Girls Do Porn Breanna Foleye337

Girls Do Porn Breanna Foleye337


Girls Do Porn Breanna Foleye337
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girlsdoporn breanna foley gdp episode 337. Watch yespornplease full free xnxx hd 720p amateur teen girls do porn scenes. Young hot amateur babe fucks hard cock in first casting scene in hotel bed room. Download youporn, hqporner, pornhub, and xxx porn vids on fuckhub.
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Girls do Porn the lawsuit GDP_e337 Breanna Foley

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Do you think the girls in girls do porn were forced into it? Also lets discuss GDP and the best episodes. Pic related, my favourite the lawyer who got dp'ed and hates it.
>>825372212 She did two scenes so she must have known
>>825372212 They weren't forced, they were lied to. Told it was for rich dudes private collection then dumped all over the internet. Fraud basically. They were right to sue. The courts were right to award damages.
>>825372608 But gdp did still technically win because they went down in history and will be forever immortalized by what they did.
>>825372608 what did they tell them, exactly? "this is just for rich collectors"??
>>825372608 How do I find her by the way
>>825372608 what if the rich dudes dumped all over de internet
>>825373320 They were doing God's work
>>825372212 Lots of favorites. An early one is girl from ep 23 and 32.
>>825372212 they were not forced into it they just didn't read the contract they signed and it was all about the money
And I don't think any of those three girls above were forced. They're not part of the trial, the first one did FTV as well.
>>825373035 they told them the videos would release in foreign contries in dvds/blurays, not released to the onternet.
>>825375490 Still remember one of them saying that she wasnt a slut, she only did it for the money...
>>825373106 her name is Jennifer Alexandra Krauser
>>825372212 There episode numbers on that lawyer getting DPd?
>>825375490 They weren't forced, just lied to and tricked... which is a form of fraud which is illegal but they weren't raped
>>825375644 so not a slut, just a literal whore haha
>>825375848 yeah, they knew they were shooting porn, just were lied to about where it would be distributed. There are a few of the complaints where they say they felt afraid to try and leave or were told they had to pay their way home, but doesn't seem to be the case most of the time, just the lies about distribution.
Definitely 304 "girl with princess hair"
>>825377313 haha she's a good one too here's e449
They weren't forced but they were deceived and coerced.
I think the better question is "Which GDP girls were the most unlikely to be doing porn"?
always liked 108 too...not their hottest girl, but cute and more next door type
GDP's cumshots suck and generally speaking, the scenes were poorly lit.
They 100% knew they were doing porn, porn that would be distributed over the internet. The "I didnt know it was porn/overseas only" shit stopped being an excuse in the late 90s. Like, that shit excuse was a dead meme before most of these girls were even born. Thats how long this excuse has been laughably bullshit. Even if they had no clue it was porn (fucking how) a 30 second google search of the people youre flying across the country to meet would have shown them. Even if gdp was a dba shit would have come up. Hell, i dont even apply for a position until after an extensive search and these bitches just up and got on a 1-way plane with no housing plans. Nah, dawg, nah.
>>825378171 well, if they didn't know, they were incredibly naive...
>>825375565 you gotta be pretty fucking stupid if you dont think that would also end up on the internet
>>825378549 true, but some girls think "huh, money, and I'm hot," so they don't think beyond that
>>825378549 unless they knew and were planing to sue afterwards. Only a fucking retard like you would imply that everyone is as fucking retarded as you.
>>825378633 thats not a great defense...
>>825378171 But there's also a certain amount of law out there designed to protect stupid people from themselves, and in this case that's what we are dealing with. "Most obviously, the defendants were lying when they said that the videos wouldn't show up online. To bolster this lie, the defendants paid other women to pose as former models and reassure recruits that they would have a positive experience and that their videos would remain private. Pratt and his colleagues were careful to make these promises over the phone, not in writing. But the consistent stories of the 22 womenβ€”as well as corroboration from some junior figures in the GirlsDoPorn empireβ€”confirmed that the girls were lied to repeatedly." That said, I'm a huge fan of their work.
>>825378680 not a great defense at all, I'm not justifying it, just confirming there's some dumb bitches out there
>>825376104 That's a nice pussy. Would slam my dick straight in there and bust so fast.
>>825378914 Great pussy. She looked surprised when he came in her. The behind the scenes shows her cleaning up...the only one I've found of GDP that shows that
>>825372212 I'm totally not them, or an orbiter trying to boost they popularity just a fan lol
>>825378686 This type of recruiting, even down to the hot bitches reassuring new hires, is in EVERY industry. Junior staff being salty, usually about pay, is in EVERY industry. Suing over the semantics of contracts is in EVERY industry. One girl caught a case of regretivitus, lawyered up, contacted every other gdp girl and promised another paycheck. HUNDREDS of girls and less than 2 dozen showed up, fucking lol. Just a handful of broke bitches looking to double dip on their short porn career.
>>825377313 Her ass is nuts. Also, love the missionary scene. Flexible as hell
>>825379054 Does he cream her or cum in the condom?
>>825379054 Yeah, they usually wear condoms. If you search "girls do porn creampie" on xvideos, you can find videos like this
Know about any more episodes with creampies?
>>825379456 He creamed her. No condom.
>>825379469 Yeah, there's a few creampie vids, but have only seen hers with her cleaning up the cum afterward
>>825379539 I'm torrenting that episode rn lol
>>825379593 lol it's a good one. She did another, with different hair color, but I like that one best. And hopefully doesn't kill the mood, but here's a still from the BTS where she cleans up.
>>825379350 You make a good point, though generally I follow the rule of thumb "never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence" I find it far more likely that the guys told "technically the truth", as in the films weren't being released in America, but were rather being sold overseas to private buyers. What exactly the buyers were going to do with these videos, was not part of the discussion. The "private buyers" then sell the videos back through a third party, along with the rights They started this gig back in ~2006, and worked in the online industry before. They knew what the net was capable of at the time, but not what it would be capable of soon. I bet the women didn't know these details either. Nonetheless, they still agreed to have sex on camera. This is victim blaming pure and simple, only because there has to be some personal responsibility somewhere The bottom line is, I have no sympathy for these women. Ever since 2001, it should be assumed if you are on camera, you are being, or will be, broadcast.
>>825379262 I love how fucking stupid you galaxybrained internet skeptics ultimately are.
>>825379350 Oh yes, every industry hires models to lie to you about the role and then has junior staff confirm that this was a practice.
>>825379230 stupid as shit tattoos, like why even have some hand drawn crooked triangles on your hip
>>825380281 Agreed. Don't fuck a guy for money with another guy filming it if you don't want the entire world to see it.
>>825381438 True, confirms she's not the brightest girl, but regardless of the tattoos or choices to get them, hot to see her fucked. Funny enough, she started the video with them covered up with makeup that came off
>>825381520 Said the guy who posts a gore photo and then suggests this thread is some kind of marketing ploy.
>>825381577 That's funny. I shot with a girl who had a big ass BICYCLE tattoo'ed on her wrist and she tried the same thing... bad coverup job which just drew more attention to it. Pic maybe related :^)
>>825378171 They didn’t use the gdp name in the ads so this specifically wouldn’t happen, you condescending cockwad
>>825372212 No they're all fucking whores that cried like little bitches when their slutines cost them jobs.
>>825372212 242 is by far the greatest episode they ever did. That girl needs to be the mother of my multiple children.
>>825378171 >They 100% knew they were doing porn, porn that would be distributed over the internet. Yeah, I agree. As soon as the top comes off or the dick comes out, they made their choice to be in a porno and they know what that means.
>>825382169 >"but like anon it like ugh I was like forced to be there."
My favorite is the girl from LSU with the huge tits who gets pounded
>>825382628 Yeah she's hot, totally gets pounded too
Were there any girls with a full bush?
She took a few nudes you see on her here now and then too
>>825382628 >>825382878 >huge tits >huge I don;'t think you know what that word means
>>825379469 >Yeah, they usually wear condoms which is precisely why gdp isn't worth a single second of anyone's time.
>>825381676 >>825381676 I'm totally not them, or an shill trying to boost they popularity just a fan lol
>>825383229 Sorry, I don't watch gdp for the cock & cum so I don't know what you're on about
Does the dped lawyer fart dueing dogging style?
>>825384338 Lol yes Btw gdp is fuckin ridicolous, I suggest it if you want to quit porn
surprised no one mentioned e404 >>825385127 >>825384850 that's 242
>>825385228 Is that e404? What's special about that one?
>>825385561 The girl is incredibly hot, she gets creampied in her second vid, 409 I think.
>>825386023 this one is my favorite 404 and 409. i am so mad though because at the start of 409 she says she's going to get fucked in the ass, then they don't show it at all!!
>>825386168 You can tell she's not too happy in the BTS
>>825376104 She is easily my favorite. Love how she kept the heels on for awhile.
>>825386307 i didn't watch it yet. i will soon. but i am glad to know she didn't like it. makes it better.
>>825386361 Oops fucked that up, meant >>825377313
>>825385606 378, it's one of the favourites of mine in all porn. for fucks sake, she's perfect, like i know this kind of girls irl, and they're so cutely naive in their confidence.
>>825386474 read thread carefully...already said it's 242 and links here >>825386168
>>825386503 Her girlsdotoys and behind the scenes dont disappoint
>>825386629 i just want more of her. Girl 378, you're perfect.
>>825373035 Define rich, your honor. We did not specify money rich. We simply said rich. Could be rich in intellect, or rich in personality. Rich is also subjective your honor. A garbage man here, is a rich man. compared to a lawyer in guatamala. So i move to quash that from the plaint.
>>825386023 Holy shit. Yes. Wonder what she's up to now.
>>825386876 Thanks, but i actually thought about the private ones
>>825387027 >>825387108 she was reluctant at first
>>825387492 Unfortunately, those are the only pics I had besides the vid stills
Paisley Rae, E440 and E446, had great tits and continued to shoot some more porn for a bit
The interviews and bts are fake, right? Like the girls are acting
>>825379456 >>825379539 I'm surprised how many girls in porn are happy to go no condom. I get when you're actual star and you know you're with high paid guys you can demand a certain level of testing but if I was one of these girls that would be a huge issue for me.
>>825387629 That or 100% of them were cheating on their boyfriends
>>825387600 >>825387027 got links to her vids?
Breanna Foley, E337 and E342. She was not happy coming back for the second shoot, but she accepted the creampie like a champ.
>>825383132 You're fucking retarded, right? You don't actually think her tits are small, you're just a literal retarded person? Good. Thought so
>>825388479 no, but the video is there >>825388696 she hated the fucking so much and she did an extra video? whoa
>>825377460 Girl from E449 and E456 was hot and could actually fuck (relative to GDP standards)
>>825389295 Is this scene the deleted one or the normal one of her?
anyone know the episode where the chick is almost crying in the shower at the end?
Who is this girl or where is her second full video? I can only find clips of it in compilations
there was one with a girl w/ black hair and septum piercing, could never find the full vid though
The girl who played guitar and sang on her youtube channel was pretty hot. Also did anal.
I always wondered exactly where they recruited these chicks from
>>825387910 hang on, how old was she?
>>825389950 and why some of them were aware of what's happening and others were oblivious
>>825389929 She didn't like the anal.
>>825390022 Aaannddd how much they actually got paid
Episode 124, Aggie Amie. Went to highschool with her, nutted every night for months to her.
>>825390090 I've blown quite a few to her. Nice feet, too.
>>825389497 maybe one of the deleted ones? anyone know?
>>825373035 Yes, it said it would not be distributed online. of course, these girls are dumb for not thinking that this would not get out. Even if it was for a private collection, it would get out. Why are people so fucking dumb?
>>825377313 my fav. Her big feet and she seemed suprised about just geting just pounded!
>>825390595 the gdp guys were dumb. what were they thinking creating a legal contract intending to brake its most obliging conditions?
>>825372212 I don't care, TBH. I get on PornHub to cum, not to think. As long as there aren't any kids or animals in the video, I don't give half a shit. In fact, there's one GDP video I love. The girl who wanted to be a musician or something on YouTube. They tried to stick it in her ass and she made the most adorable noise and face. I cum at that point every time. I'm sure after daddy and all her friends found out, she claimed she was pressured into it and didn't know what she was getting into. She could have left at any time and told them to fuck themselves. She could preserved her dignity at the cost of maybe a few thousand dollars in court costs over a broken contract. Fact remains that she whored herself, and I've nutted to it dozens of times. Sorry, sweetie. You did porn. Thanks, I guess. The orgasms have been fun.
>>825390803 Melissa King. She put GDP on the map.
>>825376104 >>825377460 Based. Two of my favorites. Two extremely hot and pretty girls. The kind in college that would only fuck the chad QB. Perfect big tits, petite frames, nice asses and a pussy that makes your mouth drop. Both getting railed and creampied. Fucking some good porn right there.
>>825390595 well, and they thought it would be to 'exclusive, wealthier customers' according to some reports. No wealthy people need to buy porn, they buy the women to fuck directly.
>>825390803 >>825391063 Looks like she got in trouble
>>825390803 >>825391063 >>825391152 Too bad the sex was awkward, like usual
>>825390422 Got pics of her at school?
>>825391152 >>825391272 yeah, the excogi and NVG guys are way better. and the oldschool NDA amateur creampies. actually even the backroom casting couch girls seemed to have more fun.
>>825389929 >>825390090 I've spilled more seed to this bitch than Michael J Fox trying to fill a bird feeder. That moment when she winces from the anal always makes me spurt.
>>825391272 isn't that the miss teen Delaware?
>>825391365 so you get to see her naked?
>>825372212 Honestly, its pretty shitty what happened to them. And I bet its pretty hard to be in that situation and think that no one is on your side and you can't say no. I don't know if these guys should go to jail but there should be some kind of punishment.
>>825389295 What made her one of your favorites?
>>825391272 she got a bad boobjob and did some playboy stuff
>>825391810 isn't it that most of these threads get the case backwards? I'm too lazy to look it up, but the charge was breaking the contract, not rape. It's not ok to do it, but it's a completely different situation.
>>825372212 I think the GDP is really going to take a beating with this covid shit.
>>825375391 Thing of Beauty. Just getting railed
>>825391810 I hope she reads this, bro.
How many shekels were you paid to make this thread?
>>825392212 I know. Wish there was more of her. There isn't even a BTS
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