Girlfriend Foot Slave

Girlfriend Foot Slave


Girlfriend Foot Slave
I usually like my stories to
be 3 full parts with a clear beginning, middle and end chapter, but I’d just
like to share a non-fictional story before I either start up a new one or
finally finish Foot Slave on Holiday. I’ll keep it to 2 full parts.

So this story takes place quite
a few years back whilst I was with my ex-girlfriend. We broke up for various reasons,
but during this period, things were superb. I was eventually open to her about
my foot fetish (which she welcomed with open arms, so don’t be afraid to do the
same with your partner as it could really work well!) but this short memoir is
just a little before that era.

Part 1
Her name is Isabella, or as I
called her Issy. Issy is petite, and extremely beautiful. She was one to change
her hair often, but at this point in time she had long blonde hair fit for a
Goddess. She is a natural beauty, so didn’t wear a lot of makeup. Matched with
her small frame is her small, size 3 (UK) feet. And how I loved her feet! She
has perfectly sculpted arches and perfectly shaped toes, and the softest soles
I’ve been lucky enough to touch (and eventually taste!). I wouldn’t describe
her like the Barbie doll that some girls are in these stories here on the pad;
if I had to choose one word to describe her, it would be “real”.

We had been together a couple
of years by this point. We made it a thing to make sure we go on holiday
together at least twice a year, even if it were a small one. We decided on a
trip to Spain as it’s nice and cheap and has everything we wanted – sun, sea
and sand.

Anyway, enough of the
backstory – going to keep this one short so I’ll get straight to the point.

Issy and I woke up one
morning in our hotel room, as loved up as any couple on holiday. We had been in
Spain for a few days now, so it had really sunk in that this was our time
together away from the world. We stayed in bed for a couple of hours, kissing
and cuddling and everything else you can imagine from a cheesy movie. As she lay
on my chest, I started to feel horny; when I feel horny, it could be a number
of things. I could want to satisfy my fetishes be it feet-related,
slave-related, humiliation-related, or simply sex-related. This time, I had the
urge to serve my girlfriend and worship her like the Goddess I saw her as, and take
the role as her loyal slave.

As mentioned above, she was
not familiar with these fetishes yet so in order for me to satisfy these urges
I’d have to work them into different scenarios that played in my favour. The foot
fetish urge was easy – she LOVED a foot massage and any attention paid to her
feet. The first time I gave her a foot massage was at her suggestion, and all
of you know that that is a HUGE bonus. To satisfy my craving for her feet, I
could always give a little “if we do what I want, I may give you a foot massage”
with a wink and she’d jump at it. Of course, she had no idea I loved giving
these foot rubs more than she liked receiving them! To satisfy any
slave-related urges, I came up with a little ‘gimmick’ that we had as a couple.
I don’t remember the exact game, but we had a bet on and I told her that should
I lose, then I would obey any command she gave so long as she clicked her
fingers. This kept it fun for her too rather than creepy, and was a great way
to get her used to these ideas. Of course when I lost the bet, regular patterns
started such as us both arriving home (either hers or mine), her lying down and
cheekily ordering “foot massage!” with a click of her fingers. This extended
out to other tasks every now and then when she was feeling playful, such as
dressing her and putting on her socks and shoes and anything else. It truly was
wonderful to be a slave to my girlfriend at HER will!

So, in order to satisfy my
urge to serve her today, I got straight to the point and outright told her that
that’s what I wanted to do! I rolled over so that now I was on top of her and
kissed her lips softly. I looked into her eyes, smiling, and told her,

“Do you know what I want to
do today?”

She smiled back at me and
gave me a kiss back, and asked “what do you want to do today?”

I replied, “I want to treat
you like a Goddess. I want to take the time today to show you how much I
appreciate being with you. You’re special to me, and I never want to lose you.
Let me show you how I feel about you today” and I gave her another kiss.

The look in her eyes told me
that I had said all the right things, and I knew she felt the same way about me
too. What I told her wasn’t a lie – sure, I would use this opportunity to satisfy
these special urges that we all get! But it was the truth too, I really did
care for her and I would show it to her in any way I could. This was a win/win
situation for us! She looked at me as if prompting me to carry on, to explain
what I meant.

“Today, how about we go to
the beach and relax again. It’s such a sunny day! However, while you relax on a
beach lounge chair taking in the rays, allow me to pamper you. You can just lie
down comfortably, and I’ll softly massage the sun tan lotion all over your body”.

Smiling throughout, I gave
her another kiss and she responded with a giggle, still listening to my

“Then, once you’re all
protected and ready to take in the sun, I shall kneel at your feet before the
lounge chair and give you a nice, long foot massage which I know you love so
so much!”

At these words, her eyes
widened and face brightened, knowing this was going to be “her” day today. She
jumped up and hugged and kissed me, and we played around in the bed for a
little while.

“You’re amazing! I’m so lucky
to have you,” she voiced before another kiss, “what did I do to deserve such a
perfect boyfriend”.

“You didn’t have to do
anything except be Issy! Today is all about you, there’s nothing I won’t do for
you today. By the end of today, I promise you, you’ll feel on top of the world!”

After a couple more minutes
of excitement, she decided that her pampering would start immediately. Taking
on the role of the Goddess, she sat up onto the edge of the bed and commanded
playfully but in character,

“Go and fetch my slippers,
peasant!” with a click of her fingers. This sent my mind into a frenzy. If only
she knew! I hopped out of bed and fetched her slippers. As I approached to give
them to her, she did not lift a hand. Instead, she ever so slightly raised her
feet. My heart skipped a beat at the thought, and I immediately knelt before
her, holding a foot in one hand and carefully put on her slipper with the
other. She then lowered the foot and raised her other so that I could repeat.
Once I had put both slippers on for her, I looked up to see her looking down at
me beaming with joy, and it was that sight which I lived for. She was so happy,
and so was I because of it.

Still playing her role, her
next words sent me over the moon:

“Good boy, now, kiss your
Goddess’s feet!”

Now I know when people tell stories on here and label
it non-fiction, sometimes there is a clear “no way did this actually happen”
thought in your head. I can assure you, this is all real. It may not be word
for word, but nothing was added for effect – it is exactly how this day played
out. Just remember that I had been with Issy for just over 2 years by this
point, and we were extremely comfortable with each other. And in this
particular scenario, it was simply playful to her. She didn’t have a dominating
personality like girls in our stories; she is just a normal girl who was in
love, and played the character she was given by me earlier.

Anyway, back to the story!
Kissing her feet wasn’t new for me. As mentioned earlier, she enjoys any
attention to her feet. In the past, we could be lying on the sofa on each end,
her feet up on my chest. We would be talking and I’d be massaging her feet
(obviously), and she might playfully wave her other foot near my face which I’d
make small effort to move, and just end up kissing her foot and moving on to
massaging that one. She eventually grew accustomed to having her soles kissed
during massages which I had no problem with.

So, as I knelt before her and
she told me to kiss her feet, I gave her a half surprised, half ‘I’ll get you
back for this’ kind of face and kissed the exposed part of the top of her foot.
I looked back up at her and she raised her eyebrows, and ordered “and the other
one!” I quickly got back down and kissed her other foot in the same way.

She laughed out loud as she
saw me shaking my head and laughing, and said to me,

“Well you did say I was a
Goddess for the day! Careful what you wish for!”

Little did she know I knew
full well what I had wished for, she was just playing the role better than I
had expected! I was loving every moment.

I had put her slippers on, she got up to the bathroom and had a wash. While she
was in there, I took the time to quickly get this all off my chest in the only
way I knew how – masturbation. I started to quickly relieve myself playing the
scene over and over again in my head. I was stopped short before I could finish
as I heard her coming back out the bathroom, feeling very frustrated as I was
near climax! She came out and I was as horny as ever, not thinking straight at
all. All I wanted to do there and then was to devote my life to being her
slave, bowing before her, giving my life to her with total submission and
obedience. It took strong will to stop myself from spilling the beans right
there and telling her everything I was thinking which would inevitably come out
looking crazy and obsessive with the way my thought process was at the time. I
eventually calmed down as we got ready, and we started to head off after she
casually stated “you will carry my bag” as she pointed to it on the table and
walked out the door. I cannot stress to you how much I was loving this day
already! And I could bet anything at the time that she was too, and it was only
going to get better.
Part 2
We got to the beach, and
found it was very busy. After all, it was a very sunny day. My heart started to
beat a little faster as I realised I would be serving my girlfriend very
publicly. I mean I knew that people would be there, but now that we were here,
it just got a little scary! The lounge chairs were available for a small price.
There were a few girls using the lounge chairs already, however they had giant
umbrellas up keeping the chairs in the shade. I had asked the gentleman in
charge if we could take one of the chairs slightly over so we could get the
sun, which he had no issue. I paid for one, and he asked about a second chair
which he thought would be for me. Issy answered that for him:

“Oh, he won’t be needing
one,” she answered. She looked at me and demanded “Come on,” as she clicked her
fingers and walked away to an empty spot. I looked at the guy and he just
laughed curiously. I felt red of embarrassment as she had openly treated me
like a slave in front of other people! At the same time, it was driving me wild
knowing it was happening. A very interesting mix, as it is of course a huge
fantasy of mine to be publicly humiliated, but you never think it would
actually happen in practice! I grabbed the lounge chair and dragged it over to
where Issy was standing. I positioned it so that she would get the best angle
towards the sun. I put her bag down and also took my own bag off my shoulder
which had a towel in. She just stood there looking at me with her arms crossed,
waiting. I immediately realised, she didn’t plan to do ANYTHING herself! I was
in heaven! I quickly took the towel out of my bag and placed it over the lounge
chair. She hopped on, and got herself comfortable.

“Lotion.” – was all she said.
She really was in character, and we were both thriving off it.

I replied, “Yes, Goddess
Issy” for added effect, and she opened her eyes wide in surprise and
proclaimed: “Oh, I LOVE that! From now on you will say that after any command I
give you.”

I laughed, and she just shot
me a stare, eyebrows raised with a short “hmm?” escaping from her lips.

“OH! Y-yes, yes Goddess Issy!
Sorry!” I stammered, as a satisfied look covered her face entirely.

“Now get to work” she

“Yes Goddess Issy!” I
responded as I grabbed the lotion out of the bag. She once again made herself
comfortable, as she prepared for the lotion to be massaged across the entirety
of her body. I put some lotion on my hands, rubbing them together, and started
to massage her body. She was wearing a bikini, so it was easy to cover all
areas. I slowly rubbed the cream from her shoulder, down the full length of her
arms down to each individual finger. It wasn’t so much that I was covering her
body with the sun protection – it was still a full body massage, and I would
make it as enjoyable for her as possible. I used more lotion as I repeated the
same to her other shoulder and down the length of her arm. She wiped up a bit
of the cream herself and applied it to her face, helping me slightly. I
continued with the lotion now moving to her body, and she ordered me to squirt
the lotion directly onto her body rather than my hands first. At first I didn’t
get the significance, but when I done it and started to rub it in, I realised I
was using a lot more cream this way thus making me have to rub for a lot
longer, essentially having to work harder and longer with her massage. She
smiled as I continued massaging down her body, and eventually down to her legs.
Once I had reached her feet, I got into position kneeling at the foot of the
lounger. She popped her head up a bit to look down at me, she smiled, wiggling
her toes in the air, then dropped back down relaxing and let out a huge sigh of
total relaxation.

I used the lotion in place of
massage cream, and got to work with massaging Issy’s beautiful feet. I first
applied the cream across her feet, using the entirety of my palms to cover her
whole foot, rubbing with hard pressure up and down the length making sure to
fully cream and moisturise her entire foot. I made sure to cover all areas,
especially in between her toes. She loved the feeling of my fingers running in
between her toes during her foot massages and sometimes had me concentrate on
doing just that. I repeated the same with her other foot, and once I had fully
applied enough cream, I got to work at really massaging her feet as she

For the next 30 minutes, I
knelt at the foot of the lounger massaging Issy’s feet like the Goddess that
she was. I did get a few stares, but nothing too bad – after all, what’s wrong
with massaging your girlfriend’s feet? I even overheard some women having a go
at their boyfriends/husbands for not offering to do the same! I rubbed with
high pressure, pressing my thumbs into her soles and kneading in a circular
motion. I sometimes went from concentrating on a single foot using both hands,
switching foot, to massaging both at the same time. I could tell that she was
in an absolute dream state.

And while she was loving it,
I was loving it just as much if not more. Here I was, kneeling at the foot of a
lounger massaging the feet of this beautiful girl, on a busy, public beach.
Just knowing that everyone could see this sight so plainly turned me on so
much, and made me all the more dedicated to making this feel as best as
possible for her. I thought about how while she relaxed doing absolutely
nothing, she had another human being literally worshipping her and dedicating
his whole being into making her life better and more comfortable at that point
in time.

After 30 minutes went by, she
sat up and readjusted herself so that she was now laying on her front. She repeated
the previous, straight to the point command of “Lotion”, with a click of her

“Yes Goddess Issy” as I got
up and started the process of protecting/massaging her body once again. I
unstrapped her bikini top, and squirted the lotion all over her back. I got to
work with massaging, this time a lot easier as there was nothing in my way with
the bikini top unstrapped. I had given her plenty of back massages before, so
this was a walk in the park for me, only intensified by the specific scenario
we were in. I massaged her body and legs for about 15 minutes before she
muttered “enough”.

I stopped, and just knelt
there beside her lounger not knowing what to do. I knew I couldn’t just massage
the whole time as she needed to tan on this side. I asked,

“Should I go back to
massaging your feet?”

She approved, “yes, do that,”
before changing her mind. She raised her head a bit, and said,

“Actually, I’ve got a better
idea.” She stayed silent just thinking for a while, until she gave a wicked
smile and said “kiss my feet”.

I had the biggest mix of
emotions! My heart skipped a beat at the words, excited, at the same time
scared that we were so public! But then that very same thought made it all the
more exciting! I stuttered, not getting any words out, when she broke my train
of thought,

“Well? You heard me, get down
there and kiss my feet!”

She kept her head up watching
me, laughing, knowing I had no choice since it was my idea in the first place
to serve her! She was being very cheeky and she knew it. I just knelt there
with my jaw to the floor, thinking what I should do in this situation. On the
one hand, I had most probably masturbated to very similar scenarios a million
times, but on the other hand it was real this time! I decided to move, as I had
to do something. I shuffled over to the foot of the lounger as she still stared
back at me. I looked around, and there were dozens, if not hundreds of people
around in our area! Massaging her feet in front of everybody was one thing, but
kissing is something bound to attract more stares than before!

She raised her foot up, her
toes brushing the underside of my chin, as she put them back down laughing. She
knew exactly what was going through my head. Well, not exactly I suppose! But
she knew I was hesitant due to the people around. She knew I would have no
issue completing her demand in private, but this was different. She was testing
the limits to her powers today, and loving it.

For what seemed like minutes
in my head, I thought about the whole situation. Issy would be laying on her
front on the lounger taking in the rays, while I, her boyfriend, would be
kneeling at the foot of the lounger, face down kissing the soles of her feet
for who knows how long for everyone to see. It was a fantasy and dream come
true. I measured that up against the embarrassment, until I finally came to the
conclusion that I had no idea who any of these people around me were, and I
would most likely never ever see them again! Only seconds went by, before I
lowered my face into the soles of Issy’s feet and began kissing. She let out a
giggle before putting her head back down with a constant smile on her face. As
much as I enjoyed it, I guess it would be amazing for her too. The feeling of
power having her boyfriend dedicate all his time and energy into kissing the
bottoms of her feet while she relaxed and sunbathed. This would become a day I
would never, ever forget for the rest of my life.

I kissed her soles, from
Mfff Story
Dazia Cockdazian
Lesbian Panty Fun

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