Gladiator Sex Stories

Gladiator Sex Stories

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Sexual Gladiators Ep. 01
A new game show where everyone wins... one way or another.
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Author's Notes: Some elements and characters in this story are inspired by "Millionaire or Mommy" and "Fight for Freedom" by QuentinXRandom. Used with Permission.
Other elements are inspired by game shows such as Takashi's Castle, Survivor, American Gladiators, and a few other Japanese sex game shows that I don't even know the names of but found on the internet.
CHAPTER 1: Introductions and the First Event
"Welcome everybody to the exciting new game show; Sexual Gladiators! I'm your host; Ray Gunn," the dashing looking man with a microphone in his hand says to the camera. After showing his good looks and roguish smile that could've come off of a romance novel cover, the camera then pans to the interior of a stadium in which various obstacles are suspended over bodies of water, stretching out nearly the whole length of the expansive interior, cumulating in a large maze with six different corridors and a series of six trenches of exercise mats that have poles planted in the center. "Thanks to censorship now being abolished in North America, we are now free to bring you, the viewing audience at home, what you truly want and deserve: full contact sports combined with gratuitous nudity and lots of sex without the underground internet connections. Our contestants today, six couples from around the continent, will compete in front of our live audience in six stages for the grand prize in which the winners will leave here with half a million dollars and the losers will be going home with a baby in the belly."
Gunn appears as he's walking across a stage now that angles to show six couples, all Caucasian, in a line; the men standing beside their bound, spread eagled women on an upright X cross. "So let's meet our contestants," he says, walking up to a man and a woman wearing blue. The average built man has nothing on but a sparring helmet and speedo shorts. The woman, a slim and trim blonde, is wearing a tight blue vest and blue speedo shorts, looking apprehensive. "Here's our Blue Team; Jon and Jen. You two have been married for three years now?"
"Uhh yeah..." Jon, a businessman according to the stats that flash on the side of the screen. "We're here today to hopefully get out from under our student loan debt."
"Excellent!" Gunn gushes as he moves next to Jen. "And how are you holding up, my dear?"
"O-Okay so far... just hoping my husband does well in this competition," she stammers out. Jen looks up and tugs at her leather cuffs keeping her wrists bound above her head. "Are these really necessary?"
"Well, we don't want you getting cold feet and running off on us now, do we? Besides, you signed a contract," Gunn flashes her a smile. "So now we'll see gladiator that your husband will be going up against is..." Gunn takes out a card from his suit pocket and looks at it. "THE BULL!" he says with a flourish. A tall, muscle ripped black man with a million dollar smile behind a black goatee smiles as his curtain nearby is ripped away and he's illuminated in a spotlight. He's standing with his large arms crossed wearing a black speedo with an impressive bulge in it. Gunn continues on in his explanations as ladies in the audience cheer and swoon at his handsomeness. "Bull is a former NFL Linebacker who dabbled in minor circuit wrestling and as you can see, ladies, he's happy to be here and ready for our debut games." As Gunn talks, Bull silently flirts with the ladies in the stands before walking over to stand next to the Blue Team.
"Moving on, we have our Red Team: Andrew and Leah," Gunn says, walking to the next couple wearing the same thing as the Blue Team, just in their own announced colors. "Says here that you two are devoutly Christian from the heart of Texas and have been married faithfully for five years now." He looks them over. "What the hell are you two doing here?"
"We need the money to pay bills," Andrew says, looking a bit on the scrawny side compared to Jon. His stats show him as a church office worker. "I've done well in High School sports and when we heard of this competition we thought; hey, easy money."
"Andrew holds a black belt in a couple of different styles," Leah, a mousy brunette, says from where she's shackled to her cross with a confident smile. Her stats list her as a housewife. "I've watched him spar with men twice his size and win."
"Well, let's see how you do with someone your own size then as you're matched against, Hung Lo!" Gunn announces when he pulls the next card out. A fit Asian man is revealed at the opposite end of the stage with short, jet black hair, wearing a black speedo like his fellow gladiator, Bull. Hung puts a fist into an open palm for a short bow and then walks across the stage to them. Gunn talks as Hung Lo walks over. "Hung Lo hails from the MMA circuit in Japan where he's already competed as a gladiator with our Asian affiliates in which this show is based off of. In three years of competition he has already racked up an overall 30 and 3 win/loss record in which 22 of those wins have been confirmed pregnancies."
When Hung takes his place alongside a now nervous looking Andrew and Leah, Gunn walks to the next couple in line on the stage. "Our Yellow Team is a newly engaged couple from Florida; Wes and Traci. So what would you do with the money if you win?"
Wes, a buff looking construction worker, leans down for the microphone. "We're planning on going from a simple wedding to a dream wedding in Aruba, Ray," he said with a slightly humbled and subdued tone.
"And you have no problem if your bride-to-be goes to the altar, deflowered?" Gunn asks.
"Well... considering he's already deflowered me..." Traci, a dark brunette with curves in the right places giggles. "We want a large family so we decided that we don't mind if our first one is his or one of the gladiators."
"Well then, with that in mind let me introduce you to your gladiator; Quiver!" Gunn says with a sweep of his hand back to the right side of the stage. The curtain pulls back and spotlights shine on a man who is tall, slightly buff, with long brown hair with a matching goatee. He looks like he should be on the beach surfing as he gives a roguish smile and a wink that makes the girls in the audience gush and swoon.
"Quiver?" Wes and Traci ask at the same time.
"That's right, he's a retiring minor porn star who has a reputation with the ladies that makes them quiver with pleasure just by looking at them," Gunn explains as he walks by them. "I'll leave you two to him as we move on to our Green Team: Cory and Kate! Now Cory, it says here that you're an illustrator for a comic book company and that you and Kate are recently married?"
"That's right," Cory, a tall man with a slight belly, confirms. "We just got married at the last comic book convention in Vegas after dating for a year."
"It was so sweet how he proposed to me at the top of the Stratosphere," Kate gushes from her cross, rolling her head and batting her green doe eyes at Cory. "It was so romantic."
"We'll see if that'll last as we have Doctor Climax for you," Gunn says, nodding to the stage left curtain. A tall man, slightly willowy, but with well defined arms stood. "The Doc here is a former special forces medic and was nicknamed the Benedict Cumberbatch of the Marines for... well... obvious reasons..." Doc smiles at that as he runs his hand back over his well cut black hair before walking out onto the stage to stand by them. He gives Cory a cordial nod and Kate a polite kiss on the cheek, making her blush.
"Now on to our Purple Team; Rob and Caitlyn, or just Cait to her friends." Gunn stops and looks up at Rob whose a barrel chested man standing a good head taller than him. "Damn... how did you miss our gladiator tryouts?" he wondered.
"Got me," Rob shrugged his broad shoulders.
"Says here that you two have been married for ten years, you have two kids, and you're swingers?" Gunn asks.
"That's right. So we figured why not kill two birds with one stone; get fucked and get paid for it. The kids could use a college fund."
"Well we got a man who's going to try to deny you that and give you another kid while he's doing it. From Canada, we have Hugh Johnson!" Gunn points to the stage right curtain where a 6'6", flowing red hair, bushy goatee, massive lumberjack of a man is standing there with crossed arms looking impressive.
"OOO! Honey!" Cait, a petite dirty blonde woman squeals with glee. "Can we take him home with us?"
"Unfortunately its just money and/or his semen that you're taking home today," Gunn laughs as he walks by. "And finally; our Orange Team; Mike and Abby," he says to two scrawny looking people who seem to epitomize the term 'Geek'. "You two are grad students from UCLA?"
"Uhhh... soon to be..." Mike admits nervously in a slightly nasally voice, running a hand through his slightly unkept brown hair.
"And you two are just dating?" Gunn asks. "How long?"
"Four years." Abby says, trying to tilt her head back to keep her wide brimmed glasses from sliding off her head. Mike pushes them back up her nose for her and she smiles with gratitude. "Thanks, sweetie. Anyway, we need the money for grad school as we'd like to graduate with as little debt as possible."
"Best of luck to you both," Gunn says before adding, "You're going to need it. You've drawn... one of our favorites from Millionaire or Mommy, The Sperminator!" The stage left curtains pull back to show a German, Arnold Schwarzenegger doppelganger of a man standing there with an intense, serious look on his face. "After Millionaire or Mommy, Sperminator went on to be a gladiator on our Asian counterpart along with Hung Lo. He has an impressive 24 and 1 record with 19 confirmed pregnancies out of his wins on just Inseminator Japan."
"Oh my..." Abby gasps, already rubbing her thighs together self-consciously as she stares wide-eyed at the man when he walks over. The bulge in his speedos was even more impressive than The Bull's.
Gunn turns to the camera. "Now that our teams and our primary gladiators have been introduced, let's go over the rules and disclaimers for our viewers at hom. Pursuant to United States Code; all participants are verified to be over eighteen years of age, have all signed waivers and disclaimer agreements, have all been declared STD Free by our team of doctors, and are all here of their own free will. The rules of the game are easy; survive each course to make it to the end. The men will go through the first four stages, competing against our gladiators, as they approach the castle. If they beat the stage, then they will win cash prizes, their women get to retain what little clothes they have on, and they can even gain advantages for later stages. If they lose, then their women start losing clothes. First runner up who fails to complete their stage behind the winner or winners, only has to watch their significant other lose one article while everyone else after them will lose two. Each round after the first, the men can earn clothes back for their women at the cost of half the cash prize. If the men lose after their women are totally naked, then they are eliminated from the competition and the ladies are inseminated here on stage." The crowd roars its approval at that prospect. Gunn flashes a smile as the contestants behind them show a range of emotions from worry to hungry anticipation. "So stay tuned for our first event; The Joust where we're going to watch our contestants get wet in more ways than one."
The gladiators and the male contestants each took their positions above the pool on their assigned pedestal. The gladiators sported pugil sticks with black pads at the ends. The contestants had sticks with their team's colors on it. All of them wore padded armor and full football helmets. They stared across the narrow space between the pedestals, squaring off against their assigned gladiators. Jon was getting a feel for his stick. Andrew was looking smug and even did some twirls with his stick. Wes and Rob looked bored. Corey was taking a few practice swings and Mike at the end was shaking with such nervousness that the producers were afraid that he was going to fall off before the cameras came back on.
The director of the show cued the audience to start cheering again as the lights came back up on the stage, this time illuminating the ladies tied to their crosses under a single spotlight while Ray Gunn, over in the announcer's booth, smiled at his camera when prompted by his producer. "Aaaaaannnd we're back to The Inseminator," he said in his cheery game-show voice. "Our first event; The Joust. The Joust is an age-old tradition in many game shows that we honor here today. Our contestants will have one minute to go mano a mano with their gladiators. In that time they must either knock their gladiator off or survive to win one thousand dollars. As mentioned before our commercial break, at each stage the winners may take the full prize money, or sacrifice half of it to gain additional clothes for their ladies, sacrifice half of it to gain back a removed piece from a previous round, or sacrifice three quarters of it for an advantage later on in the show. That advantage will help their women in the fifth round in which they must navigate the gauntlet with whatever clothes they have left on and their virtue intact as our gladiators will be hunting them down to inseminate them."
Gunn turns in place and looks to his right to the row of contestants. "Contestants! Are you ready?" Each of them called back in voices ranging from confident to shaky as they each lifted their pugil stick in acknowledgement. "Gladiators! Are you ready?" Gunn then called out to the row of gladiators to his right. They each raised their sticks and roared. "On your marks, get set, GO!" Gunn blew a whistle and the fight was on.
Hung Lo drew first blood as he ducked under Andrew's two handed, baseball bat swing that was intended to take his head off. He then popped back up and jabbed with his black pugil, catching Andrew square in the facemask of his helmet. Andrew lost his balance as he was bent backwards from the blow. He would've recovered had Hung not jabbed a second and a third time, sending his opponent screaming in outrage to the water below. "OOO! And there goes Andrew head over heels into the pool! Not a good start for the Red Team!" Gunn announces.
"WHAAAT!" Leah screeches in outrage, straining against her bonds on the stage as if she could throttle her husband. "Are you fucking serious, Andrew? Do you WANT me to commit adultery or something?" She shouts down at him as Andrew disgustedly throws a hissy fit in the water before swimming to the side. Meanwhile, Hung Lo gives him a formal bow before climbing down his pedestal to the outstretched platform coming out to keep him from getting wet.
Meanwhile, the other five pairs were furiously going at it. Mike was already disarmed and down on his knees, clutching the platform for dear life as The Sperminator was relentlessly jabbing him with his stick, trying to dislodge him. "Things aren't looking good for Orange Team as Mike hangs on for as long as he can. Wait, what's this next door at the Purple Team? Rob and Johnson are going blow for blow down there like a couple of rock-em, sock-em robots. Over on the green platforms, ouch! Cory gets bent over and then takes a vicious chop to the head! Down he goes!" Cory pinwheeled his arms as he then did a flip into the water. Up on stage, Kate grimaces as the Doctor holds up his stick in victory.
"Thirty seconds left," Gunn announces. "Four teams remain. Sperminator is still trying to push Little Mike off his pedestal but Mike is refusing to go down. Ya gotta hand it to that kid; he ain't giving up. OOOh! Jon takes a nasty chop across the chin... he's off balance... Bull is following up for the kill... and... yes! There goes Jon. Team Blue now out of it. Wes is hanging on as well although he's still off balance. There's a wild chop back towards Quiver, who easily dodges it, and there it is! Wes is in the drink! Rob, Team Purple, still giving as good as he's getting with Johnson. Mike, Team Orange, is getting pummeled ruthlessly on his back by Sperminator but is not going anywhere. Fifteen seconds left... ten... are our two boys left gonna make it? Five..." An airhorn then sounds across the stadium. "And that's it! That's the game! Rob and, believe it or not, Mike, are our first two winners! Sperminator is looking upset, gesturing towards Mike and looking to the judges but the judges rule that Mike has survived on top of his pedestal despite losing his pugil stick. We'll give our contestants and our gladiators a chance to get out of the water and their gear before we meet them back on stage."
A few minutes later, everyone was back in their respective spaces on stage. Gunn was standing next to Mike. "Mike, big win for you. You were clearly the underdog going against Sperminator and you managed, against all odds, to hold out. How do you feel?" he asks, sticking his microphone up to Mike.
"Sore..." Mike moans, rubbing his back. "This guy packs a punch."
"Sperminator? Any words?" Gunn asks the gladiator.
"This kid is hard to hit. I couldn't dislodge him to save my life," Sperminator replies in his German accent with just a hint of admiration. "But it'll make my victory later that much sweeter."
Gunn moves down the line to the Purple team. "Rob, you and Hugh Johnson were just a couple of beasts out there, how was it?"
"Ah, I had a blast out there," Rob said with a smile. "I'd love to do it again sometime."
Johnson smiles. "Stick around after taping is over, we can go again for double or nothing with your wife."
Gunn then goes down to the Red Team, who were busy glowering at each other. "Andrew, you projected confidence going into this and you were the first one down, what happened?"
Andrew shook his head, disgusted. "I didn't know you could duck. Had I known that then I would've planned for it."
"Well, you were the first one out, which means Leah here will lose her vest and her shorts first. Jon, Cory, you two went down before Wes did which means the same for you two. Wes, you were the last one out which makes you the first runner up. Traci will only lose her vest. Cait and Abby; you're safe." Gunn said. Then he backs off. "Gentlemen, if you will, please?"
The Bull, Hung Lo, Quiver, and Doctor Climax each step up to their assigned ladies, each of them snaking
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