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When’s the last time you grabbed a girl’s ass? There’s a good way
to do this – and you needn’t wait till she’s your girlfriend, either.

She doesn’t see me immediately as she walks out of the metro. I’m
laughing to myself as I stare at her, waiting for her to recognize me.
But she did get lost a few times trying to find me, so I’m sure she’s a
bit disoriented.
It’s when she is about to pass me that I speak up.
She looks at me, shakes her head in surprise, then laughs. “Oh, hey!”
Silly girl. She apologizes again for going to the wrong coffee shop
the first time. I tell her it’s no biggie, and we walk to grab coffee.
After we order, we sit and wait. I blatantly look her up and down, and
she smiles curiously at me.
She’s an alternative girl – piercings, tattoos, and a super
independent attitude. She’s also German, so stoicism is standard for
her. Our first interactions at the hotel she works at involved a lot of
teasing and me kind of
dominating the room, but that’s only the
penultimate strategy for a girl like this. They love to be challenged
by cocky assholes, but with every woman on the earth, there is one
strategy that reigns supreme – the lover.
“If I get distracted during our date, it’s because I’m staring at
you, just so you’re aware,” I say, smiling.
“Okay!” she says, laughing. Girls never know how to respond when I
make statements like that, and it’s great. They have no reference point
to draw from, because I’m unlike anyone they’ve ever met.
We get our coffee and go for a walk. As we walk, I notice that she’s
got a tight little ass hiding under her dress. I’m an expert at
spotting good asses. Sometimes, if she’s not wearing the right dress or
pants, a girl’s ass might not be in full display, and you’re surprised
once the clothes are off, but not with me – Hector sees all.
Before she can even look at me, I reach over with my right hand,
grab a handful and give it a tight little shake. I bite my lip and
groan lightly.
She looks at me with shocked eyes, but then she smiles. She says
“Do you lift or is that all natural?!”
She laughs. “I don’t really work out too much, so I guess it’s all
“Well, damn girl, you’ve got some good genetics.”
She’s a petite little thing. Just enough meat to not be a skeleton,
but as I’ll find out later, little enough to almost fit both hands
around her waist.
We walk some more and then sit down to roll a cigarette (it’s
Europe, what do you expect?). As we do, I regale her with a scene from
an erotic novel I’m writing. Her reaction seems a bit stoic, but
considering her resting bitch face, that could mean anything.
Then I tell her how I live my life as a lover of women , how I want
to come into a girl’s life, give her as much romance and sex as I can
while I’m in town... or even afterwards. I turn to her and tell her
that it’s what I want to give her. She smiles and tells me that sounds
great. We hold eye contact and then I lean in for a kiss. She
immediately leans in, too, and we meet halfway. The kiss is amazing. We
finish the cigarette, stand up, lock hands, and then go back to my
place. Our date might have lasted twenty minutes?
When I asked her when she knew she wanted to fuck me, she said it
was when I spoke of my erotic novels and when we kissed. But I know the
vibe that allowed us to segue into those things naturally was really
kicked off when I grabbed her ass, because I can tell you... most men
don’t do that. Even after smashing, we spent the whole day together.
Then, after partying, we had sex in public , and when we
returned home, I took her anal virginity.

I don’t think for any extended period of time did my hand leave her
ass. It was as if the two were one. And as a man with a woman, that’s
how it should be.
So, let’s get to why and how you should be grabbing her ass more.
Cuz you should.
I would seriously advise, especially if
you’re new to girls, not to
do this unless you’re already kissing a chick or if she’s hanging all
over you. I recommend this for advanced guys who know when it’s fairly
likely she’ll accept your advances. Also, if you go to a university
that has affirmative consent in its student conduct code, this is
enough to get you expelled or suspended if she has it out for you.
The college gets nothing but a good reputation and federal funding
from suspending/expelling you. They do not care about you. However,
when it comes to actual law, you have some more leeway, as long as you
are responsible and empathetic.

But let’s first cover what not to do, because I am NOT advocating
you just go around groping chicks!
In another age, I was in middle school at a dance. I was with a
friend of mine and his girlfriend. Of course, with regards to female
companionship, I was alone and too nervous to talk to more than a few
girls that I knew. The buddy, being the kind kid he was, let me dance
with his girlfriend and even showed off her ass and grabbed it in front
of me. He then let me grab it once. Afterwards, he joked that I should
go grab some chicks’ asses. He said I couldn’t grab 25 by the end of
the night.
I ended up counting somewhere near 50. Of course, it wasn’t the
“Hey, I’m Hector and now I’m grabbing your ass” that I do now, it was
the hit and run type.
That is cowardly and typical of 12-year-old Hector. Boys will be
Yet, I still see this behavior in grown men, especially at
nightclubs – where guys can steal a handful of ass or tits and the girl
will turn around, bewildered, and have no idea who, in the sea of
people, grabbed her. Don’t do this. If you’re going to grab a girl’s
ass, do it because you know her and/or are gaming her, and be prepared
for any reaction. Own your actions.
You might. A girl’s reaction to an ass grabbing will depend on the
situation, the context, your confidence and comfort level with women,
and, yes, how attractive you are . Some men
can get away with things
that other men simply cannot; a girl could welcome a playful squeeze
from one man... but from another, it could absolutely result in a slap.
Of the thousands of asses I’ve grabbed, I’ve only ever been slapped
once, and it was with a girl I knew well. Also, after she slapped me, I
simply looked her in the eyes and laughed. She returned the laugh, so I
did it again and she let me.
Even if a girl takes my hand away after I grab her (rare), she will
always laugh and tell me that she respects my aggression. The rest...
they absolutely love it. But that’s me. That’s Hector.
Of course, you can’t explain this to most liberals, feminists , and
white knights . In the stale,
sexless, and purely ideological universe
that they selectively choose to live in when it suits their argument,
what I’m suggesting, to them, amounts to sexual assault unless I get
explicit “Yes, you can grab my ass” permission (and even then, they’ll
still argue that maybe the girl only said yes because she felt
Well, luckily, it’s not sexual
assault, so long as you pay attention
to her and how she responds. There’s a thing called implied
where if a girl doesn’t say “no,” “stop,” or physically stops you from
doing something, it’s implied that she’s letting you do it (i.e.,

She’ll be displeased if he stops here just because she didn’t
sign the Consent Agreement beforehand.

However, by the feminist paradigm of affirmative consent, anytime
you ever touch a woman , you need explicit
verbal permission, even if
she’s your girlfriend or wife (seriously, that’s what they believe).
In my opinion, only a mentally disabled person would ever take such
a stance, because it’s so divorced from the reality of male-to-female
sexual interplay, that you wonder if these women have ever actually
been seduced or even been hit on by a man with normal testosterone
Luckily, our current legal system isn’t founded on dogmatism or
stupidity (for the most part), and a jury, unless stacked with white
knights and feminists, would understand that if a woman lets you do
something, and she isn’t under duress or threat of
violence/blackmail/reputational sabotage, it’s probably consensual.
Furthermore, grabbing a chick’s ass isn’t more invasive than trying
to kiss her. So, if you’ve ever gone in for a kiss when the vibe was
right, why can’t you go in for a handful of ass when the vibe calls for
a handful of ass?
I hope that puts at ease some concerns about consent for the newbies
reading this, because by now I hope you understand that I’m not just
talking about purposeless, random, creepy groping here. I’m talking
about perfectly natural and calibrated sexual play.
However, I have to admit that it does pain me to speak so
academically about women. Unfortunately,
in our age of
pseudo-intellect, you need philosophical justifications for everything.
And I write these long apologies (in the philosophical sense) so that
you guys have the information to know that what we teach you is not
only legal, but defensible if you ever do get morally shamed by someone
for your actions (has happened to me countless times).
Now, why oh why would a woman let you grab her ass? I mean, the
horror, right?
Women are the receptive sex .
They dress sexily, move seductively,
and charm you with silky words in order to lure YOU into THEM. Even if
she’s chasing you, you still need to make the first move. You’re the
man. You penetrate, she receives.
And the absolute, most intoxicating way to make a move is to grab
her. And besides her pussy, her ass is probably her most “intimate” or
“boyfriend-only” area. By making a move for it, you are putting your
stake in the ground and declaring yourself a man.
You’re saying “I’m gonna conquer this ass (if you let me).”
Then, she’ll either say “yes,” “no,” or “maybe soon,” with her
actions or her words. Either way, she will respect you and that’s half
of attraction.
Again, as with a lot of techniques that I teach, my answer to “Why
should I do this?” is “Uh, because it’s fun.” Unfortunately, I don’t
see many guys writing about grabbing ass on their Lay Reports on the
Girls Chase forums , and I don’t see enough of it in real
I myself do it a lot. I’m an ass guy through and through. If
possible, my hand is always on ass. If she’s my girlfriend or a chick
who I know is down to smash, I’m constantly grabbing her ass or
slapping it. It’s like crack to me.
Women love it. They tell me all the time that they wish other men
would be as touchy, aggressive, and physically possessive.
If you don’t feel like you’re being sexual enough, this might be a
fun improvement to your game.
First, two alternatives if you’re not comfortable going for it
If you don’t feel comfortable immediately going for a handful of
bottom, here are two ways to get the job done.
Once, while working at a club, a cute head of the VIP table was
trying to game me. She was very dominant and bitchy with everyone,
except for me. When she came back to her section one time, she had to
pass by me, but it was crowded and she got pushed up against me. While
talking, a look of shock came across her face and she said, “I think
someone just grabbed my ass!” It was mock frustration, and she kinda
laughed (hint hint). I smiled at her, grabbed her waist, looked around
her briefly to check her out and then said to her, “I mean, I would.”
Her eyes and smile exploded, and she said, “Hmm, maybe later when I get
a bit drunker.” I smiled and nodded.
Later, while fixing some cups under the table, she passed by me and
said aloud, “While you’re down there, Hector…” I looked up and smiled
at her, realizing that she was not so subtly implying that she wants me
to eat her snatch. She smiled back and then walked away. Finally, while
cleaning a mess nearby her, I accused her of being the culprit. It was
an obvious joke, but she played along, declaring her innocence. I
laughed, told her I was joking and went back to cleaning. Then I heard
her say my name, so I looked up and found her in my face. She then
leaned in further and we made out… in front of everyone.
So the template for this is to check her out and then
verbally admit or suggest that you would or would like to grab her ass .
She might smile or even tell you that you can, if you want. If given
the latter, obviously do it. If not, it’s still sexual and effective.
Not as good as just grabbing her ass, but it’s still good.
It’s not the best option, but under a few circumstances, it’s okay.
If you’re genuinely unsure if she’d be okay with you groping her, ask.
I highly suggest you compliment her first, though, to set the mood, and
then very casually ask, “Hmm… do you mind?” Don’t ask in a needy or
childishly excited way. Bite your lip and look at her ass as you ask,
not her. Say it with a sultry “I know you’ll say yes” tone (i.e.,

Obviously not the kind of asking we mean here.

I never recall being told no when I have asked.
Now that we have this covered, let’s go over how to do it for real.
If you want an in-depth example of how this works, reread the
opening story of this article.
First, compliment her with something
Or you can throw her the compliment then tell her to turn around and
show it to you. If she complies with this, there’s a super-high chance
she’s cool with you touching it. Give it a light tap or take a firm
I usually recommend there exist some circumstance to justify the
grabbing, as that’s when it’s natural.
But sometimes a perfect moment just comes along. Also, if I’ve
already grabbed it once, I consider that license to keep doing it until
she stops me.
One night, I was off work at my old club. When I came down the
stairs and started dancing in the hallway, I heard a girl yell my name.
I looked over and it was one of our dancers.
She was in between dances and was killing time with friends. Of
course, being a nightclub dancer, she was practically naked. I couldn’t
keep my eyes off her, and there was definitely a sexual vibe floating
around (her friends were very friendly with me).
Then, at some point, one of her friends complimented her ass, so she
turned around to show it off, then said how cold she was.
Without even thinking, I reached out and took a handful of tight
dancer ass, shook it, and then let go, smiling, along with a purr of
The other girls were smiling and the dancer looked at me shocked,
mouth agape. As she registered what happened, I smiled. Finally she
said to me, “Okay, Hector, you get a pass on that one!” She then
squinted her eyes in mock suspicion.
Then her friend turned to me and said “It’s amazing, isn’t it?!” I
agreed and we continued the conversation. Not even a few minutes later,
the dancer turned around again and stuck out her ass. I don’t think
there was any context to it, but she looked at me like “Hello?” I gave
her a “What?” look and her eyes darted down to her ass.
Yes ma’am. I took another handful of firm but jiggly ass, spent an
extra few seconds enjoying her delicious flesh, and then slapped it
hard as I let go. She smiled at me.
Then two of her friends turned around and stuck their asses out at
As you talk to her, put your hand on her waist. If she won’t let you
get there, she certainly won’t be cool with you grabbing her ass. Once
you’re there, move to the small of her back. Then pull
her close to
you . If you’re standing side to side with her, put your arm
around the
side of her waist farthest from you, thumb on the small of her back and
the rest of your fingers wrapped around her waist.
Either of these positions are great for establishing a sexual
connection. You can have a totally platonic conversation, but with this
hold, she knows you mean business.
Then as you talk, hopefully along with a dirty smile, move your hand
down to her ass and rest it there. You don’t have to grab right away;
you’re testing to see if she’s cool with a casual rest on her ass. If
she is, add in a slap if she says something funny or if you’re making a
point. Then, if that goes well, give it a little squeeze.
Congrats, you’re in that ass… well, almost.

As if you really need a time to grab it.

When You First Meet Her:
Sometimes I’ll grab a girl’s ass seconds into meeting her if she
opens hard with smiles and intense eye contact.
When You Come Back:
If I’m already talking to her and come back after going to the
bathroom or leaving, I’ll walk up and pinch her ass to get her
attention. What’s really interesting, actually, is that some girls will
already be smiling when they turn around, which tells me that they had
no idea who it was but were still excited by it. Make your own
conclusions about that.
While Kissing Her:
This shouldn’t need to be explained, but if I’m not grabbing her
face for a super-passionate make-out, my hands are always on her ass.
I’m not even classy at that point. I’ll grab with both hands and get
savage with it. I might even pick her up at that point.
While Walking Around:
This is circumstantially the smartest time to do it, besides when
kissing her. If she’s walking in front of you, it gives you a natural
window to use
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