Girl needs 2 Min to make him Come

Girl needs 2 Min to make him Come


Girl needs 2 Min to make him Come
Does he talk about the future? (Question 1 of 15)
Jokingly, but not in a serious way we're normally flirty
No, he makes it clear we're going with the flow and aren't committed
Does he talk about the future? (Question 1 of 15)
Jokingly, but not in a serious way we're normally flirty
No, he makes it clear we're going with the flow and aren't committed
What does it take to get a man to truly commit and want only you? It’s a question I’ve been asked more times than I could count.
What men desire most is a woman who inspires them to be their best self. Being that woman is a much different mindset than what most women typically do these days.
So what’s the major error that trips women up? It’s their focus. Instead of focusing on the feelings and experience they create for the man, the woman fixates on her own wants, her own worries, her own fears.
And amidst this completely self-absorbed mindset consumed by what she wants, it’s no wonder that she’s unable to hook a man’s interest in a significant way, one that goes beyond just hooking up.
Sure, that woman might cook him dinners, perform in bed, and tell him how much she likes him, but none of that stuff penetrates a man’s psychology on a deep and meaningful level.
Forget about just getting commitment. When you understand and master the art of tapping into the deep parts of a man’s psyche, he will want to move mountains to possess you.
Men don’t start out there when they first meet a woman, though. She needs to reach him at that level by recognizing his ambitions, his fears, his motivations, his “mission” in life and where he ultimately wants to “win.”
Here are four ways to reach a man deeply and make him want to commit and devote himself fully to you.

I have a confession to make, when I was revising this article to get it ready for publishing, it was three ways to make him commit
 not four.
The original article came off cold, harsh, and even depressing because I had left out the most important element of all when it comes to how to get him to commit. So in this revised version, I made sure to convey the one most important piece of the puzzle immediately at the beginning.
Who you choose is by far the most important factor in all relationships. So one of the most important ways to make a guy commit is to understand the reality of relationships, love, and your specific guy.
In my personal life, I meet all sorts of people. Some people are easy and fun to be around 
 I can spend hours with them, talking about things, laughing about things, and just genuinely enjoying their company. Being around them doesn’t require effort and I don’t want anything from them. I would have just as much fun driving in the car with them and chatting as I would doing something “exciting.”
On the other hand, there are people who I meet that immediately make me feel uncomfortable and defensive. I feel like I have to constantly be on my toes, choose my words carefully, and being around them is far from pleasurable.
Between those two extremes, there are all sorts of people who fall somewhere in the middle.
As a writer who talks about dating and relationships, what has always amazed me when it comes to relationships is how people completely disregard compatibility. They describe what it’s like to be with their man and it almost sounds like they’re talking about their arch-enemy
 there is no comfort, no trust, no compatibility.
Sometimes the relationship started out well and then over time disintegrated into something that resembles resentment and abuse rather than love or respect. Sometimes the relationship was never good to start with, but the woman wants me to show her “relationship magic” to “make it work.” This is what I equate to trying to shove a square peg into a round hole. (If this situation sounds familiar to you, be sure to read this article on Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship .)
Personally, I needed to date around and experience several relationships before I had a good understanding of what I actually wanted, valued, and what resonated with me in a relationship. In my late teens and early twenties, for example, I knew that I wanted a girl that had a hot, fit body and a beautiful face.
Now, in my thirties, I realize how much I value having a woman who actually “gets” me 
 a woman that I can talk to for hours every day and never feel bored 
 a woman who I can laugh with for hours and hours on end 
 a woman that I know how to be there for and who knows how to be there for me.
It took me a while to figure that out. When I realized it, I mentally revisited my past relationships and realized something very important that I want to pass along to you

When I think of relationships that didn’t work out for me in the past (ones where I wanted things to work out and I got dumped), I realize that the woman I was with at the time was never going to be that woman with me. Even if she wanted it to work.
I can clearly see now, years later after all the emotion and attachment is completely gone, we never would have reached that level of intimacy that is ultimately valuable to me in a relationship.
I couldn’t see past my attachment to those relationships, though, or past my blind desire to make things work because I didn’t want to fail, I didn’t want to be rejected, and I didn’t want to lose someone.
All those emotions have nothing to do with love or compatibility. They’re just fear, ego, and a false sense of identifying with relationship success.
Real relationship success is not about making a relationship with someone work when, at your core, you and he are ultimately incompatible. It can be hard to see if you’re blinded by fears of loss, self-doubt and relationship fantasies that you want to come true

The thing to realize is that people with great relationships don’t have the great relationships because they know great relationship secrets or psychological loopholes of the male mind. Fundamentally, people in the best relationships all have one thing in common: they don’t have relationships with people who are not a good match for them. They don’t let them into their life.
And what’s the easiest way to know if they’re a good match or not? Plain and simple – how do you feel about yourself when you’re with that person? Do you feel better about yourself? About life? About the things that upset you?
 do you feel insecure? Do you feel like you’re walking on eggshells? Do you feel like you’re suffocating
 holding your breath in anticipation of a relationship that you desperately want to come into existence but always seems just out of reach? Helpless, powerless, and afraid they’ll do something to hurt you?
How you feel with the person you’re with is the best indication of whether you’re with someone who’s compatible or not. How much you want it to work is the worst indicator of a good relationship (in fact, usually the people who tell me how desperately they want something to work are highlighting how incompatible they actually are from their partner).
The man you’re into has to be sexually attracted to you. This one is not a radical claim, it’s just a fact. If he doesn’t feel a sense of biological, physical attraction to you, then nothing else I say will matter. His physical attraction isn’t the end-all be-all of his desire to be with you, but it is a required foundation.
That’s the bad news
 if you want to call it that. The good news is that some of the most powerful seductresses the world has ever known were not the most beautiful.
My advice is to strive to be as attractive as you possibly can, and fortunately, this one is largely in your control. And for the things you can’t control 
 own it.
Too many women kill their attractiveness by walking around with insecurities and no self-esteem because they feel that something about their appearance is flawed and they’ll never be good enough to attract the man they actually want.
Whatever your supposed fault is, I can guarantee that your self-doubt is far more unattractive. Nobody is perfect and no man demands or expects perfection. But those who own their imperfections are massively more attractive than those who do not or cannot.
There is definitely something attractive about a woman who owns her imperfections and is totally OK with them. Conversely, being insecure is a massive energy drain to you and the people around you. Insecurity stinks of desperation and desperation kill attraction.
So change what you can to be sexier and more physically alluring and appealing. Spend more time at the gym , eat healthier , learn how to apply makeup to enhance your best features, train your voice to be pleasant and seductive (tape recording yourself works wonders), master attractive body language and facial expressions, dress to flatter your figure, you get the point. And that which you can’t change
 own it .
What makes you irreplaceable in the eyes of your man? Your ability to reach deep into the depths of who he is and inspire him. To put it more bluntly, you must offer something that is much more rare and valuable than sex if you want him to treat you as something important in his life. I mean 
 duh, right? And yet this obvious truth gets distorted and overlooked.
Ask yourself: what are you bringing to the table beside a physical hookup that he values deeply?
Sex is readily available. Having it isn’t enough to make a relationship and withholding it isn’t enough to cast some kind of “love spell” on a man (maybe it worked 100 years ago, but withholding sex till X date is just plain obsolete now 
 he’ll just go somewhere else).
Men have a deep unconscious fear that their life, their contribution to the world and their existence is pointless, meaningless, and insignificant. At the same time, every man has hopes, dreams, and aspirations.
And here’s the major lesson: In order for a man to feel truly alive and truly fulfilled, he needs to be pursuing his deepest aspiration and his “mission” in life. Your ultimate gift as a woman is to inspire him to do that, to realize his ultimate potential as a man.
Creating the foundation for a strong, healthy relationship comes down to putting energy into the correct places. Worrying and stressing is not putting energy into the correct places.
If you’re still stuck in feeling needy and out of control, you’re not going to see the necessity of bringing that value to the relationship because you’ll still be fixated on your own worries, your fears, your insecurities. And with that fixation, you won’t be able to put energy into the relationship, you’ll have wasted all your energy needlessly worrying about stuff.
I understand that after you’ve been continually hurt and disappointed by previous relationships with men, you may have formed some insecurities and frustration around relationships. But in the end, those emotions do nobody a favor – they repel men, they waste your energy, and they make everyone miserable.
The only way to get out of that cycle and move towards building a firm foundation that leads to a good relationship is to find your own self-love and fulfillment independent of a relationship.
Remember: a relationship will never fill an emotional void, complete you, or “make you” happy. You have to show up to a relationship “whole” and happy already. If you show up “broken,” the man will either leave or you’ll attract the type of man who will take advantage of you 
 then leave.
The energy you put into the relationship is the only thing that matters. Putting in energy doesn’t come from a self-absorbed place, it isn’t attached to feelings of anxiety, fear, worry, anger, rage, resentment. You are outside of yourself and putting energy into giving him that “extra something” that makes you valuable, rare, and inspirational to the man.
I don’t care if you like it. I don’t care if you think it’s fair or unfair. It is a simple truth that people value those who bring a unique, special, meaningful value to the table. If you honestly think that you can have a man want to choose you and only you forever without bringing something deeply valuable to him
 then you’re either choosing very low -quality men or you just haven’t thought through reality yet.
Sex is not enough. And loving him the way you want to be loved is not enough either. When it comes to him choosing you, you have to connect with him in the way that’s deeply meaningful to him. Your energy would be better spent figuring out what this is rather than worrying about him leaving you.
It is typical that if a guy is going to commit to you in an exclusive official relationship, he will do so within the first three months of dating.
Regardless of time together, if you are missing one of the key factors that get him to commit then you need to start paying attention to those things immediately.
When men say they don’t want a relationship, your best reaction is to believe he is telling you the truth and won’t change his mind.
If you want to know how to get a guy to commit when he specifically says he doesn’t want a committed relationship or can’t have commitment in his life at this time, then the solution is to tell him you understand, thank him for his honestly and walk away.
One of two things will happen: Either he will let you go (in which case you will know for certain that he was unwilling to ever be in a committed relationship with you) or he will come back, usually within 1 to 3 weeks, and hint at having a change of heart. If you stick to your standards and don’t entertain a dynamic unless being committed is possible, then those are the cases where commitment happens with the guy that said he couldn’t or wouldn’t commit.
It doesn’t happen all the time, but if it’s going to happen then that’s the only strategy for how to get a guy to commit that actually works when he says he doesn’t want one.
It’s actually quite easy to get a man to want commitment with you when you understand how to make a guy want you. In order to understand how to make him want you, you need to know what men really want in a woman.
A man can carry on with seeing (and sleeping with a woman) for weeks, months and even years with absolutely no desire or intention to commit despite all the time you’ve been dating each other. In fact, I wouldn’t even necessarily call it dating, I might just call it seeing someone.
If you want him to commit, it’s not seeing each other or sleeping together that will get him to commit no matter how long you’ve been carrying on together. It requires you understand what things actually reach his heart and make him want to commit (because he would never want to lose you).
When you understand how to make a man want you for every thing outside of the bedroom, then you’ll never need a guide on how to make him commit. The question of how to get him to commit will be so obvious and automatic that you’ll never think to ask it. The power to reach his heart is entirely outside the bedroom, which we’ll discuss in the next question.
If you’ve slept with a man and you’re worried whether or not you screwed up your chances to get in a relationship with him, don’t worry: Some of the happiest married couples I know slept together on the first date (and obviously they weren’t committed to each other yet!).
I’m not recommending that as a practice, but my intention is for you to know there is hope for a future and you can relax. The one most important thing to keep in mind is that if he has explicitly said he does not want commitment with you or can’t have commitment with you, then make sure you take that very seriously.
If he hasn’t said that to you, then you can just proceed with spending your time with him and putting in your effort in the areas that actually count with a man.
As a golden rule with men, here is something to always remember: Men do not fall in love from sleeping with you. Only women fall in love from sleeping with a man.
It’s all the other stuff that’s the secret for how to get him to commit, so put your focus there!
I hope this article helped you better understand what makes a man commit. But there is more you need to know. There is one defining moment in every relationship that determines if it will last, or if you will be left heartbroken

At some point, he will ask himself: Is this the woman I want to commit myself to? The answer will determine whether the relationship deepens or ends. Do you know how a man decides a woman is girlfriend or wife material? Do you know what inspires a man to want to commit? If not, you need to read this article next: The #1 Things Men Desire in a Woman
Another major problem is if you think he might be losing interest or pulling away. Do you know what to do when this happens? If not, you run the risk of making the most common relationship-ruining mistakes. Read this now and learn exactly how to handle it: If He’s Pulling Away, Do This

I'm Eric Charles, the co-founder and co-editor of A New Mode. I love writing articles to help people free themselves from suffering and have clarity in their love life. I have a degree in Psychology and I've dedicated the last 20 years of my life to learning everything I can about human psychology and sharing what gets people out of struggling with life and into having the life they really want. If you want to contact me, feel free to reach out on Facebook or Twitter.
Hi! I love a guy
.I have seen him 3years ago..I told him that i love him through texts but he did’nt responded.After so many texts he told me that he is completely not intersted
I was heartbroken at that time.After that I tried so much to impress him through my talents and my confidence
Eventually i started noticed him staring at me..whatever i did in the class he noticed
I think he was attracted with me too..but he never came to me and never started a reltionship with me
I am so helpless in this situation
sometimes he completely ignores me and sometimes he stares me alot
So I’ve known this guy for about 2 years now, at the start he didn’t seem too notice me, but as time went on he started texting me and telling all his problems and hopes. He tells me exactly the same things I tell him, its like we both want the same thing but how can I be sure? Not long ago he asked for my number and now he calls me every night and we talk for hours, I asked him why he wanted my number.. He went quiet and said “I miss you jem, that’s why”
He always has my back on everything and encourages me.. But how do I know if he wants me?
I enjoy reading your articles. I’ve been seeing this guy for almost a year. We dated before 6 years ago and the reason we stopped dating is because he said I was pushing for something he wasn’t ready for. I didn’t realize I was pushing. He’s saying now like he said before, he doesn’t want a girlfriend right now, he’s too busy. But yet he’s still interested. He has said things to me like, “I’ve been thinking about you a lot and there’s nothing I can do about”, “We are more than just friends”, and then he pulls away again. It’s been an emotional roller coaster ride with him. He lives an hour away, we only text once a week or so, and only see each other every 2 or 3 months. We get frustrated with each and have arguments but still want to see each other so there’s something there. We are both Scorpios so I’ve been reading articles about 2 Scorpios being in a relationship and reading your articles. I’ve tried very hard not to seem “pushy” and realize the relationship is what it currently is. But how long do I have to wait for him to want to see me more? What should I say to him?
Hey there. If I may, I’d like to say that we are currently in a similar situation with the ‘ex-guy-comes-back-and-the-two-of-us-starts-dating-again.’ And I can understand the emotional roller coaster you are going through and the feeling of tiredness is not new to me most particularly since I am in my last year of getting my law degree. The stress arising f
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