Girls Dressing Slutty

Girls Dressing Slutty


Girls Dressing Slutty

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Cody Johnston

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best part: slutty polar bear in a slutty blizzard.

A-fucking-men. I laughed so hard at that once I realized my video hadn't frozen.

It was funny last year and it's still f**king funny this year. I'll gladly have this stuck in my head for the next several days.

Holy crap, Cody did something right! :O

"A s**tty polar bear in a s**tty blizzard." Roflmbo, the picture that came with it was win. xD

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Why is it that young girls are dressing so slutty now a days? Is it the parents fault? Or social media?
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This is BS, plain and simple. I can clearly remember many girls showing up to class in booty-tight spandex miniskirts, ripped jeans and pumps, tube tops, fishnet stockings, etc, back in the 80's. And that was middle school, I shit you not. Most of them mellowed out in high school, and moreso in college. It's not the parents. It's not social media. It's the simple fact that people are unable to emotionally cope with the fact that a 12 year old is a young adult and not a child. They are horny (I remember it well) and want to be perceived as "sexy" to their peers. Time teaches both genders where the lines are. No parent - indeed no adult - can successfully control what a teenager is going to do. Teach, demonstrate, etc, but never control. In short, they dress like hoe's because they haven't yet learned that it is unnecessary. Also... hormones.
This is nothing new. I'm ancient compared to many here, and these exact same things happened when I was a kid. There have always been women and teens who have exploited their sexuality for attention, and there have always been young girls who have seen that and wanted attention too, and learned that they could get it by dressing that way. And there are plenty of parents who don't think this is a big deal, and couldn't be bothered to teach their kids otherwise. You may be more aware of it because of social media, but it certainly didn't start there.
It’s the fault of no one. Things just change over time whether you like it or not. It’s called life. In the next chunk of years, i doubt a significant amount of people will be wearing revealing clothes.
yea its honestly a gradual change fashion and culture naturally change overtime. i actually could see how fashion slowly changed in the US. i grew up with this kind of fashion around me lol
It's not exactly new just way more normalized than ever before and social media and pop culture plays a large role in that. Parents who allow their kids to dress up like 30 year olds are at fault.
Oh there is plenty of blame to spread around. I see this more often by those raised by single moms. Their sons also dressing ridiculously. Grant, not exclusive to single moms, just more common. I figure it is them picking their battles kind of thing. The feminist movement definitely shares a fair amount of blame. I mean, walking around topless or naked to illustrate their point at marches. The message is definitely picked up more by young women seeing this then running with it. Society as a who shares blame. At least us here in the West. Men equally share blame here as we do not admonish women for dressing behaving in this fashion just as women ate to blame form men becoming effeminate. We used to complement one another. Anymore we are destroying one another. Girls are becoming tawdry and effeminate men are taking it in the ass from their wives or girlfriends. It's a damn crazy world and the blame falls on all of us. No one wishes to offend anyone by saying anything, so instead, we are now all left silently offended by everybody. Have to love the irony.
It's parents and society. Not social media. Feminism has made it so girls think being naked in public is ok for girls and they don't have to take responsibility for their choices or personal safety. It has given girls the ability to publically shame anyone who criticizes them or expects them to live up to social dignity rules. So parents are afraid to tell girls they can't dress like whores. Then they also are fed an endless array of skank in the media, where ALL of their idols are dressing like whores and making them believe it's ok.
Parents, social media, society, the people wearing and making the clothes----all are responsible.
I would say it's a number of factors, those two choices being big ones, but it's more than just these two. However, I voted parents since they are the ones that are supposed to enforce discipline and standards on their children regardless of pop culture influence.
I find it more disturbing that two friends would want to dress almost identically... Honestly they look about 14-15 anyway, meaning although they're not adults they are aware enough of what they're doing to choose what they wear - it's a lot worse when you see 8, 10 or 12 year olds dressed like that! I'd just also like to point out that the vast majority of men will know they are clearly underage and won't sexualise them, regardless of what they're wearing.
it is just a trend that's been going on for a few generations now and that's gonna continue. i don't see it that critically to be honest. we were born naked and nudity in my opinion needs to be desexualized, cause making "being naked" a tabu sexual thing does nothing good. it spawns perversion, insecurity and repressed unhealthy sexuality. we need to get our freaking minds out of the gutter. in the age of the internet we more than ever need to properly raise our children to responsible adults being able to handle sex like adults and not make it this "dirty forbidden thing". only being transparent, open and educated can lead to a healthy live. not repression, stigma and tabu.
Is nothing new. That used to happen even in ancient times, and it was worst. Due to the high mortality rate, you were an adult at 15-16, so the way teens dress is just a remanent of our animalistic biology and of days were been 50-60 years old was a miracle, and been a teen was enough age to start a family.
Parents, not instilling the values, boundaries and not regulating what they see on TV and electronic devices. Society... it is such a sexualized society, film, advertising, pop culture. Peer pressure and influence of friends.
I remember in 2008 when the exact same question was asked. Or in 2005, when the exact same question was asked. I also hear the same was said in the 1990's... it isn't social media.
I’d say both but it’s mostly the parents fault. Even if social media influences them their parents should be able to teach them decency.
Both. It is the parents' fault for giving them unsupervised access to the internet by giving them a smart phone. And the media often shows young girls dressing that way.
Because most ALL girls want to be perceived as "SEXY". Girls don't realize that boys ALREADY KNOW that they are sexy!!!
It neither. It just that fashion sense has changed and older generation people don't like "revealing" clothing hence branded them as "slutty"
Society has lost its morality, a decline in ancient values, community and the family; individualism, consumerism and greed.
Yeah and god forbid if us guys try to we get shamed for it more than girls do. Everything is backwards now.
It's a lot worse and a lot more dangerous than that.
Signs of a dying society. Ironically though it's because of the fact that nudity is seen as a bad thing, and repressed, that is had become so overly hypersexualised.
first of all what are they wearing like it looks like they tucked a shirt underneath their bras
Nowadays? How many decades would you go back to ask a question?
I blame 3.. social media, feminism, and parents. Honestly if those girls are the age I'm thinking they are, they have no business in outfits like that.. if they were my daughters I would quite simply stop it..
it's probably not one thing, but a little of everything




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Over at the Atlantic ’s Sexes blog, Nanette Fondas asks, “ Is there any way to shield young women from damaging messages about their bodies? ” The impetus behind this evergreen question is a trip that Fondas made to Pink (Victoria’s Secret’s offshoot for teens) to buy a gift card that her adolescent daughter requested as a Christmas present. Fondas nearly has a panic attack when she sees “inappropriate photos” of scantily clad Victoria’s Secret models near the cash register, and she deplores the marketing forces that bombard girls with sexualized images. Later, when her 12-year-old son asks her, “Why do girls want to dress like sluts?” Fondas replies with a rant against pop culture: “Girls see it everywhere: on TV, in stores, magazines, movies, online. That’s why they think it’s the definition of ‘pretty’!” Her son is unconvinced.
I’m unconvinced, too. As someone who was a teenage girl not too long ago, I can’t help but think that Fondas is overlooking a much simpler answer to her son’s question: Teen girls dress like sluts because they’re teenagers, with all the excellent decision-making skills, well-developed impulse control, and exquisite taste that teens are renowned for. Are there cultural factors in play? No doubt (although I’m more concerned about the message sent by Victoria’s Secret models’ lack of body diversity than by the message sent by their sexuality). But let’s not pretend teen girls are just passive victims of nefarious marketing forces. Teens are hard-wired to rebel against authority and to explore their sexuality; it’s a necessary part of growing up. The notion that teen girls wouldn’t ever show off their cleavage if we burned every Victoria’s Secret catalog in the world reminds me of the absurd rationale behind abstinence-only education: If we don’t tell kids about sex, they won’t have any.
Of course, not every teen girl rebels by buying push-up bras and mini-skirts—some of them dye their hair pink and pierce their noses instead (or as well!). But many do, and most of them grow out of it. When I was 13, my wardrobe included quite a few tight, low-cut, and generally tacky items of clothing. I even—and this is very likely the most embarrassing confession I will ever make publicly—once bought a tank top with a glittery Playboy bunny printed on it. Now, in my 20s, I favor shifts and cowl-necked sweater dresses, and I spend a good portion of my free time railing against the patriarchy over drinks with friends. Despite my slutty-dressing teen ways, I turned out mostly OK. And I attribute a good part of my turning out OK to the fact my parents just rolled their eyes at me every time I left the house with my bra peeking out from underneath my shirt, instead of wringing their hands about whether my clothing choices were irreparably damaging.
I can’t help thinking that a much better answer to the question, “Why do girls want to dress like sluts?” is “ What’s so bad about being a slut? ” Girls who play up their sexuality via their clothing choices—and girls who explore their sexuality with more than one partner—are people, too; putting on a tube top does not mean forfeiting one’s dignity. Fondas’ approach, though obviously well-intentioned, plays into the notion that a woman’s appearance is of paramount importance. And I fear her answer to her son’s question conveys the message that it’s OK to pity or disrespect girls who dress a certain way, since, according to her worldview, they’re just helpless dupes. But if we really want to prevent girls from being victimized, perhaps we should teach boys to spend less time judging what girls wear and more time listening to what girls say.
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