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I’m not going to lie, putting this gallery together was a lot more difficult than I ever expected. After all, aren’t all boobs created equally? Frankly, I’ve yet to meet a boob I didn’t immediately love. So you can understand my dilemma as I sought out the very best in what seemed like an ocean of breasts on theChive. I suppose that was my cross to bear.

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A colletion sexy photos of busty girls with nice boobies…
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16 Problems Only Girls With Big Boobs Understand

It’s all fun and games until you have to take the stairs…

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What to consider when thinking about taking a summer online class.

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Being a girl with big boobs is the hardest thing to deal with. It's pretty hard to do the simplest things with two giant “melons" on your chest, as well as spending a lot of money on bras. Sometimes you love them and sometimes you wish you didn't have them. Here are 16 different problems that us larger-chested girls have to deal with:

What's the point if the buttons are going to explode anyway. I always look bloated or the blouse looks like it doesn't fit in the first place.
Ah yes! With big boobs comes boob sweat! Isn't it lovely?
Usually, the bigger cup sizes are usually plain bras that aren't attractive looking. I guess they're in the grandma bra category. However, some stores are trying to step it up! Thank you!

NO THANK YOU! I'll stick to the elliptical. Sports bras help a little, but it's still a struggle!
Never mind, I don't need the bra anymore but thanks!
I'm telling you, you'll feel tired all the time and it's hard to do the simplest things. I mean, what else did you expect when it comes to having two heavy things on your chest?
Yes, you're going to pay a lot of money for a plus sized bra. Lane Bryant here I come!
Yeah this is the worst. I have no problem finding bottoms. It's just the know what, forget about it. And side boob is guaranteed to make an appearance.
They really are. Your boobs NEED support. Strapless is going to let you down. I wish I could wear off the shoulder tops without a care in the world.
You WILL be out of breath and it will feel like you haven't exercised in 1,000 years. Plus, your boobs easily draw attention
I mean, some people can argue that it's a perk of having boobs. If you don't feel like carrying your lip gloss or money, you can just put it in your bra. It sounds pretty gross based on the boob sweat but it's helpful. However, you may forget those small objects are there so don't forget that you put something there. To make it easier, use your pockets ladies!
Yeah no one wants to see your boobs hanging out under your crop top, which leads me to problem #13.
Story of my life. If you don't have this problem then god bless.
All. The. Time. It's not fair, but that's something we have to deal with.
More like dragging your own weights...
No you don't it's a trap. But then again, there are perks to having big boobs and no matter how annoying they can be, you're glad you have them!
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