Girlfriend Revenge Sites

Girlfriend Revenge Sites


Girlfriend Revenge Sites

Welcome to the world's longest running and most experienced revenge website. We're here to help you get revenge!

© Copyright 2016 GetRevengeOnYourEx

Everything contained within this site is completely 100% legal & anonymous.

We have spent several years refining our revenge ideas to isolate the most effective ones which not only guarantee your anonymity, but are also well within the law.

Whether you need something short & sharp, or a prolonged campaign we've got everything you need.

Getting revenge will make you feel better, it will make you feel in control and we can help you get revenge within 60 seconds!

We've been helping people from all over the world, to get revenge on their exes since 2005. No-one has as much experience as we do!

No matter what your ex has done to you - we've seen it all, and we know how to make you feel better.
Whether they have cheated on you, betrayed you, abused you emotionally or physically, played with your emotions, taken money from you, turned your friends and family against you, crushed your self confidence or made you so angry that you cannot think straight then you are right in seeking revenge.

Getting revenge on an ex boyfriend, ex girlfriend or spouse is about giving you back control.
Why should the bad that they have done to you, ruin even just one minute of your life? It shouldn't!
You have the right to be loved and respected - the fact that your ex is such a shit that they think of themselves first is completely and utterly wrong!
Why should you be the one who has to pick up the pieces, while your ex gets off 'Scot-free'?

Don't you deserve to feel loved and have control of your life and emotions?

Don't you deserve to be able to spend each day without dwelling on the hurt, pain and humiliation that your ex has caused you?
There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever, that you deserve the very best. You have done nothing wrong - don't let your ex try and blame you. They are the ones who are guilty, not you - you are the victim.
But, just like a phoenix from the flames, you can start to regain control of your emotions and your life right now.
Getting revenge is about putting you back in control and ensuring that your ex gets to experience the hurt, pain and humiliation that you have suffered.

And this is where we can help you!

We have a truly unique array of revenge tactics and tools that not only ensure your ex gets what they deserve, but that you are protected at all times.
Everything we do for you is anonymous, untraceable and 100% legal.

You ex deserves revenge and you have the right to be in control of that revenge.

And don't forget - we are on your side.
We want to help you to destroy your ex!

"If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?" –William Shakespeare

"If you don't have the desire for revenge I'd be worried. It means you are repressing it." –Dr. Edward Hallowell

"Revenge is a perfectly natural reaction. It allows you to regain emotional control over those who have done you wrong." –Nick James - Founder

Copyright © 2004 - 2022 Masters Of All rights reserved. Privacy Policy . Terms Of Use.

Friends make your life worth living for ...

... until they screw you over; betray your trust or ruin your friendship.

Don't suffer another "bad day at work" ever again
Is your boss or team leader making your work life a living hell?
Has your ex cheated on you? Have they used you? Run off with someone else?
Or maybe it's the "home wrecker" who deserves to suffer.
The office whore? A back stabbing co-worker? Or that annoying little shit who always thinks that they are right and everyone else is stupid?.
Your home should be your sanctuary and your castle.
And yet you've got the neighbour from hell, making everyday insufferable. Is there something around which will make their life a "living hell"...
Whoever it is and whatever they've done to p*ss you off, it's time for revenge
We will help you get revenge on anyone, anywhere, anytime!
Established in 2004, with hundreds of revenge products, services and ideas we have helped thousands of people all over the world to get revenge on those who have done them wrong - getting revenge has never been so much fun!
Anonymous SMS
Get revenge within the next 60 seconds with this tactic.
You can even choose when you want the message to be sent!

Fake CallerID SMS
Send an SMS but this time, fake the CallerID.
Make your revenge sms message look like it came from someone else completely!

Fake Emails
Send your victim an email "from" someone else!
Write whatever you want and we will send the email to your enemy and fake the sender.

Nuisance Calls
Annoy them any time of day or night with constant, unrelenting and infuriating nuisance calls.
"Greeting" Cards
Definitely not the kind that you want to send anyone you like!
Offensive, rude, blunt and to the point - greeting cards will never be the same again!

Sick & Twisted Gifts
Does your enemy deserve the worst?
Our "gifts" really show that we know no depths when it comes to getting revenge

Anonymous Letters
Everybody opens their mail - so let it rip!
We will send an anonymous letter to anyone, anywhere in the world with whatever you want to say!

Offensive Post
Shocking, blatant
and utterly humiliating.
We've got the largest range of postal items that will crush your target's reputation and honour.

Revenge Packages
Definitely "Non Discreet" and devastatingly effective!
Send these revenge packages to your target's place of work, their neighbors house or anywhere you want.

Video Messages
Send a personalised video message to your target.
We have a number of actors, actresses and animated characters available to help you deliver your message!

Revenge Websites
Unleash the power of the internet!
We will create and host a full website dedicated to exposing the truth about your enemy - no holds barred!

Fake Photographs
We have the tools and skills to make the camera lie!
Do you want a photo of your enemy in a sexually explicit pose, or taking drugs or with someone they shouldn't be?

CD Messages
Imagine their horror as they listen in absolute fear
A hand written package contains a CD with the words "listen to me" on it ... what would you do?

Voodoo Dolls
Scare them sh**less with a cursed voodoo doll!
Just imagine how your enemy will react when the open this package only to find a voodoo doll inside!

Tart Cards
One of our personal favourites - and for good reason!
It's about time that you advertised your target's sexual deviation and their source of additional income!

Certificates of Merit
Acheivements NOT to be proud of!!!
Don't you think that it's about time that your target's "special qualities" were formally recognised?

Anonymous Fax
Just type your fax and we'll do the rest for you.
A great revenge tactic to invade your enemy's work life and to get your message across.

Phone Calls
We'll tell them absolutely anything you want us to!
We also record the entire conversation and send the recording to you for your listening pleasure.

Let's face it - everyday there is at least one person who really pisses us off and while it would be great to ram their head into a roaring fire, it's not exactly practical and there are serious repercussions involved!
That doesn't mean that you shouldn't get revenge though...far from it in fact!
Revenge is a natural reaction. It is perfectly normal to want someone to feel the pain and anguish that you feel. After all, why should the person who's ruined your day, your week or even your life get away Scott-free?
The answer is, "they shouldn't" ... and that is why you should get revenge on them. However, getting revenge on someone you hate is not without it's pitfalls - but that's why we're here.
We do all the dirty work for you! We will get your revenge for you - completely anonymously and legally.
There is no need for you to be worried about repercussions - we protect your identity at all costs and as we're the ones who are doing the dirty work, then in actual fact, we're the ones to blame.
At last, there is a guilt-free way of getting revenge on someone you hate, without any of the dangers of doing it yourself.
Remember, when we get revenge for you, everything is anonymous, untraceable and completely legal
Does Any Of This Sound Familiar?

My friend has betrayed me ,
now I want to get revenge so they suffer for what they've done

I just want revenge on my boss - he is such a jerk! I do all the work and he takes all the credit

My neighbor is making my life hell. I love where I live but the family next door are ruining it for me

My husband has been having an affair with a home wrecking whore at his work. I can forgive him, but that bitch needs to pay!

I've been stabbed in the back at work! I can't believe it! My co-worker is such an asshole - she needs to be taught a lesson

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Published: 10:21 BST, 22 May 2019 | Updated: 16:46 BST, 22 May 2019
Thousands of women across the UK have fallen victim to a disturbing website which allows users to share intimate images of them, it has been revealed today. 
Explicit photos and videos of unsuspecting women have been leaked to the website, Mega.NZ, which has since removed the link to the material.  
Users have categorised women by the town, cities and counties they live in then included subcategories with their names. 
Mega.NZ is a reboot of file sharing site Megaupload, which was founded by German-Finnish internet mogul Kim Dotcom. 
The multimillionaire internet mogul was arrested on copyright infringement charges in 2012 and last year lost an appeal in New Zealand against extradition to the United States to face the charges. 
Users have categorised women by the town, cities and counties they live in then included subcategories with their names
Mega.NZ is a reboot of file sharing site Megaupload, which was founded by German-Finnish internet mogul Kim Dotcom (pictured in 2014)
Revenge porn laws came into affect in the UK in 2015 as part of the Criminal Justice and Court Act. 
The Act makes it a criminal offence for a person to: 'disclose a private sexual photograph or film if the disclosure is made (a) without the consent of the individual who appears, and (b) with the intention of causing that individual distress'. 
It means those who maliciously share sexually explicit images without the subject's consent could face up to two years in prison.
The law covers the sharing of images both on and offline. Images posted to social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are covered by the offence, as are those that are shared via text message, email, on a website or via physical distribution.  
The offence covers photographs or films which show people engaged in sexual activity or depicted in a sexual way or with their genitals exposed.
Mikala Monsoon, 23, from Glasgow, discovered her photos were on the site after being sent a link by an old school friend. 
She told Metro someone uploaded intimate photos of her when she was 17 and they have resurfaced online over the last six years. 
Ms Monsoon has since changed her name and moved away from her home in a bid to escape.   
She told Metro : 'I've been so mortified, upset and anxious but now I am just angry. 
'I've done my best to separate myself from it but last Wednesday I got a message from a girl I went to school with. She told me I was on this website.
'My pictures have been on Reddit and porn sites but this website was the biggest collection I've seen.'  
Ms Monsoon reported the site to police in Glasgow last week, but it is still live with all the pictures freely available to download.  
The offence of disclosing private sexual images without consent became illegal in 2015 in England and Wales, and carries a maximum sentence of two years.
Alice Ruggles, 24, (left) was murdered by her former boyfriend Trimaan Dhillon (right) in 2016 after he broke into her flat in Gateshead, Tyne and Wear. Dhillon had threatened to share images of Miss Ruggles online
Police Scotland confirmed the incident has been reported and 'enquiries will be carried out'. 
Scotland and Northern Ireland introduced legislation outlawing revenge porn in 2016. 
Revenge porn is currently categorised as a 'communications crime', meaning victims are not granted anonymity. 
While no automatic reporting restrictions are in place, victims in revenge porn proceedings can apply to the courts for reporting restrictions to provide lifetime protection from being identified in the media. 
Figures obtained from 19 police forces by the BBC under freedom of information laws show that since 2015, the number of cases investigated by police has more than doubled from 852 to 1,853 in 2018/19.
However, in the same time period, the number of charges has dropped by almost a quarter - from 207 to 158.
In the last year, more than a third of victims decided not to proceed with the case.
Revenge porn laws came into affect in the UK in 2015 as part of the Criminal Justice and Court Act
Campaigners believe this may be because they are not granted anonymity and face having personal details disclosed during any potential court proceedings.
They have also warned that simply threatening to share images should also be classified as a crime.
It comes after Alice Ruggles, 24, was murdered by her former boyfriend Trimaan Dhillon in 2016 after he broke into her flat in Gateshead, Tyne and Wear.
Dhillon had threatened to share images of Miss Ruggles online.
Her mother, Dr Sue Hills, believes her daughter may have sought help sooner had Dhillon not first threatened her with releasing the photographs. 
Detective Superintendent Gordon McCreadie, said: 'Non Consensual sharing of intimate images is a new offence, introduced in July 2017. 
'Investigation into these offences is complex and dependant in many cases on the way in which perpetrators obtain and share the images as well as the ability to recover sufficient evidence to charge.‎ It can also depend very much on the technologies used by both the perpetrator and the victim. Perpetrators often share, or threaten to share images as a way of trying to impose power and control over their victims in what can be an absolute betrayal of trust.
'There is under-reporting of NCSII, perhaps because people may feel embarrassed. What I would say to victims is don't be embarrassed - the police are not here to judge the way in which you conduct your personal life. Police Scotland remains committed to robustly investigating these matters. We encourage victims to come forward early which will better enable us to get evidence from any devices, or provide support to them, and advise how best to minimise impact.'
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I just learned that my Ex-Fiancee got my high school aged brother high? Wtf? I don't have an issue with them hanging out but this disturbs me a bit? Am I wrong?
We still talk and we've hooked up post break up but this just feels weird af.
My ex broke up with me after 2 years of us dating. We have had our ups and downs but when he broke up with me we were doing super good(at least to me). He said that he still wants to talk to me and that we are still “committed to each other”. He just wants us to figure some stuff out. We still saw each other a couple times because we have a cat together and he still wanted me to see him. Then he changed his mind and didn’t want to talk at all. I gave him his space and didn’t text him. We didn’t talk for 2 days. But then he texted me “I got home from work safe sleep well:)”. I’m just really confused on what he wants, he keeps going so back and forth and I don’t want to just sit here and be pulled both ways. Does he still want me or is he just playing games with me?
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I’m happier with out you because I have my friends back and there there for me and I’m on a happier place. I moved on before you and I’m in better place.

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