Give relief to your throat instantly!

Give relief to your throat instantly!

Kamlesh Khanna

If you experience pain, scratchiness, or irritation and it worsens when you swallow, then you have a sore throat. Sore throat is often accompanied by many symptoms such as a hoarse or muffled voice, swollen tonsils, white patches or pus on tonsils. Other symptoms which affect the whole body in serious cases include fever, cough, runny nose, sneezing, nausea, body ache, headache, etc.

Causes of sore throat

Sore throat is caused by a common cold, flu, measles, and chickenpox virus or by bacteria like Streptococcus Pyogenes. Other reasons for getting a sore throat include allergies, dryness that is when the indoor air is dry, making your throat feel scratchy, pollution, and muscle strain when you talk or yell too loudly for a long period.

Instant relief from sore throat

You can get instant relief from sore throat by using cough strips. Cough strips come in different varieties and have medicinal effects. They are best prescribed by the doctor and are used for combating sore throats caused by infections. They are available over the counter, but the dosage depends on a number of factors like the patient's age and the severity of the sore throat.

There are also other remedies that can be tried at home to get that relief.  Saltwater gargling is a well-known hack everyone suggests. It may not provide instant relief, but the salt in salt water can kill the bacteria, thin the mucous and ease the pain.

Honey is the oldest and best remedy for a sore throat. It has natural antibacterial properties that immediately works on the throat, reducing inflammation and offering relief. Honey can also fight off viral infections and is an effective cough suppressant as well.

Lemons work really well on sore throats because they can break up the mucous provide pain relief. Lemons that are rich in vitamin C boosts immunity, and offers better protection to your body. It also comes in handy while fighting infections.

Dry air, as discussed above, is a cause for a sore throat. Especially if you inhale through your mouth, taking in the harsh dry air irritates the throat causing it to get inflamed. A humidifier can solve this issue as it keeps the air moist and open your sinuses, giving you instant relief.

Chamomile tea has a natural soothing effect on sore throats. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and astringent properties that go a long way in healing the throat and providing relief.

Peppermint, known for its ability to freshen the breath, is also used to fight sore throats. It contains menthol, which immediately thins the mucous and calms sore throats. It also has many cough suppressant properties providing relief quickly to the throat. Many medicines like cough syrups are also infused with peppermint for these reasons.

Apple cider vinegar is very good in combating sore throats. Often overlooked, this kitchen staple has many natural antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that are extremely helpful in fighting infections. Its acidic nature breaks down the mucous in the nose and the throat and stops the bacteria from spreading. Gargling with diluted apple cider vinegar does the trick and provides relief to your throat.

Garlic is a well-known vegetable known for its antibacterial properties. It also contains allicin, an organosulfur compound known to fight infections. Ginger is also another herb known for soothing a sore throat with its anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger is also used in many medicines to relieve sore throats. Ginger and garlic are a good combination and are often taken together to fight sore throats.

So, it can be concluded that sore throat is caused by many factors, not because of bacteria or viruses alone. Sore throat is a common ailment with many remedies available in the form of medicines as well as natural home remedies. Sore throat is easily treatable, and its symptoms don't usually last long. Sore throats can also be prevented by washing hands frequently and staying away from external factors such as chemical fumes or smoke. In the long run, smoking causes sore throat and damages the throat muscles, so quitting that habit also goes a long way in getting relief from this ailment.

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