Girls Pantsed

Girls Pantsed


Girls Pantsed
What did you wear underneath that everyone could see then? lol And how did you take revenge on the person who pansted you?
Girls, did you ever get pantsed in front of others?
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Girls, have you ever been pantsed or have you pantsed another girl?
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i got dress-ed (._.) I hate dresses,but have been trying to get used to them,and what do ya know-dressed,in front of my class,mostly girls,one guy,the crazy bitch in my class lifted my dress while I was cleaning the board,but I wore black stockings and underwear underneath,it wasn't a big deal.i didn't pull her pants down,i hit her,cause I resolve my conflicts with PAIIIIIIN (well not always but I like yelling PAIIIIN)
This was the thing to do back in middle school, sad to say I have pantsed someone, but I haven't been pantsed. Another popular thing to do was kick(not hard) the person behind the knees.
a few times, lol. once in gym, with a thong underneath, and a few times in bikinis, so nothing underneath, lol. I just did it back, lol.
Nope. If someone ever tried to pants me, I'd slap them really hard. I dont' think that's funny.
why isn't it funny? is it because your skin is sacred?
lmao! it's not funny because I'm really paranoid about perverts. I wouldn't care if it was a friend or family in the privacy of the family room or at a BBQ where not a lot of people can see, but I just think pantsing is disrespectful and immature
only once at an all girls sleepover birthday party in like middleschool.. I remember holding my pants the rest of the night until they said they'd stop.
No, but I did pants some of my friends back in the day!
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Girls Pantsing Each other on Spring Break

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Peter Capusotto y sus Videos - Ministerio de Educación - 4º Temporada - Programa 11 (2009)
Peter Capusotto y sus Videos - Ministerio de Educación - 4º Temporada - Programa 11 (2009)

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Stories about girls doing the pantsing, stripping and humiliating to boys.
Billy is 14 years old he has a younger 13 year old sister named Katy. They get along fine enough and like all brothers and sisters close in age there is a fair bit of pranking and teasing. He isn't a jock, he isn't a nerd he is a run of the mill 14 year old. He is a keen swimmer and most weekends he can be found practicing at the local pool and this is where it all began.

Being a keen competitive swimmer a lot of Billy's free time is taken up practicing at the local pool. It's a straight forward pool with multiple lanes and a few diving boards. A lot of people Billys age come to the pool to mess around. He doesn't get involved keeping to himself and the other teens don't really bother him. On this day Billy found himself in an awkward situation through none of his own doing. A group of people from Billy's class a mix of 3 girls and 3 boys were messing around pushing each other in the pool and being loud and annoying. Billy ignored it as they never really interacted with each other even in school. Billy did know one of the girls there her name was Amy. Amy was a cute popular girl way above Billy's league and didn't look twice at him but her Mother was Billy's maths tutor and was just as cute as Amy. She was young when she had Amy being in her early 30's now it was hard to focus on maths lessons. But back at the pool Amy and her friends were getting closer and closer to the swimming lanes disturbing all the swimmer. Finally the lifeguard had enough and told them to get out. They swam across Billy's lane climbing out the ladder one by one not even stopping to acknowledge Billy. Amy was the second to last out with one of the boys still in the pool. As Amy got to the top of the stairs the boy reached up and pulled the back of her swimsuit down Billy was shocked but could not look away. There was the cutest girl in his class with her bare ass hanging out. He was shocked there was no tan line just 2 we tanned cheeks. Amy let out a scream in shock pulling her bottoms back up and turning around to see her friend laughing his head off and a boy from her class open mouthed with eyes as big as his head. She quickly climbed the final step and could be heard telling off her friend as they walked to the locker rooms. "oh my god that boy saw my ass you dick my mom knows him you idiot"
Billy could not believe what he saw thank god he was in a pool he thought as he felt something stirring downstairs. A small tent had formed in the front of his speedos and he swam it off for the next 20 minutes before heading to the locker room. No sign of the others they had long gone kicked out for the butt exposure. Billy headed into one of the private shower cubicles taking off his swimsuit and hanging it on the peg just on the other side of the curtain with his towel. He got in the habit of turning his back to the curtain side as people would open the curtains without checking if anyone was inside this way only his ass would be exposed and he would have a chance to cover up. Once finished Billy reached for his towel and wrapped it round his waist carrying his speedo in his hand as his key was attached to the swimsuit. He got changed without incident and headed home via bike.

Once home he was greeted by his younger sister who liked to tease him about his swimming habit. His lack of body hair was a great topic of amusement to her as she had walked in on him in the shower more then once. Billy liked to keep clean shaven as he thought it gave him an advantage in competition. "Had fun at the pool today baldy" Katy teased making Billy turn red in an instant. "I told you not to call me that you brat" Billy replied. "What BALDY well what else should I call you it's not my fault you got no hair down there" she teased back. "Shut up I choose to shave it of its none of your business" Billy snapped back. "Oh relax i'm only teasing mom told me to remind you tomorrow no swimming be back for maths" Billy suddenly had flashbacks to the pool and the sight of Amy's ass. Something was stirring in his shorts again he quickly rushed past Katy before she noticed. Well that was weird Katy thought seeing Billy running up the stairs making sure to keep his back to her. Not 30 seconds after Billy had made it to his room Katy knocked on his door. "whats your problem" Katy shouted through the door. "Nothing just give me a minute" Billy called out standing behind his door desperate for Katy not to see him in this state. Billy quickly sat on his bed and put a cushion on his lap just before Katy barged in without asking. "What the hell Katy" Billy squealed "why are you acting like this" Katy said in a stern voice. "I'm not feeling well can you leave me alone please". "Some girl named Amy called she wants you to call her back". Billys eyes nearly darted out of his head even mention of her name triggered a reaction downstairs. He was now desperate for Katy to leave but she was having none of it. "Who is she you have never talked about and Amy before" teased Katy. "Shes a girl in my class we are doing a science project together" Billy replied. "Aww do you like her is that why your acting so strange". "No I told you i'm not feeling well". "Sure big brother if your sick ill talk to her for you and ask". "NOOO" Billy shouted jumping up dropping his cushion on the ground exposing his tent to Katy. "ahhhh" Amy screamed staring straight it then breaking into laughter. "Billy's got a Boner" she teased breaking eye contact with his tent to look him in the eye. "Get out" Billy shouted pushing a laughing Katy out of his room and slamming the door. "Fine ill tell Amy your having a HARD time right now and to call you back at a less exciting time" Katy called through the door through her giggling. Billy was mortified he needed a minute to compose himself it was one of the most embarrassing moment of his life. Even though she had seen him naked before never had she seen him hard. What Billy didn't know is Amy had told Katy what happened earlier in the day she knew why he was acting so strange and gave him the chance to tell the truth. Amy and Katy had given each other their numbers and were now texting back and forth.

Amy: Did he tell you
Katy: No he was too embarrassed haha
Amy: Whats he got to be embarrassed about it was my ass that got exposed.
Katy: Haha I know I think he liked it if that helps
Amy: Eww how would that help
Katy: Haha sorry how can we make this fair
Amy: fair I don't know its not like he did it
Katy: Yeah but why should he have all the fun
Amy: Its so embarrassing I hope he doesn't tell anyone
Katy: We can make sure he doesn't say a word I have a plan
Amy: I'm in this can't get out
Katy: Your mom is coming over tomorrow make sure you come with her
Amy: Aww really I don't want to waste my day waiting for her to finish her lesson.
Katy: Trust me come with her Billy thinks you will be here at 3 but make sure you are here for 2:30 and have your phone ready.
Amy: What do you have planned
Katy: I'm not gonna spoil the surprise but its gonna be something you will not regret missing.
Amy: Ok see you tomorrow
Katy: Bye

Just then Billy had come back downstairs having calmed down. "Whats up big brother" Katy teased looking at his crotch. "Stop it Katy enough did Amy call back". "Relax I told her you would ring back tomorrow afternoon after your lesson". Billy breathed a sigh of relief. "Mom is gonna be home soon so i'm going to get ready for bed do you need a cold shower before I use it" Katy teased when she walked away heading to the downstairs bathroom. After having her shower Katy took all the spare towels out of the bathroom cupboard sneaking them up to her room and hiding them under her bed. She knew Billy never checked before his shower and just expected them to be in there post shower. The trap was set would Billy fall for it.
Enmfan, fantastic start! I look forward to the next part!

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A board for stories about girls pantsing and stripping others or getting pantsed and stripped


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