in his private world of
ecstasy. His entire universe consisted of that feather and what it was doing to
his aching, horny cock.

As the feather reached the base of the glans, a shudder ran through the boy.
This was now pure torture - he so desperately needed to cum. In spite of the
strict laws of silence, the boy couldn't stop himself from pleading, "Oh Gods -
please make me cum, Sire, PLEASE!"

A gasp went through the retinue as the slave dared to speak, but the King was
not offended. "Oh, you shall cum, boy - you shall cum."

More and more often now, the boy's hips were escaping his control, and his
pelvic thrusts became stronger and more urgent before he managed to stop

The feather was now working on the sensitive glans itself, and the poor slave
boy was beginning to shudder uncontrollably. He could feel the onset of orgasm
approaching and, as before, he was incapable either of delaying it or forcing
it to happen. His mind followed every movement on his cock and he concentrated
with every bit of his mind, willing the King to deliver the coup de grace.

The King, however, was intent on making the boy's torture last as long as
possible - for the longer it went on, the more indescribably intense would the
youth's orgasm be - and, for his plan to work, that was exactly what the King
wanted. Consequently he lingered on the glans for a long time, stroking,
teasing and tickling fiendishly.

He knew that the boy was suspended on the very brink of orgasm. It would take
little more than a breath on the tip of his cock to send him over the edge and
release all his pent-up sexual energy in one blast - and yet he continued to
torture the youth sadistically.

Finally, the King could wait no longer himself. He withdrew the feather, paused
dramatically, and then flicked its pointed tip once, firmly, over the piss-slit
of the boy's straining cock.

It was more than enough. With an animal scream from the boy, the dam burst
cataclysmically and the youth's spunk jetted out of his cock in pulses that
arced upwards more than two feet before they fell earthwards, landing all over
the King's purple robes. As the boy's orgasm began, the King applied the
feather furiously to the bucking organ, milking more and more of the white
sticky liquid out of the slave.

The orgasm was the most intense the boy had ever had in his young life - as the
spunk squirted out of him and his body was wracked by the overpowering
sensations of ejaculation he lost command of his muscles completely and began
to thrust backwards and forwards violently and uncontrollably.

This was exactly what the King had planned, and he watched, fascinated, as the
boy struggled against his involuntary movements and tried to stay balanced on
the posts.

But the intensity of the orgasm was far too much for him. With a feeling of
terror he felt his left foot slip backwards on the grease, and he screamed as
he fell forwards towards an agonizing death in the snake pit.

He fell not into the vipers, however, but into strong, velvet-robed arms as the
King caught him and pulled him to safety.

"I think it would be a waste for such a ticklish boy to die so soon," the King
said as he handed the slave to his aide. "I intend to have much more fun with
this one. Once he is rested bring him to my chambers. Bring also a St. Andrew's
cross and some heavy straps."

The aide bowed deeply. "Yes Sire. And perhaps a selection of feathers?"

The King smiled. "And a selection of feathers."

Guide to the Richard Marshall Collection of Gay Erotica and Pornography MSS.498
Fales Library and Special Collections
Collection processed by Stacey Flatt, with arrangement and series assignments by Julia
LePla, Gina Modero and Dylan Rogers.

This finding aid was produced using ArchivesSpace on February 15, 2022 Finding aid written in English using Describing Archives: A Content Standard

 Updated by Lyric to reflect the digitization of video materials  , February 14, 2022
The materials are listed in alphabetical order by title, followed by author name and

This series contains erotic stories originally published via websites, online forums,
and email chains. Marshall printed the stories out on paper. A majority of the folders
contain complete stories, while a few have been only partially printed out. A selection
of the stories were printed on the reverse of Richard Marshall's professional correspondence.

Adonis Brotherhood (Part 3), Master SIR
Adult Incest: Man to Man, Kennyb, 1996
Adventures on I-10 (Parts 1-3), Dick Hunter
Adventures on the Road (Part 4), Bearbtmboy
Afterwork (Parts 1- 5), Antoms, 2001
All In the Family, Maipenraikhap, 1999
Another Hardon Family (Part 1): Hotline Report, Marc Tremaine
Another One For the Gang, C2cbearhug, 2003
Another Special For the Trash Shack, Bid Red
Another Working Day, Billy Boy, 1999
Arab Dirt: Dirt Pig Does a Middle Eastern Businessman, Dirt Pig
Arcade Adventures # 2, Gloryhole Lover, 2000
Armpit Fantasy Comes to Life, sweaty20
The Army: Code Yellow/Code Brown, Bkcycler
Arrogance (Parts 1-4), Roderick Shafton
Assistant Jock Sniffer, Ted Tallman
At Their Mercy (Part 13), Dream Spinner
The B'anati (Part 1-6), Mickey (Daddy), 1999
Back Wash Mountain Man, David L. Hass
Barbershop Boy (Part 2), Randyboy, 1999
Baseball Player in the Rest Area; Biting Off a Homer; Proper Submission; Eating Straight
Surfer Shit, Unknown
Baseball Team Rapes Teacher, Conor O'Leary, 1999
Bear Ass Quarterbackin' (Parts 1,2), Michael Dionne
Bear in the Woods, BlackBearLover, 1997
Becoming A Real Man (Part 1), Tom Borden
Bill and Mike, and Carla; Cuckold and Loving It, Ooz
Black Dominance, White Submission, Kevin James
Black Man's White Pussyboy (Part 1- 2), Percxyz
Black Sperm Engines (Part 2), Braveheart_sm
Black Stud in the Military, Mark Daniels
Blackstud in the Morning, EbonyLover, 2000
Blues Cock (Parts 1-3), Ron Kelly, 2002
The Boy Who Cried Wolf (Part 2), Happenstance
The Boyfriend: At Joey's House, Dale10
Bringing Lenny Along, Roderick Shafton
Broken Jock (Part 1- 5), Alan, 2001
Bull Daddies (Part 4), WorshipsMusclesChubs
Bull Session, Roderick Shafton, 2001
Burglars! Burglars!, Roderick Shafton, 2000
Bus Station Hijinks #3, Cgard43, 1999
Business Trip Abroad, Paul Richarson, 2000
Camping Dad's (Part 2), Roderick Shafton
Camping with Uncle Bob, Get2it, 2000
Careful What You Say In Jest!, Bbrunner4
Carlito's Table (Parts 1, 2), Raunchiboi69
Caught In A Rundown (Parts 1, 2), PeterAinLA
Cleanin' Up Daddy, Jerry & Eric, 2000
Coach: A Gay Chainletter, MuscleBear, exPECtation, Unknown
Coach Madison, Daniel Townsend, 1998
College Boys During Spring Break, ScatStud
Construction Dad (Parts 1, 2), Russell, 2000
Construction Site Daddies; Afternoon Shower with Cousin Zack; In Bed with My Uncle;
Caught By Uncle, Ruff Tuff UK; Mark K; Mark
Construction Stud Foreman (Part 2), Jay Cee
The Construction Stud Foreman (Parts 1,2 4-6), Jay Cee
The Construction Worker's Son (Parts 2,3), Rimpigfl
Convention of a Lifetime, Cliff Simpson, 2000
Copsucker, Uknown author, and Copsucker (Part II), Dick Hunter
Cruising For Piss (Parts 1,2), Ron Kelly
Cumshots & Pisstreams: Confessions of a Teenage Toilet (Parts 1-3), Jay
Cuntboy (
Follar En El Bus
Boy/Boy Sex Story
Male Dog Sex Stories

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