Girls Tied Up Stories

Girls Tied Up Stories


Girls Tied Up Stories
I am new to here, but I want honest thoughts on this. So a little while back, my group of friends stole I guess you could say a couple of things off the what we call "slut group", well i did it to kinda get back at them for the shit stirring they had been doing. Anyway my lot were at a pool party which had temporary left to walk the 2 mile round trip, it was like 50 degrees! Had my toe sandals to try resist it. as I am dropping one of these items i am intercepted by one of them, as I got to the nature shed I, e meeting point she shouted my name and basically they had tricked us into meeting one of them with their own shit, I keep tight hold of the stuff, but she then managed to wrestle with me and quickly tie my hands behind my back, a I sat up she put a orange in my mouth she even said "have your five a day", before putting a single piece of white tape on top, and tied my feet with my own belt. I was found a while later by one of my friends who wondered where I had got too, she waited like 15 seconds of staring at me before untying me, my first words once un gagged "just untie my feet!!" but It gets brought up and laughed at by my friends a fair bit, am I being paranoid as this being something or nothing or should I be worried?
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I got Tied up in a Bikini a little while back, am I being paranoid by thinking people are amused?
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Its Embarassing now, but later in life it will be one of your best stories to tell. Like the time I was at a party and we were all drunk. So we started playing truth or dare girls VS guys. One of the guys said we would take dare. Well the dare was to go down the block with arms linkes together and dancing the CanCan Dance. But there was a catch, we had to do it naked as the day we were born. Well it started off good made to the corner and on the return trip back here pulls up are two cop cars. The cops kept us busy and with all the police lights flashing. Soon all the neighbors came out to see what is going on. That was in the 1990s
This is the type of dance we had to do
That not the only time. Were others times. Not all involved being naked. But one time we got back at the girls. But that story for another time
You dont know my friends. I have stories that would fill a book and it would be a comedy
I think what happened was a bit odd, but you lived, that is all they did was tie you up. They could have really messed with you, but they did not. So you were found in a rather slightly embarrassing situation, no big deal. Laugh about it and soon it will be a past conversation, though it will come up now and then till no one cares or remembers. Welcome to GAG.
Welcome and thanks for the follow. Ask anything, anytime on here. It is a good forum.
Yeah I am probably being paranoid like I say, dont know of anyone else that this has happened to.
I have heard of worse happening, that is why I say you got off easy. So learn from it and move on.
It doesn't seem a true story, but if it is true, it is something strange and they shouldn't have done something like that without your consent
@claryy agreed, the orange and tape is dangerous and who carries an orange about with them.
Congratulations on winning a Troll of the day award.
Hey. I would let you pretend I'm one of them and punish me! That's the kind of guy I'm. I can't resist beautiful ladies. Would never do that to one myself. But I guess It the how serious it is depends on the relationship you have with them... maybe you all like jokes and stuff like that. However doing something to another person without his previous consent is usually wrong.
I'm not joking by the way. Send me a message if you want to punish me!
Yeah, kinda funny, kind of embarrassing, kinda completely wrong. You have a fucked-up group of friends to be pulling this kind of shit. Works towards peace instead of continuously escalating with paybacks.
You may be a little bit paranoid I donโ€™t think you really have anything to be worried about.
You really think, would you think nothing bad of someone in my shoes?
the right answer is silence... now go on with your Hunter exam...
if you really want to get to know someone, find out what makes them angry...
Ahh! I get you! yeah I guess although it made me pretty pissed off like.
an apology should be a promise things differently next time, and to keep that promise...
Sounds like the script to some crap B movie lol
I wish, think I am being paranoid tbf.
Bizarre. Kids will be kids I guess.
But y'all act like 12 year olds. Oh well.

This story continues the ongoing obsession with being tied up that my
sister Karen and I shared. I can't put a precise date on the events I have
described, but it's safe to place them some time in the late 1950s, when I
would have been eight or nine years old and my sister a year older.
As usual, the story is true, but after all this time, while the key
elements of the story are vivid in my memory, I don't recall every last detail
or the exact words that were spoken, so I have made these up where necessary.

My mother had a passion for ballroom dancing. She was rather good at it
too and had won prizes in competitions in her teens and twenties. Her sister,
my Aunt Lizzie, shared the enthusiasm, although not at quite such a competitive
level. The two of them had also won over their husbands, my father and my Uncle
Alf, to this pursuit and they went out as a foursome about once a fortnight to
enjoy a meal out together and an evening of dancing, almost always on a Friday.
Of course, that was back in the 1950s, when dance halls were a common feature
of British towns and even quite modest hotels would have a dance floor and
would engage a small orchestra on Friday and Saturday evenings.
When my sister and brother and I were very small, the usual arrangement
for these 'Dance Fridays', as we called them, would be that Aunt Lizzie and
Uncle Alf would bring their daughter Annie, my cousin, to our house and a
babysitter would be hired to look after all four of us. Annie is about eight
years older than me, so by the time I was about seven, she was old enough to be
the babysitter for the rest of us.
The routine was that Annie would be dropped at our house by my aunt and
uncle, who would then go off with my parents to their chosen dance venue (there
were several that they frequented). Karen, Timothy and I all liked Annie and
looked forward to these times. As soon as we were home from school, Karen and I
would change out of our school uniform pinafore dresses and white blouses,
substituting skirts and sweaters or cotton dresses, depending on the season. We
would race through our homework as soon as we were changed, so that our time
was entirely our own by the time Annie arrived.
Once the adults had left the house, Annie would organise a meal for the
four of us. This involved minimal cooking skills as it would either be a
question of heating something my mother had already prepared or it would be
something as easy as baked beans on toast.
After we had eaten, it would be time for my little brother to have his
bath and go to bed. It was Annie's responsibility to oversee this, but my
sister Karen and I helped more and more as we got older. Timothy's bedtime must
have become later as he grew older, but for some reason I remember it as always
being directly after we had had tea with Annie on those Friday nights.
Once Timothy was in bed, there was just the three of us girls. Despite
the age difference, Annie got on extremely well with Karen and me. Sometimes we
watched television, but more often we played together. What we actually did
went in cycles: for a few Fridays, we would play board games, then it might be
jigsaws or redecorating our doll's house.
Inevitably as she grew older and as important exams loomed, Annie had
more and more schoolwork to do. Whenever possible, she left Friday dance
evenings clear and did whatever homework needed her attention during the
weekend in the peace and quiet of her own bedtime. However, there were
occasions when she needed to work on Friday evening as well. I suspect that
Karen and I were rather unsympathetic about anything that deprived us of an
evening with our cousin's undivided attention.
There was one occasion when Annie pleaded with us just to be left alone
while she made progress on some important piece of work that had to be handed
in the following Monday. She settled down in the dining room with her
schoolwork while Karen and I were left to watch television in the lounge
(Timothy was already in bed). I have to confess we took this exile with rather
bad grace and disturbed Annie irritatingly often. First we wanted a glass of
milk each, then we wanted to ask about something on television, then we wanted
her to settle some dispute between us, then we wanted more milk, and so on.

Eventually, of course, Annie's temper frayed to breaking point. "Do I
have to keep you two tied up to get some peace around here?" she demanded.
Karen and I naturally responded with the infuriating reply, "Yes,
Annie knew that Karen and I had a penchant for tying each other up and
for being tied up by anyone else that we could persuade to do it, so she had no
qualms about carrying out her threat. She also knew that we kept a stock of old
scarves and socks for that express purpose, so we were sent upstairs to fetch
the necessary supplies.
The standard tie-up that had been devised by Karen and me, made
practical by our mother and refined by our Aunt Lizzie had become a matter of
routine. We talked Annie through the correct way to apply it: wrists protected
by mittens and bound behind our backs with worn-out black winter stockings,
ankles tied with a long sock, legs tied with short scarves below and above our
knees and long scarves wound around our upper arms and chests. Our gags were
old muslin nappy (diaper) liners pulled between our teeth and knotted behind
our heads.
Once she was satisfied that we were safely immobilised and not about to
cause any more trouble, Annie left us sitting at opposite ends of the lounge
sofa and went back to work. Alas, not having the benefit of the practice that
our mother and Aunt Lizzie had gained, her tying was not all it could have
Our gags were quite secure and the knots were impervious to mitten-clad
fingers and they were tight enough that we couldn't just pull them out of each
other's mouths. However, as Karen and I were attempting to get each other's
gags loose, I realised that my wrists were not tied quite as tightly as they
would have been had my Mum or Aunt Lizzie tied them. The scarf around my arms
and chest was very tight, just as I had instructed Annie when she was tying me
up, so I had very little freedom to do the necessary pulling with one hand and
pushing with the other to get free. I grunted through my gag to get Karen's
attention and turned my back on her so she could see what I was trying to do.
She quickly turned around and shuffled herself along the sofa so that we were
back to back. I felt her hook her thumbs through my wrist binding and then we
pulled in opposite directions while I wriggled my wrists to try to persuade
them to slide through the knotted stocking. It was slow progress and was fairly
rough on my hands, but, with perseverance, my hands were free within about five
Once I had use of my hands, naturally everything else followed quickly
and it wasn't long before Karen and I were both completely untied. We went into
the dining room to report our success to Annie. Our cousin's response was a
strange mixture of emotions. She was annoyed at being disturbed just when she
believed that she had the peace she had been desperate for but she was also
astonished and curious to know how we had managed to escape. I think she was
also genuinely impressed at our prowess and enterprise in getting loose.
"Right, you two, I need about another half hour, so I'm going to have to
truss you up again," Annie told us, more exasperated than angry.
Karen and I were quite prepared to go another round with Annie, so we
readily agreed to being tied up again and led the way back to the lounge.
Annie paused for a moment as she worked out how to forestall another
escape. "You get a choice; I can tie you up a bit more than last time or you
can both be blindfolded."
Part of the fun of being tied up together was that we could see each
other's predicament and our struggles, so we elected to be tied up 'a bit
more', whatever that turned out to be.
Annie started by restoring our gags, now cold, damp and rather
unpleasant. She tied our wrists next, protected by our mittens, crossed behind
our backs and secured with old black woollen stockings, exactly as before. My
wrist binding was noticeably tighter than before and I assumed that the same
would also be true for Karen. The long scarves were wound around our arms and
chests once more and again Annie tied them much tighter than her first effort.

The only change from our 'standard' tie-up was that Annie omitted the
long socks used to tie our ankles. She deployed the two short scarves that had
previously been used on each of us to tie our legs above and below our knees
differently; she used them to tie our legs together at the ankles and just
below the knees, carefully cinching each binding. We were sitting perched on
the edge of the sofa at this stage. Annie rearranged us so that we were at
opposite ends of the sofa, facing each other with our legs stretched out on the
cushions. She moved Karen's legs so that they were on top of mine then used one
of the unused socks to attach Karen's ankle binding to my knee binding and the
other to attach her knee binding to my ankle binding. It was a two-seat sofa,
so it was quite a good length for two fairly small children to occupy it in
this way, with the arms of the sofa providing back support.
Satisfied that her troublesome cousins weren't about to go anywhere,
Annie left the room, favouring us, as she went, with a grin that quite clearly
said, "Gotcha!"
On the face of it, Karen and I were completely stuck. With our legs tied
together in this way, neither of us could do anything to free the other either
with fingers or teeth and would possibly have been just as helpless even
without our gags and the mittens covering our fingers. As a matter of
principle, we both struggled anyway. Our wrists were tied far too tightly this
time to have any chance of wriggling out of the stockings bound around them.
Our gags were also too tight to work free of, no matter how much twisting of
necks and pushing with tongues we employed. We tried to see if we could pull
our legs free of their bindings, but sitting on a sofa with our hands tied
behind our backs, we had nothing to hang onto and all that happened was that we
slid towards each other as our legs bent.
Eventually, by mutual unspoken agreement, we gave up struggling and just
sat looking at each other. It was fun to be tied up and know that we were
completely helpless, but at the same time frustrating that Annie had defeated
us. After ten minutes or so, I saw Karen's eyes widen and what might have been
a grin, if she hadn't been gagged, spread across her face. She had clearly
thought of something; I could almost see the lightbulb floating above her head.

Karen started shuffling herself towards the edge of the sofa. Of course,
she wasn't able to get far as her legs were tied to mine. I still didn't know
what her brainwave was, but it was obvious that she wanted us off the sofa, so
I started shuffling in the same direction. I stopped when Karen made an
urgent-sounding grunt through her gag. She was shaking her head; clearly I
needed to follow her lead more carefully and not just guess what the next move
should be.
I sat still and waited for the next prompt from Karen. She turned her
body towards the back of the sofa, as if to roll over onto her side. I realised
the reason for the initial move; it had been to minimise the risk of falling
off the sofa while rolling over. I followed suit, getting into an uncomfortable
position twisted sideways with my weight supported by one bound arm against the
arm of the sofa. Karen kept on rolling and I followed until we were face-down
on the sofa. While the sofa was a good length to sit as Annie had left us, it
wasn't nearly long enough for us to lie flat along its length. Accordingly,
Karen's feet and knees were on the seat cushions and mine were on top of hers,
but our upper bodies were bent back, with our chests against the arms of the
sofa. Hips don't bend backwards, not very far anyway, so the position was
extremely uncomfortable.
I could still feel movement, so it was obvious that Karen still hadn't
finished rearranging herself. I craned my head around to see what she was
doing. Using her shoulder and elbow, Karen was 'walking' herself upright
against the sofa's backrest. It was clearly hard work as the grunts emerging
from under her gag testified. It was a slow process, but she eventually
succeeded in getting herself completely upright and kneeling on the seat
cushions. It was obvious that I had to do the same. It proved to be every bit
as difficult as I had anticipated. With my arms tightly bound to my sides with
a scarf, it was difficult to gain any purchase or to make more than a fraction
of an inch progress at each step. My stability was also severely compromised by
the fact that my weight wasn't on the seat cushions like Karen, but on her
legs. The pressure of my knees on her heels and Achilles tendons must have been
very unpleasant. Nevertheless after several long minutes of struggling, I was
able to get myself upright.
Very carefully, Karen and I edged towards each other, trying not to
overbalance precipitously, until our backs were in contact. It was now possible
for us to reach each other's bound hands behind our backs. I'm not sure if we
really could have freed each other because it was at that point that Annie came
back into the lounge to tell us that she had finished her work and to untie us.
She stopped dead as she entered the room and stared at us in open -mouthed
disbelief, having fully (and not unreasonably) expected to find us in exactly
the position she had left us in. Still shaking her head in astonishment, Annie
set about freeing us.
"I don't think Houdini could have taught you two much," Annie commented
as she untied knots and disentangled scarves and socks.
"Who's Houdini?" we asked and Annie had to tell us all she could
remember about him.
"If you can get out of being d
Den Mother Tied Up
Daddy Its Too Big
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