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An eighth-grade teacher in Arizona and her husband have lost their school jobs after they recorded OnlyFans videos in her classroom — a side hustle she claimed was necessary to supplement their low salaries.
Using the alias “Khloe Karter,” Thunderbolt Middle School science teacher Samantha Peer uploaded the X-rated videos for her OnlyFans page, which her students found and shared among themselves, the Today’s News-Herald reported .
Her husband, Nautilus Elementary School fourth-grade teacher Dillon Peer, also took part in the adult productions inside the Lake Havasu Unified School District building, according to the report.
Samantha said she resigned “under pressure” Oct. 31 after being placed on paid administrative leave and probation. Dillon was let go four days later.
On Friday, she released a video explaining that she and her hubby resorted to creating X-rated videos because of their low salaries.
“My children are the most important thing to me, and I’m already spending countless hours outside of my contract time on extra school activities, and I don’t think it’s fair that I have to sacrifice my own children’s time because our professional salary did not pay enough,” she said, WFLA reported .
Samantha said she began creating the content at the beginning of the summer to help cover her needs.
“It got to a point where our family was not able to survive on our two teachers’ income,” she said.
“I chose an anonymous name as well as blocking the entire state of Arizona on OnlyFans so it wasn’t accessible to anyone living in the state,” Samantha explained.
The teacher admitted she created explicit content in a classroom and advertised it, but claimed she did so after school hours on the weekend with no students present.
It was unclear how the students found her content, which they circulated among themselves.
Samantha said she was placed on administrative leave after a community member notified the district about the content on Oct. 24.
“Two days later, I had asked that an individual that was assigned to my case be removed because they had created a hostile work environment between me and other co-workers for several years during my employment,” she said.
“I did not feel safe with them knowing this information, and I felt that they would spread it in retaliation for their own personal vendetta,” Samantha added.
She said she was told if she resigned before a school board meeting, the district would not publicize the sordid matter — but the images were then shared among teachers.

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“These teachers were also telling students my anonymous name and showing them my page,” Samantha alleged. “This was also sent to the parents and they decided to do the same thing as well.”
On Nov. 7, the school notified parents about students sharing the explicit videos.
“It has come to our attention that students have been airdropping explicit material. The images did not happen during the school day and the person depicted no longer works for LHUSD,” the email said, Arizona’s Family reported .
“Please remove all images from your child’s phone and talk with them about the appropriate use of technology,” it added.
 No criminal charges have been filed against the educator, the news outlet said.
 “I am absolutely outraged. Our kids shouldn’t have been exposed to this,” said Alea Bilski, the mother of an eighth-grader, adding that Samantha’s account was linked to her non-alias social media pages.
“If it was ‘just’ an Only Fans account I wouldn’t be as upset because then that would 100% be on the kids’ parents, but this was public and an easy Google search to find everything,” Bilski told the News-Herald.
Another parent, Kristina Minor, said Samantha “was sharing these links to her sex site on her social media accounts, which are public, [on] which children follow her.”
Minor said the teacher used her school yearbook photo on OnlyFans on a post that says, “Who wants to be my next teacher’s pet?”
“I’m a taxpayer. I am not paying these teachers to film pornograhy. They’re being paid to teach our kids, and set higher standards for them,” she said.
Schools spokeswoman Andrea Helart told the News-Herald that the district cannot comment on personnel matters.

The Sex Party review – spiky comedy fails to satisfy
Bigotry in the bedroom … Timothy Hutton and Pooya Mohseni in The Sex Party. Photograph: Alastair Muir
Timothy Hutton on The Sex Party: ‘Do I think it will be controversial? I don’t know …’
Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning
© 2022 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. (modern)
Menier Chocolate Factory, London There’s tension in Terry Johnson’s tale of four couples meeting for sex and nibbles but the unruly debate isn’t deep enough
A t first, The Sex Party looks like a retro BBC sitcom about swingers, although that term is banned at this adult shindig. Four couples collect for sex and nibbles at a cool north London postcode. There is gleeful talk about getting it on and a fair share of parading around in lingerie and thigh boots.
But Terry Johnson’s spiky comedy takes us from the familiar fare of smut and sniggering double entendres to something bolder and more awkward in the sex/gender debate at its centre, even if it does not reach a satisfying end.
We only ever see what happens in the high-end kitchen (set designed by Tim Shortall) but we get a vivid idea of the action in the living room from the moans and groans we hear. In a production also directed by Johnson, the acting stays fine across the board although the characters are flimsy (Lisa Dwan especially does wonders with her part) and the star casting of Timothy Hutton stays strangely marginal for too long. He drifts on and off stage, saying little and looking like a cliched California guru in yoga pants.
The dialogue often goes off on random, unruly riffs; one character (Will Barton) talks about taking MDMA and the dialogue sounds under the influence too.
The play’s grenade is lobbed as the first act closes, with the entry of Lucy (Pooya Mohseni), a trans woman, and from here on in it feels like another play altogether. Doris Lessing, in a Penguin introduction to Lady Chatterley’s Lover, wrote that what happens in the bedroom is a “report on the sex war” outside it and it seems to be the case with this living room; suddenly, no one wants to convene there and a very live tension is in the air.
Much is flung at us, from talk of toilets to language and JK Rowling and it feels genuinely edgy. It is brave of Johnson to grapple with a debate that has become so divisive that a meeting of this kind would be unimaginable in real life. But arguments come thick and fast without being explored. Johnson seems to be shooting an arrow through the issues of the day – including, too briefly, consent – but it comes to feel like a dramatised version of Twitter.
The room exposes its bigots and we finally see the point of Hutton’s character but as more plot-points are lobbed at us in the closing moments it feels much less like a sitcom than an entire series rolled into one production.


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Sarah V.

17. November 2022, 14:03

Seit dem 10. Oktober läuft die 18. Staffel der RTL-Kultserie „ Bauer sucht Frau “ im TV und auf RTL+ als Stream. Einsame Landwirte suchen hierbei mit der Hilfe von Moderatorin Inka Bause nach ihrer großen Liebe. Bei manch einem potenziellen Paar scheint es bereits gefunkt zu haben. So auch bei Landwirt Jörg und seiner Patricia. Doch nun kommt ein pikantes Detail aus ihrer Vergangenheit ans Licht.
Findet Landwirt Jörg (48) bei „Bauer sucht Frau“ endlich seine große Liebe ? Seit zwei Jahren geht der hessische Kuhhalter alleine durchs Leben. Mit seiner Zeit als Single soll nun aber endgültig Schluss sein! Schon nach wenigen Folgen scheinen Jörg und Kandidatin Patricia (40) auf Wolke sieben zu schweben. Selten gab es in der RTL-Kultsendung so schnell so große Gefühle. Doch könnte Patricias Vergangenheit den zwei Turteltauben nun einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen?
Ist sie das oder ist sie das nicht? Bereits nach wenigen Folgen von der neuen „Bauer sucht Frau“-Staffel kursierten besonders auf Twitter Spekulationen rund um Kandidatin Patricia umher. Fans der Kultsendung war eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit der Blondine zu einer Pornodarstellerin namens Petty aufgefallen.
Patricia = Petty Man beachte die Augen, die Lücke an den Vorderzähnen und das kleine Muttermal über ihrer Lippe links. #BauerSuchtFrau
Und tatsächlich: Der Sender RTL bestätigte nun das pikante Geheimnis rund um Patricias Vergangenheit. Laut dem Statement auf der RTL-Webseite habe der Sender von der Vergangenheit der Kandidatin gewusst und sehe darin keinen Grund zur Sorge. Die Erotik-Filme seien zudem „viele viele Jahre alt“.
Patricia ist Kandidatin der aktuellen ‘Bauer sucht Frau‘-Staffel und hat uns von ihrer Vergangenheit erzählt. Dass sie vor vielen Jahren erotische Filme gedreht hat, ist nicht verwerflich und kein Grund, dass sie nicht an der Sendung teilnehmen darf.
Schmuddelige Vergangenheit: #BauersuchtFrau -Kandidatin Patricia war Pornodarstellerin
Wie RTL weiter verrät, weiß „Bauer sucht Frau“-Kandidat Jörg bereits seit Längerem von der Vergangenheit seiner Auserwählten. Patricia hat ihren Liebsten bereits kur nach dem Kennenlernen ins Vertrauen gezogen und ihm von ihrer Zeit als Porno-Darstellerin erzählt. Dieser habe damit wohl ebenso kein Problem, schließlich turteln er und seine Auserwählte munter weiter. Er sei ihr Traummann, beichtete Patricia dem Kuhhalter zuletzt unter Freudentränen.
Seit zwei Jahren ist Jörg Single. Ein Problem: seine Schüchternheit. Ob bei „Bauer sucht Frau“ endlich die Richtige auf ihn wartet? Der Landwirt lebt in der Region Vogelsberg in Hessen. Tatsächlich gibt es den Kuhhalter nur im Doppelpack: Der Kandidat hat bereits einen 9-jährigen Sohn, der die Wochenenden bei ihm verbringt. Seine Zukünftige sollte also kinderlieb sein und auch hinter dem Herd eine gute Figur machen.
Die 40-jährige Patricia arbeitet als Verwaltungsfachangestellte. Die Blondine wurde von Kuhhalter Jörg gemeinsam mit Kandidatin Annika (40) zum Scheunenfest eingeladen. Zwischen Jörg und Patricia funkte es dort schließlich sofort. War es etwa Liebe auf den ersten Blick?
Die 18. Staffel von „Bauer sucht Frau“ wird auch wie im vergangenen Jahr immer montags und dienstags zur Primetime auf RTL zu sehen sein. Insgesamt wird es zwölf Folgen geben, sodass das große Finale am Dienstag, den 15. November, ausgestrahlt wird. Sollte eine Sendung im TV verpasst werden, stehen die ganzen Folgen im Nachhinein auf RTL+ als Wiederholung zur Verfügung.


Aleksandra R.

18. November 2022, 13:43


Daniela R.

18. November 2022, 13:40


Sarah V.

18. November 2022, 13:38
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