Girls Same Sex

Girls Same Sex


Girls Same Sex
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ICYMI: Straight-identified women hook up with women, too.
Sometimes they contradict each other. For example, when it comes to women, there's the porn trope that women, even straight women, are always down to hook up with each other, like when they're bored and there's no man around. Then there's the kind of opposite assumption that any woman who identifies as straight has never been attracted to or hooked up with a woman. But, ya know, sexuality contains multitudes.
"We were in college together, on a trip to Seattle. Long ramble through the city at night, looking for a hamburger. Telling each other too much about ourselves. Running through a fountain. Giggling in an elevator. All that romcom stuff. Good grief, she was so beautiful. We spent that night together, then went back to our respective boyfriends. I wish I had been braver. "
"My hookup with another woman really made me start to question my sexuality. It happened when I was studying abroad in college. One of my friends in the program had a friend visiting from home for a weekend, and we spent a couple days together. One night we went to a club, got drunk, and started dancing. One thing led to another and we started making out, then took it to the bathroom and had sex. We were both pretty drunk so it probably wasn't anything earth-shattering for either of us, but that being said, it was pretty memorable. So that's how I lost my virginity to a girl, in a nightclub, drunk, in the wee hours of Easter morning. I'm still not sure where exactly I stand with my sexuality, as I am typically more attracted to men. It's just one of the things I still need to learn about myself. "
" My first sexual encounter with another woman was actually a threesome with my then boyfriend, now fiancรฉ! She was our waitress at our favorite little bar we spent many weekends at, saw and talked to her all the time. We always got along, but I never thought of her sexually. One night she came in to drink instead of work and at 2 a.m. when the bar was closing my fiancรฉ and I were headed for the hot tub! And just on a whim we invited her to come. The whole way there we both knew what was going to happen, and talked about it. We just let it happen in the hot tub, albeit a little loudly. We stayed up until nearly 6 a.m. all playing together in bed. One of our favorite memories. While it hasnโ€™t happened again, we would not turn down the opportunity. "
โ€”24/female/straight with some bisexual tendencies?
"It happened this past July with one of my best friends. She knew Iโ€™d been curious for years about hooking up with another girl, but I was in a relationship with a guy so that held both of us back from making any moves. Weโ€™d talked about it enough and even made out a few times, but I was always too nervous to take it any further. She gave me a ride home from a night out and it just happened. Once the ball was rolling and all clothes were off, I wasnโ€™t nervous anymore and just went for it! It was a lot of fun. Only happened the one time, but I certainly wouldnโ€™t mind again, especially spontaneously."
"My best friend and I were out with our boyfriends clubbing on New Year's Eve. When our boyfriends left the hotel room to get us a shuttle, my best friend and I started making out. We had kissed before when we were drunk, but this was completely sober and got more intense as we went with touching and removing clothes. We still talk about it to this day and have considered doing it (and more) again. "
"I was curious about having sex with a woman, but didn't feel ballsy enough to find someone, so instead I had a threesome with a married couple that approached me online. It was hot, and I really enjoyed the fact that a woman definitely knows what feels good, but when I went to go down on her I panicked and all of the sudden I forgot everything I know about vaginas and women, and I was really aware that her husband was watching. Worst case of stage fright. I kind of poked around down there for a few minutes and she very kindly pretended that it felt good and we went on with our threesome."
"I hooked up with a lesbian woman through Tinder. I always wanted to explore this side of me to know for sure if I'm bisexual or not. I have always appreciated women since I was a kid. So I went on a date with this woman and we hooked up after that. We had great sex (clearly gay women know the female anatomy better than a guy can ever know) but I wasn't into it like I am with a man. Now I know for sure I'm straight, but the skills that female had were mind-blowing."
"It actually happened pretty recently. I had been talking to a girl who had made it very clear she was interested but I always joked it off when we'd talk. I was definitely curious and thought about experimenting, but never felt like I could actually go through with it. I finally decided to give it a go after a night out and it wasn't as amazing as I thought it would be. I quickly realized I just wasn't into it and luckily, the girl understood and we just went about things as normal. It was a nice life experience, but I know it's not something I think I'll be trying again in the future. "
"There was a girl in my physics class. I didn't know she was a lesbian at first. We would talk all the time and study together. One day we had hung out and had dinner. She grabbed my hand and we walked all over the city together and then we went back to my place. We had some wine and watched Netflix. We were laying on my bed and then she kissed me and we started hooking up. This was my first time hooking up with a girl . It was actually really amazing, every moment was great. It really sparked up feelings that I didn't even know I had for her. We're still friends to this day. It only happened again one more time after that. She's with someone and so am I. But that experience with her was something I would love to do again. I was so comfortable with her we had such a awesome connection."
"My best friend realized recently that she isn't straight. I was the only person she had come out to. She was really struggling with it and we talked about it a lot. She told me her past sexual relationships with women and how great they were. When I say she is my best friend, I mean she is the person that I'm absolutely closest with, so we talked about every detail. I knew all about her sex life with women. I had never given much thought to my sexuality; always just assumed I was straight. She opened my eyes to any other possibility. I casually mentioned one day that she would be the only person I am comfortable enough to experiment with. Not long after I was at her apartment and we were hanging out alone (both not completely sober). One thing led to another and we were making out. We knew exactly what each other liked because we're so close that we talk about that stuff. Having it be another girl was amazing because girls actually care about pleasing the other. It was really intense and I was shocked. I had never experienced anything like it. It lasted for hours. We're both still a little weirded out that it happened months later, just because of how close we are. Shortly after, I realized I had feelings for her and maybe I'm not so straight after all. It's still really weird that it happened, but I definitely don't regret it and wouldn't mind experimenting some more."
Like a true stereotype, I experimented with sex and my sexuality in college. I ended up hooking up with a girl during my freshmen year and we continued seeing each other (secretly, our friends and families didn't know with very few exceptions.) We basically felt like we were two straight women who fell in love โ€” neither of us had ever been with a woman before and neither of us defined ourselves as gay or bisexual. (I do believe sexuality is incredibly complicated. And I don't think anyone can really find themselves never being attracted to people of the same sex.)
At the time, I enjoyed our relationship and I had no complaints sexually. I am now dating a man and all my relationships and sexual interactions have been with men, so I don't define myself as gay but it's hard to say I'm '100% straight,' because I did enjoy having sex with this particular woman. Looking back, I think this part of my life taught me A LOT about myself โ€” what I am looking for in a significant other, how I want to act and feel in relationships, and what I like in bed โ€” because my partner was someone I understood on such a basic and raw level because we were the same gender which connected us in a way I had never (and still haven't) connected with a man.
"During my last year of college, I was figure modeling three times a week and it was taking a toll on my back muscles. My friend connected me with a senior massage therapy student, who gave me weekly hot stone massages for free. She was incredible and the therapy helped immensely. We became good friends, and one night we were hanging out on my bed watching my star projector make constellations on the ceiling. One thing led to another and we hooked up. I had only slept with another girl once before her, so this was pretty new. We ended up having an ongoing friends-with-benefits type relationship for a few months, and it was awesome. Being the more sexually experienced partner, I ended up being more dominant and in control, and it felt good to embrace that side of my sexuality. It felt like I'd opened a door for her into her own sexual experience, and it was intimate being that person for her. I've since moved away and she has a boyfriend, but we write letters and keep in touch."
"A dear friend of mine from college and I were out at a club and started dancing with each other. One thing led to another and we were making out on the dance floor. It was incredibly hot and we were both into it. She had been with a woman before but I hadn't, so she told me to wait until the next time we were out, just to be sure it was something I wanted. A month later we were in the same place and situation and after a lot of sexual buildup we went back to my apartment. She completely took control because I was relatively inexperienced and gave me the most fantastic, loving, special experience.
Because we were friends, we were able to communicate honestly, making the experience amazing. She spent the night and I took her home the next morning. We stayed friends, nothing more came of it. I consider it to be the most perfect hook up I ever had because of the chemistry we had and the love and respect that we held for each other. "
โ€”24/female/bisexual leaning more toward straight
"In high school, I found myself being attracted to other girls. The girls in my friend groups were so pretty, smelled so nice, had such smooth skin and hair, and they dressed amazing. Plus, they were so much easier to talk to than boys, and I felt much more myself around them . It definitely made me question my sexuality, so when a couple of opportunities presented themselves, I gave in to curiosity. It never went farther than a few heavy makeout sessions, but it gave me my answer โ€” I was straight. I don't regret it, and I'm not overly shy about it. Turns out I was just clued in early on that women are amazing creatures worthy of celebrating, even if I wasn't sexually attracted to them. "
Responses have been edited for length and clarity.
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"We met at the wake of our mutual friend's mother. One day, I went to her house for a photo shoot and we stayed."
Note: Responses have been translated and edited for length and clarity.
"I was still 'straight' and secretly used Tinder to match with guys. He was studying law at the Pontifical Catholic University. We were chatting on the app, until he told me that he was going to drive to my house so that we could meet in person.
"He was already fun to chat with online, and, luckily, also in person. We chatted, went to a fast food joint, and it was all very cool, until I realized in the car that he was taking a different route from the one to my house. I didn't object, because I wanted to. We arrived at a deserted place and everything was kinda dark. He looked at me with an inviting smile and seemed to find my surprise funny. And how was I? Nervous as hell!
"I knew what was about to go down, but I didn't know what to do, nor how to do it, or even if it was the right thing to do. It's different today, but at the time, it was still hard for me to accept my sexuality. He was patient and gave me time to take some initiative. But seeing that it wasn't going to happen, he just came close to me slowly and kissed me. The second gay kiss of my life. We carried on kissing, but my nervousness didn't go away at all. We took our clothes off and were naked in the car. I had mixed feelings.
"But my head and heart weren't on the same page. I really wanted to, but my nervousness didn't go away at all, and I couldn't stay hard even for a second. We tried. We kept touching each other, and I think I just made things worse, because my goal of 'staying hard' started to hammer away frantically in my head. In the end, nothing went well.
"I felt like shit, but he understood the situation, laughed and calmed me down. I stupidly asked if I could suck him off, because I was dying to do it (even though my dick indicated that I wasn't). He found it funny and I gave him what must be the worst blow job of my life. He took me home, and we went out a few times afterward. We had good sex on another occasion, and then we became friends." โ€” Marcelo, 22 years old, identifies as gay
"I was 20 years old and my boyfriend suggested a threesome. I saw it as a big adventure. It was just that the third person would be a prostitute. During the act, I was crazy about the way she kissed me on my mouth, touched me, and was tender with me. My boyfriend basically just watched; he hardly participated. Because she was a prostitute, she started by trying to please me and was surprised when I started wanting to please her during oral sex.
"I thought about her for weeks and decided to hire her again, alone. That was when I discovered that I enjoyed sex with girls. I've never had a serious relationship with a woman because of a lack of opportunity; I've only had casual encounters." โ€” Anonymous, 31 years old, identifies as bisexual
"I really had a crush on her brother, before I met her. When I found out he had a sister, I thought, 'I'm going to become her friend and, who knows, she might help me to get together with him.' I added her and we started chatting. She was lovely and I, very naive, didn't know she was a lesbian. Until one day when she told me that she had a crush on me, and I was really surprised. It's just that, deep down, it seemed like I already liked her as well. Then one day she invited me to go with her to a party and, in the heat of the moment, we went to the bathroom and had sex right there. It was enjoyable and intense." โ€” Thaรญs, 22 years old, identifies as straight
"It was in 2012, with a friend of a friend. We met at the wake for our mutual friend's mother. One day, I went to her house for a photo shoot, and we stayed. And then we had sex. I was 18 years old at the time and I was going out with a guy. The sex was fantastic, much better than I'd imagined. It was just tragic, because I didn't really know what to do. She performed oral sex on me and I doubted whether I would also do it. Then I went down. And she looked at me with a scared face that seemed to say, 'Are you sure?' I told her that I didn't know. LOL. It was strange, but enjoyable." โ€” Joyce, 25 years old, identifies as bisexual
"We were both a little tipsy because we'd been drinking, and despite being friends, we already hooked up from time to time. At the time, it happened naturally, but when we went to have sex, neither of us knew how to suck or what to do. Neither of us ever had a sexual relationship with men either, but we did what we thought lesbians did, and ended up doing strange things, thinking that we were doing it correctly. At the end, we tried a position that made me hit my head on the floor and end everything in a fit of laughter and tears." โ€” Anonymous, 18 years old, identifies as bisexual
"Even though I've been dating a guy for almost ten years, my first time with a woman was at a motel, and I had to pretend that it was normal for me. Firstly, because the girl was older than me and didn't know that it was my first time with a person of the same sex. I didn't know what exactly to expect. I just know that I lusted after her, despite the adverse circumstances. I was 12 years younger than her, and she was my student. We became close in class and chatted a lot on WhatsApp, mainly about politics. One thing led to another and I found that I really wanted her.
"One day, we went out for a beer after class and sent messages to each another. Since we were already more than halfway there, we ended up spilling it all and discovered that we felt the same way. We made a date and went to the motel. It was very strange, because she said she'd already had other experiences, but, unbelievably, she bit my clitoris a few times (it really hurt!!!). And I surprised myself, because I made her climax four times. I, who had identified as straight until then, realized that performing oral sex on a woman was liberating and delightful, so much so that even I had an orgasm doing it to her." โ€” Anonymous, 26 years old, identifies as bi/pansexual
"We planned on going out, but her parents decided to spend the night out and, at the same time, we thought it would be better to stay home and watch a movie. I had already slept with men, but I always felt attracted to women.
"We start kissing, things heat up, she takes off my shirt and pants, I take hers off, and so far, so good. At some point, she's on top of me, rubbing her pelvis against mine, almost as if she was penetrating me. Except that I was still wearing panties, and so was she. She was moaning and squeezing my breasts, and then she suddenly climaxed, or at least I think she did, and stopped doing anything.
"She laid down next to me and looked satisfied, so I pretended to be satisfied as well. I left there thinking that I must really be straight, because if that was sex with another woman, then it was really bad. Luckily I gave myself a few more chances, and today I'm a happy, open lesbian that understands her own body, knows what she wants, and really climaxes." โ€” Gah, 24 years old, identifies as lesbian
"I was always interested in women, but that guy just turned my world upside down. I was 16 years old and it happened at my house WHILE MY PARENTS WERE IN THE NEXT ROOM. I was actually really sure about going through with it, but he was a virgin and was very afraid. Good thing that it went wonderfully and with a lot of spice, LOL. But he unexpectedly laughed at my facial expression when I came. I learned that trusting and speaking with your partner is always good. It really helped my darling, who was all rigid and timid, to relax." โ€” Anonymous, 17 years old, identifies as questioning
"My first time was when I was 18 years old, under difficult conditions. I was extremely nervous, until I decided to go out with a guy from Tinder who seemed to be the ideal person to control my paranoia.
"So I went to his house and it ended up happening on the building's staircase (!) because
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