Girl Toes Suck

Girl Toes Suck


Girl Toes Suck
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What’s Up With Tarantino’s Foot Fetish?

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I Got a Foot Massage and Accidentally Orgasmed

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Carina Hsieh
Sex & Relationships Editor
Carina Hsieh lives in NYC with her French Bulldog Bao Bao — follow her on Instagram and Twitter • Candace Bushnell once called her the Samantha Jones of Tinder • She enjoys hanging out in the candle aisle of TJ Maxx and getting lost in Amazon spirals. 

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Welcome to the summer of Toe Stuff™️.
We’ve more than dipped our you-know-whats into The Summer of Toe Suck, thanks to a bunch of recent celeb news that touches upon the taboo-but-more-popular-than-you’d-think subject. While it might seem totally salacious and perhaps ick, toe sucking is a lot more nuanced than you’d think. And yes, while toe sucking *can* fall into the foot fetish category, it’s also popular enough as a stand-alone sex act that anyone can experiment with. If you have ever wanted to try it out or are just curious about the schematics of toe sucking, here are some things to know.
Armie Hammer was a trending topic a few weeks ago when he posted a video of his son sucking on his toes , which was ew but not necessarily sexual. “Kids go through an oral phase,” adds Carol Queen , PhD, sexologist at Good Vibrations . Just think about all the “CHOKING HAZARD” labels on things—kids will legit put anything in their mouths. “When a kid starts chowing on your toes, it doesn’t even mean you are glimpsing their future as a kinkster. So going off as though an adult is doing something inappropriate may mean that the observer is overlaying a sexual shame—and shaming—response onto something where there isn’t any sex,” Queen says.
While still married to (but separated from) Prince Andrew, Sarah Ferguson made headlines when photos of her getting her toes sucked by her businessman boy toy John Bryan on vacay leaked.
An interview with her hockey player hubs revealed that she’s into it when he sucks her toes. I mean, go off, sis. She’s dancing all day, and considering many toe-sucking activities also involve a foot massage, it really only makes sense.
A more vanilla approach to shrimping could stem from just wanting to pleasure and enjoy all of their partner’s body...whereas “foot worship” is a step beyond that and a consensual way of one person being subservient to another, explains Queen.
When it comes to toe play, “some people DO think this is a ‘low’ sort of activity and a form of abasement,” Queen says. “But it doesn’t have to be. Dom/sub players are always looking for sexy abasement things to do, while everyone else is all, ‘We both have feet, that makes us equal.’ It just depends on your kink!” Basically, toe sucking is only kinky if you want it to be about power exchange, otherwise, totally cool to just treat it like any other body part or erogenous zone.
Dr. Laura Deitsch, resident sexologist at Vibrant , explains that yes, a toe suck by any other name is called “shrimping”—just like the shellfish. It makes sense when you think about it, because what are toes if not shrimp of the feet?
As sex and relationships expert Kryss Shane , LSW, LMSW, explains: Toe sucking is often considered to be part of the foot fetish category. Shane adds there are distinctions, because while “toe sucking is something a partner does for their mate as foreplay, typical foot fetishes focus on shoes, stockings, or the shape of the foot and toes.”
“There are so many nerve endings in the feet,” Shane says. Not only can it feel similar to getting a foot massage, but when you add in the endorphins and eroticism of interacting with your partner in a taboo way, it’s a double whammy too.
Shane says many people enjoy doing it not only because it gives their partner pleasure but also because it’s a less common way of turning their partner on during foreplay—which checks out. Not everyone can be a person who pulls toe jobs out of their back pocket.
As with anything in bed, communication and consent are key. If you want to perform this on your partner (or want your partner to try this out with you), Shane recommends asking them to consider including it in foreplay and asking them to reciprocate.
Rogers recommends bathing each other before diving in. “This adds a new level of intimacy and can also make your partner feel better and more relaxed when their toes are in your mouth.”
Jenni Skyler, certified sex therapist and sexologist for Adam and Eve , says that some foot worshippers consider cleaning their partner’s feet as part of the ritual.
Sunny Rodgers, a clinical sexologist and certified sex coach, suggests licking and teasing the tips of your partner’s toes to start. Think of it like genital oral sex—you want to start slow and soft, then ramp up. You can also try swirling your tongue around their toe as well as kissing and licking the tender area between each toe.
Yes, the physical act of sucking on your partner’s toes involves your mouth, but you can (and should) also get handsy with it. Shane recommends starting with a foot massage and then moving on to kissing individual toes.
“Toe sucking and other acts of eroticism and pleasure are nothing to be ashamed of, no matter how rarely these are openly discussed,” says Shane. “The only thing wrong with fetishes and desires is when a person feels shame about them. While there may be some sexual actions that are typical, being atypical does not mean you are abnormal in any way.”

By Elizabeth Bacharach Published: Sep 14, 2019
"If you don’t start the conversation, you will never know what is possible."
"Try putting the big toe in your mouth, and then move toward licking and sucking the rest of the toes."
Elizabeth Bacharach is the Assistant Editor at Women’s Health where she writes and edits content about mental and physical health, food and nutrition, sexual health, and lifestyle trends across and the print magazine. She has a master’s degree in journalism from Northwestern University, lives in New York City, and dreams of becoming best friends with Ina Garten, who is, undeniably, an absolute queen.
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There's an exact line you should definitely use.
Hot girl summer? Psh, more like toe-sucking fall.
Okay, fiiiine, I'll admit that it doesn't have the same ring to it, but give a girl a chance to explain.
First, you had the lighthearted (although the Internet didn't find it nearly as funny) Instagram video of Armie Hammer's 2-year-old son sucking his dad's toes . Then Brooks Laich, hubby of Women's Health Naked Strength cover star Julianne Hough, revealed on a podcast that the two are definitely not strangers to toe sucking mid-sexy sesh . And through it all, you had Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon A Time In Hollywood and its innumerable sensual shots of feet playing in theaters.
So, as I said earlier: Toe sucking is in. But umm...why? What is toe sucking really all about?
Case in point: Armie Hammer and his little dude. I mean, when you think about it, kids have a tendency to, err, put pretty much anything in their mouths, and it obviously means nothing.
On the other hand, for plenty of people toe sucking—a.k.a. shrimping (I didn't come up with this on my own, people)—can be highly arousing and pleasurable for both the giver and the receiver, according to Danielle Harel, PhD, and Celeste Hirschman, MA , sex therapists in San Francisco and coauthors of Making Love Real: The Intelligent Couple's Guide to Lasting Intimacy and Passion.
While some people enjoy sucking toes as part of an overall foot fetish, others like it largely for how it stimulates their partner, since many get aroused from "feeling like great lovers or seeing their partner's reaction," say Harel and Hirschman.
For the receiver, having their toes sucked can be super pleasurable, because toes and feet are particularly sensitive, thanks to a ton of nerve endings down there (think: ticklish feet). That makes it an epic addition to foreplay.
And let's not forget about the brain, which can connect feelings of sexuality to any body part if it's been tied to a sexual memory, says Kryss Shane , MS, MSW, LSW, LMSW, a sex and relationship expert. So if your first sexual encounter involved feet or toe sucking during foreplay or sex, then you very well might be turned on by this little deed going forward.
Making sense now? Good. Time to move on to the ~dirty~ deets—a.k.a. how to score some toe action without it being, well, awkward AF.
Surprising your S.O. by going all the way down is probably not the way to go. One, they could be a little freaked (what else do you have in store for them?!), and two, they might reflexively kick you. Not to mention, as with all sexual acts, consent is a nonnegotiable.
If you're feeling a little nervous about bringing up the topic (or any other sexual fantasy , for that matter), remember this nugget of wisdom: "If you don’t start the conversation, you will never know what is possible. Planting seeds is the way to go," says Moushumi Ghose , MFT, a sex therapist and author in Los Angeles.
Ghose recommends approaching the topic "lightly"—and taking the time to make it about you. Let them know that toe sucking is something you'd really enjoy doing with your partner in particular.
A compliment never hurts. Try something like, "I think your feet are really sexy, and I'd really enjoy sucking on those delicious toes of yours. Would that be cool with you?"
If your partner turns down the idea, instead of being upset about rejection, use the moment to ask them why they're not interested in getting their toes sucked or doing it for you. If it's something like ticklishness, Ghose recommends offering them foot foreplay. "Giving some nice strong massaging pressure on the rest of the feet might help alleviate the ticklishness," she explains.
If it's a mental roadblock about cleanliness (more on that in a sec), you could suggest showering together and then getting the licking on.
At the end of the day, however, you need to honor your partner's feelings and boundaries. That being said, if it's something you really love, try to bring it up again in the future. "If you approach this gently, you are far more likely to get what you want and have your needs met while getting to explore something cool, exciting and new with your partner," Ghose says.
Before you embark on your toe-sucking journey, you may want to get your feet in peak shape:
Let's say your boyf wants you to play with his tootsies as part of foreplay, but you're grossed out by feet. Totally acceptable!
You just might want to say a little more than just those two letters (n-o). "Embrace and even celebrate that they ask for their desires," says Harel and Hirschman. "For example, you might say, 'I love it when you ask for what you want and I never want you to stop doing it, but toe sucking just isn't my thing.'"
Another good idea? Give yourself a minute or two. After having more time to think, you might return to the table (er, bed) more interested or be able to better express why it's not for you—and offer a compromise instead. ("I don't really like feet, but I'd be down to suck your finger...")
The good news of toe sucking is that there aren't really any big health risks, according to Hirschman and Harel. That said, you do want to make sure your partner hasn't been walking around barefoot outside or rewearing two-day-old socks. (I mean, ew.)
If you're a germophobe (welcome to the club!), once again, the best time to jump on those little piggies is immediately after a shower . If that's unrealistic, consider keeping body wipes near your bed, which can provide just enough hygiene in a pinch.
Heads up: The first time you try toe sucking might feel a little funny, and it might take awhile to find the right angle and position. So you might want to come prepared with a few trusty moves in case things get a little bumpy.
One such positions to pocket is having your partner sit on the side of the bed, then you kneel down in front of them and bring their foot to your mouth. If the bed's not high enough, ask your partner to lie down on the bed and take it from there.
P.S. This is a clutch move to do before working your way up to your partner's genitals for a killer blow job or cunnilingus.
Toe sucking doesn't just mean shoving a toe in your mouth and sucking. That's obviously the gist, but there's so much more you can do.
In order to gauge your partner's response and level of sensation, start slowly with a light lick, kiss, or delicate touch on their foot. If they seem into it, go slightly further, adding tongue pressure and suctioning harder. The key here is reading your bae's body language, which—added bonus!—can also get you out of your own head if you're feeling a little nervous, Ghose explains.
Try "putting the big toe in your mouth, and then move toward licking and sucking the rest of the toes," Hirschman and Harel suggest. "You can lick one toe at a time or lick across the top or bottom of all of the toes. You can also suck on each toe individually or try a couple or few at a time." Or try tracing your tongue between toes, which rarely get much action.
Clearly, with 10 toes, the options are endless.
Sure, toe sucking is all about the mouth, but it doesn't need to stop there. To really up the ante, hold or massage your partner's foot (or ask them to do that to you) while your/their tongue starts going to town. That way, you get the dual sensation of wetness, suction, and touch, mimicking (in a lot of ways) sex.
Just one word to the wise: If you want your partner to suck harder or go deeper, say so. No one needs to choke on toe.
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Kate Beckinsale has toe sucked in erotic scene in Guilty Party
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Published: 15:54 BST, 25 October 2021 | Updated: 16:35 BST, 25 October 2021
Kate Beckinsale was left wincing as she had her toes sucked in bizarre scenes from her new comedy series, Guilty Party. 
The actress plays a discredited journalist who is fixed on restoring her reputation in the dark comedy series that premiered over in the US, earlier this month. 
In one erotic scene, Kate appears in character as writer Beth Baker while having her toe sucked by another woman. 
'It was a weird day': Kate Beckinsale gets her toes sucked in one erotic scene in new comedy series Guilty Party, where she stars as discredited journalist Beth Baker
The footage sees Kate wincing and pulling away from the woman who seductively licks the bottom of her feet and sucks her toes, before asking: 'You want me to lick your nipples?'
Guilty Party follows Beth as she tries to revive her reputation as a journalist by following a story that centres around a woman who denies murdering her husband. 
While researching into the the case, Beth stops to interview a woman named Donna, played by Helen Hayden.
Not realising Donna is a call girl, Beth refuses sex Donna's offer of sex, but agrees to let her suck on her toes instead. 
Wincing as Donna starts licking the sole of her foot, Kate's character who is sat down on a sofa, pulls herself backwards as she cries: 'Oh god.'   
Bizarre: The actress admits she felt 'so bad' for her co-star who had to lick her foot and suck her toes, especially as they'd only just met that day on set 
Discussing the scene, Kate revealed she had weirdly been sent her own feet by someone with a foot fetish on Instagram prior to filming. 
In a video interview with Swedish publication FilmTopp, she said: 'It was a really weird day.
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