Girls Want To Have Sex

Girls Want To Have Sex


Girls Want To Have Sex
Nine Signs She Wants to Have Sex with You
Columbia Pictures/Everett Collection
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Great news, sex-havers! The state of California passed a groundbreaking bill this week that redefines the standard of sexual consent from "no means no" to "yes means yes." The bill shifts the burden of proof, in internal campus investigations only, away from traumatized victims (asking, "Did you say no? Did you do enough to prevent your rape?") and on to alleged perpetrators (asking, "Did she say yes? Did you do enough to confirm that she wanted it?"). It’s a subtle reframing that could have a major impact on how we think about sexual assault long-term, and I, for one, have been self-high-fiving myself raw all day. On a personal level, it might not sound super sexy, but trust me—this is BASICALLY SEX CHRISTMAS. Your present is not inadvertently raping someone ! Just what you told Santa you wanted!
To my great surprise, though, instead of busting out the tinsel and tucking into the consensual sex celebration goose, a lot of men seem anxious about this new bill—apparently worried that they’ll soon have to, say, obtain a notarized contract every time they want to honk their wife’s boob or else be carted off to some feminist gulag. And to those men I say: You guys! You are reading this all wrong!
It’s super simple. You just ask yourself: Did this person say, with their body language or their words, that they want to have sex with me? If they did, go for it! And if you have any doubt whatsoever, DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH THAT PERSON. Not just because you might get in trouble for sexual assault, but because—presumably—you respect and care about your partner.
If you can read social cues on, like, a golden retriever level or above, you can tell when someone wants to have sex with you (and if you can’t, you definitely shouldn’t be touching a single genital without an explicit "yes"). But to assuage any lingering fear and confusion, here are some nearly foolproof verbal and non-verbal signs that your partner wants to do sex stuff with you:
Your partner just said, "I want to bang you!"
You asked your partner, "May I bang you?" and they said, "YAAAAAASSSSS!!!"
When you kiss your partner, they kiss you back.†
When you touch your partner, they lean into and reciprocate your touch, sometimes even initiating contact themselves, almost as though they are actively engaged in the situation and not just going along with it because you made them feel obligated and/or frightened.
Your partner makes erotic moaning noises such as "Ooh," "Aah," or "Huzzah."
Your partner looks deep into your eyes with care and affection.
You think back to earlier in the night and are certain you didn’t guilt, pressure, coerce, blackmail, manipulate, or threaten them into having sex with you.
Your partner is not incapacitated by drugs or alcohol.
Your partner doesn’t freeze up, go rigid, recoil from your touch, say "no" or "stop," become detached and stare at the ceiling, look at you in terror, hyperventilate, make up excuses to leave, actually try to leave, scream in pain, and/or weep.
If you’ll allow me to get academic for a second, the major problem with the old "no means no" standard is that there are infinite reasons why someone might not feel safe/comfortable/empowered/mentally capable of saying no--a passive coercion that manifests as a kind of loophole. It must be okay. She didn’t say no! But even if you can rationalize it away (and even if the legal system agrees with you, which is kind of the legal system’s steez), you are still ethically culpable for the choices you make based on the absence of a "no." In the course of my job I hear a lot about men’s fear of rape accusations—the terror of accidentally violating a partner’s boundaries in that "no means no" gray area††, how life-destroying a rape accusation can be—and I can’t imagine why someone living with that anxiety would oppose this bill. Women don’t want to accuse you of rape; we want to not get raped in the first place. And "yes means yes" makes that easier—among people who don’t actively want to rape other people, at least. And that’s you, right? You only want to have sex with people who want to have sex with you, right???
This isn’t an inconvenience—it’s a gift. Now go forth and bang.
† Reminder: Just because they consent to kissing you doesn’t mean they consent to other stuff! Yes, you have to continually pay attention and reevaluate your partner’s consent (as they do yours!), because THAT’S WHAT NOT SEXUALLY ASSAULTING PEOPLE MEANS. And isn’t it worth it?
†† Reminder: Not a gray area for the victim.
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By Sonya | 145 posts, last post 7 months ago

Kate Smith
answered this
Losing Your Virginity: Is Sex Painful The First Time?

I'm a teen girl (15) to be exact. I would like to know at what age girls can have sex.

The time that a girl can have sex is often up to her. However, at 15 your body hasn't fully developed yet. You're still going through puberty and even your brain is still developing. Fifteen is often too you for many girls.

A lot of teenagers really want to have sex, but they're not fully aware of the risk factors. I don't just mean pregnancy and STD prevention; I mean emotional preparation. Many regret having sex too early or with someone they don't fully care about. I know of one girl who went through severe depression after losing her virginity. I don't say this to scare you off from sex. Just be aware that sex results in various different physical and emotional consequences, both good and bad.

For more information, talk to a counselor at a local Planned Pregnancy center. They can give you information on proper prevention and preparation.

Most will say you're too young and the others will say you waited too long...this is a tough question because the real answer is with you, but most girls in high school will have intercourse or a sexual relationship for their first time, so if you are at that time where a boy and you are together, (I was 15 and she was 14 when we had our 1st. sexual relationship and pregnant before 16) and you feel alright with him, that it is him that you will have intercourse with, and it will be forever with him.

Intercourse is the sex that we all wish for, a pleasant time and meaningful, or "making love".
Sex is just the act of making one feel good, mostly the male, which we get into a routine with.

So you are now thinking of this to ask this question, so I wish for you to be protected from a pregnancy,
You are able to do this at your age, so get a girlfriend or that boyfriend into a planned parenthood clinic with you (or something similar) and get the information you needed and at least two forms birth controls- the pills and may be a diaphragm & jelly, ask what is the best for you.

Rule for Intercourse; some important ones
1) Have the proper time to enjoy both of yourselves, weekend at a friends' place gone for the days or a summer house
2) Take your time, don’t rush and get it over with.
3) Proper place; the beach sand or grassy woods are not the place.
4) Be protected with a condom or two at least
5) Have the nervousness taken care of; by mostly the other rule have been followed

So this should help in some of your quest
see the movie "Juno" together also

^ dont use two condoms they are less effective than one as each causes friction on the other and both break. Not something you want to happen. Only ever use ONE whether male or female (male is more effective tho I believe)

I was having regular sex with my 14 yo gf. She learned how to satisfy a man and became a great lover.

if you are in india it is not less than 18, but if you are from other country you can as you feel to have sex.

Sonya, it depends which country your in. I have every countries legal age of consent and if you could get back to me that would be great.

Go to school and don't let no male or female put pressure on you to have sex your to young wait please until you have your own house car $ saved college then you can ask your self I'm ready to find a partner for life not just f*****g bcuz males (young) just wanna get in your pants keep them up plz u will know when your the right age go read a book have a nice day

Your Question is what age to start having sex . START when you ARE over ( 21 ) years old HOPE THIS WILL HELP YOU !!!!!!

From Chip DIPE If you are OVER 21 years old ok ! ..Or if you are MARREAD before 16 years of age !! BUT if you are having SEX and you are under 16 !!! and the boy or man is over 16( ***HE *** )( may go to JAIL ) !!! Each states laws vary from state to state !!! DO NOT CROSE that LINE until you KNOW *** the LAWS for your STATE ***. PLEAES check in to it PLEASE check YOU WILL THINK ME LATER ON IN YOUR LIFE !!. hope you will understand.. ( jumping in to sex at your age is no good not good at all ) from Hazlehurst ,GA USA *** MY CODE name is CHIP DIPE ****.. I will pray for you and ask GOD to help you with this. I know he will help you keep in TH with me OK ???? with a :-) :-) have a nice day This was posted on 08/ 29/ 2014 @5:05 PM EST USA

OVER 21years of age under 18 my get you put in JAIL and if a boy has sex with a girl under 15 he will go to JAIL for LIFE and no get out !!!!

i was in the 8th grade, she was one year younger, she was a very tall girl, skinny, my first time seeing a girl/woman naked, and it was really fun,just make sure u smell fresh, and have fun !!

It's not about the right age but it's about the right timing. It should be after marriage.


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