Giving - A War Within

Giving - A War Within

C. S.

There is a glaring fact and it is time we stare it in the eyes. We are not broke. We are not poor. We are not in a depression. Period. Admit it, the bills that roll in each month did not just magically appear out of the blue. No, most likely, you created them. You created them by a process of qualifying for a credit card or the process of enslaving yourself to the lender.

If you have a moment just put a pen to paper and figure up the debt you have. Do you know how much you owe? It is my prayer you are one of the rare ones who have avoided the debt cycle of most of your fellow U.S. citizens.

Come to think of it, something is broke. Our values. Oh that word values can be a misunderstood term. Since we are in a one sided, thought provoking, financial discussion it is fitting that this one word defines what is broken in our society. Values, not the estimation of the worth of something in money or gold, no, but the definition of the word that speaks to the heart of what the creator desires his followers to, achem... value.

The conflict in the heart is highlighted by phrases, "preacher is after my money", "that's all that church talks about is money", "I give enough already". While these phrases may have been caused by the abuse of men and women who are wolves fleecing the flock, one must never forget, the Shepherd sees it all. It is for Him that I give. We must win that battle of previous experiences in order for the Shepherd to see what we, value.

When one looses the emotional conflict of being genuinely excited to give to the one who owns it all.. then they are letting down those around them who are needing an ally to value the same things.

God loves someone who has won the battle over their emotions about giving!

Giving, in my definition is the act of supporting the causes that matter to Yehovah. It is esteeming the right things in right perspective.

Tithing - is not a dirty word.

Tithing is the act of supporting the ministry. Tithing is a 10% off the top, to God. It is HIS. Tithing to the Levitical Priesthood was a bit more complicated but the principle is certainly simple. Support the Levite Priests because they do not have an inheritance or a way to live other than their service to Yah.

Notice how personal God thanks this. Here doesn't say will man rob the tribe of Levi. When one involves themselves in holy work they are at the mercy of the support of others. If others value what they labor for or do they consider it a waste of time. The Teacher taught in Mathew 10:10 and the apostle Paul reiterates it in 1 Timothy 5:18.

This battle is a battle of values but some value their materialistic agenda over supporting the Kingdom that does not pass. We will become enslaved and shackled by our coveting and drive to build our temporary kingdom in a temporary time.

When you are blessed don't make your offerings to the gods of this world or to yourself, think of the Kingdom first.

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