Girls Fapping

Girls Fapping


Girls Fapping

OK, my second attempt to post a PG post. Apparently a nipple slipped past the last one. Damn nipples!


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Been a while. Been busy. Since my last post, I did not reduce my FPD Faps per day. My apologies not being consistent in my posts.


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OFM is a no bullshit site created to teach you how to reach financial, spiritual, and mental freedom. Become the best you possible.
August 25, 2018 By Jack Freeman 6 Comments
Fapping is a synonym of masturbating, so to masturbate is to fap. I am going to use the term fap throughout this article as the word fap is even more pathetic than masturbate.
Have you ever wondered how pathetic you would look if you saw yourself fapping? Picture yourself fapping and then picture having sex with a woman.
But Jaaack, that’s weird why would I picture that weird? Because through this comparison you can distinguish how pathetic the act is.
Fapping is shameful and frowned upon in all the major religions. They are trying to tell us something metaphorically.
Here is a quote from the Hindu religious text Bhagavad Gita which clearly states that this vital energy semen should not be wasted (Veerya = semen and Prana = life-force):
“My dear brothers! The vital energy, the Veerya that supports your life, which is the Prana of Pranas, which shines in your sparkling eyes, which beams in your shining cheeks, is a great treasure for you. Remember this point well. Veerya is the quintessence of blood. One drop of semen is manufactured out of forty drops of blood. Mark here how valuable this fluid is!”
Let me translate this for you, stop wasting your fucking energy, it’s your vitality!
When you fap and finish you are literally spilling life.
So as the Hindu’s said, don’t waste your life force!
As I explained in my sexual transmutation article, the secret to success is by abstaining from sexual release and instead transmuting your newfound vitality and creativity to towards your endeavor, maximizing your ability to create, create, and create some more.
Do some deep research on some of the greatest geniuses of all time, geniuses such as Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, and William Shakespeare. You will come to find out that they were mostly all celibate and abstained from fapping.
They were too busy kicking ass in life. They were using their vitality and creativity to achieve great things .
You should use your vitality and creativity and achieve great things. Use it to become a great man .
A study confirmed that frequent fapping leads to lowered androgen receptors our brains. Androgen receptors help our body use testosterone.
Another study found evidence that testosterone levels can increase by nearly 150 percent seven days after you’ve stopped masturbating.
You will have moments of pure bliss. Being in this state is incredible. It totally invigorates your mind and body.
When in the state of bliss, you will become unpassionate about sensual things and become passionate about the deeper meanings of life.
You will notice your memory improving, both your short term memory and long term memory.
You will to start to remember your dreams much more clearly, even dreams that you had a while back.
Not fapping ultimately make you more masculine. You will become a better man for it.
You will start to focus on achieving success with women rather than fapping like a pathetic loser wishing it was you having sex with that porn star in the video.
You will become more focused on fulfilling your passion. Your vitality and success feed off each other, so you starting kicking ass and taking names. You start conquering and succeeding , and it will invigorate you.
Achieving success becomes a habit instead of fapping.
You become a better man in bed by giving your woman the pounding and sex of a lifetime. Your sex life will improve for the better. You will notice much stronger erections that last longer.
All these benefits will cause your confidence to increase by factors of 10. You see these benefits feed off each other, you improve exponentially in every facet.
Imagine James Bond fapping, inconceivable. He fucks the women he wants after they throw themselves at him.
He has way too much going on in his life, he doesn’t prioritize chasing women. To him that’s futile. Women throw themselves at him because of the man he is.
He is not chasing women and he sure as hell isn’t fapping.
Jack Freeman – He that is great is obsessed with making the world great .
All the great men of our time were and are obsessed with making the world a better place. Fapping wasn’t a hobby of Albert Einstein.
So Stop fapping and become the best you.
Contemplate on all the reasons why you should stop fapping, from the list I gave you in this article. It will keep you motivated.
Figure out your passion and take action, be a doer . When you lock onto your passion, your vision will become clearer. A clear vision enables you to start taking action.
You realigned your priorities and are now obsessed with your passion and with the other intrinsic values of a great man. Your desire to fap will decrease and become almost nil as your aspirations are now your focus. You have now moved your habit from fapping to achieving success.
There are many things that feel good but we know are bad for us. Hard drugs probably feel great but are bad for you, would you take heroin?
Come on now it isn’t as bad as heroin are you nuts? I’m nuts for success. If anything can jeopardize that and make it harder I throw it all in the same bin, the don’t give a fuck about it bin.
No junk food, no drugs, no fapping, etc.
Fapping does not make you happy, it gives you fake happiness. An illusion of happiness.
Fapping only gives you a dopamine spike, just like snorting a line of coke or anything else that stimulates you. Instead, become stimulated by success .
Listen, if you are just too damn horny to concentrate on anything else, you need to get out there and get laid.
If you fap because you suck with women, you are going to have to put your balls together and go out there and make it happen.
Do you want to be a man or do you want to stay a pussy?
It’s okay if you suck with women, we all been there. Whats important is that you do something about it.
Read the following articles and become a natural with women, trust me it feels great to pull any girl you want.
Reread this article when you are feeling like you are about to jump off the wagon, it will inspire you to sit your ass back on the wagon and buckle up.
I promise you your life will change for the positive when you give up fapping. In more ways than you can imagine possible. Giving it up is the stepping stone or better yet the launching pad to get you to achieve your dreams. It all starts when you give it up.
So stop fapping and start kicking ass and taking names. is a great resource where thousands of men talk about their experiences and how not fapping has turned their life around for the positive, check it out.
PS – Do you guys want to take your productivity to the next level and start kicking more ass in life?
If so check out my free eBook The Art Of Productivity . It’s currently 100% free to download! Take advantage while it’s still free.
Hello, I am the creator of Only Freedom Matters, a no-bullshit personal development site that is loaded with high quality content.
I have reached financial freedom via blogging and have significantly improved myself mentally, financially, physically, and spiritually through advanced personal development.
Are you serious about creating an extraordinary life for yourself? If so subscribe to our newsletter to receive life changing articles (free).
why do you,yourself,think you look pathetic when stroking yourself?is your self esteem that low?i ask because,after all ,you did write this article,and it s obviousely a peek into how you feel about must be doing it wrong,ive seen myself,alone,jacking off many times,ive jerked of for wome(in the same room with me(not on webcam))by request{also on webcan)spilling your life force? do you not realize you expelled all kinds of semen while your sleeping?ever heard of wet dream? it occurs natuarlly in all men and it doesnt require always result from being turned on or from a “sex dream”. the body gets rid of old stock so fresh new stock is on the shelf so to speak. do i need to go on about how youre wrong about everything ese?masculinity?realy,jacking off does not make you aquire feminine traits,it does not decrease muscle mass, nor increase it if you dont jack off,thats genetics and/if you work out or not,plus diet,meteabolism,and how active you are/ become weaker? maybe for a moment after orgams,just as with sex(intercourse)which requires way more movement,muscles,etc.more productive?productivity is a mindset as is laziness,i suppose the 15 minutes you spent rubbing one out you could have used to go into the office and suck up to your boss,but he doesnt really care and i bet youll waste 15 minutes on something else like shinning his daughters ballet shoes.your dick has nothing to do with yourself a favor and stop giving advise as if youre an authority on the subject.which begs the question,where did you study?what courses?did you graduate?do you have a diploma?do you have a license to give medical advise?what credentials can you supply?what crendetials can your school supply?are they a credible schoo?this is going to be so awesome,ive been waitng forever to say this,and it applies so well to you………………….GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!
Hey, mate. This is a great article. ‘Can you imagine James Bond practising masturbation’. Most certainly not!
I used to be an outstanding fapper, like a heroin addict. I was lucky enough to quit a few months ago, and my life has changed significately.
I am glad to hear have escaped the addiction that is fapping. Stay strong and stay on the wagon.
[…] said to myself aah whatever. I kept on screwing women left and right and I kept on fapping to porn. I was like a mad man spilling my precious life source every chance I […]
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