Giving Hardsports

Giving Hardsports


We’ve created a list of the hardest sports in the world based on the sport’s difficulty, the danger athletes face, the different skills involved in the sport and the conditions athletes must endure in order to come out on top.
As the world’s number 1 crowdfunding site for sports, we have worked with thousands of athletes from almost every sport known to man, to help them raise money for their sport through crowdfunding, and the below 10 sports the hardest sports to master.
These guys are die hard tough nuts, dedicating their lives to taming a 1600-1700 pound bull.
Every time they saddle up in the pen, they’re getting ready to hold on for dear life as a raging bull does its best to buck the rider off its back and stomp them into the ground.
Training for any sport can be difficult. The number of hours that goes into perfecting your technique or form can equate to years. But do you know what’s tougher? Training a horse. And not just training a horse for one event, but three different disciplines – dressage, cross-country and show jumping. You want tough? You got it.
very time a big wave surfer takes to the waves they are putting their lives on the line. These guys don’t just surf normal waves, but rather waves that often measure close to 100 feet.
The sport demands incredible surfing ability and nerves of absolute steel as surfers battle unpredictable and dangerous conditions, from Ireland’s Atlantic coast to Hawaii.
Incredibly quick footwork, the ability to throw accurate, fast and powerful punches for 12 three-minute rounds while also trying to avoid punches from an opponent who is intent on knocking you out.
Any boxer of any level will tell you that taking blow after blow from an opponent doubles the speed at which energy drains from your body. These guys belong to the hardest sports list.
Similar to boxing in that the sport demands throwing and taking hits, MMA also requires its athletes to master an array of fighting styles which they must adopt and utilise mid-fight to get the better of their opponent. As well as this, both MMA and boxing are ranked among the hardest sports because each fight takes months of gruelling training and preparation, unlike the weekly training soccer players go through, for example.
With a lot of kicking and grabbing going on under the surface and all sorts of sly blows in the water, polo is highly physical. Water polo receives a boost to skill level, as the game itself is supplemented by the need to not drown during it.
Try going to your local pool and treading water for more than 30 minutes, then imagine playing an intense contact sport in that time, and you will realise why water polo is among the hardest sports.
Ever wondered what a Super Olympics would look like? Well, that’s more or less what Decathlon is. We’re talking ten events over two days, absolute survival of the fittest. These athletes must be extremely proficient in sprinting, hurdling, long jump, high jump, shot put, discus, pole vault, 400m, 1500m and javelin if they are to prevail as a winner.
Some of the multi disciplines sports such a Decathlon and the ultra -Icosathlon definitely rank up there too with the hardest sports.
Rugby blends different disciplines together like power, endurance, tactical nuance, skill and mental resilience.
The modern game sees the ball in play for longer periods of play, crossing between anaerobic and aerobic expenditure, before throwing in physical contact to sap that last bit of energy available.
It’s one thing for them to run 26 miles, but it’s an entirely other challenge to hone a perfect technique for swimming through kilometres of ice-cold water before gathering breakneck speed on a road bike after leaving the freezing swim behind. True pioneers of our hardest sports list.
Played with an ash stick (hurley) and a rock-hard ball (sliotar), hurling is the fastest field sport on earth.
The skill required to control, catch, pass and score puts hurling firmly on the list of toughest sports. Couple those skills with the physical demands of 70 minutes of non-stop sprinting, tackling and tactical nuance and you would be hard-pressed to find a sport much tougher.
The sport not only demands the ability of an elite speed skater but fantastic hand-eye coordination and control of the puck. The physical demands of the sport are so tough that in the off-season, players practice holding their breath to build their oxygen intake and increase efficiency. Taking in optimum levels of oxygen is key to keeping a player moving on the ice and able to come out on top in physical duels with the opposition.
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good do not put gymnastics in there anybody can do a cartwheel!!!!!!!!! EASY
hockey = very hard it should move up the list
Pardon me can u do a. Cartwheel on the beam can u jump from bar to bar risking falling off .can u jump over something nearly as tall as and then put some twists into it .can u perfume a routine doing jumps ,turns ,tumbles , Leeps and the splits . Can u do all of this with a smile,point your toes and creep your legs straight they do and go to the olimpics and then some of them fall off or make a tiny mistake that effects their performance u cannot talk when in your cartwheel u won’t be Juged and your legs will be bent and your arms will be bent .
Good argument Katie, I think we need to add gymnastics to this list!
Why is dance not on this list? First off, you have to be flexible. You try splitting you’re body in half, doing a backbend and then touching you’re stomach to the floor while reaching you’re ankles. Then, you have to be strong. You have to be able to lift you’re self off the ground across the floor and legit pick up and throw other people. You have to have stamina because some routines really energetic and it’s much harder then just running because you have to be leaping and turning all the time. And if you fall, nobody runs to help… you keep dancing because the show must go on! And most of the time dancers go to preform wth multiple broken toes and sprains. For all the football players out there who think dance is easy, try doing the spits, getting off the ground without using you’re hands, do 3 turns, leap across the floor and the lift up FULLY ONTO YOU’RE TOES UNTIL THEY BREAK AND DO 96 MORE TURNS. It is not easy. We have to work very hard and for a very long time. So, you have to do all these crazy moves AND FLIPS TOO in front of 2,500 people perfectly. But, unlike other sports who require you to be strong and flexible, dancers have to wear heavy costumes and stage makeup… oh, and don’t forget to smile no matter how much it hurts!
Gymnastics is a very difficult sport it takes lots of strength ,balance and bravery!gymnatics is jut not about tumbling and balancing but also includes really difficult conditioning
Artistic gymnastics should definitely be in this list. It may just look like athletes doing cartwheels or roundoffs, but to do that on the beam is a whole new level of difficulty.
Speaking of difficulty, artistic gymnastics scoring is quite complex. The final score is composed of a difficulty score and the execution score. Every four years, the Code of Points (CoP) in artistic gymnastics changes, and the skills are either upgraded or downgraded. This means that gymnasts have to constantly do skills that are increasingly difficult to MAINTAIN and KEEP UP TO the Olympic scoring when the time comes.
Also, to people who think artistic gymnastics shouldn’t be in this list, maybe you’d like to take a look at Simone Biles (y’all probably heard of her) who is the greatest gymnast of all time. She even has an eponymous skill, the “Biles” which essentially is a floor skill: a double layout with a half twist at the end (making it a blind landing). To have an eponymous skill that is rated “G” in the 2017-2020 CoP, just wow, you have to be that brave and skilled to perform such a risky move and she just flies in the air and lands on her feet ever so effortlessly.
BUT, that is only floor exercise. Women’s artistic gymnastics consists of 4 events: vault, floor exercise, uneven bars, and balance beam.
Men, on the other hand, have 6 events: vault, floor exercise, parallel bars, horizontal bar, pommel horse, and still rings.
Just imagine having other events to compete in and trying to maintain the difficulty for each apparatus. Artistic gymnastics is THAT challenging.
But, ultimately, everyone has their own opinions and is rightfully entitled to them. This, is my opinion, so what I think may not necessarily be something you’d agree with. But either way, I hope y’all have a nice day
Motocross is one of the hardest sports in the world both physically and mentally. Not only you have to be in the best shape you can possibly be in but you have your Heart rate close to 200 for the duration of the race.
You need to add Wrestling to the list. Real wrestling not WWE. One of the hardest sports for sure.
I agree Ice Hockey is by far the most physically demanding sport
I’m a gymnast my self and I think gymnastics should definitely be on here.Because it does take a lot of balance and strength. Sometimes it can be terrifying to vault or jump to the high bar. Even though I’m a level 4 I do higher skill stuff on vault, bars, beam, and floor.
Ok but figure skating should be on this list as well, those guys go through incredible amounts of training and land on a knife on ice as hard as concrete after they have rotated 4 times in the air, don’t think those mma fighters could accomplish a feat like that
first thing’s first: it’s very hard to compare one sport to another as each sport does require its own unique technique and physical demands.
With that said I do feel that Motocross should be included on this list. Here’s why…
1. Mental strength. In Motocross a rider has to maintain constant focus on what they are doing. They have to know where they are, where they are going and be adaptable to constantly changing conditions. They have to have the mental fortitude to push themselves to the very edge of their ability. The confidence and belief they can do what is required and trust that their crew has done everything possible to help the bike be just as race ready. Failure to have focus will end with these riders heels up faster than you can blink! All it takes is one moment of indecision to cross rut one moment of hesitation to short a jump. And injuries will follow!
2. Physical strength. So many people believe that a Motocross rider just have to sit down and twist a throttle. Sure, you can race a Motocross race like that… maybe if you’re fast enough to qualify! You certainly won’t win the race! In fact the easiest thing for Motocross riders is when both wheels are off the ground in a proper jump. The fact is, these guys have to man handle a 220 pound bike moving at around 45 mph. They have to use balance coordination agility. They use their core muscles, leg muscles arm muscles, shoulder muscles and yes even their neck muscles. This is especially true whenever they are racing sand or mud because then they are forced to use more core and leg muscles to help propel the bike faster through difficult traction conditions. They are the mechanism for adjusting the bike’s trajectory and their turning.
3. Cardio endurance: Motocross riders race 2 races for approximately 35 minutes each. During this time their heart rates soar to a sustained 170-195 bpm with spikes well into the 200 and above range! While they have to manage their energy output and their heart rates. If they blow through their energy too soon they get arm pump and essentially just ride out the rest of the race. Don’t use enough and they might have given away a race and that is unacceptable. They have to both endurance strength as well as short bursts of power.
4. Risk V Reward… Motocross is dangerous! They have seen injuries such as broken hands, broken arms, broken backs, broken tailbone’s, broken pelvises, broken legs, broken feet, torn ligaments and tendons, broken wrists, broken femur, broken humorous, broken ribs, blown discs, spinal cord injuries, concussions, bruised lungs, torn livers, broken teeth and jaw, broken collarbones, broken shoulder blades, dislocated shoulders… and countless number of bumps bruises and lacerations and this is just the last two years!!!! (Not counting the severe case of food poisoning and appendicitis… for reasons why riders have not lined up) do these guys have some guts? You bet.
Now I am not saying that other sports aren’t just as hard and tough. As I said earlier it’s very hard to compare when some sports are so drastically different. I’m just saying that Motocross does need a consideration
You forgot gymnastics it’s a hard sport actually and you forgot that out. With gymnastics your body has to do flips and ect. that our body built for.
Why isn’t rowing on this list? I just joined, and I was already on the rowing machine, doing a 2k. It was torture, but I loved it.
How is surfing harder that gymnastics or cross country I’m a xc runner and I think it is extremely hard and to be the best is getting a four minute mile for three consecutive miles
Not to be mean.But gymnastics isn’t just cartwheels .You try doing a back flip on a four inche beam and landing it.Also if you think gymnastics isn’t hard you should try to jump from bar to bar and try to do handstand on a high bar that way taller than you.And also gymnastics isn’t just flipping around it requires a lot of strength and you have to be brave and dedicated.Also you can easily get injured while doing gymnastics.You try tumbling on floor and look graceful while tumbling.
How dare you gymnastics requires toughness, strength, flexibility, endurance, and will to try and bounce off of a hard carpet. We also do daring flips on a 4-inch beam and bars. Football makes us laugh when we hear about their injuries. Gymnasts can die from snapping their neck. And if you think gymnastics is just cartwheels, you better stand up and try a back tuck. On a BEAM! A back tuck on a beam, to gymnasts, is a simple skill. See how that goes. We celebrate our bloody rips. (Look up gymnast hands) We put in hours of practice each week, and we still fall and get injured, not to mention missing sleepovers, parties, even school to go to a practice or a meet. Gymnastics is not a hobby, it is life. Elena Mukhina loved gymnastics and was amazing in her time. She was pressured every day by her coaches, and one day she was doing a skill, and landed on her neck. She can now only move from the neck up. Never say gymnastics is anything less than a awesome sport. And I haven’t even covered the tip of the iceberg.
Im glad to see this because all I hear about is how riding horses is not a sport, I do showjumping
Do these people not understand how difficult and abstract it is being able to manipulate a a plank, only using your lower body?
It demands great agility, endurance, muscle memory, and mental/physical toughness. Tricks are learned after countless falls and fails. You have to be very persistent and cordinated. One mistake and it can cost you a bone or a bruise.
In the most extreme cases, even your life.
No, MMA fighters definitely can’t do that. That’s because they don’t train for that. That’s like saying an accomplished Indian chef is useless because he can’t cook an American dish. Besides, as an overall sport MMA is much harder, you basically have to know like seven different forms of martial arts (each of which are individual sports themselves such as wrestling, boxing, etc.) to even be decent in the sport. Figure skating is a set routine, repeating of which will eventually lead to perfection. Basically, practice makes perfect. Each MMA fight is completely different, what you know and learned the past three years may end up being trashed if it clashes with your next opponent’s style. That is all the while having to condition like triathletes, while not being being dehydrated and starving because of having to cut weight to enter the division. So essentially, no, MMA fighters can’t do what figure skaters can, but it’s definitely not an easier sport.
I like to see you walk on a four inch beam and do flips and jump from bar to bar doing back flips off of it. Oh yah, and do backflips off the vault and do front layouts and double backs on the floor. I WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY
I personally think dance should be on here. I mean we totally dont stand on our toes with practically nothing there but a bunch of hardened cardboard and having to think what we have to do next and how were doing it, keep in mind you gotta be flexible. also you have to make sure you dont do anything wrong so you dont screw up everything in your body. and it’s french (and some of two other languages) so your basically learning part of another language just so you can do sonething you love and adore.
and yes standing en pointe hurts, a lot
THERE IS MUCH MORE TO GYMNASTICS THAN A CARTWHEEL. Not ANYBODY can do it. Have you seen a NEWBORN do a cartwheel?!?!?!?!?
Motocross is the most physically demanding sport on the planet. I have played all sports growing up and motocross and enduros are the hardest by far.If you know you know.
Wrestling could easily outwork these sports, not saying they aren’t already hard. But a wrestling match is a man versus another man. To prove whos better. A battle of the best simply.
yeah, but why the hell is Eventing on there crew should be at the very least on this list; if not first. crew requires eminence physical strength, also combining physique, technique, and technique. by the way one 2k witch is a slandered race and takes about 5-6 minutes and is often done multiple times in a day, is takes the same amount of strength and strain as a professional MBA basketball. so yeah what the actual Truck, excuse my language.
Gymnastics should be in there because it’s not just cartwheels and handstands
Swimming!!!! Hello it’s the only sport where the coach yells at you for BREATHING and it’s incredibly difficult to not get yelled at.
I personally agree with this list. I do one of the hardest sports on this list and its an honor for me now to all the people complaining about gymnastics: I personally used to do it for a long time. It was definitely hard but compared to this list it’s not the hardest. I have experience with riding horses in the most demanding competitions possible. Now, in riding you have to think about so many things like how you are riding, how your horse is going around, finding all the jumps, not falling off, and making sure you and your horse are in the perfect mindset (which in many cases both aren’t at all). I only scratched the surface on the things we have to worry about. Gymnastics is a very demanding sport on your body but you arent with another person (or thing, animal, etc.) while you are competing. Yes, I know sometimes you are in groups with others sometimes for rhythmic gymnastics, but are you really competing against your own group? No (I know you compete against others but separately.) You don’t have the possibilities of something else (animal, person, or thing) literally fighting against you when you are competing in regular gymnastics. Yes, it is so very dangerous from falling off of bars, smacking your head, falling off the beam, falling after vaulting, and even breaking legs, feet, ankles, arms, necks, etc. just to name some of the possible injuries.
Eventing is deadly. The things you mentioned arent with an animal that has a mind of its own. I dare you to look up pictures of horses rolling on top of people. It’s SCARY. You’d be surprised at how much strength we have. We have to multitask as well as make sure our horse is on the
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