Girls Having Their First Orgasm

Girls Having Their First Orgasm


Girls Having Their First Orgasm

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there's no option for those over 18
In case our eminent researcher was wondering, my orgasms starting about age 9 were extremely strong-once I figured out how to give myself orgasms at that age, I was just addicted to the feeling. Even at that young age, my body meant business!
Very nice....yeah, you women have it made. They usally come so easy for you...


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could i interpose another question right here?

are we speaking of clitoral or vaginal orgasms?

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For the girls, what age did you first have an orgasm?


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and no. it had no bearing on sex. why would it?
I don't think so. Could you elaborate on why you might think they would?

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though I'm not sure when posters say they are having orgasms at age 8, if it's the same intensity as a grown woman's orgasm.)
I think that takes some sophistication, and I'm a little surprised at all these yougins bringing themselves to orgasm.

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Like I've said earlier in this thread, I have been able to masturbate to orgasm for as long as I can remember. And of course I still do, it's just that now I do emit noises and moans whereas when I was a kid it was pretty much quiet. When I was a kid i didn't really think of it as something sexual until I was around 8 or 9. That's when I started having sexual fantasies.

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At what age did you first have an orgasm from masturbating?
At what age did you first have an orgasm with a partner?
Did these events change how you looked at sex and relationships?

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Knotty ,
May 21, 2009 in Sex and Romance

They say that many girls can't or don't learn to have orgasms until they are in their 20s. I would think the age a girl first experiences orgasm probably affects what she thinks about sex or her expectations in sexual relationships.

At what age did you first have an orgasm from masturbating?

At what age did you first have an orgasm with a partner?

Did these events change how you looked at sex and relationships?
i started having self inflicted orgasms when i was pretty young although i didnt realize thats what they were at the time.

first orgasm from sex was just this 19

all i know is that i enjoy sex better when i orgasm but its still alot of fun if i dont.
At what age did you first have an orgasm from masturbating?

- I can't remember. I started masturbating in the crib and for as long as I can remember I have always been able to have one, except I didn't know what it was til I was older.

At what age did you first have an orgasm with a partner?

Did these events change how you looked at sex and relationships?

- I've always thought that sex was a healthy thing and not a dirty disgusting thing to be kept hidden. Sex for pleasure is what makes us human.
At what age did you first have an orgasm from masturbating?

I'm going to say 16 or 17 but i honestly don't remember

At what age did you first have an orgasm with a partner?

Did these events change how you looked at sex and relationships?

[ yes i did, but in a good way. I never really understood the responsbilities and possible consequences that come with sex until now. I had friends in highschool who said i should just have sex and get it over with so i'm more "experienced" entering college. I never did that though. I enjoy sex because it's with someone i truly love and care about.
1st from masturbating? Old. Maybe 19, 20?

1st with a partner, 21. It doesn't happen all that often though. It's just seems so hard for me to get there.

Since I already knew what an orgasm was before I had sex I don't think it really changed the way I look at it for me, but it did give me something to look forward to! I guess I was slightly more interested after I knew what I could be having with someone else.
I was 16 when I had my first orgasm and that wasnt even through full sex. I remember it well and remember exactly where I was, it was an amazing feeling. I wasn't even sure what it was to begin with! I've had 5 orgasms during sex before, and on average I will always come once, sometimes twice during sex. I seem to orgasm quite easily so I think myself lucky! I put it down to being very sensual and having a good imagination!

I never masturbated when I was young, I have only started masturbating in my 30's!

At what age did you first have an orgasm from masturbating?

At what age did you first have an orgasm with a partner?

Did these events change how you looked at sex and relationships?

I had my first orgasm from masturbating very young...about 11 or 12. With a partner i was about 15 or 16.

and no. it had no bearing on sex. why would it?
I would like to know who "they" are because everyone seems to reference "them" and how knowlegable "they" are and to date, I don't find that to be the case.

I've never heard any of the nonsense the OP and "they" stated, and that includes numerous lectures in my psych classes in college.
First one from masturbating: oh god, probably 11 or 12.

I don't think so. Could you elaborate on why you might think they would?
I never really masturbate so ... never. heh
on my own : I don't remember, childhood?... as young as 12 or 13 or maybe younger.

from fooling around with guys (manual or oral): starting age 16 maybe...

from intercourse, my first was at about 20 years old in my forst long term relationship.

I've never heard any of the nonsense the OP and "they" stated, and that includes numerous lectures in my psych classes in college.

The latest time I heard it was on Loveline. Dr. Drew said it. And just over the years in various places I've heard or read that some women won't have orgasms during sex, but those women usually say they are still happy with the sex because it still feels good. And one ex girlfriend of mine said this, but it was when I was younger and more inexperienced, so I didn't help in that regard either.

I was thinking about the girls that didn't have orgasms with their earlier partners during sex, if they felt like sex was just something they were supposed to do to make their boyfriend feel good. Like it was more about pleasing their partner. But after learning how to have orgasms, maybe they expected more for themselves from the sex and their partners (sexually). It raised the bar, so to speak. Maybe they looked back and perhaps regretted the earlier sexual experiences.

Or to put it another way, if one lost the biological ability to orgasm, wouldn't it change how much they wanted sex after that?
Masturbating - erm.... think I was 17/18???

With a partner - 19 through sex, was spontaneous though! That's how I got it! Doggy Style over the kitchen table! Orgasmed twice!

I was thinking about the girls that didn't have orgasms with their earlier partners during sex, if they felt like sex was just something they were supposed to do to make their boyfriend feel good. Like it was more about pleasing their partner. But after learning how to have orgasms, maybe they expected more for themselves from the sex and their partners (sexually). It raised the bar, so to speak. Maybe they looked back and perhaps regretted the earlier sexual experiences.

Or to put it another way, if one lost the biological ability to orgasm, wouldn't it change how much they wanted sex after that?

Your questions are actually really good, as well as your thoughts on this. I'm surprised other posters are not saying it affected them, sexually, to be able to orgasm for the first time from sex. It affected me a lot (my first with a partner was at 19, through oral sex -- I didn't have any from intercourse until I was in my 30's.) I had not masturbated to orgasm before then (though I'm not sure when posters say they are having orgasms at age 8, if it's the same intensity as a grown woman's orgasm.) I'd masturbated since the age of maybe 12 or so, more just using my clothing, but I didn't know anything about how to work it to an orgasm. I think that takes some sophistication, and I'm a little surprised at all these yougins bringing themselves to orgasm. I didn't know how to touch myself, what I needed, that I could even reach such a goal on my own, ha, it just felt good. Then when my bf accomplished that when I was 19, I learned very quickly what I wanted to reproduce, and the how of it fell into place rapidly. My feelings of sensuality and confidence shot up because of this, as well as my assertiveness in bed, and yes, OP, the bar was set a little higher in that before, I didn't think I'd have much to look forward to, it was more about what he wanted, but after that, I had things I wanted to feel physically as well.

I was thinking about the girls that didn't have orgasms with their earlier partners during sex, if they felt like sex was just something they were supposed to do to make their boyfriend feel good. Like it was more about pleasing their partner. But after learning how to have orgasms, maybe they expected more for themselves from the sex and their partners (sexually). It raised the bar, so to speak. Maybe they looked back and perhaps regretted the earlier sexual experiences.

Or to put it another way, if one lost the biological ability to orgasm, wouldn't it change how much they wanted sex after that?

I was with my first boyfriend at 16 and I didn't have an orgasm with him until 18. It didn't change sex one bit. I actually prefer the feeling of sex itself more so than orgasm. I'm perfectly happy not to have one. I thoroughly enjoy it without and I wouldn't have it if I didn't. So, sex is not just about pleasing him. I get plenty of pleasure!

For me it was the same intensity, possibly even stronger.

What can I say? I must have been a sophisticated 8 year old Seriously though, I remember just touching and having it feel good, so I continued. I didn't even know what I was doing until I was about 10 and heard what masturbation was from a kid at school. I know this is not uncommon in young girls. There have even been cases of female babies in the womb masturbating to orgasm!

For me it was the same intensity, possibly even stronger.

Wow, that is very, very interesting. I'm not doubting you (and I do know that babies masturbate, I just don't know how they measure or observe orgasm.)

I just have a hard time imagining an 8 year old moaning and emitting the noises I do.

And this was even though I knew everything there was to know about sex, from a conceptual standpoint much earlier than most kids.

I just have a hard time imagining an 8 year old moaning and emitting the noises I do.

And this was even though I knew everything there was to know about sex, from a conceptual standpoint much earlier than most kids.

Like I've said earlier in this thread, I have been able to masturbate to orgasm for as long as I can remember. And of course I still do, it's just that now I do emit noises and moans whereas when I was a kid it was pretty much quiet. When I was a kid i didn't really think of it as something sexual until I was around 8 or 9. That's when I started having sexual fantasies.

I must have been a late developer! As I'm trying to remember the age when I first had one and it was around 15, I was on my own, story of my life!

At what age did you first have an orgasm from masturbating? 23

At what age did you first have an orgasm with a partner? 23

Did these events change how you looked at sex and relationships?

I learned to orgasm when I was 23.. With my current bf.

I think it has to do with this being my first long term relationship, and me finally finding someone who wants to be monogomous with me.... and who I feel comfy enough to be entirely open with sexually. Plus he got te technique right after I felt confident enough to give me oral (without me wondering if I smelt/tastes/looked ok down there, lol).

He got me to orgasm first and after that it got easier and easier for him to do so. I'd never been into masterbating nor was I able to achieve anything thru it. Till recently. ONCE so far.

It definitly changed my views. I still look at sex as something I want to share with a serious partner in a relationship. Or someone I love/and vice versa.

Sex isn't just about him getting his pleasure, I want mine too now that I know what it feels like and I now that I know how to have one. I crave sex and oral sex alot more. And I don't think I'd want to be with a lover who couldn't get me off.

P.s. TOV also has some good points lol.

For me I also had no clue about bringing myself to orgasm. I'd tried alot in the past.. but well, it just felt like plain rubbing against a clit. Nothing "pleasure" inducing about it. Some
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