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By Guest | 252 posts, last post 2 months ago

Sasa Milosevic, MD
answered this
Female Orgasm And Orgasmic Disorders

hello,im 14 and have been having sex with my boyfriend about twice a week for 4 months. it seems that im not able to cum. it feels good and trust me girls its big enough i dont understand, please help me!! thank you soooo much :D

I think as long as you have hit puberty you should be able to cum.

i started having sex a 14!
and now im only 15! and my bf is 9 years older than me!
so god dam what. he just asks me all the time,
why dont you cum?
and my answer may sound stupid, buh i dont knoe how.
can someone please help me with this.
does it just come natually, or is there some kind of trick to it?
i mean when he does it, it feels awosme, and its great
buhh i want to please him by you knoe cumming.
can someone please help me? please please

So you are 15 and "bf" is 24!?!? I have 2 words for this 24 year old s**m bag...PRISON SENTENCE.

Listen girls, don't have sex, first of all, as one already metioned above. It's illegal and if you get caught you will get in trouble. Plus you can get pregnant and I'm pretty sure your parents would'nt want an extra kid at home to spend money on. You may just think it's no big deal right now and that you won't get pregnant, or AIDS, HIV or STDS (If you haven't tested). But what happens when your boyfriend's condom breaks? What happens then? Just let me tell you, sex is suppose to be love. You may think your in love and that you want to spend the rest of your life with your boyfriend but teenage love dosen't last forever. He may leave you or you may leave him and then in a couple of years (Hopefully) You'll get married and wished you saved your virginity for your husband. You don't have to listen to me, you can do it your way but I promise you it won't work out.

And the answer to your question is you have to hit puberty, you have to have your period. When you reach "WomanHood", which is basically when your body is ready to have a baby. And Your G spot, you'll have to find out what that is on your own, (I already know but searching up the Sex topic may help you) You have to hit your G spot the right way and then you'll "Squirt which, AKA is Cum. But some girls never cum for some reason. If you want a spefic answer ask your mom, but if your not comfatble search it up or ask a doctor. I really hoped this helped, please just consider my sex advice. I promise you that life will be better

~Savanna Johnson, 12 years old, (Just if your wondering, I am a virgin, I'm substaining from sex in till I'm married, it's a god thing. But I have been violated, Almost raped. So I want to save you before your runined. Please just consider.

umm, okay , i guess you can say im well experienced in this whole sex stuff , i read not so pro books , but see alot of porn vids , magz ,sometimes google ROFL ALL FOR ED PURPOSES ONLY ..really imnot a perv, curiosity is the key : D..i currently live in Mexico.. and i have a great sex life , i started having sex at 13 XD , with my babysitter in Arizona.. i know its wrong, BUT it feels SO right , she was 23 LOL , i now live in Mexico :-) , chicks oer here wow n_n !, i mean ,all chicks are special and unique , women is Gods ork of art , theonly thng humans have done in all of thse years is SEX,its feelings and pleasure (which its the same as feelings lol ) im now 17 almot 18 ..(almost "legal") but sex doesnt really need an ageor it to be legal dudes , unless the guy just wants to abuse the chick or viceversa , but if there is love , go for it ,my ex chick did it with many guys at 13 ,the guy were 20 ad above XD , kinda nasty i know ,but i didnt know that until we had the baby .. i know ..but w/e its not mine (: , okay , my point is , HAVE SEX AS MUCH AS POSIBLE !, we only have one life .. might as well enjoy it ,remember its not only fun and joyful to you , but to your partner(s) as well C:

sorry i dont know too much about cumming .. because the chicks give a better answer , they have a more perspective wayto exlain whats up :3

wow hes 24 & you 15 ???? thats not even a relationship , thats called babysitting --__-- 

Are you f*****g insane what the hell you is a pervert and your parents should send him to jail and you need to be put in your place like WHAT THE f**k are you proud that he is 24???? you have issues 

u are to young to b haveing sex ...but if u must tell him to slow down and have more for play .... and holding and kissimg

oohs thats fairly bad shouldn't be doing that yet, and your not that mature your 14 for god sake. but good luck

Then he isn't doing it right. He should first stimulate you, then have the sex. When you're stimulated, You're already "in the mood". How come everyone is saying "You're too young"? You don't even know the difference between you're and your. I may think that it's wrong, but that's your choice, not mine. Just make sure you know what you're doing.


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