Girls Addicted To Cum

Girls Addicted To Cum


Girls Addicted To Cum

Can Women Become Addicted to Semen Like a Drug?

MLA Style Citation:

Von Neumann, Georg "Can Women Become Addicted to Semen Like a Drug?."
Can Women Become Addicted to Semen Like a Drug? .
18 Dec. 2009
30 Jun. 2022 <­Women-­Become-­Addicted-­to-­Semen-­Like-­a-­Drug?&id=3450267 >.

APA Style Citation:

Von Neumann, G. (2009, December 18). Can Women Become Addicted to Semen Like a Drug? .
Retrieved June 30, 2022, from­Women-­Become-­Addicted-­to-­Semen-­Like-­a-­Drug?&id=3450267

Chicago Style Citation:

Von Neumann, Georg "Can Women Become Addicted to Semen Like a Drug?." Can Women Become Addicted to Semen Like a Drug? .­Women-­Become-­Addicted-­to-­Semen-­Like-­a-­Drug?&id=3450267

Georg Von Neumann  |  

Submitted On December 18, 2009

Can women become addicted to semen, as if it were some form of drug? Surprisingly, scientific studies say, "yes."
This might raise some eyebrows among feminists, but scientific results do show this to be the case. They are not sure exactly why (chemically), but women can become reliant on a man's semen.
The semen must be introduced vaginally and not orally. Orally it doesn't seem to have any affect, probably because the contents of the semen get broken down and denatured from the stomach acids. The affective-chemical component is rendered useless during this method of application.
What scientists have found, is that when a woman has vaginal sex with a man; and the man ejaculates inside of her, that the semen, if it is not washed out immediately, gets absorbed by the lining of the vagina and makes its way into the bloodstream. Once the semen has been absorbed, it has been found that it not only aids in relieving anxiety and depression in women, but also cuts down on the pain, discomfort, and cramps that occur with the pre-menstrual cycle.
It's found that, after a long period of time of semen introduced into the vagina during sex, that the woman will get used to the positive affects of the semen. If the semen is suddenly stopped from being deposited in the vagina, then the woman will have a return of associated menstrual discomfort and increased anxiety and depression. She will then have "semen withdrawls" and become more angry, hypersensitive, and irritable.
Biologically it has some logic in its nature of effect. While a man continually makes sperm, day-after-day and night-after-night, a woman only releases an egg once a month for fertilization. So the biological reason for "sex" as a form of just creating children is considerable lessened, as a woman is only fertile for a short period of time per month. However, there is an ancillary "pleasure" side of the sexual act that makes sex, at any time, pleasurable for both the man and the woman. This is one of the incentives that helps keep couples together, in that, sex is not only for creation purposes, but that it is also for pleasurable purposes.
This being the case, having sex for pleasurable purposes, irrespective of creation purposes, allows a man and a woman to engage in the sexual act on a more frequent basis, due to the reward of pleasure. Could it be that this is chemically related to the biological idea that a man will, thus, deposit his semen in a woman on a more frequent basis?
Who knows, really. Nature is quite complex and we really, truly, don't know much about how she operates.
One way for men to increase the volume of their semen is via increasing their intake of zinc, stopping smoking, and increasing their intake of water. Read Iron Man Penis - The Russian System to learn more.
Dr. von Neumann has over twenty years experience in the medical field. He co-authored IRON MAN PENIS - THE RUSSIAN SYSTEM , a manual on helping men get the most out of their Sexual Potential. Not just the usual recycled material found on the Internet, but special and unique material on Penis Enlargement, Increasing Male Stamina, Orgasm Enlargement, and ALL aspects of creating an IRON MAN PENIS; much of the material was researched in Russia. Learn the SEVEN CRITICAL ASPECTS OF PENIS ENLARGEMENT and become the ultimate sexual machine.
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Read a crazy tumblr blog post. woman says she is addicted to cum, did it to make boyfriend happy. she would blow him, and he cums in her mouth. then she has to keep it in her mouth, while he eats her out. when she cums, she swallows. she says she did this because it makes his cum taste like her orgasms. when she tastes cum, it makes her want to cum, because now they are associated in her mind. and when she cums, she wants cum in her mouth. I know you can "train" some kinds of things to make you like it more, but this also sounds weird. does anyone think it would ever really work? it is kind of hot to think that by associating her cumming with her eating his cum, she could turn into someone who loved it to make him happy, but it also sounds like a story, not like real life.
that could work and sounds like a good idea
that could work but it sounds like more trouble than it's worth
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I must admit to being intrigued by the 3 women so far who not only think it could work, but also think it sounds like a goo idea...
A woman's advice on how to make her addicted to cum?
You could just get her to touch herself whilst blowing you or 69. What about getting a guy to jack himself off whilst licking you out so he is conditioned to do it more often! Sounds good to me, lol.
Definitely worth trying. Here I cum
Its basic psychology. Pavlovs dog and what not. In theory it could work.
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I usually advise girls who want to get use to it to start with facial and keep the facial. or just breast cum for some. I know a girl, one year ago she would not accept more than breast cum, now she does it all.
I think it is all down to the individual some don't like the thought of what it is for others the taste or texture I was fascinated when I first made a guy cum I had it on my hands and clothes eventually progressed onto oral and the first time a guy came in my mouth I just swallowed never gave it a thought really so it has never bothered me maybe a few over the years have had a strange taste but one quick swallow and the problem is gone
I don't know about all that but what I can say is that I was once addicted to sour cream and onion potato chips.. I'm not sure that's going to help anyone
I don't mind swallowing, but having to keep it in my mouth for an extended period of time sounds like a miserable experience for a number of reasons. I wouldn't be willing to do that.
lol thats interesting... Its been a while since my last psych class but isn't that called clasical conditioning?
Yes its very much so possible. I am pretty much the same way but also it doesn't have to be "training" it could of just been something they do during sex. An for anyone with something bad to say or voiced their negative opinion... If they both got pleasure from this then great. If you don't have anything good to say don't say anything. Heard that from a rabbit too by the way lol. (The movie Bambi)
Well for all you know it can be a man giving that description and pretending to be a woman. Also if you want something to *train* to do what you like try a monkey or a dog , seriously what the hell is wrong with some people
first of all tumblr people are some of the biggest idiots I've seen in my life
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my question was more about the idea than the method she said. i think finding a way to "condition" a guy (if he wants to try being conditioned) to want to make her get off harder is good, too.
Oh yea, it doesn't surprise me that it's possible. I think Bandit is right it's called classical conditioning. If you consistently do two things together they become connected in your mind. I don't get the hate either. It's ok if it's consensual. It's only abuse if he's coercing her in some way. Its not like it's going to override her autonomy and make her a sexbot, I don't think the human mind works this way.
i don't think any girl should ever do anything sexually she doesn't want to. I was just curious whether people though this kind of thing would work or if it was bs. but you are right. even if this did work, it probably is not the best way, unless she has a strong sub fetish.
it won't work if the girl does not want it... you can only help a girl who wants it to be able to do it... a lot want but can't...
makes sense. i can't picture me ever liking some things, no matter what pleasures those things were attempted to be joined to to make them more appealing.
yeah, but it is something she consented too. i don't think it's a bad thing if she knows the point of it and consents.
I dont think its bad either, just odd
you must be think if you think that didn't occur to me. why else do you think i asked "do any of you think this might be real?" do you think i asked that because i never thought it could be guy making shit up? if you find the concept offputting, that's OK. no one wants you to do it. but other people are into that dom/sub stuff. and sports athletes and chess players train to. the way you jump on a word like that is stupid. it means for more than just animals.
your attitude towards women is wrong. There is no respect when you want to *train* them to do something that many maybe find it disgusting. Why dont you just find a girlfriend that she will be happy to do this without training
your attitude towards reading is wrong. where did i say in any way i would ever do this? i said that someone claiming to be a woman said this. i said that i was curious whether it could be real. I never said i was doing this, or had any plans on doing this. also, you're a puritan psycho. you have no right to say what people should and should not do consensual. nothing in anything i wrote implies this was forced, or that the woman who wanted to do this found oral disgusting. you are making shit up. the fact that a woman made a choice to willingly do this, and enjoys the results, really pisses you off. too damn bad. the fact that she did this isn't the point.
* puritan psycho.* well i call this classy However what people do in their bedrooms doesn't bother me at all. You dont have to agree with me and i dont have to agree with you. As for *woman made a choice to willingly do this, and enjoys the results, really pisses you off* i dont know where you concluded this but whatever , maybe the sort of women you associated with are different than me
I'm not associated with her. i do not know any girl who wants to do this. i don't want to do this to any girl. i asked whether it sounded like bullshit or not, that's all. what the fuck is wrong with you?
oh right. Totally misread then. Yes is probably possible with certain people
thank you. we had no reason to argue. i wasn't trying to say this was good or bad, just curious whether it COULD happen.
Lol He meant train as to teach her of the ways of the thing he talked about.. It's the same if she trains me how to give her oral or the other way around. Are you one of those "feminists" by any chance? lmao
@Echelon333 you little boys lol, zero class all you care about is your dicks
Lmfao I see I was right about the feminist part lel I have class over 9000 that's how i got a girlfriend, and the only thing I care about is that selfish dick pleasuring her I'm sure your toys can't top that since I imagine you don't have a bf/husband.. When you're pretty quick to judge us "boys" why not return the favor, after all it's all about that class lel
@Echelon333 having a girlfriend and sex doesn't make the man. The way he behaves, talks, acts makes the man and you making a mockery of yourselves with the way you write and the things you write. So yes boyz, go away , we need real men
Oh so I should behave politely and be your slave when you insult me lol Girl pls.. top flattering youself like you're above us and better than us just because you're older and more experianced (not sure about that one too) lmao And I was right about most things I said about you too lol feminazi check, toys check, no bf/husband check.. I respect my girlfriend a lot and I'm a man (by your standards) only for those who respect me too and not just insult me right away.. I mentioned my girlfriend to make you see that your judgements are retarded and, when we're at the class talk, you have non, or should only men have class, while women like you do/say whatever the fu*k they want lol
@Echelon333 to prove to you that you are an immature boy just look what you wrote. All personal insults to me ( i dont have a man, i use toys etc) all because you really have nothing meaningful to say so you resort to personal insults. The op from the other site was more descent just see the difference. Your posts are full of immaturity and *macho* bs , You think that you prove a point but the only you prove is that i am right. At the end of the day why you care what i think? I dont really care what any boy thinks, i am socializing with men
You were the one who said "little boys" and we only care about our dicks, I can see you're manipulative too. I never insulted you in any way actually.. There's nothing wrong with having no boyfriend, using toys etc lmao And I don't really care what you think I just hate women like you that love to generalize things for men and feel superior (like you did now) towards them and because of that, and the way they act they're mostly alone and frustrated and whos fault is that, men ofc.. It's not macho, I don't even know how to act macho lol And I personally dislike those types of guys, but good point. I proved my point to myself lmao That's why you want to prove something, for yourself, or are you looking for attention from others too? You think I care about if anyone else reads this? If you're so "mature" why do you keep insulting me lmao.. I'm just an immature boy, why get down on my level? Poor you.. Such a hypocrite
so does pegging a guy. lots of women like the idea of pegging a guy. almost all sex can be degrading, if you choose to view it that way.
The reason I see this as degrading is because you are psychologically manipulating her to desire something that isn't her natural mentality for your own personal pleasure. Ideally sex should be about trying to fulfill your partner, not your own selfish desires. Then she starts craving sex anyways because she associates it with her own pleasure, not because she associates it with his pleasure. If you are doing something to fulfill your partners needs, then it is for the best motivation. If you are doing it for your own needs. Then it is less than optimal. Manipulating her into being your own personal sex toy. Sexist.

Author has 1.6K answers and 10.4M answer views · Updated 1 y ·
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First Expereince with cum led to an obsession · · 8 mo ·
Is it safe to swallow a lady's grool?
How does it feel to let your man ejaculate in your mouth and swallow all his semen?
Have you ever swallowed another man’s semen in front of your husband?
Is it good if a woman swallows her man's semen during sex?
I, a 50-year-old male, like to eat cum from a vagina. Is that normal?
I love to swallow guys’ cum, eat ass, and get fucked. Is this normal?
Are you worried about your cum addiction?
How many loads of semen have you swallowed in one day?
I have never swallowed my hubby's semen and now he is insisting me to swallow it. Will swallowed semen have any effect on my body?
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I started self sucking, and I like the idea of swallowing cum, pretending that my cum came from another guy but I'm afraid to swallow it. What should I do?
When you went to the adult video store, what's the most cum you've ever swallowed?
When I masturbate, I eat my cum and it tastes good, and I have no problem with eating my cum, but is it bad for me to eat it after I masturbate?
Is it safe to swallow a lady's grool?
How does it feel to let your man ejaculate in your mouth and swallow all his semen?
Have you ever swallowed another man’s semen in front of your husband?
Is it good if a woman swallows her man's semen during sex?
I, a 50-year-old male, like to eat cum from a vagina. Is that normal?
I love to swallow guys’ cum, eat ass, and get fucked. Is this normal?
Are you worried about your cum addiction?
How many loads of semen have you swallowed in one day?
I have never swallowed my hubby's semen and now he is insisting me to swallow it. Will swallowed semen have any effect on my body?
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I like this question as my husband teases me about my love of semen.
I tasted semen at age 13, and I felt in my soul, I had found something that filled a void in me.
By age 14, trust me, I was loved by all males at school, and hated by all females. By age 15, I drank candy from anyone who would let me. Maybe even a few too old for me but, I needed what I needed.
I was born to put men in my mouth. And I dont say that to be silly either. I know how I feel on my knees looking up at men.
College brought me fewer choices, but a husband who loves to watch me drink other men
I like this question as my husband teases me about my love of semen.
I tasted semen at age 13, and I felt in my soul, I had found something that filled a void in me.
By age 14, trust me, I was loved by all males at school, and hated by all females. By age 15, I drank candy from anyone who would let me. Maybe even a few too old for me but, I needed what I needed.
I was born to put men in my mouth. And I dont say that to be silly either. I know how I feel on my knees looking up at men.
College brought me fewer choices, but a husband who loves to watch me drink other men.
After 5 years of marriage, any friend he brings home, that I know, only has to ask, and all of them do. Husband need just snap his fingers and point, and his friend gets to enjoy his visit.
I offer my husband a bj everyday regardless of how I feel-a few times I was just too sick. I know keeping him drained, keeps him faithful. Trust me, he ain’t in the mood everyday.
Yes. I have an insatiable need for semen as it lifts my spirits, and hopefully keeps my skin beautiful. It certainly fills my need- and my mouth is actually watering typing this.(embarrassing but real life)
My biggest day was Superbowl something 2 years ago. 9 guys.
I just went down the line
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