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“So there’s a dick in your bathroom,” was the clear-as-day comment that punctuated my evening reverie several weeks ago. My 14-year-old daughter, her gaze piercing as I wiped down the kitchen counter after dinner, continued: “What’s that all about?” she inquired directly, with no hint of letting up. Yep — my kid had found my dildo .
I was faced with a tough choice: bob and weave around her question, or tackle it head-on (ugh, no pun intended). I chose the latter.
“Do you really want to know?” I asked her, my cheeks flashing hot at the mere thought of the conversation I was about to embark upon. I scrambled momentarily, thinking of all the half-truths I could tell her, before taking full advantage of the opportunity before me: “Sex is fun,” I told her. “It feels great, and a sex toy makes it so you don’t even need —”
But Kathryn wasn’t finished with her cross-examination: “So do you, like, go to Toys ‘R’ Us for grown-ups or something?” No, I told her. I shop online. 
And that was it: I never got to finish the long sex-positive explanation I had been forming in my head. I never even got to tell the superbly naive young girl before me — who, the last time we talked about sex , had surmised that I’d done the deed exactly three times (hence my three children) — that sex is a normal, natural part of any healthy adult life and/or relationship. Because as soon as she’d gotten a reasonably useful answer about sex-toy shopping , she had retreated to read the latest issue of Nat Geo Traveller . End of story.
Because she didn’t really want to chat with her mom about the intricacies of self-pleasure and a healthy sex life. She simply wanted info — the same kind of useful info my own mother had declined to arm me with as an adolescent. (I vaguely recall her purchasing me some books — Where Did I Come From? and What’s Happening to Me? , a pair of slender black-and-white volumes to help steer me and my older sister through our awkward questions about conception and puberty, but that was it. Growing up, I navigated the unknowns of my world the old-school way: via trial and error.)
A few months later, when my 12-year-old stumbled upon the same discovery as her sister had, I was ready. Alice was less direct, but she cut straight to the chase nonetheless: “I found a model in your bathroom,” she said. “A penis model. What’s it for?”
After working to stifle my laughter, never ever having heard the term “model” used in this context, I quickly composed myself. Sure, my heart skipped a beat (Really? I left it out again ?? I thought), my cheeks did not give me away this time. Instead, my response was free from any hint of culpability and instead put my daughter on the proverbial stand: “What were you doing in my bathroom without permission?” I asked her, pointing to the fact that she has her own. My daughter shrugged. “I’m not sure,” she mumbled, “but I want to know.”
So I proceeded to address her questions in precisely the same manner as I had with her sister — and the results were equally successful. Before long, all kinds of questions were tumbling out of her almost faster than I could answer.
“Where do kids buy Juul pods ? How old were you when you first drank alcohol ? Have you ever tried marijuana? Should I be worried about my friend if she tried to cut herself ? Do you think I’m underweight? You were in high school when you got your first period , right?” And on the heels of our wholly unexpected rapid-fire discussion, my daughter said something that shocked me: “I’m sorry,” she said quietly. “For snooping in your stuff. I’m going to try not to do that anymore.”
I used to think being a single mom complicated things when it came to talking openly with my daughters about sex. Somehow, I had created a story in which my kids’ gross health questions /queries/observations/discoveries would be so much easier for me to stomach if I were married — to their dad. Or at least this was the script the conventional world had me believing. 
But when my daughters found the dildo belonging to my single-mom self, the conversations were surprisingly simple. In fact, their discoveries catapulted all three of us into an ever-important conversation about boundaries — a conversation that would never have happened when their dad and I were married. After all, my married life had been mostly chaos — complete with lots of yelling and screaming. My married self was a stay-at-home mom to three little girls under the age of 5; back then, no one was doing much of anything that needed to be obscured from view, and the concept of knocking on a closed door hardly existed. Our kids barged into our room — and likely rummaged through all our stuff — at all hours of the day. And I was always too exhausted to stop them.
Here’s the thing: Owning up to our choices (and purchases!) as parents is far easier than one might think. In fact, the conversations happening in my house have become increasingly transparent since I’ve been “going it alone” as a single parent, and the payoff is manifold: In stepping outside of my comfort zone, I am simultaneously educating my impressionable daughters while modeling for them things no adult ever even spoke to me about — and word on the street is that my kids are a big fan of my approach. 
“I like the new, honest Mommy,” my 12-year-old recently told me, as she climbed onto my lap for bedtime stories. 
“Awwww, thanks sweetie,” I said as I pulled her in for a snuggle on the couch. “And just in case you’re wondering,” I told her. “You still need to ask for permission before using my bathroom.” 
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SheKnows is a part of Penske Media Corporation. © 2022 SheMedia, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

, sex
, first vibrator
, sexuality
, adolescence

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“Do you want me to buy you a vibrator?” Mom asks, holding up the Good Vibrations catalogue. The year is 1999. I am twelve. I know what a vibrator is from watching Slums of Beverly Hills —my favorite scene involves Marisa Tomei and Natasha Lyonne tossing the buzzing sex toy back and forth while gyrating to Parliament’s Give Up the Funk . “Sure!” I exclaim. We sit at the kitchen table and peruse the catalogue together, pens ready to mark which toys look most promising. Mom suggests one that’s thick and short, clear and curved and designed to “stimulate the G-spot.” I don’t know what the G-spot is nor how this device is meant to stimulate it, but Mom thinks it’s a solid, simple choice for my first vibrator, and she knows more about this stuff than I do. I’m not sure why Mom thinks I need a vibrator at age twelve, but I don’t question it. At the time, I don’t appreciate the progressiveness of the fact that she is buying her pre-teen daughter a sex toy. I take for granted how she is making my first lesson about sex about my own pleasure, prioritizing my needs over anyone else’s. I also don’t understand how the act of buying her young daughter a vibrator is intrinsically linked to my mother’s feminism. Feminism isn’t really on my radar.
As a teenager, the concept of feminism begins to embarrass me. It’s the early aughts, and "the F word" isn’t trending yet. To be called a feminist is tantamount to being called a bitch—roughly translated, it means you are an ugly female without a sense of humor, who hates men. Although my mother clearly identifies as a feminist, and though she definitely has a sense of humor and loves my dad, something intense and angry happens to her face whenever she speaks of feminist things. I decide this is uncool, and not something I want to emulate. Whenever some mean kid insultingly calls me a feminist, I feel my face flush as if I’ve been caught wetting the bed (something else I did for years beyond what was socially acceptable). Looking back, it seems I knew all along I really was a feminist, and hid behind this “cool girl” identity for fear of being found out. It wasn’t until post-college, when feminism started coming back into the public conversation, that I could finally embrace the angry feminist I’d always been in my heart. My mother’s daughter. Middle school graduation with Mom Two years before Mom buys me a vibrator, I’m ten and on vacation with my parents in Hawaii, staying at this amazing hotel with a bar in the swimming pool. One hot and beautiful day, I’m hanging out on the edge of the pool, getting ready to order my third Shirley Temple with extra cherries, unintentionally positioned with a jet shooting between my legs, when I’m suddenly overcome with the most incredible sensation my body has ever known. I have no idea what this means, but I can’t wait to tell Mom all about it. I scramble out of the pool. “Mom! I just found the most amazing thing!” She smiles knowingly. “The jets?” “Yes! How did you--?” “I know.” She looks nonplussed. I want to shout, why didn’t anyone tell me?! How have I lived my entire life up to this point completely ignorant of the magic of swimming pool jets? It’s not until years later that I realize this is probably not the kind of thing most girls would immediately run to tell their mothers. But this was, and always has been, our relationship. I tell her everything and she, in turn, tells me everything.
Enjoying the jets Mom tells me about when she recklessly slutted around New York City in the '70s, before AIDS came along and scared the crap out of everyone. She tells me how one Valentine’s Day, she shaved her pubic hair into a heart shape and bleached one half platinum and dyed the other half black, a gift for her current boyfriend. She tells me about the time she met a strange man in a bar and went back to his apartment where they played chess and then he told her to take off all her clothes and tried to rape her, so she ran outside stark naked to get the police. At age six, when I ask what this rounded piece of flesh-colored latex is doing on the edge of the bathtub, Mom tells me it’s her diaphragm and it’s to keep her from getting pregnant when she and Dad have sex. As a teenager, I ask Mom why a man would go down on a woman. Her face lights up as though she’s about to impart some deep feminine wisdom. “Because women are delicious,” she says plainly. I don’t realize how, by openly acknowledging her own sexuality, Mom is implicitly teaching me another lesson, this time about shamelessness. Never once do I hear the words, “That’s not appropriate to talk about.” My childhood curiosity is encouraged. Nothing is off limits. When my vibrator arrives in the mail, I just stare at it. It’s short and fat and I’m thinking,  there’s no way that thing is fitting inside my twelve-year-old vagina . I haven’t even successfully put in a tampon at this point. The day it arrives, I can’t wait to get to school. At recess, I sit on the bleachers with a bunch of my peers and hold forth about my new sex toy. In a more conservative setting, I may have been teased, even shamed; in this hippie NorCal beach town, the kids are jealous and awe-struck and I can feel them looking at me with a newfound sense of admiration.
That night, I lie down and stare up at the No Doubt poster hanging over my twin bed. I move the vibrating head down towards my general area, not really aiming. Who even knows where anything is at this point? I don’t try to put it actually inside my vagina—the thing is literally huge—I just sort of hold it between my legs. It doesn’t blow my mind, but it’s pretty good. Maybe not the fireworks display I was expecting, but it feels reminiscent of the swimming pool jets. I mean, the jets gave me my first moment of clitoral awareness, so naturally made quite an impression. I can’t actually make myself come with my vibrator, but it’s not for want of trying. In a time before infinitely available Internet porn, finding sexy stuff to masturbate to is a more creative endeavor. My porn is: the scene in Boogie Nights when they’re shooting a sex scene and Julianne Moore tells Mark Wahlberg, “Come inside me, I’m fixed”; the scene in Fear when Wahlberg fingers Reese Witherspoon on the rollercoaster with Wild Horses playing in the background; the scene in Cruel Intentions when Sarah Michelle Gellar sits on Ryan Phillippe’s lap and gives him a hand job. Then there’s the weirder stuff: the scene in John Waters’ Pink Flamingos when Divine, the 300 pound drag queen, blows her son while they’re burgling a house; the scene in John Waters’ Female Trouble when Divine is raped by a trucker on a bare mattress on the side of the road.
These scenes I keep cued up on VHS tapes that I record at my grandparents’ house when I visit them in New Jersey for three months every summer. I load up the tapes with as much erotica as possible, my jerk-off material for the remaining nine months of the year—my parents don’t have cable television. These particular scenes are well worn. I furiously rewind them over and over again as I lie on my twin bed with the vibrating head balanced against my crotch. I don’t realize at the time that Mom buying me a vibrator will become a foundational story of my childhood, something I tell people when I really want them to understand who I am. Perhaps it’s because I was encouraged to overshare as a child, but I’m proud of the fact that Mom bought me a vibrator when I was twelve. Especially now that I’m out of the hippie liberal bubble of the town where I grew up, I see that the way my mother raised me was in powerful denial of the sex-negative, Puritan-founded culture we still live in.
Angry feminist/My mother's daughter I had that vibrator for twelve years. It finally died in 2011—by that time, the clear plastic was discolored and the technology seriously outdated. My boyfriend bought me a pearl rabbit, by all accounts a far superior piece of equipment. But I do have fond memories of my first vibrator, because it was old school and Mom picked it out for me, and it taught me at a very young age to have no shame about my sexuality; that it’s normal to be horny as fuck when you’re twelve. Published June 2, 2016
Ava Bogle is a feminist sex blogger at  Diary of a Slutty Feminist . Follow her on Twitter  @slutty_feminist .
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