Girls Who Like To Be Spanked

Girls Who Like To Be Spanked


Girls Who Like To Be Spanked

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My one experience with spanking was in a New Orleans strip club. When I say strip club, Im giving this place way too much credit. The little place where my friend and I ended up was basically an outhouse...
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My one experience with spanking was in a New Orleans "strip club". When I say "strip club", I'm giving this place way too much credit. The little place where my friend and I ended up was basically an outhouse with really scary red lighting. It was like a haunted darkroom.
During our cross country trip, we figured in New Orleans, we must visit a strip club in the French Quarter (opens in new tab) . You know you're in trouble when you're a tourist trying out strip clubs. Strip clubs are not to be "sampled" casually. (opens in new tab)
It really felt like there were only four of us in this little building that we entered: Me, my friend, and two of the most unattractive strippers I've ever seen, giving us what they referred to as "lap dances".
I don't really understand lap dances. When I'm with a stripper there is an invisible wall. So, while a stripper is gyrating over me, I lean back and pray that I don't inadvertently touch her. I'm totally on the defensive.
Often I find a pair of boobs shoved in my face. This is one of those things that you always think you want to happen and then when it happens, you realize you just don't want it to be happening.
My stripper shoved her boobs into my face and everything went dark.
It was like when I visited the beach when I was little and wiped out in the surf. I'd be picked up in a terrible whirlpool of sea foam, aqua hiss, and jumbled tides. There would be temporary darkness and total disorientation until I was mercifully deposited back on the shore. Afterward, I'd sit in a daze, trying to get my bearings.
As the stripper unpeeled her boobs from my face, I felt this same dazed feeling of being deposited on shore. After I got my bearings, I realized I wanted to be anywhere on earth but in this little strip club. I looked over at my friend who was being mounted by his stripper and he looked equally miserable.
"Please, we just want to leave. We want to go home," I begged.
"Yeah, this is just awful," said my friend.
"Sounds like yours is misbehaving," said my friend's stripper (being referred to as an object is always fun).
She turned to me: "You've been a bad boy. You need to be punished."
"Take your pants down," she demanded.
We all have crossroads moments in our lives. (opens in new tab) What college major should I pick? Should I take that job? Paper or plastic? I realized that I could decline her request, and lose the story. Or I could go with it and have something to tell my kids (well maybe not my kids, but someone).
My stripper cocked her arm back, took aim, put all of her weight (there was a lot to draw from) behind it and...WHAM...she slap-spanked my ass so hard that the collision of hand to cheek seemed to shake the decaying rafters of the shack. She repeated this a few more times.
I heard my friend's muffled voice from under his stripper's boobs:
"Please! Stop. You're going to hurt him!"
After a few minutes of this, we were able to get away. We even ended up paying. I think the girls really thought that they had given us what we wanted! Honestly, all we wanted was to like look at some pretty girls from afar...I guess? I would have felt more fulfilled if I had spent all of that money on that claw thing that grips the stuffed animal for three seconds before dropping it.
The next day added insult to injury when my friend realized his glasses were nowhere to be found. They must have fallen off-knocked off by his stripper's boobs and probably crushed by one of her stilettos. It was such a symbolic plight-his glasses, civilized and sophisticated, smashed under the dominance and power of our strippers.
Needless to say, we did not go back to that shack the next day (if it was still standing) to investigate. My friend would continue across the country half blind.
How does anyone enjoy getting spanked? Was I supposed to enjoy it? It really sucked. For those of you who enjoy it, or have friends who enjoy it, can you explain what is so good about it? Is there some kind of psychological reason it's supposed to be good? I thought that physical contact between two people was supposed to be gentle, but maybe I'm supposed to be mixing it up more?

In fact, she does it pretty regularly.

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Many adults are into the submission lifestyle — you know, wanting to be spanked. My wife and I do the spanking thing, and I swear, it does something for me that has made me the kind, caring person I am today. What do you think? Is there anything wrong with spanking? Just wanted to get your thoughts.
My thoughts? It's a little weird, man. Not blow-up doll weird or Fifty Shades of weird... but it's just not my thing, and I'm guessing Freud would draw some conclusions about your childhood that I'm sure we'd both rather not ponder.
But what does it matter what I think? If you and the missus enjoy getting slap happy in the sack, mazel tov to you both. It's hard enough finding someone who likes the same living room furniture as you; if that person also happens to share your particular color of kink, you've hit the jackpot, my friend.
I'm curious, though: Do you really credit posterior paddling for your exceptional character? Are you saying that if you weren't able to express this erotic eccentricity in the boudoir, you'd be a pent-up malcontent? Or that years of buttocks beatings have disciplined any naughty streak right out of ya?
In any case, don't waste time wondering what other people think of your turn-ons. As long as you're not actually hurting anyone, I'll bet even Freud would turn the other cheek.
Send me your dilemmas via email: . And follow me on Twitter: @ToughLoveAdvice .
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If you’ve read any of our blog, you probably know that we evolved into this lifestyle, somewhat organically. If you aren’t familiar with us, I’d recommend reading the content on our homepage and also check out our “ About Us ” page, which gives a better background on us and what we do.
So…I’ve been asked a variety of questions around the topic of getting domestic discipline spankings and so thought I’d respond to them all here.
Question: Since It’s “Consensual”, Do The Spankings Really Hurt?
Answer: HELL YES they hurt! I can understand how the term “consensual” might lead one to believe that I consent only up to the point where it really starts becoming painful, then I can opt out citing I no longer consent to the spanking/pain. But what I’ve consented to (and continue to consent to), are real consequences by way of real domestic discipline spankings from my wife. The fact that I take what is given, is consenting on my part because I’m never tied or restrained in any way. So I COULD stand up and stop it at any time and say, “I don’t want to take this anymore”. But the moment I do that, then it isn’t a real spanking, is it?
I must also understand that by doing so, I would be relinquishing the real domestic discipline element/lifestyle that we have developed and that has worked so well for us. There are some that take punishment spankings up to a point, then safeword out. I’m not opposed to that if that is what works for you. What ~I~ set out to do was to be truly accountable and take what SHE assigns and gives. Keep in mind, while the spankings are very real, very harsh, and very painful, there has never been a time where it has been abusive or sadistic. This woman loves me. We are soulmates and were soulmates before we ever started down this road. We are lovers and best friends, and she knows me better than anyone else in the world. Lastly, because we’ve been doing this for a while, she knows my limits. She knows how far to take things and I trust her implicitly.
Question: When You Know She’s Going To Spank You, Do You Get Nervous Or Aroused?
Answer: Nervous for sure. Sometimes I may have a little bravado about the impending spanking, but the closer we get to the actual event, the more nervous I get. This is because I know that I’m in for a REAL DD spanking and what that feels like. When we were doing fun or sexual spankings, or spankings where I knew I could safeword out, I found those to be arousing. But that was because I was in control of stopping the pain as soon as it got to be too much for me. Now, I don’t give myself that option and just take what is given. So bending over the end of the bed (usual position for our domestic discipline spankings), bare butt, as she stands to the side with a harsh implement is a very daunting thing. And, unlike “fun” spankings , there are no light swats or warm up swats to start. From the moment the very first swat or lash lands, the pain is overwhelmingly present and continues to grow throughout the duration of the spanking.
Question: Have These Real Spankings Ever Made You Cry?
Answer: Yes. Part of that I believe is me letting go a little bit but other times I wonder. The implement “ The Wicked Switch “, is the most painful thing I’ve ever felt in my entire life. It lands with a searing pain that exceeds even a water soaked cane. I don’t think I could NOT cry even if I wanted to when that implement is being used. Thankfully, she uses it sparingly. Oftentimes when getting the belt or paddle or punishment strap, painful grunts escape my lips during those spankings and tears will well up in my eyes. And sometimes, if it is particularly a harsh session, I will break down and cry.
Question: What Are You Thinking During A Harsh Spanking?
Answer: That’s a really great question. Once that first lash or swats lands and the searing pain enters my body, I don’t know if there is a lot of thought going on, other than trying to maintain position as per the “ Spanking Rules “. The pain is coming too quickly and as it continues to accumulate I’m not thinking about much else. When she’s using the belt, a punishment strap or cane, she’ll give one half of the spanking from one side, and the other half of the spanking from the other side. As a result, the end of the belt, strap or cane, will do a number on both sides of my butt. When she stops from the first side, I often have a thought of relief as I know I’m about halfway through. After she finishes from the second side, she’ll usually assign a final count. I’m relieved again as I know I just need to get through the final 10 or 20 swats, then the punishment will be over. Many times I’ve planned on counting the swats of the entire spanking (in my head), just to see how many I’m getting. But, again…once that first swats lands…the brain goes into…self preservation, ‘Oww this hurts, maintain position, oww this hurts’ mode. It’s quite the mental rollercoaster.
Question: How Long Will You Behave After A Spanking?
Answer: I’m usually well behaved for several weeks to a month after a good domestic discipline session. There are three kinds of spankings she normally gives: Impromptu swats for spur of the moment infractions (usually just a handful of swats), Attitude adjustments (these are more dedicated spankings where I’ve earned swats for doing or not doing something but haven’t quite earned a trip to the woodshed), and then of course “ Woodshed Whuppin’s ” (these are the worst of the worst and happen about every 1 and a half to 2 months).
Question: Do You Ever Resent Her For Giving You A Harsh Spanking?
Answer: Never. Firstly, I know I can be a handful. I also know I have aggressive personality traits. So when she has deemed it necessary to give me a spanking, I know that I’ve earned it, deserve it, and quite honestly need it.
Question: Do You Get To Choose What You Get Spanked With?
Answer: Not usually. Every once in a great while, she’ll tell me to go get her a belt without being specific (and I assure you I don’t pick the Italian leather one). That said, she still succeeds in giving me a severe butt whuppin’ with whatever belt I bring her. One time I actually kept being a brat because I noticed the belt she was wearing was a not so “mean” belt, (or so I thought). She took it off, doubled it over and gave me a belting for the books! She compensated for the belt’s spanking shortcomings by swinging it so that she caught me with its edge with almost every swat. I learned right then and there, that just about ANY belt in her hands can give an effective and painful spanking.
Question: What Implement Would You Prefer To Be Spanked With?
Answer: She has a wide black leather belt, that would be my implement of choice. Don’t get me wrong, it still hurts pretty bad and can blister and bruise my backside, but…it is not as severe as a couple of her other leather belts. Especially the Italian leather one. All she has to do is just WEAR that belt and I my initial reaction is to behave.
Question: What Implement Do You NEVER Want To Be Spanked With?
Answer: Easy to answer. The Wicked Switch. I absolutely despise and loathe that thing. The pain from the lash of that is the worst pain I’ve experienced in my entire life. When she does get it out to spank me with it. I almost instantly feel like crying. For the most part, I will acquiesce to whatever implement she is going to spank me with and remorsefully bend over for the whuppin’. But with this implement, I will often BEG her to spank me with something else. She normally doesn’t change her mind once she’s chosen it. And on a couple of occasions, begging for something different cost me extra lashes with it AFTER the initial spanking was over.
Question: Do You Ever Regret Getting Into This Lifestyle?
Answer: Not at all. Again, this is consensual. I could tell her I don’t want to do it anymore but I have come to understand and appreciate its value…to me, to her, and to our relationship. There is so much trust and communication that is necessary when doing this kind of thing, that it has actually taken our love, trust, and intimacy to new levels. My wife wrote a great post about the benefits of having a spanking relationship with your husband , that highlights some great points regarding its ability to help eliminate tension between a couple.
Well, that’s it for now. If you have any additional questions for me (or my Queen) feel free to ask them here and we’ll do our best to answer them quickly. Until then, take care!
Taken To The Woodshed July 28, 2018 With 47 comments
Where and how can I find a woman like your wife? I’ve been searching forever.
Hey Matt! Actually, I found my soulmate first and we evolved from incorporating fun spankings into our sex play, to what we do now. But that was over many, many years and lots of communication along the way. Over the years, I’ve heard of matchmaking sites that cater to those looking for more “unique” or specialized relationship types. Good luck to you and I hope you find that special someone!
Women that like to spank are out there more than you think. Just approach it as something for her pleasure when bringing it up. Be careful tho as many women find they love it and will want to spank you all the time.
Good advice Matt and we agree. And yes, as we always say…be careful what you wish for.
When I was in my 20s I moved in with a women 12 years my senior. She was quite beautiful and sophisticated. I was living in her house and shortly aster moving in she began to discuss “rules of the house.” I was attracted to her and needed a place to stay so I listened and when she first said violations would be met with swift stern punishment. I felt a strange sense of titillation and I thought ok I will go along. She asked if I had been spanked by my mom growing up and when I said no, she said it showed. She lived in a duplex she shared with her aging mother and when she thought I hadn’t shown her mother the proper degree of respect she scolded me and listed a number of infractions that she deemed worthy of correction.
She told me I needed to learn manners and said I had earned a spanking. I was both fascinated and nervous. She left the room and returned with a large old fashioned wooden hairbrush. She sat on a chair and ordered me to stand in front of her. She told me she was going to take my pants down and spank me so hard that anytime I thought of being disrespectful or misogynistic I would feel a need to stand up. She then deftly pulled my pants and underwear down and hauled me over her leg locking me in place with her other leg. I couldn’t believe how much it hurt and how securely she held me in place. When she stopped after what seemed a very long time, I got up and was dancing around rubbing my behind. She took me by the ear into the bathroom where she washed my mouth with soap and made me look at my behind in the mirror. I was bruised and humiliated and she made me stand hands on head displaying her handy work. This was a really shocking event.
Over the next several months she spanked my regularly. The spankings were something I tried to avoid as they invariably left marks and made it uncomfortable to sit for a day or two. I was terrified of having anyone know that I was being sparked and she said if I violated rules with other present that she would take me someplace and blister me even if others could hear. The spankings were a turn on for her and I did get turned on trying to satisfy her, but the spankings were seemingly non-stop. She had a variety of implements, and if I drank too much or didn’t complete my chores over her knee I went. She called me at work and scolded me and when I arrived at home she was w
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