Girlfriend Vore

Girlfriend Vore


Girlfriend Vore
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Prey to be a pet! 6

I awake, a bustling community of traders and locals echoes around me. I yawn and rub my belly as I remember my midnight meal. Thankfully there are no visible reminders of the child I ate and I get up. My wings touch either side of my stall as I stretch out my body and prepare for a long day. Already my stomach growls again, hoping that I can get some breakfast before I go.

I sit down and contemplate what today is going to be like as many dark clouds are beginning to gather in the sky. I soon become distracted from the weather as I hear footsteps heading toward me. I turn around and see Tiffany holding a plate with two ro
(WARNING: Contains vore and gas so if you don’t like, flee for your life)

“Sir, there’s a fire in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. Reports of men in black and red uniforms hanging around the premises.”
“Harley.” Batman muttered. “Thanks, Penny-One. Send me the coordinates.”
“Right away sir.” Came Alfred’s reply. Batman quickly turned the Batmobile around.
“Batman, I think I can handle this one.” A voice said over the radio.
“No, Tim. You can’t do this alone.”
“Come on! You know every attempt Harley has made since the Joke
warning: this story contains vore if you dont like vore dont read ok

a long time ago in a galaxy far far away star wars the phantom fuck i mean once upon a time there was a boy named mike he is called mike because every young boy in every vore story ever is called mike for some reason idk anyway mike was walking through a forest trying to find shelter because he had escaped from the local orphanage every child in every vore story ever is an orphan dont ask ok mike was worried as he thought he was lost and the sun was going down and it didnt help that it was winter and it was snowing and snow was everywhere so he would freeze to death after t
Toriel was reading a new recipe book, when she found something that caught her eye. It was a recipe for a human pie. She read the recipe and thought that maybe she could make it. She has always wanted to know what humans taste like. Of course she wasn’t planning on killing or digesting Frisk. She was going to swallow him whole.
“Hm…so I just fatten him up, place him in a pan with dough and I eat him up….” She chuckled. She got out the biggest pie tin she had and made some of her normal pie crust dough. Then she made some butterscotch filling and called Frisk over. She placed him on the table, then tied a bib arou
Part 2: Part 3 [Warning: Contains vore(human F/M): soft, fatal. All involved 18+] Move-In Day: Noonish Ashley Cross was perhaps the happiest she had ever been when she drove onto the campus of Greenlands College. The drive from the airport hotel to Greenlands was a few hours of nature and small towns. She was truly in the middle of nowhere, away from all her problems. The campus itself blended into the forest, with buildings of great architecture, magnificent trees, and bright fields. Being late summer, it was very hot and the A/C on the rental car was having a difficult time against it. “Wow, Ashley, this looks really cool,” Ashley’s Boyfriend Christian remarked. Christian was a nice looking young man, whose very short hair matched his short stature, only looking tall compared to 4’9’’ Ashley, whose long red hair would have looked mid length on the average person . He had gone with Ashley to help move in as her parents couldn’t make time for it as always. Ashley secretly
Nogard: Thief in the night!

(3 months after the first encounter)

The city of Nogard is quiet, everyone slumbering in the darkness, the streets lit by the traffic lights and light poles, the night sky showing off its glistening stars. All seems well, all seems good, but a dark figure has been plaguing the city for weeks now. Entering and exiting homes, not a trace, not a clue, but tonight, the thief doesn't realize that a particular red furry dragon will be playing detective on this case.

Ray the furry dragon, flies around the city, outraged a few days ago that his human friend Jessie had been robbed. Ever since then, Ray has been flying ar
May stopped at the side of a river to take a break from her bike ride around Hoenn cause she was getting tired of bike riding for quite a few hours. She also looked for around Pokemon she might want to add to her collection! May came to edge of the river as she searched for any sign of Pokémon to capture. But in the middle of it all, she then heard the sound of what sounded like a Ticking Clock.

Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock.

May's ear twitched as she heard the sound the first time she heard it.

May: Huh? Is that a clock…

She looked around for wherever the sound was coming from. Suddenly a big green scaly creature
Warning: This story contains vore. If vore offends you, do not read this story. If not, go ahead! :3

In this story, I play as the boy, and Evee as a dragon. A rather special dragon...

I collapsed by the bank of a lake, panting like a dog, scaring off a pack of birds which were pecking at the grass for who knows what. Once again, I had just risked my life for an even better one, and it didn't go well. It never did. My life was not the best at all. I was very poor, so poor that I could barely afford to keep myself alive, and there was only one thing that could keep me alive. Stealing. Stealing was the only thing I was good at, because I had a
I had set up a small camp for the night, in the direct moonlight on the border of the forest, sat nothing more than a small fire and bedroll on the edge of the woods. I wasn’t sure what I was doing, going so far out alone, and doubtful thoughts clouded my mind and prohibited me from any sleep. As I stayed awake, sitting up in front of the fire, the chirping of crickets was only my only company aside from the calm winds.

The peace was soon broken by a distant howling and faint thumping through the snow, far too light to be a bear, and too heavy for a coyote. I watched the trees and scanned the horizon for what could only be wolves, anxi
This story does contain, as you may have already guessed, VORE! If you do not like or enjoy reading about vore - PLEASE, DO NOT READ!
( This was written at 3 a.m. I know it’s bad. )

"Wake up, Brandy!" John exclaimed from his room. "This is your snake-up call." He chuckled, flicking on the single ceiling light that illuminated the room. In this small room stood an extremely large aquarium that was only partially filled with water along with an elaborate display of foliage, large limbs and rocks. When he approached the tank, it took him a minute to locate his camouflaged anaconda. This Green Anaconda, even given her name, was more of a s
Note: This is from the viewpoint of my OC which I haven't drawn yet, I'm calling him Luke. Yeah I get it, fucking great and generic name. Also, this contains some inappropriate content including vore [soft vore btw], so if you get offended by vore, then don't waste your time reading this, considering you're getting absolutely nothing out of it. Oh, and a little swearing, so without further ado, let's get this over with. I have recently gotten into console collecting roughly 18 months ago, and so far, I've already collected 22 consoles, usually one of each model of course. And I even collected video game consoles that I generally didn't like, such as the Nintendo 64 or Sega Saturn. In addition, I did collect a few add-ons to certain consoles, although obviously, my selection was limited. Regardless, I was pretty happy with my collection. The time was 10:14 PM Eastern Standard Time. I was doing my average gaming, of course with the occasional "Shit!" and "Fuck!!" being yelled out. My
It was a sunny afternoon as Sun was walking along having just found the psychicuim Z and managing to catch Tapu bulu as he exits the desert famished and very thirsty as he heads to Seafolk village which it was such a nice place to relax.
After a bit of flying he arrived there and goes ahead into the Pokémon centre to heal his Pokémon and left them there to rest as he relaxes by the waters edge unaware of the new figure of a old friend approaching

“H-Hey” the voice also familiar to this young trainer as he turns he gazed upon Lillie or what he assumes to be her as shr had nice shiny light blue vulpix ears one to a Alolan
Elle: where are we??
Phil: I..I don't know...
Elle: *sigh* well you were supposed to keep track...
Phil: You too!well this forest can't go on forever...lets just keep walking
The two friends wonder deeper and deeper into the forest unknowing of the dangers that lie ahead...

Fox: I suggest you don't head any further into the woods,there are dangerous things up ahead...
The too didn't listen and just kept walking,they didn't ask for directions because they thought he was crazy.
After walking a while they had a rest and took a piece of bread each from phil's bag.
They kept walking till they saw another guy,a white squirrel,they asked for direct
Note: This contains vore and a little strong language here and there. If you don't like vore, then you're wasting your time and breath. So, this is what happened roughly a week after the thing with Gwen the goth chick. Of course, I was stunned by how it happened, but it did. I mean, she swallowed me whole last week! She also sent me selfies of what she looked like when I was inside of her, and the best way I can describe it is that she looked a few weeks overdue with twins. But enough on that, let's get to the rest of the story. So, Gwen's best friend she mentioned last week is actually my girlfriend, a CIT chick named Courtney. She was sometimes bossy, but if you get on her sweet side, she can actually be a huge sweetheart. In addition, she has gotten significantly better over the years apparently. She's a lot more open to new ideas, and more often than not, she'll try to combine ideas to come up with an efficient solution or compromise. But more than anything, she's absolutely
Something, Something, Vore n' Shit - Season 1, Episode 3
Damien groans as he opens his eyes. There’s a blinding light above him. He thinks that he’s laying down, but he can’t be sure. He can hear voices, both male and female, coming from somewhere to his left. Footsteps come closer, and cease when next to him.

“I’m pleased to see that you are awake,” a male voice says calmly. He has a sort of accent that makes Damien think that this guy used to live in Australia, although a long time ago. “We were worried that we would have to start over.”

“I… what…” Damien mutters, squ
Quiet Encounter: The first

Morning starts like any other for me, waking up hours before the sun rises and just relaxing. Thinking up ideas for stories, planning my day and grooming my fur are just a few things to pass the time before I get up. Just like any other feline, even though I am only anthro, I hate water, so grooming my grey, tiger stripped fur early in the morning is kind of a good thing. Before you get the wrong idea, yes I do shower, but I absolutely hate it and it takes 'so' long to get dry.

The birds chirp their annoying repetitive song, messages of chaos that make no sense. The sun has finally poked above the ocean, living on
bebe: ahhh
bebe fall down
todd falls into bebe's mouth


bebe: WHAT
todd: hu
 Chapter two

It had been a hour as it’s only around 5 and still dark as I was quite scared as I was hungry but thankfully I found some berries to eat and I began to cry a bit seeing a few Pokémon nearby as a family as I was jealous so I ran further away quickly starting to go up the mountain with trouble as it was growing colder and colder
Two hours later
The sun had only just started to rise as I was shivering now cold as I walked along the frosted path slipping around a bit as there was a call I could hear of someone singing or maybe crying I couldn’t tell as I slowly began to walk over to it before stopping at the wall
Warning- contains Vore(F/F, lethal) and and tracking of digestion across a day. Prologue-A thursday in september, early morning (Same day as Kimberly goes on a Run- ) Emma woke up to a tap on her shoulder, she opened her eyes and turned to face up, she saw her roommate, Skylar, a freshman at Greenlands college, standing over her, wearing the underwear she had slept in. Skylar smiled, “It looks like someone forgot to give me breakfast.” Emma’s heart started to race, she looked at her alarm clock beside her bed and realized it had accidently been unplugged at some point. She looked back at Skylar and in a panicked voice, “My alarm didn’t go off, I’ll go get breakfast now” Skylar didn’t let go of her smile, “Excuses, I planned my day around having breakfast when I woke up, and that’s what I’m gonna do.” Emma pleaded, “What if I clear up time by doing your homework.” Skylar did not consider this, instead grabbing Emma’s head and covering it with her mouth. Emma had seen Skylar
"Huh? What's wrong, Kimberly? You could tell me what's going on," Cherry said. "Besides, I'm your best friend!"
"Nothing! It's just that... I have to go outside for a sec!!" Kimberly said sheepishly.
"Ok, knock yourself out." she said.
"Um, actually I changed my mind. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me..." she said.
Kimberly ran into the kitchen, and ate almost everything in there in 3 minutes flat. Then DeviantArt-chan walked in.
"Uh, Kimberly? What happened?" she said.

To be continued in Chapter 4
 Chapter three

As I laid unconscious the froslass takes notice and began to move over picking me up as she looks around me a bit confused at what someone of my caliber was doing here as she was making float in the air as she checks me over before noticing the shivering causing her to give a gasp as she gently takes me into her arms as she floats along to find a place to get me warm in her home as she hurried along until she arrives and mid panic she couldn’t find anything as she frowns as she didn’t want me to die not like she did before as she remembers everything from her pass life other then her family as she gazes in before s
 Chapter Six
~~Froslass POV~~
I was happy to see this little one was calming down I didn’t want him to leave my belly as I felt nice keeping the human there like my baby, *Sigh* I guess I should let the little one out

I soon stopped fully feeling the world around me shift and move as I was squeezed and slowly push up as her belly sends me up her throat as I slowly come out into her arms and began to shake scared as I couldn’t back away being right up against her as she leans down and kisses me on the head which was making me calm down as I slowly breathed normally again and slowly began to rub her cheek making her p
 Chapter Seven
~~Froslass POV~~
I smile enjoying his soft little touch as it was nice as I had to give a little purr as I gently hold his hand as he really seemed to enjoy me as I began to stop moving taking a turn to realise something, something very very sad as I began to cry a bit loudly gentle icy tears falling onto him

I look at the Froslass as I try to calm her down gently hugging her tightly as she gasped quietly looking at the sweet child known as her own son but she didn’t know how to talk it to me as I can understand her due to her being once human but she was confused on how to say it

Third person
As the Frosl
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It was like any other morning when I got up. However, I didn't like having to go through the same thing over and over again. To be completely honest, I find such a thing very boring. Well, who doesn't? I was never really the kind of guy that stuck out. I was just a normal guy that lived with his mother and his older sister.

My sister was only a year older than me and I've heard a lot of people say that she's a beautiful girl. Megan's about my height and has blonde hair that she usually has in a ponytail. We get along pretty well too, so that's nice. Our mother also happens to be very kind to both of us. As soon as I got up, I left my room an
LITTLE SISTER DEVOUR BIG BROTHER Matt was sprawled on the couch watching Netflix, when the front door opens and my little sister comes in and comes home from school.
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Vore game about escaping a tower going up a giant butt
NSFW flash game from 2 years ago, CONTAINS NUDITY, SEXUAL CONTENT, AND VORE!
A simple adventure game where you explore the world as a small yet self-aware Gnat.
A Small Gay Fairy tries to go to Bed
An unique vore tower defense set in the world of Felarya!
NSFW Interactive, containing VORE, nudity, and other fetishes
A vore/fetish game with something for everyone. 18+ only.
Explore the world of Giantess Pokemon
A hungry bunny giantess eats, grows and transforms.
Be a dragon, devour the town, steal the princess.
Speed Dating for vore lovers! 18+ only.
A vore and romance choose your own adventure
You're a grape. She's a grape stomper. You can do the math.
Can you escape the Flesh Dimension? Or, more importantly... will you want to? (a furry vore twine)
Point and Click Adventure where your goal is to get eaten to become stronger.
Macro/Micro, Foodplay, & Vore. 18+ Only
A commission vore game for 7770777. 18+ Only
Let your desire for her consume you.
Lost soul trapped in the Dark Woods between worlds, will you be predator or prey?
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