Girls who Love to Ride, Must Own These Helmets- Classic Styles or Sleek Modern Options?

Girls who Love to Ride, Must Own These Helmets- Classic Styles or Sleek Modern Options?

Toni Cooper
girls helmet

Riding a motorcycle isn’t just for the guys anymore. Today, more and more women are taking to two wheels and hitting the road, getting in on the thrill of the ride. However, with this growing trend, comes a need for proper protective gear – particularly the right helmet. That’s where the variety of options available for girls helmets come in. And whether you’re a fan of vintage or prefer a modern look, there are helmets out there for you to choose from. So, let’s take a closer look - which style should you purchase - a classic or sleek modern helmet?

Classic Style Helmets for Girls

Classic style helmets never go out of fashion, and they’re available in many different looks to suit everyone’s unique taste. You can opt for a classic vintage design that looks like it’s straight out of the 1950s or a sporty design that’s sleek and modern. For a classic look helmet, go for one in pastel colors or white, or for a true vintage look, try a leather helmet.

One popular option is the Bell Custom 500. With its retro look and signature bell shape, this helmet is a classic option that’s sure to turn heads on the road. Another classic choice is the Biltwell Gringo Helmet. It features the classic design that dates back to the 1970s and has proven to be a popular option among motorcycle riders of all genders.

Sleek Modern Helmets for Girls

On the other hand, modern designs have a sleek and streamlined look to them. They come in different shapes and are often equipped with the latest technologies. Some designs can even allow for communication devices and noise-cancelling speakers, too.

If you’re looking for a sleek modern option, the Schuberth C4 Pro Women Helmet is a great choice. It has a modern design with a sleek look and is built for the safety of female riders. Another great option is the AGV K3 Helmet. This helmet has a streamlined design with a clean finish and excellent durability.

How to Choose the Right Girls Helmet?

When purchasing a helmet, safety and comfort are the most important considerations. But that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice style. To choose the right helmet for you, start by considering your riding style - will you be using your motorcycle for short or long-distance rides? You can also select your helmet based on the color, design, and the preferences you have.

Also, the fit is very important. Make sure you try on different helmets so you can pick one that fits you perfectly. You don’t want the helmet falling off mid-ride, but you don’t want it so tight that it hurts your head, either. You should also ensure your chosen helmet is certified and meets the safety standards set by your country’s regulatory body.

Final Thoughts

Girls who love to ride needn’t compromise on style or safety when purchasing a helmet. With a variety of classic and sleek modern options available, there's an excellent chance you will find your perfect fit. Whether you choose a vintage or modern style, make sure to prioritize comfort, safety, and style when selecting your helmet.

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